1 Graduate Faculty The OSU Graduate Faculty are listed in two sections: Members and Members Emeriti. Degrees held and degree granting institutions are listed for each member. Department of Zoology. 2010. Dates following indicate the year that the faculty member was initially appointed to Ammerman, Loren K.—BS (Texas A&M Univ), PhD (The Univ of Texas at Austin); a position at Oklahoma State University. Professor of Economics. 1979. Amos, Orley M.—BA (Wichita State Univ), MS (Iowa State Univ), PhD (ibid); Members Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. 1986. Anderson, Jeffrey—BA (Rutgers Univ), PhD (Univ of Florida); Professor of Associate Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences. 1990. Abdel Salam, Abdel Salam Gomaa—BS (Cairo Univ, Egypt), MS (Virginia Polytechnic Anderson, Michael P.—BS (Brigham Young Univ), MS (Univ of Minnesota), PhD (ibid); Institute and State Univ), PhD (ibid); Visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics. 2010. 2008.Abdolvand, Reza—BS (Sharif Univ of Technology, Iran), MS (ibid), PhD (Georgia Anderson, Todd Alan—BS (Peru State College), MS (Univ of Tennessee), PhD (Iowa Institute of Technology); Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. State Univ); Adjunct Professor of Zoology. 2007. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. 1997. Anella, Louis—BA (Vassar College), MS (Cornell Univ), PhD (ibid); Associate Professor Abernathy, John Lewis—BS (Birmingham-Southern College), MS (Univ of Alabama), PhD (ibid); Assistant Professor of Accounting. 2010. Psychology. 1993. Leadership.Angle, Julie Marie—BS 2010. (Oklahoma State Univ), MEd (Northwestern Oklahoma State Abramson, Charles—BA (Boston Univ), MA (ibid), PhD (ibid); Regents Professor of Univ), PhD (Oklahoma State Univ); Assitant Professor of Teaching and Curriculum Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2001. Acken, John M.—BS (Oklahoma State Univ), MS (ibid), PhD (Stanford Univ); Antonenko, Pavlo (Pasha) D.—BS (Nizhyn State Pedagogical Univ), MEd (ibid), PhD (Iowa State Univ); Assistant Professor of Educational Studies. 2007. Associate Professor of Chemistry. 1997. Ackerman, Ondrea Ellen—BA (Univ of California, Berkeley), MA (Columbia Univ), Apblett, Allen W.—BS (Univ of New Brunswick), PhD (Univ of Calgary); MPhil (ibid), PhD (ibid); Assistant Professor of English. 2010. Professor of Physics. 1977. Economics. 1974. Ackerson, Bruce—BS (Univ of Nebraska), MS (Univ of Colorado), PhD (ibid); Applegate, Michael—BA (Brigham Young Univ), PhD (Iowa State Univ); Professor of Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. 1993. Adam, Brian D.—BS (Wheaton College), MS (Univ of Nebraska, Lincoln), PhD (Univ of Arena, Andrew S.—BS (Univ of Arizona), MS (Univ of Notre Dame), PhD (ibid); Illinois); Professor of Agricultural Economics.1990. Adams, Brant—BM (Capital Univ.), MM (Univ of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Armstrong, Cosette M.—BS (Middle Tennessee State Univ), MS (Kansas State Univ), Music), PhD (Univ of Texas at Austin); Professor of Music. 1996. Professor of Economics. 1988. PhD (ibid); Assistant Professor of Design, Housing and Merchandising. 2011. Adkins, Lee C.—BS (Florida State Univ), MA (Louisiana State Univ), PhD (ibid); Armstrong, Jon-Joseph Quincy—BS (Kansas State Univ), MS (Purdue Univ), PhD (Michigan State Univ); Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences. 2010. Associate Professor of Political Science. 1976. Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences. 2009. Adkison, Danny M.—BA (Oklahoma State Univ), MA (ibid), EdD (ibid); Arnall, Daryl Brian—BS (Oklahoma State Univ), MS (ibid), PhD (ibid); Regents Professor of Mathematics. 1983. Adolphson, Alan C.—BA (Western Washington Univ), PhD (Princeton Univ); Arnold, Todd J.—BBA (Univ of Texas), MBA (Univ of Wyoming), PhD (Univ of Missouri); Associate Professor of Marketing. 2006. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2008. Agarwal, Girish Saran—BS (Univ of Grakhpur), MS (Banaras Hindu Univ), PhD (Univ Arrese, Estela Laura—BS (Univ of La Plata), PhD (ibid); Research Associate Professor of Rochester); Regents Professor of Physics. 2004. Professor of Statistics. 2009. Assistant Professor of Mathematics. 2008. Ahmad, Ibrahim Abe—BS (Cairo Univ), MS (Florida State Univ), PhD (ibid); Asgari, Mahdi—BS (Sharif Univ of Tech), MS (Purdue Univ), PhD (ibid); Ahmad, Salahuddin—BSc (Dhaka Univ, Bangladesh), MSc (ibid), PhD (Univ of Victoria, Atekwana, Eliot Anong—BS (Univ of Maryland), MS (Howard Univ), PhD (Western BC, Canada); Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics. 2008. Michigan Univ); Associate Professor of Geology. 2006. Regents Professor of Geology. 2006. Ahmed, Mohamed Samir—BS (Cairo Univ), MS (Ain-Shams Univ), MS (McGill Univ), Atekwana, Estella Akweseh—BS (Howard Univ), MS (ibid), PhD (Dalhousie Univ); PhD (Univ of Oklahoma); Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 1980. Mathematics. 1969. Aichele, Douglas B.—BA (Univ of Missouri), MA (ibid), EdD (ibid); Professor of Merchandising.Atiles, Jorge H.—BArch 2010. (Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena), MUP (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ), PhD (ibid); Professor of Design, Housing and Aime, Federico—BS (Univ of Catolica, Argentina), MBA (Univ of North Carolina), PhD Assistant Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. 2009. (Michigan State Univ); Assistant Professor of Management. 2006. Professor of Physics. 2008. Atiyeh, Hasan—BS (Jordan Univ of Science & Tech), MS (ibid), PhD (Univ of Ottawa); Akselrod, Mark—BS (Urals State Technical Univ.), PhD (ibid); Adjunct Associate Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders. 2010. Aulgur, Kaye Strom—BS (Oklahoma State Univ), MS (Univ of Oklahoma), PhD (ibid); Ausburn, Lynna Joyce— Alderson, Robert Matthew—BA (Auburn Univ), MS (Univ of South Alabama), PhD Associate Professor of Teaching and Curriculum Leadership. 2000. (Univ of Central Florida); Assistant Professor of Psychology. 2009. of Teaching and Curriculum Leadership. 2007. BS (Univ of Tulsa), MA (ibid), PhD (Univ of Oklahoma); Allday, Richard Allan—BA (Auburn Univ), MEd (ibid), PhD (ibid); Assistant Professor 2006. Ausman, Kevin Douglas—BA (Rice Univ), PhD (ibid); Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Allen, Kevin P.—BS (Southwest Missouri State Univ), MS (Oklahoma State Univ), PhD (ibid); Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. 2006. Austin, Linda—BA (State Univ of New York at Stony Brook), MA (Univ of Rochester), MS (Univ of Illinois), PhD (Univ of Rochester); Professor of English. 1985. 2009.Allen, Randy Dale—BS (Southwestern Adventist College), MA (Univ of Texas at Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2005. Arlington), PhD (Texas A&M Univ); Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Ayoubi, Patricia Jane—BS (Oklahoma State Univ), MS (ibid), PhD (ibid); Sciences. 2001. Allen, Robert W.—BS (Univ of Tulsa), PhD (Purdue Univ); Professor of CHS: Forensic CurriculumAziz, Seemi A.—BALeadership. (The 2010. Univ of Punjab, Pakistan), MA (Univ of Arizona), MFA (The Univ. of Punjab, Pakistan), PhD (Univ of Arizona); Assistant Professor of Teaching and Allison, Robin W.—AAS (Columbus Technical Institute), DVM (Colorado State Univ), PhD (ibid); Associate Professor of VBS: Pathobiology. 2004. Mathematics. 1979. Babu, Kaladi S.—BSc (Univ of Mysore, India), MSc (Indian Inst of Technology, Bombay, Alspach, Dale E.—BS (Univ of Akron), PhD (Ohio State Univ); Professor of India), PhD (Univ of Hawaii); Professor of Physics. 1998. of Management Science and Information Systems. 1998. Bailey, Keith L.—BS (Arkansas State Univ), DVM (Univ of Missouri, Columbia), PhD Amiri, Ali—BS (IHEC, Tunisia), MBA (Ohio State Univ), PhD (ibid); Associate Professor (ibid); Associate Professor of VBS: Pathobiology. 2011. 2012-2013 University Catalog 1 • Graduate Faculty Associate Professor of Educational Studies. 2005. Assistant Professor of Physics. 2006. Bailey, Lucy E.—BA (Univ of Tennessee), MA (The Ohio State Univ), PhD (ibid); Benton, Eric R.—BS (Univ of San Francisco), PhD (Univ College, Dublin); Balasundaram, Balabhaskar—BTech (Indian Institute of Technology), PhD (Texas 2011.Bergey, Elizabeth A.—BS (Unv of Oklahoma), MS (Colorado State Univ), PhD (Univ A&M Univ); Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management. 2007. of California, Berkeley); Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Physics. 1987. Bandy, Donna Kay—BA (Univ of Iowa), MA (Drexel Univ), PhD (ibid); Professor of Berlin, Kenneth Darrell—BA (North Central College, Illinois), PhD (Univ of Illinois, Soil Sciences. 1988. Urbana); Regents Professor of Chemistry. 1960. Banks, J.C.—BS (Oklahoma State Univ), MS (ibid), PhD (ibid); Professor of Plant and Professor of Nutritional Sciences. 2005. Betts, Nancy M.—BA (Pennsylvania State Univ.), MS (The Ohio State Univ), PhD (ibid); Barchini, Leticia—BA (Univ Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina), PhD (Univ Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina); Professor of Mathematics. 1997. Beuthin, Jack David—BS (Univ of Wisconsin-Madison), MS (Univ of North Carolina at Associate Professor of Educational Studies. 1990. Chapel Hill), PhD (ibid); School of Geology. 2010. Barnes, Laura L.B.—BA (Univ of Nebraska, Lincoln), MA (ibid), PhD (ibid); Associate Professor of Zoology. 2001. Bidwell, Joseph R.—BS (Siena College), MS (Virginia Technical Univ), PhD (ibid); Barney, David Clive—BS (Weber State Univ), MEd (Utah State Univ), EdD (Florida Natural Resource Ecology and Management. 1988. State Univ); Associate Professor of Applied Health and Educational Psychology. 2007. Bidwell, Terrence G.—BS (Oklahoma State Univ), MS (ibid), PhD (ibid);
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