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ON DISPLAY /( * [ '% & 5 6 $ 7)R038R - ! R""R94R . : ! $ ! [ ! ! : (! 5 ( ; * [ MAY 5 ( 2 5 (/ <.! ( . !! 0)# ( $ ( ( ! < =>! R : \ ( 20-22 ! ( ( R ( =>! &' [ ( R FRI•SAT•SUN 12 PM-7 PM 5! [ ' 2 ' = = > ( * + ##R7#R<9#R 5 !( : ( .! 0844( A08 * ! < ! .! 014 ! . $ (! 2 ( !@ ! 84R' + ! ! ('% & ! #3RA 7)R*5+ E V A W IE V IR FA www.SLUyachtbrokers.com .79!#(4).'!02), OCEAN ALEXANDER 0)4R. $ )40)14R.+ )4008#R/.+ )4008#R.+ & :)40)= ! 'E447 '(( = ! > :'E74# )40098R. $ + )40094R. $ *5 )40478R. $ + )40478R. $ *5 :'E409 > :'E043 %F>%:'E843E84" ' :'E04" )40474R. $ A )404#3R. $ A ' :'E+4" :'E+4" C !# 3 C (! ( (/ 39C G * + ! ( ( ( . $ P O+. $ 73 ( $ G CR! (' A ! . $( !( ( $ ! " # $%S ! " "# $ "" %& ' ( ( # " ./%/B=/-'5C;A. ./%/B=/-%C>.-C 0440> ! ! 0344' 18041 )#4# 5 )4) 2 1)77" 0:844:)33:"384 0:844:134:"##3 $ ( $ ( ' D $ ( D $ .79!#(4).'!02), ( BELLINGHAM YACHTS S A L E S A N D C H A R T E R S NW Dealer Since 1990 Maine Craftsmanship Representing QUALITY BUILT DOWNEAST MOTORYACHTS Outstanding Dealer Award 2007 and Tradition 1801 Roeder Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225 • (877) 310-9446 • FAX (360) 671-0992 • e-mail: [email protected] Walk our Sales Dock at www.bellinghamyachts.com AT OUR DOCKS AT OUR DOCKS ZEUS DRIVE/IN STOCK IN STOCK – NEW! 2011 40’ SABRE LAYOUT 2011 40’ SABRE SEDAN, ‘11. T/380 QSB Cummins 2011 37’ BACK COVE Just arrived! 2 staterooms, w/Zeus Drive & joystick. 25% more fuel efficient than con- 600hp Cummins, bow/stern thrusters, mid level galley. ventional drive. 2 strm layout. Call for Pricing and showing. Call for Pricing and showing! TWIN 550 QSC CUMMINS w/ZEUS DRIVES! NEW SABRE/BACK COVE NEW SABRE/BACK 2011 37’ BACK COVE LAYOUT 2011 34’ BACK COVE. New model for 2011. Queen Is- 2012 48’ SABRE Hull #1 Launch celebration land berth, improved layout. On order for August Delivery April 28-29 – Call for info. First 6 hulls presold. BEST BUY IN U.S.! Best Compact Cruiser Boat of the Year! SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT! AT OUR DOCKS Motorboating Magazine AT OUR DOCKS AT OUR DOCKS 2008 33’ BACK COVE EXP. Taken on trade, sur- 2011 30’ BACK COVE. First one on the West 2007 38’ SABRE HT EXPRESS. T/380 QSB 2007 34’ SABRE HT EXPRESS. Survey on file, veyed by Matt Harris – all deficiencies corrected. Wanted Coast. QSB 4.2L 350 Cummins, bow/stern thrusters. Hull Cummins w/387hrs, pro. maintained, fully optioned det. corrected. Best price in U.S. 30k price reduction! for our Charter Program! Valued at $333,000 $289,000 #09 sold and available for charter! including watermaker, Seawise davit sys. $395,000 Bristol! $339,000 AT OUR DOCKS! AT OUR DOCKS! 2000 55’ COMPASS PH. Immaculate, 3 strms, 1983 43’ TOLLYCRAFT. Big price reduction! A 2002 42’ SABRE FB SEDAN. T/CAT dsls, cruise 1997 36’ SABRE FAST TRAWLER. This one bow/stern thrusters, best 55’ PH avail. at $549,000! lot of boat for $135,000! T/diesels in good condition. 20-24kts, go 10kts, burn 4-5gph! Excellent condition! owner boat since new & maintained yearly by our Make offers! NOW $374,900 service team. T/CAT dsls w/1550hrs. $185,000/OBO BOATHOUSE KEPT! QUALITY BROKERAGE LISTINGS BROKERAGE QUALITY 28’-50’ listings needed for our sales dock display. POWER VESSELS: Prime 50’ slips in front of our office: Late model diesel needed for charter management program. private, gated, monitored. Selective & well managed! BYS service crew available. Buy one of our recommended yachts – Charter can cover Listing Moorage Rebate Program: Call for details. 50% or more yearly 36’ SABRE FB, ‘05. Late model galley up, 2 strm Can accommodate up to 80’ yachts on 235’ dock. ownership expenses. layout w/extended factory roof over cockpit. WAS $429,000! NOW $309,000! Shown by Appointment. BOATS FOR CHARTER (All Charter Boats Advertised are Diesel!) 75’ Hatteras w/crew ..............$25,000-35,000/wk 53’ Selene .............................$7,875 – $10,500 36’ Sabre ...............................$2,175 – $2,900 72’ Hatteras w/crew ...........................$25,000/wk 48’ Selene PH .......................$5,670 – $7,545 33’ Back Cove (2 avail.) .............$2,396 – $3,195 61’ Tollycraft w/crew .........................$12,000/wk 37’ Back Cove ......................$3,266 – $4,340 30’ Back Cove ......................$1,988 – $2,650 .79!#(4).'!02), Seattle’s #1 Quality Listings Brokerage WANTED! Location Premier Sales Dock to Buy or Sell! Moorage Available! GREAT OPPORTUNITY! STUNNING! TRADES CONSIDERED! 103’ Westport Custom PH, 1989 86’ Stephens CPMY 70’ Northstar, 1990 TRADES CONSIDERED! PRICE REDUCED! 65’ Marquis Low Profile Hardtop, 2007 65’ Pacific Mariner PH, 1997 65’ Wallace Foss Tug, 1897 PRICE REDUCED! 61’ Tollycraft, 1985 60’ Sea Ranger Flushdeck MY, 1984 61’ Hatteras CPMY, 1976 NEW LISTING! PRICE REDUCED! 60’ Tempest, 1989 58’ Meridian 580 PHMY, 2004 52’ PT Yachtfisher, 1988 PRICE REDUCED! 45’ Sea Ray Sundancer, 1998 42’ Ocean Alexander Sedan, 1995 41’ Riviera, 2009 NEW LISTING! AT OUR DOCKS! Sistership! 40’ Tollycraft Convert, 1986 40’ Sabre FB Sedan, 2010 NEW LISTING! PRICE REDUCED! Put our GREAT LOCATION Sistership! 36’ Cobalt 360, 2005 to work for you! 36’ Riviera Sport Yacht, 2007 .79!#(4).'!02), MARCO POLO | 45m (147’) | Cheoy Lee | 2007 | POA OREGON MIST | 26m (86’) | Queenship | 2000 | 3,200,000 USD She is a true expedition yacht designed to be low maintenance and offers a long range of 6,000 Her contemporary interior is tastefully and meticulously executed using the finest of materials. nm @ 10.5 knots burning 130 liters per hr. Seller will `consider trades. Contact James Nason for Having a knowledgeable owner during the build created a strong, safe and easily handled yacht. She the latest information regarding the new MCC 38 Meter. is graceful and offers very good value at the offered price. James Nason | San Diego +1 619 225 0588 | [email protected] Brian Holland | Seattle +1 206 382 9494 | [email protected] TRILOGY | 31m (103’) | Broward | 1988/2010 | 1,585,000 USD RELIANCE | 15m (50’) | San Pedro Boat Works | 1986/2010 | 395,000 USD Well refitted vessel with many custom upgrades. Fantastic interior, new paint and engines recently Great couple liveaboard coastal cruiser, very economical and extremely well built and maintained rebuilt. Just had a major price reduction. Ready to go cruising. Michael Selter | San Diego +1 619 225 0588 | [email protected] Tom Allen | Seattle +1 206 382 9494 | [email protected] ROYAL PELAGIC | 39m (128’) | Martinolich | 1968/2005 | POA ANNA MARIE | 14m (46’) | Custom Built | 1974/2005 | 487,500 USD An extremely well built vessel, great sea boat with extreme range. She can be used as a Charter yacht, Perfect for high end entertainment, six pack charters or legitimate commercial fishing. Completely modified to a Shadow boat or a Charter Dive vessel or a world cruiser. gone through in 2005, she is equipped w/ the latest & best electronics. Tom Allen | Seattle +1 206 382 9494 | [email protected] Eric Pearson | San Diego +1 619 225 0588 | [email protected] Michael Gardella | San Diego +1 619 225 0588 | [email protected] Sales | Charter | Management | Construction | Crew Monaco + 377 93 100 450 Palma + 34 971 700445 Ft. Lauderdale + 1 954 463 0600 Seattle + 1 206 382 9494 San Diego + 1 619 225 0588 Mexico City + 52 55 5004 0408 London + 44 207 016 4480 Auckland + 64 9 302 0178 Viareggio + 39 0584 385090 Casa De Campo + 1 809 523 2208 fraseryachts.com A Tradition of Innovation .79!#(4).'!02), SINCE 1964 New Construction Westport 164 Not for sale to U.S. citizens while in U.S. waters 130' Westport Tri-Deck 2005 120' Sovereign 1999 112' Westport RPHMY 2004 “BELIEVE” “MY-CHELLE” “CRESCENDO” Camm Moore, C.A. Scott Hauck, C.A. Mike Williams, C.A. New Construction Westport 130 112' Westport RPHMY 2008 106' Westport RPHMY 2003 106' Westport RPHMY 2003/4 “VITA BELLA” “CALLIOPE” “DULCINEA” Mike Williams, C.A Mike Williams, C.A. Mike Williams, C.A. 103' West Bay 2001 88' West Bay 2003 85' Pacific Mariner 2008 New Construction “MOON RIVER” “VANQUISH” “GIGI” Westport 112 Mark Peck, C.A. Andrew Miles, C.A. Claude Racine, C.A. 82' Horizon 2005 74' Jones-Goodell MY 1990 65’ Pacific Mariner 2007 “CLOUD 8” “NEW L’ATTITUDE” “PRAIRIE OYSTER” Mike Williams, C.A. Scott Hauck, C.A. Mike Williams, C.A. New Construction Westport 98 65' Pacific Mariner PHMY 1997 57’ Bayliner 5788 M/Y1999 57' Bayliner PHMY 2001 “HAWKEYE IV” “INGA MARIE” “PARAGONE” Mike Williams, C.A. Scott Hauck, C.A. Mike Williams, C.A. New Construction Pacific Mariner 85 43' Bayliner Sedan Cruiser 1992 39' Bayliner 3988 2001 33’ Bayliner 3388 1998 “WINDSPIRIT” “POOR OH CARTER” “FORBIDDEN COVE” Scott Hauck, C.A.
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