Documentof The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c k tf/S- 53J Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 6628-GH Public Disclosure Authorized STAFF APPRAISALREPORT GHANA PETROLEUMREFINING AND DISTRIBUTION PROJECT May 20, 1987 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Energy Department This documenthas a restricteddistribution and may be used by recipientsonly in the performance of theirofficial duties. Its coutelts may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCYEQUIVALENTS Currency Unit = Cedi (¢ ¢ 159 = US$1.00_ WEIGHTSAND MEASURES 1 Metric Ton (MT) = 1,000 Kilograms(kg) 1 Barrel (BBL) = 0.159 Cubic Meter 1 Metric Ton of Oil (API 30) = 7.19 Barrels 1 Ton of Oil Equivalent(TOE) = 10 MillionKilocalories (39.7 Million BTU) 1 TOE = 1,000 Kilogramof Oil Equivalent(kg OE) 1 Kilocalorie = 3.97 BritishThermal Units (BTU) 1 Gallon = 3.785 Liters ABBREVIATIONSAND ACRONYMS BEICIP = Bureaud'Etudes Industrielles et de Cooperation de l'InstitutFrancais du Petrole ECG = ElectricityCorporation of Ghana EIB = EuropeanInvestment Bank ENI Ente NazionaleIdrocarburi GHAIP GhanaianItalian Petroleum Company Limited GNPC Ghana NationalPetroleum Corporation COIL - Ghana Oil CompanyLimited KfW = Kreditanstaltfur Wiederaufbau MFP Ministryof Fuel and Power NEB = NationalEnergy Board PNDC = ProvisionalNational Defense Council UNDP = United NationsDevelopment Program VLTC = Volta Lake TransportationCompany VRA Volta Lake Authority FISCALYEAR January 1 - December 31 1/ A dual exchangerate systemwas establishedon September19, 1986 when a foreignexchange auction was institutedfor specifiedtransactions. A t90 rate appliedto the first window (cocoaand residualoil exports, petroleumand essentialdrugs imports,and centralgovernment debt service contractedbefore January 1, 1986);the rate on the secondwindow was establishedat the weekly auction. The two rates were unifiedwith effect from February20, 1987; all transactionsare now valued at the rate emergingin the weeklyauction. In the week endingMay 8, 1987, the marginalrate at the auctionwas ¢159 = US$1. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GHA APPAUISALOF PETROLEUMREFINING AND DISTRIBUTIONPROJECT TABLE OF CONTS Page No. I. INTRODUCTION *v***ev***-*v¢**X**v*** 1 II. THE ERGY SECTOR..................... 2 A. Energy Resources, Supply and Demand ....................... 2 B. Sector Organization . .............. ................ 4 C. The Renewable Energy Sector.............................. 5 D. The PetroleumnSector ................... 55......... 1. Hydrocarbon Potential .....* ........................... 5 2o PetroleumConsumption 000000000000000000toooeoOO-oO 6 3. Petroleum Refining 000000 00 00000000 000000000*ooOoo* 0000 9 4. Petroleum Product Distribution and Marketing .. o..... 11 5. Petroleum Product Transport via Volts Lake *ooo**.ooo.. 12 6. Distribution in the Rural Areas ....................... 12 7, LPG Distribution 000...... 0... 04 0000000. 0 0 O..00000000.00.00 13 8. Petroleum Product Pricing ............................. 13 9. Private Sector Activities .......................... 15 E. Government'sSector Ob3ectives and Development Plans *e*oe* 15 F. Role of the Bank Group 161..........................o.*.o. III. THE BORROWER AND THE IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES ..................... 17 A. Introduction .... .00000.00000000... * .............. 17 B. The Ghana Italian Petroleum Limited *....*......*e . o* 18 1. Organization . 18 2. Managementand Staff .... .............................o 19 3. Accounts and Audit 0000...0 20 4. GRAIP's Finances ................ 20 This reportwas preparedby Messrs.N. Tin and T. Nayar of the Energy Departmentwith the assistanceof Mr. N. Kassatly(Consultant). Mrs. R.M. Colon providedsecretarial assistance. This documenthas a restricteddistribution and may be usedby recipientsonlb in the perfomae of their oflicialduties. Its contentsmay not otherwisebe disclosedwithout World Bank authorization. - ii - Page No. C. The Ghana Oil Company Limited ...........*................. 25 I1 Organisation .ooo.o.eoe....ooo*oo........*........... ,25 2. Management and Staff .................................. 25 3. Accounts and Audit ...o,....,.....0.0...........o.....0 26 4. GOIL's Finances o*o*ooooo,.ooo.o*.*oo.oo.ooo,ooooe oo.*. 26 IV. THE PROJECT o.o.o... *oe........ee...... *.ee................ 29 A. Genesis .o,o.,o o.o..o*.... ooo. oo.o.oooooo*o..oooo..e.oo*.. 29 B. ProjectObjectives oo..o ee 30 C. Project Description oo...............o...................... 30 1. Rehabilitationof GRAIP'sTema Refinery Facilities .... 31 2. Rehabilitationof COIL'sBulk PetroleumDepots at Takoradi and Kumasi *.oo5oeo*oo....oe.*oo eO*..O.oso0. 32 3. Rehabilitationof Retail Outlets .......... 0...........32 4. Expansionof LPG MarketingFacilities o................ 33 5. Petroleum Product Transport via Volta Lake .....o...... 33 6. Farmers' ServiceReseller Outlets o.......ooo..o..oo... 34 7. Trainingfor GOIL Personneland ComputerFacilities oo. 34 D. Project Managementand Implementation ... ** ................ 34 E. Project Schedule ......... .......................... 36 Fo Project Cost Estimates ....................... 36 Go Financing Plan so,,... .ovsoo**oX*oeoo...ss.s..... 38 R. Procurement e 39 I. Allocation and Disbursement of IDA Credit .0........0...... 40 J. Environmentaland Safety Aspects o............. ...... 41 K. ProjectMonitoring and ReportingRequirements .... o....... 42 V. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION AND RISKS ....... oo... o.......eeooo.0*0 43 A. Project Justification o... .....................ooo oo 43 1. Sectoraland Institutional Objectives ................0 43 2. Econ%iMicReturns *o..o..o....o..o..o........ooooooooooo 44 3. GHAIP'sTema RefineryOperating Economics ............. 44 - iii - S. ProjectRisks *................,.o........*..0,.,00......*,45 VI* AGREE13MET............. *..,...........* 46 ANNUE$E 2-1 Ghana - EstimatedEnergy Supply/DemandBalance, 1985 2-2 PetroleumProducts Price Structure 3-1 CHAIP - OrganizationStructure 3-2 GRAIP - HistoricalIncome Statements, 1981-1985 3-3 CHAIP - HistoricalBalance Sheets, 1981-1985 3-4 GUAIP - ProjectedIncome Statements, 1986-1992 3-5 GBAIP - ProjectedBalance Sheets, 1986-1992 3-6 QUAIP - ProjectedSources and Applicationof Funds, 1986-1992 3-7 QUA!P - Notes and Assumptionsfor FinancialProjections 3-8 COIL - OrganisationStructure 3-9 COIL - HistoricalIncome Statements,1981-1985 3-10 COIL - HistoricalBalance Sheets, 1981-1985 3-11 COIL - ProjectedIncome Statements,1986-1992 3-12 COIL - ProjectedBalance Sheets, 1986-1992 3-13 COIL - ProjectedSources and Applicationof Funds, 1986-1992 3-14 COIL - Votes and Assumptionsfor FinancialProjections 4-1 ProjectImplementation Schedule 4-2 DetailedProject Cost Estimates 4-3 EstimatedDisbursement Schedule 4-4 ProjectMonitoring Indicators 5-1 EconomicAnalysis 5-2 QUAIP - Tema RefineryOperating Economics MAPS Ghana - Existingand ProposedPetroleum Supply and Distribution Facilities(IBRD 20017) Volta Lake PetroleumTransport - AkosomboWorks (IBRD 20018) Volta Lake PetroleumTransport - Buipe Works (IBRD 20019) DOCUMENTSCONTAINED IN PROJECTFILE 1. Improvementand Expansionof the Volta Lake TransportSystem: Fuel HandlingFacilities at Akosomboand Buipe,VLTS EngineeringConsortium, L&P - GOPA - RRI, April 1986. 2. Regulationsof the GhanaianItalian Petroleum Company Limited. 3. Regulationsof the Ghana Oil CompanyLimited. - iv - CHANA PETROLEUMREFINING AMD DISTRIBUTIONPROJECT CREDITAND PROJECTSUMMARY Borrower: Republicof Ghana Beneficiaries: GhanaianItalian Petroleum Company Ltd. (GHAIP)and Ghana Oil CompanyLtd. (COIL) Amount: SDR 11.7 million (US$15million equivalent) Terms: StandardIDA OnlendingTerms: The Governmentwould onlend the full amountof the Credit to GRAIP (SDR 1.3 millionor US$1.7 million equivalent)and COIL (SDR 10.4 millionor US$13.3 million equivalent) at 1.1 times the prevailing (currently7.92X) Bank interestrate for 15 years including3 years of grace. GHAIP and COIL would bear the foreignexchange risk on the Credit. Colenders: SIB is expectedto provideUS$6.5 million equivalent towards .he financingof GHAIP'sTema refinery rehabilitation.The FederalRepublic of Germany, throughKfW, would provideDM 16 million (US$8.7million equivalent)to Vofta Lake TransportationCompany (VLTC) to financeon a parallelbasis the watersidefacilities of the Volta Lake petroleumtransport system. ProjectDescription: The proposedproject would increasethe reliabilityand reducethe cost of supplyand distributionof petroleum productsthroughout the countryby furtherimproving the operatingefficiency of CHAIP'srefinery and by rehabi- litatingand improvingCOIL's existing o4tl distribution and marketingfacilities. It would also open a new route of transport(Volta Lake) of petroleumproducts to the north and enable the distributionof diesel and keroser.eto outlying/remoteareas mainly to facilitate movemontof agriculturalproducts. The proposedproject comprisesthe followingcomponents: (a) Completionof the ongoingrehabilitation of the Tema Refineryof GCAIP (underCredit 1446-GH) particularlyoffsite facilities, utility systems, LPC handling,product shipping facilities and energy efficiencyimprovement of the existing distillationunit, and acquisitionof vehicles; (b) rehabilitationof GOIL's bulk petroleumstorage depots locatedat Takoradiand Kumasi; (c) rehabilitationof GOIL's existingnetwork of retail outlets; (d) expansionof the infrastructureand increased availabilityof LPG bottlesand stovesto market additionalLPG that could be made availablefrom the Tema refinery; (e) provisionof storagetanks
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