4-H Horne Talon! Show In .. I Mason Saturday Night \You'll Have Fun al 1l1o PTA llazaar Friday ~li!lhl Ninctv·Sixth Year, No. 16 Ma~on, Mi<hiuao, Thursday, April 21, 1955 4 Sections - 30 Pages Mayor Assigns Cleanup We~Jc 80 Are Chosen Begins JJfonday Wyeth ·Makes One-Sixth Coun(ilmen to It will ho dennup wccli1 in Mason for n weel• beginning For Jury Duty Monrlay, April 2:1. And just to 6 Committees make II PliSY to hoe out bnse· Of Anti-Polio Vaccine rncnts, allies, huf'lc rooms nnrl At May Term C!vcm fmnt r·oomH, cl ty crews J~ach C'lly r'rllllldlm;JII llf•;uls a will pir:lc up junlc nt the cut·h city commiiii!P unrlr•r M11yor AI· Nnmes of flO rnr.n and women or In nlleys early next Thurs· fred F'or·che's r'OIIIIf'il orgnniza· For National Foundation W" 11 1'1 r· 1 " f r jtr•y da.v momlng free o[ clmrge. tlon plnn. Tlw nwym· nnnnunr·erl 0 1 dulyJrc nt rnwnthe Mnyllt term~r n,, of dn:ul!• · ,JJmlc Includes cveryt hlng ex· Wyeth Lnbomtol'les Inc., at. lis Mm·ieltn, l'n., plant, is 1:omrnllle1! fiJipnlnlnwnt:; at fiw dly COIIIH'll mPr!llllil' Monrlny court. Tlw Muy term, with eept ushes and garhngr., liP· pl'Oducing aboul one-sixth of the Sulk vnec:inc used in the night. Judge! Lriuis r~. Coasl1 11s preslrl· enr·ding 10 Mnyor Alfrcd init lnl immunlznt.ion campaign. I I I Ill I · M I•'nrl'!w. Counellman Holwrl Pllilllp~ Monday,T)g . urge, Mw11 y open!l, with n .furorsnson Cleanup wcdt Is rill IJIInllnl I The sislel'I plant.. or Wyeth Lnbot'Htol'ies at MmiOn is one will henri the flnarH'I' mmmlller. scheduled tn repnrl the follow· city proJect. Business places of t.1e G P 1Ut'maceutlcnl fit·ms with National Foundation con. with Coundhnr•n L, A. Wllcrlen Jng Monday, May lG. 11s well as homes need lhP tmcts fot· the vaccine which is t!Xpeeted to pmvcnt. polio nnrl Hlchnrrl Morris as JnPrnhers. County Cier·lc C. Ross Ifllliai·tl ~"pr·lrl" " "lec .• ·1nun •· tre1111ncnt, the pnt·nlysis• • • • Pt·odttclt'otl IJngan". - -- Assisting Wllr!rlrm ns dwlrman handlecl the box containing namPs mayor pointed out. Clclln weeks ago, before t•eports of of the pollr-1• t•nmmlllt'l' will he of prospective Jurors lltrnerl In bulirllngs nre usually flrr!·snfe comp 1e t.c t cs 1s wct·e l'C 1case d . CnuncllmPII fJPrnnrd Cady anrl bulirllngs, lw said. lleslrles Cllffor·d Wnlr•nfl, by supervisors anrl dty assess· lwlplng Jll'cvcnt fire through Wyeth turned oVf!l' 1111 nPedPrl Salk Program ors. Sheriff Willa rei P. Barn PH the eleanttp I'Hmpalgn, he ef. ffll•llltles to produec Its nllol!erl Walcnll will ill'llri lhP WIIIPJ', 1 dld the drnwlng with '2 Mason fort al~o lmpmvcs sHnltm·y share of serum fl!rJlllrerl for the sanJtatJon llrHI Si'\VI'I' i'Oillmillr•r• .Justices nf the peace, William 3 !l,OOO,OOO lmmunl1.nfinns lll'ing nnd will lw alrlcrl hy l'hllllp:; II!Jil Seelye nnrl Roy W. Arlams, In· · c·niHiitlo~~~·._ -· _ -·-- _. given unrle" National F'rHtndatlon Is Scheduled Councilman f~ri!! Spnnny. scribing, Deputy Cieri\ Gorlnrrle nusplces. When lh11l l!flllll'llel is Ch;tirman or tin• stn•Pts 1111ri Ludwick nsslslerl. f • h s • c·omplelr!rl, Wyelh pr·mtuetlon of eleclrlea I •·om mii!PP is Morris Those whose nnmes wcrl' I alt ustams Salk VIH'i'ine will go Into l'l'gUIIIr For New Start ~ usslstcd hy l'hlllips nnrl <'111ly, dt'AWn III'C! II'Hde f'IIIIIIIH!Is. Spcnny lw;His lhP fin· r'<JJnrniiiPr. 1 1 Altr•l' 11 ll'r•pl;'s dPlay, Inghnm with Wllerh!ll 1111rl Mnrrl:; nn llw / Lewis Wlelanrl, Glen Cn f!, pear I ( aven der Wyetll Lahol'llllll'lt!S. lnr•., 1•,11. fli'Sl· 'lllrl SI'C'DIHI·gradc~s Will get commlttr.1•. Muriel Bmwn, Alalerlnn; 1\111!' Lilley & Son and Plltman·Mnnre lh~lr 'nr·st shots of Salk vaccine Smith, Bertha Snow, John l~clil'lli'. Th h Ill Lnhnralru·ies, hoth or Indiana, next \VPel<. Cady Is dwlrlllllll or fill' storm I Aurelius; Tl1r!lmn Tlnl<, Donn.1 fQUg ness Cutter Lahnratorir!s of Bcrlwly, sewer and clump r·ommiiiPr with/ McCann, Bunker f-Ilii; Margan!! Callfomln, Sharpe & Dolune of Originally sclredulcrl to be(:(in Spenny anrl Walmll as llll'miH•rs. Clarlt, Hulh Nalclle, Van Dr.· Suslalnocl by faith anrl lndomll· Philadelphia and Parlce·Davls or this wcri<, r!Piay Wlls forced he· Under fiw I'll,\' r·lwrlr.r ;HinptPrlj Lnshmutl, Delhi; Arthur Pollor:k, · fiDctrott have been and are worl<· r•ause enough Vilr:r:im• was notln In 1!!51, m1wh or tlw city Lester Scott, Mrs. Margaret able courage for lO years 0 Jng together on tlw serum for fill' sight. TIH' var:dnr!, furnished planning anrl groundworlc For·1 Wing, Ingham; A. G. Cros~. Mon· wr·ctclwd health, Mr·s. Pearl CaV· first Immunizations, explainer! lhmugli till' stnle health depart· legislation Is r·arTird r1n in •·om· abclle Moulton, Ralph A. Tnaz, ender, ;'i7, riled at her home, ·110 Howard Seibert, managet• of the mcnt, and ali otlwr ~upplles are mlllet•H. llt••·ausc! r•ouJwilmen arc Lansing township; South Park street, iVerlnesrlay Wyeth plant at Mason. Eaf'h "f now ready for paralysis lmmuni· eleclrd 111 lllrf:!' 1111rl rio no! l'Pp· ' Chester Fultz, Archie Hawley, the (j plants was given specific zatlon c·ampniil'JJ, the county l'!'SCnl. Wlll'riS nor Jll'f'i'illi'IS, I'P· Charles Stafford, Leroy; Ken· momlng. areas for vaeclne supply and health riPpaJ'InH'nl annourwed cruesls, cmnpl11iniH iiiHI r·nmmrn· neth Evans, Mrs·. Lucy Discn· Mrs. Cavender was hooltltecper dlstrlbutinn, Seibert said. Dis· Thursrl<~.\'. elations IIJ'f' usr1111ly rlircC'If'ri lo roth, Albert Howery, Leslie; ar A. A. Howlett & Co. for 26 trihutlon of the Wyeth vaccine Is Tlw same schPrlulc will be used the specific: c·nmrnillf''ps involwrl. Olive West, Donald Syler, Lil· years. She Insisted on ll'orlclng through Phllarlclphia. as first annilttnced, doctors, Committee• dwlrmr.n usually linn Ruppert, Lociw; Beverly when she crJuld scarcely stand, After commllmenls to tlw Na· nurses, volunteers anrl chllrl!;en present I he problems to fiH• r·oun· 1 Piercl), Margaret H. Luf{er·, and when It tonlt her as long to tlonal J~ounrlation arc met. Sr!l· rcporling at the same time and ~ ,, ell for action. Esther F. McFarland, Meridian; walk the 2 bloclcs betwee11 home bert ha~ Ieamer!, Wyeth will place and on the same days of The mPellng Mnnrlay night Muriel Brown, Bergle I\ecler, Ora and office as it would for a worn· milintain peal1 manufaeturing the weelc as ot'iginally planned, was lhe first full one for• Fnrdw Ferris, Onondaga; an In 11ormal health to walk schedules to meet a bael•lng nl Tnglrnm's pr·ogram flrsl called as mayor of lhr! l'ity. !11• w11s Fred BrJrms, Irene Cobb, 1 Sl c 11nvcr· ga1•e up r 1 1 1 elected to the post hy cnurwilmen Emma Smith,"'"' Stockbridge; Mary acr·oss·r 1 own.be · 1 Impossi"Jn~ for orrlcrs rom'II rJ'l octors 1 1 ancM lOS·1 for ;~ shols of the vaccine, the at a meeting a weelc ago repine·· Frederick, Pearl Aseltine, James 1unt1 t t t'came "" fpltals. 1 It WI · I 1w Y Je ay JC·1 first 2 a weelc IIJJart and the third lng Clairmont 8vcritt wlw w11s 1\IARY LYNNE RICHARDS 7 won a Kramet•, Vevay; Robert Mills, 1er o con muc. 1ore I 1011 vnccmebl tl >ecomes1 1 tgenera · to be a honstcr shot next fall. Dl". nnt n canrllrlntr• For re-election. cake in a practice session for the 'Parent- show on the auditorium stage at 8. The Annes Beach, June P. Smith, Trained for a school teacher, Y ava·'! a t c 1rougt 1 ch oc 1 ors, 1 ac· Jonas E. Sulk has now advlsetl stage presentation will be a talte-off on TV Wheatfield;" I~rancls Lange, Bruce Mrs. Cavender developed into a cm·u ng o presen sc et u es. that 2 shots are arlequutc, one th~~~~u~~~~ w~~g~;~a~an~e~.llng of Te~tehers. association cakew~lk planned for shows. Granger, John Frinklc, White keen business woman and ac· When commitments to Nation· next wee!\ anri the other a month _____..:__ Frtday mght. Mary Lynne 1s a daughter of Oak; Ivah Lounsbury, Bertha countant. al Foundation arc completed, Inter·, explained Miss Mll.dred 1 Other attractions include a potted plant Mt·. and Mrs. Paul Richards. The boy sale, silhouette shop, white elephant sale, Gullclt, Edd Witt, Williamston; Mrs. Cuvcnder was burn In Wyeth employees at Mason will, Cardwell nf the Inil'ham health Florence Inch, Herman Baron, Platte, South Dalwta, September upon_ !locto.r's prescriptions, t;r! department starr. Lott JJt/eans Lot­ seated beside Mary Lynne who thinl<s he balloons, comic book resale, fish pond, fancy John N. Seaman, East Lansing; 14, 1897, a daughter of Jacob L. provtded With vaccine for· thcrr Lahrmllor.v sf!ir!ntlsls and other should have won is Joel Schaeffer·, 8, son of work, hotdogs, candy, popcorn, soft drinks, Yet Not too JJ1any M1·. and Mrs. Robert Schaeffer. Behind Joel Marguerite Z I c kg r a f, Ethel and Anna Louise Fredine.
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