Alaska Grown Source Book The Consumers Guide to Alaska Food and Farm Products 2010 Brought to you by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, Marketing Services State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Agriculture 1800 Glenn Hwy Ste 12 Palmer, AK 99645 PH: 907-745-7200 Fax: 907-745-7254 www.dnr.alaska.gov/ag This publication was released by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture, at a cost of $1.15/ea. 5000 copies were printed in Anchorage, Alaska. This publication is authorized by AS 44.99.210. Table of Contents Welcome to the Alaska Grown Source Bookii Letter from the Governor ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������iii CSA & U-Pick Quick Reference ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 South Central Product Index ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 South Central Alaska Listings ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 Northern Region Product Index ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 30 Northern Alaska Listings ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Kenai Peninsula/Kodiak/South West Alaska Index ������������������������������������������ 47 Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak & SW Alaska Listings ������������������������������������������ 50 Copper River/South East Index �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Copper River & South East Alaska Listings ������������������������������������������������� 63 Alaska Farmers Markets 2010 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67 Alaska State Fairs ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Farmers’ Resources ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72 Agencies �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76 Farmers Index ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80 i Welcome to the Alaska Grown Source Book Enclosed you will find the Alaska Grown Source Book organized by regions. Each region has a product index specific for that region. The farm listings are alphabetized by farm name. The book is in the following order: Statewide CSA Programs (Community Supported Agriculture) Statewide U-Pick By Region . Product Index, linking providers and products . Farm Listings are alphabetized by Farm Name Statewide Farmers Markets Listings (2010) Farmers’ Resources – alphabetized by business name Agency Listings Farmer Index – organized by farmer’s last name, including farm name, phone num- ber and referencing page number. Each region, South Central, Northern, Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak & South West, and Cop- per River & South East, is separated out, with individual product indexes for each region. Please also note that we have used icons for easy identification. Not every product has an icon but the most commonly grown products do. We hope you find this Source Book useful as you endeavor to become an active Alaska Grown buyer! fresher by far ii Letter from the Governor iii CSA & U-Pick Quick Reference Category Business Phone Region Page CSA Arctic Organics 746-1087 South Central SC -10 CSA Glacier Valley Farm 746-3371 South Central SC -16 CSA Gloryview Farm 495-5307 South Central SC -16 CSA Spring Creek Farm 746-2795 South Central SC -25 CSA Basically Basil 479-2089 Northern NR -35 CSA Calypso Farm & Ecology Center 451-0691 Northern NR -36 CSA Rosie Creek Farm 479-3642 Northern NR -42 CSA Spinach Creek Farm 455-6043 Northern NR -43 CSA Wild Rose Farm 479-6363 Northern NR -45 CSA Twitter Creek Gardens 235-2621 Kenai Pen & Kodiak KP -58 CSA Jewell Gardens 983-2111 Copper River & SE CRSE -65 CSA & U-Pick QuickCSA & U-Pick Reference U-Pick Birch Creek Ranch 733-7885 South Central SC -11 U-Pick Pyrah’s Pioneer Peak Farm 745-4511 South Central SC -24 U-Pick Borman’s Farm 895-4148 Northern NR -36 U-Pick Anchor River Llama’s Alpaca Ranch 235-5528 Kenai Pen & Kodiak KP -51 U-Pick Jackson Gardens 262-4047 Kenai Pen & Kodiak KP -54 4 South Central Alaska South Central South Central Product Index A Animal Feed See Feed Animals See Livestock B Berries See Fruits Birch Products See also Specialties Bread See Specialties: Bread D Dairy Cheese SC-19, Goat Milk SC-9, Milk SC-9, SC-11, SC-14, SC-21 E Eggs SC-9, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-21, SC-24, SC-27, SC-28 F Farm Support Chemicals SC-12 Custom Farming SC-11 Equipment Repair SC-10, SC-12 Fertilizer SC-17 Land Clearing SC-12 Transportation SC-10 Feed Fishmeal SC-10 Poultry Feed SC-27 Field Crops Barley SC-24 Hay SC-11, SC-13, SC-15, SC-20, SC-21, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-27, SC-28 Oats SC-19, SC-24 Straw SC-24 Fruits Apples SC-8, SC-10, SC-16, SC-19, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Blueberries SC-13, SC-28 Currants SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-18, Gooseberries SC-26 Red Raspberries SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-17, SC-18, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25 Rhubarb SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-18, SC-21, SC-22, SC-24, SC-26 Strawberries SC-8, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-16, SC-18, SC-19, SC-21, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 G Grain See Field Crops H Herbs SC-5 Basil SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-14, SC-15, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Cilantro SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-14, SC-15, SC-17, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Dill SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-14, SC-15, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Fennel SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-17, SC-24, SC-25 Garlic SC-10, SC-11, SC-14, SC-25, SC-26 Marjoram SC-18, SC-25 Parsley SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-13, SC-14, SC-15, SC-17, SC-18, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Thyme SC-13, SC-17, SC-25 J Jam See Specialties Jelly See Specialties L Livestock Alpacas SC-10, SC-14, SC-28 Beef Cattle Breeding SC-18, SC-21 Consumption SC-21, SC-28 Bison Consumption SC-23 Dairy Cattle SC-11, SC-18, SC-21 Elk Breeding SC-22 Consumption SC-22, SC-23 Hunts SC-22 Goats SC-9, SC-14 Breeding SC-17 Consumption SC-17 Horses SC-17, SC-18, SC-21 Musk Ox SC-22 Poultry SC-9 Consumption SC-27 Sheep SC-9 Breeding SC-9, SC-15 Consumption SC-9, SC-15 Swine Consumption SC-27 N Nursery Bedding Plants Ornamental SC-8, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-15, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-26, SC-27 Vegetative SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-15, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-26, SC-27 Cut Flowers SC-8, SC-10, SC-13, SC-14, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-24, SC-27 Dried Flowers SC-10, SC-13, SC-19 Flowering Baskets SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-15, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-26, SC-27 Flowering Potted Plants SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-26, SC-27 Foliage SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-26 Grasses SC-10, SC-17, SC-20, SC-22, SC-26 House Plants SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-26 Perennials SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-26, SC-27, SC-28 Plant Starts SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-15, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-21, SC-26, SC-27 SC-6 Updated Directory Information Can Be Found Online at www. dnr.alaska.gov/ag/ag_ms.htm South Central Alaska South Central Shrubs SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-14, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-26, SC-27, SC-28 Trees SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-27, SC-28 Turf SC-11, SC-17, SC-21, SC-24, SC-27 Wildflowers SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-14, SC-26, SC-28 P Pigs See Livestock: Swine Plants See Nursery S Seed Crops Flower Seed SC-8, SC-14, SC-26 Grass Seed - Forage SC-11 Grass Seed - Turf SC-11, SC-17 Seed Potatoes SC-11, SC-13, SC-16, SC-19 Specialties Beeswax SC-13 Birch Syrup SC-8, SC-9 Bread SC-18 Honey SC-8, SC-13, SC-14 Jam SC-8, SC-9, SC-18, SC-21, SC-25 Jelly SC-8, SC-18, SC-21, SC-25 Wool SC-9, SC-14, SC-15 Yarn SC-9, SC-15 V Vegetables Beans SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Beet Greens SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-24, SC-25 Beets SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Broccoli SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Brussels Sprouts SC-8, SC-10, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-24, SC-25, SC-28 Cabbage SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Carrots SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-28 Cauliflower SC-8, SC-10, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Collard Greens SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-17, SC-20, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25 Corn SC-12, SC-16, SC-18, SC-20, SC-26 Cucumbers SC-8, SC-10, SC-11, SC-12, SC-13, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25 Kohlrabi SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-22, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26 Lettuce SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-15, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-20, SC-22, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Onions SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-18, SC-20, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Potatoes SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-16, SC-18, SC-19, SC-20, SC-23, SC-24, SC-25, SC-26, SC-28 Radishes SC-8, SC-10, SC-12, SC-13, SC-14, SC-16, SC-17, SC-18, SC-19,
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