15434 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 21, 2006 peace and quiet in the Middle East require COMMEMORATION OF THE 62ND our island’s history. It is our day to celebrate three things: Arabs and Israelis must be ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERA- our freedom. This year we renew our commit- treated equally; both domestically and inter- TION OF GUAM ment to the cause of freedom, we honor our nationally the rule of law must define the manamko, and we salute our fallen veterans. actions of governments and all members of society; and the core conflict between Pal- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Si Yu’os un benidisi Amerika yan Si Yu’os un estine and Israel must be resolved in a fair, OF GUAM benidisi Guahan. legal and sustainable manner. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Because these principles are ignored, we Thursday, July 20, 2006 THE 32ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE continue to suffer outbreaks of military sav- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ILLEGAL TURKISH INVASION OF agery by Israelis and Arabs alike, for the CYPRUS sixth decade in a row. The flurry of inter- to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the national diplomacy this week to calm things liberation of Guam. On July 21, 1944, Marines down was impressive for its range and en- of the 3rd Marine Division and soldiers of the HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY ergy. But it will fail if it only aims to place 77th Army Infantry stormed the shores of OF NEW YORK an international buffer force between Asan and Agat to liberate the Chamorros, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hezbollah and Israel, and leave the rest of indigenous people of Guam, from enemy oc- Thursday, July 20, 2006 the Arab-Israeli situation as it is. cupation. The Imperial Japanese attacked, in- Protecting Israel has long been the pri- vaded, and then controlled Guam, at the out- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today mary focus of Western diplomacy, which is set of the War in the Pacific. Guam was the to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the why it has not succeeded. For decades now only American territory with a civilian popu- 1974 illegal Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Israel has established buffer zones, occupa- lation that was occupied by the enemy during I have commemorated this day each year tion zones, red lines, blue lines, green lines, World War II—an experience that had not oc- since I became a Member of Congress. interdiction zones, killing fields, surrogate PSEKA, the International Coordinating Com- army zones, and every other conceivable curred since the War of 1812. kind of zone between it and Arabs who fight The enemy occupation was a difficult time mittee ‘‘Justice for Cyprus’’, the Cyprus Fed- its occupation and colonial policies—all for the Chamorros. The Chamorro people, eration of America, SAE, World Council of without success. Here is why: protecting loyal Americans, endured atrocities including Hellenes Abroad, and the Federation of Hel- Israelis while leaving Arabs to a fate of hu- executions, beatings, forced labor, forced lenic Societies are primarily located in the 14th miliation, occupation, degradation and sub- march and internment. They lost their freedom Congressional district of New York, which I am servient acquiescence to Israeli-American but remained loyal to the United States and fortunate to represent. dictates only guarantees that those Arabs resolute in the face of a brutal occupying These organizations have been strong ad- will regroup, plan a resistance strategy, and force. The Chamorros proved their resilience vocates against the division of Cyprus and the come back one day to fight for their land, human rights violations perpetrated by the their humanity, their dignity and the pros- and their patriotism during this trying time. pect that their children can have a normal Today, we recall those who sacrificed. Both Turkish army in Cyprus. life one day. the liberated and the liberator are remem- The United States must continue to play an active role in the resolution of the serious In the past two decades, with every diplo- bered. Liberation Day, which will be com- matic move to protect Israel’s borders and memorated tomorrow on Guam, is a time for issues facing Cyprus. First and foremost is the drive back Arab foes, the response has been us to celebrate our freedoms and to honor ongoing illegal occupation by the Turkish mili- a common quest to strike Israel from afar— those who fought and endured for our future. tary forces of the northern part of the island in because the core dispute in Palestine re- The lives of many service members were violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. mains unresolved. Three Arab parties to date lost in the battle to liberate Guam. Although The peaceful and cooperative spirit in the per- have missiles of various sorts that can strike the Chamorro people enjoy the freedoms they son-to-person, family-to-family interactions be- Israel from greater and greater distances: have today because of this sacrifice, the scars tween Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots is Iraq, Hamas and Hezbollah. All three have of their past remain. The story of the occupa- an encouraging sign for the successful reunifi- made the concept of buffer zones militarily tion and liberation of Guam is a story of cour- cation of Cyprus. However, it is time for Tur- obsolete and politically irrelevant. New buff- er zones imposed by the international com- age, sacrifice, and resilience. It is a story wor- key to remove its troops from the island so munity to protect Israel, while leaving Arab thy of commemoration and worthy of recogni- that Cyprus can move forward as one nation. grievances to rot, will only prompt a greater tion. Liberation Day is our way of sharing and Turkey must also show respect for the rights determination by the next generation of preserving this story. of the owners to their property in the north. I young Arab men and women to develop the The theme of Liberation Day this year is have introduced legislation, H. Res. 322, means to fight back, some day, in some way ‘‘Sustaining our Freedom, Honoring our He- which expresses the sense of the House of that we cannot now predict. roes.’’ Last week, we honored our heroes here Representatives in support of the European Piecemeal solutions and stopgap measures at our Nation’s capital with a solemn Wreath Court of Human Rights for its decisions in the will not work any more. Ending these kinds Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Un- Loizidou and Xenides-Arestis cases against of military eruptions requires a more deter- knowns in Arlington National Cemetery. I was Turkey. Turkey must respect these decisions mined effort to resolve the core conflict be- privileged to lay a wreath with General Peter while ending the illegal exploitation of Greek tween Israel and Palestine. This would then Pace, USMC, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Cypriot properties in the areas of Cyprus make it easier to address equally pressing issues within Arab countries, such as Staff. This wreath laying served as the na- under Turkish military occupation. Hezbollah’s status as an armed resistance tional commemoration and paid tribute to the Earlier this month, Cypriot President Tassos group or militia inside Lebanon, which itself Chamorros who suffered the occupation and Papadopoulos and Turkish Cypriot leader is a consequence of Israeli attacks against the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guards- Mehmet Ali Talat agreed to begin a process of Lebanon and the unresolved Palestine issue. men, Merchant Mariners, and Airmen who lost bi-communal discussions to find a comprehen- In Israel’s determination to protect itself their lives in the battle to liberate Guam. sive settlement to the Cyprus problem. Based and the parallel Arab determination to fight This month the people of Guam have com- on President Papadopoulos’ initiative, the two back, we have the makings of perpetual war. memorated this sacrifice with ceremonies on leaders agreed to a set of principles including Or, for those willing to be even-handed for our island. The people of Guam have gath- a commitment to the unification of Cyprus once, an opening for a diplomatic solution ered at Fena, Tinta, Faha, and Manenggon, based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation that responds simultaneously to the legiti- historical sites where atrocities occurred. and political equality, as set out in the relevant mate rights of both sides. These sites and the stories of the horrors that Security Council resolutions; recognition that In the meantime, I keep looking for a rea- occurred there remind us of the price of free- the status quo is unacceptable and that its sonably safe route back to our home in Bei- dom. Tomorrow, the people of Guam will wit- prolongation would have negative con- rut. Standing with the people of Lebanon in their moment of pain is the highest form of ness the annual Liberation Day parade. The sequences for the Turkish and Greek Cypriots; solidarity I can think of, and also the only parade is the culmination of the annual com- and agreement to begin a process imme- meaningful form of defiance and resistance memoration activities. Liberation Day is the diately involving bi-communal discussion of to Israel that I—and several hundred million most widely celebrated public holiday on issues that affect the day to day life of the other Arabs—can practice at the moment. Guam. The Liberation is a defining moment in people and concurrently those that concern VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:34 May 03, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR21JY06.DAT BR21JY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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