¦USINESS OFMRTUNITIII HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W, HOUSES FOB SALI—H.W. APTS, imFURHUHED—D. C. APTS, UNFURNISHED—VA. i AFTS. UNFURNISHED—MD. THE MUFFINS mdrdeaOeetoew I (CONTINUED) (CONTINUED) • THE EVENING STAR {CONTINUED) (CONTINUED) D. RESTAURANT - DELICATESSEN KI Waihin*ton, C. yr*.; LANK 2401 Calvert St. N.W. N. ARL. (Westover) —l combination, eatabllahed 10 *NORMANSTONE "n! A-18SATURDAY, NOVEMSER 1, )>« b*dnn.,lfe. TAKOMA PARK J good business, mostly res- ldcat lor State Dept, or embasavWi- 1 BLOCK OPP CONN. AVE liv. rm.. dinette. kit., and bath. doing Coloptal rm.. 8007 GARLAND AVE. > tiurant; quick OWNER toav- New formal tftiOpWL . 2 bedrms.. 2 baths, living •67.an JA. 7-4*Bo. sale. Embaasy porch. Ground-leyel apt; 2 bedrms., din. u- c ty. houae. In Park r din. rm., kitchen and sun APT*., S. Art 3171 Mt. Pleasant Krsonnet.wn outot; just per Inspect sec res. AURORA MIAS rm., l*e. kit., bath. liv. On. with area; privacy and ID •200 mo. To 1 and 2 bedrms.. lge. liv.rm., many except IV BERVIUE—WeII-cstab bua. Incl minutes’ drive White House. EMBASSY AREA call 5-474(1. flrepl. Utila. incl.. elec. ; everything, low rent, OWNER, 739 to mar. or CO. closet*; near Pentagon, new West- Ldry. lactle. *88.30. EM. 2-6402. Trade-In of your present house ern Electric and Melpar bM*» ; . Bth st s.e.. L'. 4-4*14. considered. Open dally, noon 'til 2543 WATERSIDE DR. H. L. RUST CO. good inspect. 2701 1001 15th St. N.W, NA. 8-8190 bus service To USED CAR LOT on corner Rhode SUN., S Fern st. APARTMENTS WANTED Island ave. n.e. CaU after 8 p.m., 3.9°0n. **B. OARDINER & CO.! OPEN 1:30-5:30 THE Nr. Hospital Call MR- BECKWITH OT 4-*752 . INC. NA 8-0334. I Smart air-condltlooad town house, Wash. Center foreign SERVICE FAMILY on TU.JI-2006 overlooking Rock Creek Park. l- IDEAL LOCATION, in new Virginia ; 1730 CiiSTWOOD DR. N.W.: open many University leave, needs 1 or 2 bedroom • rent, OR- excellent condition, with and Catholic home or 3 shopplns center, reasonable Bat. and Sun,. 1 to *—NRW ' <%pt. or house for 2 months ; future; IAMF. facing Rock custom-built featuraa and wall-to- HUNTING starting CaU HK. 9-0900 opportunity lor LEANS COTONIAL. wall carpeting, paneled den with SMART METROPOLITAN Nov. 10. GIFT BEDDING SHOP. In- Creek Part For approved pur- charming ISLAND AVE. N.E. AND plus built-in bar. opens to 200 RHODE 1-BEDRM. UNFUBN. AFT. wanted! vestigate eaaon for selling JA chaser; i bedrm*. maid's garden, fireplaces In rm. and $75 n.w. Md., to Dec. j 5-3288_ rm.: 3 baths: powder rm ; Uv. man's 1 BEDROOM ' in or conv. NIH. charmingfull din. rm. large modern kit., *>«« comp, TOWERS for gentleman; 9*7936 for sale;. library; home and value Out In .*e. mod. cler. bid*, redec. 1. one JU. j SMALL LOAN LICENSE 16th to Shepherd, west at rm. and bath. Parkins area. NUMBER apt. bedrm,. full- duplex, J Virginia area, good pop- st. to Mosque, left on with liv. rm.. ONE BEDRM..'first flr. side! Northern Shepherd then left at Crestwood Mass. ave. Eves., sized kit., din., tiled bath and. THE POTOMAC « light, closets; yard; by widow ulation: excellent posalbilltiee For by Waterside to house. call '* ON Information, Box dr. to the little isle clrcled 3-1974. to plocc • clotstfitd outside oorch overlookln* garden; | AD. 4-4832 [ j further write nark. PAUL P. BTONE, Realtor. Mr. Edwards. EM. park- - ldry. tact).- garage space. Rental Shopping <pnter, bus service, ii.3-B Star. TU, 3j023.'L AGENT lnci. util., aecy. aery. space. 2-1105. RA. EXCLUSIVE M*r. AD. ing MOV| MPtt t !IG STBaftGf !! N.W. CORNER RESTAURANT with N.W.—Out- 2-2*107. INF liquor, *276 day business, ' UPPER BRIGHT WOODupstanding BEGG, INC. dolnx Mis, standing home in In- J. F. retiring. Ktt- ST. 3-5000 EFFICIENCIES From SBO MOVERS Very | owner Contact tegrated neighborhood REALTOR 7-2480 7ABC reasonable soults, 9-9213. PENNY APOS- residential DU. moving service Wash, and vicin- , TA. where properties have retained . R E ANY—UPPEE N.W. THE HIGHLANDS ... 115 RIALTY CO- RE. 7- COLO D-^VAC 1 BEDROOM From ity. Call ua now. BF. 3-7744. f TOLIDEB value. Avoid transp prob- —34|)6 . 5224, their down—Semidetached 3- become 1914 CONN. AVE. N.W. EDELMAN MOVING. STORAGE, lems. higher taxes and higher liv- nedrm. brick. Near schools and H.W. —2-atory brick ing expenses of area* br FURNISHED ‘ will accept surplus furn. as part 3416 14th BY.equipped suburban park REDECORATED 31.008 be- AIR-CONDITIONED BLDG. payment on your moving, storage bldg, with restaurant and choosinkthe benefits of a D. C. lo- low market. GENE ALBERTS * MRS. HYATT. MOR, NO. 7-1240 AVAILABLE reasonable rate* TA. 9-2937 l* bar; 2 apts. on 2nd floor: reason- cation. This lge semidet. tapestry CO.. TU. 2-4200. APTS. Sur Classified! able rent or purchaee term,. KM. h MOVERS—-Good trucks and , t < COLORED—UPPER ISOS BT. N.W. X bedrm.. liv. rm.. dinette, » U TO 6 BUN. AREA 2-2422. ?ron "on a‘d«u'l kit., OPEN TO 6 DAILY. / men; rates cheap; day or night. street, —4-famtly house; *SOO dn. ,payt.; bath $135 | j Mt. Vernon Blvd., Alexandria. Va. Call LU. 2-8815. MOTELB FOR SALE—Advice and shaded lust a block from •14.950. OWNER. RA. 3-9480. Less Efficiency (full-sized kit.) 95; by exclusive, lull- the bua and within easy walblng Costs Incl. Completely confutation schools, churches block off Utils. Redecorated! MOVING ACROSS THB STREET or time motel broker and travel spe- distance to all COLORED—HaIf 16TH Furnished Apartments Available KI. 8-8484 ¦' across the country; safe storage cialist offering recommendations and shopping; contains 4 master- ST.—*299 dn.; 6-rm. brick; mod. Best 24-Hr. 8/board Berv. in Elev. Bldg- in separate rooms; expert packing. on best buys fn motels and sites. size bedrma., 2 baths, lge. liv.rm. bath, mod. kit., garage. Bargain Sells Roof Garden and Laundry Room. Phone NO. 7-0104. UNION STOR- JOE H. THOMPSON with flrepl.. gracious aep. din. rm., from OWNER. CO. 6-1954. AOE CO . INC. Established 1906. Bldg. Jackson g-*7OO enclosed porch, do luxe kit., side COLORED—VACANT—Upper APTS. JNFUBNISHEP-HP. g32Woadward hall, garage: wall- N.W. COLORED—62I 9 “8T.~~N.W.—2 LIGHT HAULING, local moving: full bsmt. and priced —Reeed. semidet. brk.: 3 bedrma.. rooms, kit and bath; S4O mo., ! CAMP SPRINGS VIC. Terrace a specialty. doing to-wall carpeting Included: park; monthly APTS. UNFURNISHED-D. C. ft.; reftr., stove, 1 beaches 8. L. MOR- RESTAURANT, 510.909 financing nr. schools and Pius util* See PENNY APOBTO- effic., 560 id. RIB. TU. 2-1160 or U. 6-2889. monthly; liquor seats over 100: In mid teens with exceL payments like rent, no fixed down (CONTINUED) - 617 F st 2nd flr., bath, use of washer; knotty-pine - moving,to location. 5805 4th at. n.w. For payment. CO.. n.w.. pvt. entr.: MOVE OR DEL.—-Save on flat rates same owner 22 yrs- appt. or Mr. OENE ALBERTS it RE. 7-5224. walls, picture window, * hour,. a pm- Information call TU. 2-420(1. JTU. £llll. Andrews Bolling; small if you pack. No disappointments. Florida: 7 m to 10 Brown. RALPH D. KAISER A CO . COLORED THE CLIFTON, 1323 conv. and Free HILL’B, SP. Sundays: must sell Imme- NAYLOR APTS. okay. 6-5387. wardrobe. closed JU. 8-3100. •13.500. *I.OOO „ Clifton st. n.w.—s lge. rms., bath, chUdreh RE. 3- diately; price. *20.000: terms, COLORED—BRIOHTWOOD—Mod-DOWN.. 1 BEDROOM pantry and hall. Ist flr.: newly ’ BFG.—Beaut. 1-bedrm. ter- _ only *5.009 down; excellent deal. PALISADES OF THE POTOMAC em rms., baths, per janitor SIL. »MOVING AND HAULING, day or (exclusive) basement: In brick: 8 It* bsmt.. dec ; SIOO mo. See or race apt., nr. Pinev Branch and 7-8656, 808 HOLLANDER 8 rms.. lKi baths:, heat; PHA or conven- $75, INCL. UTILS. phone Reas. Call 8- right: reas. iates. DU. NA. beautiful cond.; tree-shaded automatic NO 7-4042. Flower aves. JU. J. K. make one end meet.” 1411 P*. Ave. N.W 8-9743 nice shops, AVAILABLE 5.3,30 . DU. 7-8655. ft MOVINO CO. “Ican’t even i lot: near transp.. schls., IMMEDIATELY COLORED—IO46 DEANE AVE. N.E. playground; ROGER 'mOSS HO. 2-6020 INQUIRE OFFICE New bid*., beaut, view 2-bedrm. : TAKOMA PK., 712 Hudson ave —1 IWAREHOUSE STORAGE Heated - *10.500. Ev?s and Sunday. MA. Lite, rm.. ultramod. kit., space; and lighted: 35 autos or equiva- NAYLOR GARDENS apt. liv oedrm., stor.. closet conv. .3901 Bladensburg HOUSES UNFURNISHED j HOUSES UNFURNISHED rambler: full COLORED—EXCELLED BUY trash and garbage disposal, all bus, shop. OL. 4-7212. JU. _5-2425. lent. rd. UN. I NEW BLDG. CORP. 6-room. 2-bith brick dale, ST. utils, 4- (CONTINUED) basement: In secluded on 1 707 Tuckerman at. n.w.—lmmacu- 2725 30th S.E. except elec.: SO3 mo.: bus Bothesda, 3-BEDEM. DET. HOUSE! l'v baths, IN VIRGINIA quiet street: near tranap.. schl., late semtdetached brick. 6 rooms, •top at door. CO. 6-6187 bet. Md. EMERGENCY, MOVING AND BTOR- - and lge. shops: *28,600, easy financing. bath, gas h.-w.h , built-in garage. LU. 2-6102 9 and padded vans, men; CHURCH, near 7 Cornera— liv. rm- din. rm- kit. NOW FORMING 5 __ AGE. uniformed I FALLS fin. bsmt.: scr.
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