P«9« TM THE CITIZEN-ADVERTISER. AUBURN, N. Y., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1963 Co//ege Grid Poll Pilot Type Helmet Texas Longhorns Capture May Help Reduce Top Spot by Big Margin By THK ASSOCIATED PKKS8 day night in the Rice Owls, who Football Injuries The Tfxas Longhorns, who tied Texas 14-14 last year at this DAYTON. Ohio (UPD—A new l to keep the helmet from touch- kept Arkansas from breaking same stage of the season. That football helmet similar to the ing the back of the wearer's up their marriage to the No. 1 knocked the Longhorns from the NL Top Soph helmet worn by military Jet pi- i neck. spot in college football, are" out No. 1 position they also held at lots and under development —A fhin strap with four-point to make sure that Rice won't in- this time last year, since the death 14 mo nths ago j mounting rather than the con- terfere with an extended honey-, The other members of th Honors Won of a local high school player, j ventlonal two • point mounting, moon. eelite — with the exception of has been declared safer and su- ; designed to prevent the helmet The Longhorns were voted the J(JI0 Auburn — also mav be inBy McCarver perior to helmets now used by , from rotating when the face top major college team in the for stiff competititon this week professional footbal 1 players. j guard receives an upward blow. country for the second straight on a program headlined bv the' By NORMAN ROWLAND The helmet, which will retail! —A thick molded edge roll to week Monday in The Associated mt.eting between Pitt's third- NORMAN, Okla. (AP>— Tim for $33, was developed by Don eliminate contact by the wear• Press weekly poll of a panel of ranked Panthers and Navy's McCarver, named Monday the aid D. Huxley, chief of the clo• er with sharp edges. snorts writer and broadcasters loth-rated Middies. National League's outstanding! thing division at nearby Wright- —Ensolite and sponge rubber Texas drew first-place votes on; Wisconsin faces Ohio State sophomore of 1963, says the hon Patteson Air Force Base. It is fitting pads for proper fit to 50 of the 53 ballots. I Illinois takes on UCLA in a Fri- or cauSht him completely by produced by Consolidated Com• any size or shape of head. The Longhorns completely out da night game, Mississippi surprise ponent Corp., a Portsmouth —Low-rebound ensolite pad• distanced second - ranked Wis us e ding covered with naugahyde • •* «„H..nit».i7 meets Vanderbilt, Alabama * J { ' *| wonderful the crash helmet firm. ! over a •*__ r f^.rrrLii iTi»h fvhnni large portion of the out- consin in the voting despite a 17- klpg Houston Oklahoma 72-ynr-oM St Irfimw - Cardinal ^JlTZ^J^hlT^er shell• A^TIS paoOTng-oTr I'm really hon- player was killed when his hel 13 squeaker over the Porkers , K s and North. catcher said I'm just at a loss automobile dash boards. met dug into the back of his —And the helmet itself con• from Arkansas. The Badgers. £. 'tprn eoes apamst Michigan ored-well neck, Huxley contacted local __ _ goe_s a amst .,, ,. *.~~-. .^., ....~ is attending structed of glass • reinforced 10-7 winners over Iowa, drew £tate S , Micmgan for wQrds sports authorities interested in plastic for added strength. the other three votes for the top _Th e Top „Te, n teams wit.h^ itfirs__Jt th McCarvere Universit. why oof Oklahoma, sal improved football safety equip• ]ace votes in ar se s nd Huxley said the average play• spot. Texas woun- d up wit-h 527 P P f"^ t - * he had been so busy catching up ment. er running at full speed nas the points, Wisconsin 470 s,s: votingPittsburg, Illinoish wa, fourts thirh and di nMiss- the . total points on a 10-9-8-etc. ba- witn ciasswork after enrolling He incorporated the superior potential to inflict an impact of issippl fifth, followed by Ala 1. Texas (50) I late that "baseball had sort of safety features of a pilot's 400 foot-pounds with one knee. bama, Oklahoma, Auburn. 2. Wisconsin (3) 527 left my mind. I've been hitting .BOOSTER? PLAN DINNER—Ted Bielowicx,"left, newly elected president of the Marooa Sports crash helmet into a football • H* said 'suspension - type hel Northwestern and Navy. Ohio 3. Pittsburgh 470 the books pretty hard." Booster* Club, announced at a meeting last night the annual Sports Banqoet will take place Nov. t, at version. Three helmets were meta tested at 65 footpounds State, fourth a week ago, 4. Illinois 383! He is majoring in business. Central Hi*h School. Chairman of the affair is Charles D. Underwood, right. The retiring president, designed and tested by players before the head would touch the dropped ou t of the Top Ten 5. Mississippi 264 McCarver received 20 votes in George H. Knetsch, center, will assist. (CA Photo) at suburban O a k w o o dHigh j helmet shell, while the new- after a 32-3 loss to Southern Cal• 5. Mississippi 249 the balloting by 44 baseball School and the Air Force type tested at 85 to 90 foot• ifornia and Georgia Tech, eighth j 6. Alabama 249 writers. Lou Brock. Chicago Academy freshman team, and pounds. last week; went out after a 29-' 7. Oklahoma 215 Cubs' outfielder, was second the latest version incorporates He said that 80 per cent of 26 loss to Auburn. I 8. Auburn 21CT with six votes, followed by Donn the best features of the original the 13 football deaths in the The Longhorns will be facing i 3. Northwestern 177 Clendenon, Pittsburgh first base- Auburn Frosh three helmets. country this year were caused a tough assignment this Satur-I 10. Navy 141 man. four votes, and pitchers C. D. Boehme, president of i by brain damage. "The suspen- 96 Denny Lemaster, Milwaukee, OWLiNG Consolidated Components .said sion-tupe helmet Increases the three each. Beat Fulton the earlier versions reeeived j rebound, which is the injury- McCarver, a 6-1, 190-pounder, NCAA approval and added that; causing factor," Huxley said, Injury to Quarterback Starr started the season as the Cards' five were ordered and will be I "In the new helmet the svro- no. 3 catcher behind Gene Oli• By 13-0 Tally deltvered within a week to Ohio foam crushes slowly and elim- ver and Carl Sawatski. Oliver State University. \ inates rebound." Brings Sub Roach Off Bench The Auburn High School fresh- Among the features of the, Montgomer_ y County Coroner was traded to Milwaukee in t June, and McCarver passed Sa-j .Smith, 603-210; Will Wallace, 599- man team scored twice in the first; new helmet development are: Dr. Rooert Zip! said he thought By JACK HAND {kicked him while both were _.. Cayug...a Lanes , • „. CQO half to beat the Fulton freshmen i —A very low density styro-. the new helmet would prevent kicked him while both were on watski to become the No. IISunda y Night Mixed From all the the new helmet is superior to -CSa^Sfjohn ^ch a Si tound himself with, only Roach, triples and four homers included 214. Women-Buff Pepper. 487-178; Morris 470; Eva Adams. 460; L Auburn marched 60 yards the contact first time they had the ball and; —An adjustable padded nape' anything we have today." veirSd b e n c h warm er to " 6-foot-T former Southern Meth- j among 117 hits. He battecMn 51 • Marilyn Chapman, 464; Lorna Lydia Dudar, 453, scored OP a 25-yard run by Skip Green Bay'si bid fora third odisf ace. as his lone quarter- runs and was the only Cardinal McLean. 463. .—^Tw, Padlick. Gary Gauthier held for strtSht National[Football Leagu back. Roach had been drafted I besides Bill White to hit a grand ! Saturday Morning League. Jun- Ukrainian Oub Lanes Bob Pesek for the extra point try, •trafcnt National r ootoau Leagu Cardinals in;siam homer. iors-Vince Busce. 559-240; RussJ Nite^Owl League-Shirley Yout, but the attempt was wide. Four Rome Harriers Shatter uue 1956. He spent the next two! Roach- , who has completed ' ..'...... i MiUs 4g9. 1^^ Secaur. Bantams 464; Cheryl Lane. 446; Peg McFall. Auburn recovered a fumble only two years in the service but saw; (2 games) —Larry Saphara, 248; 419_ ; Helena Barber. 188. _ _ shortly after and took over on Ful- stand ?£ 5S? STS/Li'** «£%T ST ££ BoboOlson Ready Gary GirTs-MargiMaxwell. 248V; fanchakJim Vivenzio. '407;, I 559Inte ;Dr. CluWhiteb Leagu. 522;'Be .— Tarby L. Tonzi. 520!, : ton's 40-yard line. Rick Barnes Record in Win Over Auburn three .-SL-IJIinterceptedI , njoin„.Jls J}-Kin»g 1959 and 1960. Traded to Green ^ ~T ,, 1, ,wa,-,7 23Bets8 y ~Hill . "380" ; "Virgini ~ a Walters. I . Merchants League — D. Hough- j then took a pitch-out from,Gauth- A powerful Rome Free Academy torious with a 1645 triumph over ier, swept wide around his left end the AHS harriers. Hill and Lamar McHan as form• Bay in 1961. he threw only 16 TQ TaUe Shortcut 360. | ton. 555-215; M. Fromel, 541-211; cross country team scored an easy er Chicago — now St. Louis — passes in two years before this ' u • a*c JMWrigui Diversified — Dave Delorenzd.; C. Smith. 540. and traveled 30 yards for the score. RFA copped the first four places. Cardinals who suddenly have 1 Pesek converted. 15-50 victory over Auburn High Tony Yantch was the first across 8easoAlthougn h Starr has been er- 606-213; Lou Dirisio.
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