•± Third Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine Here This Sunday Second Class. Postage Paid Vol. LXXI. No. 18. 4 Sections, 26 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 21/1964 Cranford, N. J. TEN RENTS' Decision Due On Adult School ContinuanceDead End Openings Opposed The board of directors of the The buildings, indeed, belong to all Cranford Adult School will dis- the citizens and!' not just those be- cuss whether a fall semester Will tween the ages of 5 and 18. The At Hearing on Master Plan be offered in October, at its annual more these buildings are used, the Provisions for possible open- were tb,e prime targets or* ford in the Municipal Building meeting at 8 p-m. Tuesday at Union more valuable they are. Greater ing of a number of dead end criticism as an overflow crowd Monday night Junior College. • utilization — rather than less — streets to through traffic, es- of approximately 200 residents The Adult School has been in- would seem to be a very worth- v A round of applause greeted formed by the Board of Education- while objective." pecially in the northeast sec- attended a hearing on the pro- the presentation by Charles R.' that a -rental fee will be_ charged The Adult School directors ad- tion of town into Kenilworth, posed Master Plan for Cran- Redden of 201 Columbia Ave. for the- use of public school facili- ded: _ • ' of the reasons setiorth-Jn a ties next year, because of the $121,- "We are living in a complex age petition signed by 264 resi- 000 reduction in the school budget — an age in which change is. a way dents of Cranford and Kenil- by .the Township Committee after of life. This is an ^ge when one's worth "urging the Planning the voters twice rejected "budgets education is never complete. Con- Board • not to remove the proposed by the school board. tinuing education is more than a bnrrier located on Columbia Ave. On April 7, the Adult School di- mere phrase. It's a reality. rectors informed • the school board "The Adult School is not only ,at the Cranford-Kenilworth line." that "any substantial fee charged important to the community' for When Howard M. Siegel, Plan- , by the school for use of its facili- Its own program, but also because nine Board chairman, who con- ties would — in a "short time If it aroused an interest in its stu- ducted the, meeting, asked for a not immediately — force the Adult dents to continue their educational show of hands by those agreeing School to go' out of business." The and cultural activities. with Mr. Redden, it appeared that Board of Education has not yet in- "In this new. complex world, in just about every person in the formed the Adult School, a non- which we live, there is'-'-an ever- room responded. profit corporation, what the rental greater need for continuing educa- charge will be. ' . tion. This is especially true with •; In summarizing, Mr. Redden de- In its plea on April 7 to the most of our citizens having more clared that the opening of Colum- school board, the Adult School di- and more leisure time, This is bia Ave. would create new com- rectors said "any fee is wrong In true, too, for our many senior cit- mercial and. industrial through principle," and "any substantial izens, who have a need for con- traffice; create a net sales loss for fee would price the Cranford Adult tinuing education. pJSillford merchants, by making it School' oufof the market." "There, too, is a need to serve "easier to get to'Kenilworth and Photo by Prutchey Asuoclntes Route 22 shopping areas; create an "The'publia school system be- Cranford's hundreds of uneduca- a L AWARD RECIPIENTS —• Shown above are Cranford High School seniors awarded scholarships this longs to all' the people of Cran- ted and undereducated." 'ofejyfl. « 's*&t/hazard, including an year by the Cranford College Club. In the front row from left to right arc .Bette Kisner, Linda Pope ford," the directors told the board. The agenda -for the annual meet- irivnation to .'speeders; place an and Lauranne Biribauer; second row, Michele Brown', Diana Pankuch and Paula Bodnar; third"row, "In our view, at least, the Cranford ing also will include an enrollment Photo by Prutchcy Associates undue burden on a large number Janet Harrison, Carole Collins (winner'of the spe rial academic award for top seniqr .girls-) and Alane Board of Education has a responsi- report by Registrar Paul W. Selby, SPLENDOR THAT WAS ROME — Ancient Rome will be rebuilt of Cranford citizens, and threaten . Petuck. bility to all citizens -of Cranford. a treasurer's report by Charles for the Senior Prom tomorrow at Orange Ave. Jr. High gymnasi- destruction'of the natural beauty Redden, and election of officers um. Up to their-elbows in marble dtfst are: Left to right,-Eleanor. of tho street through subsequent and directors. A report of the Hall, team capjtain on decorations committee";* James Ba'ttaglini, widening, nominating committee will be pre- student prom chairman; David Ward, student decorations chair- Other dead end street openings College Club Awards $3,600 Aid Squad: Now Hear This! sented by Thomas Bentson. man, and Burton Longenbach, adult decorations co-chairman. ' referred to in the proposed Master The terms of Dr. Henry J. Mi- Plan which drew objections in- Installation of a new and larger neur, president of the Board of Ed- cluded extension of Brookside PL In Scholarships to 13 Girls siren (with 22 horns to carry its ucation; Mrs: Clark W. McDermith, to Springfield Ave. and of Gallows Cranford College Club has awarded scholarships totaling $3,600 message in all directions) to be wife of the school superintendent Hill Rd. to North Ave. to 13 Cranfcrd girls,_it was announced this week. Eight of'the winners used to summon members of the Mrs. Farris S. Swackharner, and Senior Prom Tomorrow NightComments in general indicated that residents present were op- are members of the' Cranford High School graduating class. The First Aid Squad has been com- James F. Kervick as directors ex-, pire this year. posed to opening of any dead end other.five awards were granted to reapplicants. pleted and testing is scheduled to The one-year terms of Dr. Iver- To Be Set In Ancient Rome streets in the township and many The eight high school seniors will be guests at the annual banquet begin within a week, it was an- sen as president-director, Mrs. J. B. .^ Ancient Rome will be the setting for the senior prom'tomorrow remarked that .they .moved to , _. { j ] on.Monday evening at 0 ne e UD nounced yesterday. Warrington as vice-president "and evening at the Orange! Avenue Junior High School gymndsium. From town because of the tranquility the Scotch Plains Country Club. , assistant director, Miss Mary 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., the seniors will dance to the music of Mqrt Brodyls and quiet they found on streets hb.t The high school recipients in- The siren is located in the rear Louise Wetjen as secretary, and Orchestra and be entertained by the singing of balladier Steve DePass operi to through traffic. Final Sabin clude: Lauranne Biribauer, 122 of the Municipal Building on a Mr. Redden as treasurer also ex- and the vocalizing of Jay and the Americans. » . Chairman Siegel pointed out that Roosevelt Ave.; Paula Bodnar, 11 pole rising 50 feet into the air. pire this .year. « Other f listing of the proposals in the Mas- Harvard Rd.; Michele Brown, 34 Electrical connections- and re- are: Dr. iverfteri, MriR Werringtoh, '.,The decoration,!.hemcu "Elysian ter Plan "does not mean that they Clinic Session lays needed to operate it have been Eft-earns," -was i5noson by David Blake Ave.; Bette Kisner, 7 Hen- Miss Wetjen, Mr. Redden, Mrs.( will be done tomorrow or the next' ey Ayo.; Janet Harrison, TJJ7 Fair- completed by Daniel Heyburn, lo- George S. Sauer, Roy Smith, Henry Ward, student. decorations chairr day." This Sunday Sield Ave.; Diana Pankiicn,*117 El- cal electrical contractor. Boardman, a jnember of the Board man, and Burton Longenbach, art "We are_just planning for the Last of the series of three Sabin mora Ave,; Alane Petuck, 286 After a final test of all wiring, of Education,' and Mr. Bentson. instructor and advisor. future," he said,, "and in doing so Oral Polio clinics sponsored by Stoughton AVe:,' arid Linda Pope, actual testing of the siren will be The public has been invited to we also keep in mind the interests the Union County. Medical Society 19 Locust Dr. undertaken in order to set the con- view the decorations in the gym- the other 27,000 residents of the will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Another Cranford High gchool trols at the' maximum coverage Higli Srhrtnl nasium from 6 tb 8 p.m. tomorrow. -this Duntfaj at Iliu' MuniUpJl- ni»-l <-!-.*~l.- ^«lli—. „« oc T.I»I1.. Chaperon.es win be Mr. and Mrs., Francis J. O'Reilly of 131 Oak Building, Orange Avenue Junior St., is the winner of a special be ; answered as soon as possible G. Frank Zimmerman, Dr. and [ Lane presented three petitions, High School and Hillside Avenue award given b'y the club to the sen- after they are received. Slates YES Mrs. Clark W. McDermith, Mr. each signed by over 200 persons, Junior High School. ior girl with the highest academic The present siren en top of fire and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Mr. and urging discontinuance of sale of Dr. Cterald Sydell will be the !ra 'in>> f6' a11 *™r -wa,rs of.
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