tiNmimtfiAi. UM1L HOTIOKIi VUiMUto SHicfuno. AjimMwreprn CVniKI COURT-IB TBI MATTER Of TBI Ap. d>in AAA -MOMST.AONKT.MONKT.-TO THOU liyiipool-onitiu ititu hail stcam- TMEATU.-DOOE* OPEN AT 1 ; CVR WrBEE FIFTH lO plication at the M>jm. ildfrau, and Cmboi«IIi ef «f LU .UUU. who tn la the immediate tut ef man*/, Forablp btLTIC.Cutali Mki.CtulMi Th« lUta- BOWEEYtain ria«e tt o'clock. opaa at T: te hbmim i p!oE.-C»^^^| the eitv at Mew Ink, relative to Mm opening of ISd itrat. tit subscriber li prepared to raiki liberal cash tlrutN na rill dmrt witi. ». Uiltai SUhi malU for Karopa Mnt*| afteraoon, July 4, will be perferme4 from Third HMD U tu HI ITHU OB the Mlt rly lid* 9T mmhuttN, w»W1>m, dtam*ad*. J*w*Uy, pUU, *«., U rely oa batuidaj, Juli 0, at 12 o'al»«k M., from bar ROSIN A MEADOWS. Msada^ve^^JI Mount Morris la the Twelfth ward of Mid th« *n mi from $flO *o $10 t* s*lt Conldea** at <ba foot of Caaal (tract Far ar Mr. ;*kMt«i I BoMaa Parker ^^¦wMi^ORAnoHmonacT^H aqaare. eity, 000, app'iatnts fr-l*bt M"M«. MtUifl. ..Mr. Mm. ' .nmmiaetouer* of Estimate Md Amwwit ia the above en¬ .trlotly glmrvM. Apply, b*tw**a 10 and 3 *'ol**k, t* C. X. barinf mmuii4>U»i for alagaaaa and aoa- Baxter Mr. GUin I Mrs MtadowaMr* Braa-Hey .«;¦au; v.< NOTICE..PUBLIC NOTICE IS titled matter hereby give to the itttoM LXTY, 64 B«mr str*et, *p stair*. ¦'...^ualUd Bartler Mr. Hamilton Jfcuaiee ..Mix Htffeit S^i.'.-:::,:: ¦»*.%' 5.Sf flOEPOEATlON notiee, pursuant I Bum Mr. frtwt riontM. ...... k<t«k> fiTM, H the o»nr «r owners. J er01 In sneh mm .MlssUwfik V eeeepant made and provided, to the owner or ownera, oe "".nrw.-D K. COLLINS & CO , 66 Wall straat. Fm de Bleeater Mi** DtfN Jadr O-Flabsrty llBt-J nptnti of ill Mini and lots, er eeimprikHtTM or of all houaea at FIRE INSURANCE COM ar* tn ba un at vifiZ inpruved enpant occupants, aad lota and improve! Paaa*B*er« raqaaato4 Mtard lltt A. U. JUMBO JOM. La ftlMM .. HImMiss AdiiiMeAdel4d> PiUT^Priea iImM , Ikit the'i landa 1 1863. A Mini-annual dividend *f bids, Aarsby unimproved effected thereby, aad to all others vbta DIVIDEND-HAN'VERpany. July ten p*f The tteaaiUiu Paelt* will fuoaaail tba Bailtia, and (ail Jumbo Mr. T. I) Rice filyxo ., Mr. Qleu IN AND OUT OF PLACE. o&e It may eonoer*, ai followi, to wit :. curt ot ih* ospltal ;*took hu beem declared, payable oa July as. LIFE'S HELM AND HOPE'S ANCHOR Etlanstto Mr. Whitia« | i M Mr. B« Firat. That t' ey have (om pitted their eetimate aad I dwiud, at ill* «&(. No. 1 H*uov*r sauar*. Craltrec Mx. bt*wi Mur MIm Dawee L««y ...*¦» lAtaajWlltf raeiit, aad that all ptrion whoso Intoreata are k(Tooted A. MMcKEE, NEW TO«K AND LTTEEPOOL JTWmtD 8TAYRS THE li AP i MAN thereby, aad who may be oppeerd to the nnt, de present 8oor*t»ry^_ TBCHail ittoamera..Tka aiiipa ("iLurulim thU liaa ar* Uia 1 Vr. 1last teembraved by seek their ia to William B. the SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 1TIN1IIO Paddy urpby Imif Tnutm »nd«£eleef ebjeotione, writing. k\iiug, Eau, Busk feJloirlu* Dt on open at 7)4; curtain ri«t« at «. chairman of aaid Commissioner*, at hlf offlie. &>o. 70 Naa- NOTICE.-BROAT'WAYbroudwiiy Building. 237 Broadway. ooruer *f A n. ANTIC uaptaia Wart, THE LAST I>A Yb OP POMPEII. IBLO'8 GABDEN. .OPEN BTERT EVEMlNa.~ mu street. la the *4ty of New York, ea er before the 33d Park blace. Deposit* rasde in tint institution *n or h*for« PACIFIC a M af Jane day t)i« !Hn of IH8.1, will be allowed Intereft Captalc Nya. Arbatee Mr Eddy I Nydia Mr>. TmiU *F Tickets U all parts of tha koar*. NiU Print* ueit. day July. thercos ARCTIC Captala Luco. Glauou* Mr. Uamiltou I >one M<a* Dawae Boxes, 84. Dears epea at 7;to hbbiui it 8 e'eleaA. ir.^rpv^ Second. That the abstract of the aattnatoand mmomm fr,.m the 0,6 1 inst. Dy order of the Hoard. BALTIC Captala C<im(toek. Medun Mr. GImi I be Mr*. AMaae ^77#. containing the mm>t of the ovniiti of the lots mimw! ADHIaTIC | Saga... A efts art) »¦. NOTICE -OFFICE OF Captaia Pa* de Cortaira Mia* Dawo* grand gala kill, la eeameMoratioa of tka MTO^ Hpr**ct,i*4 l>y the nuaibera of Mob Iota aa they appear apou the map af the TIIE MICQIGA* Tte^o abi ba^iag te.tb hull* onrtraoV for " nkith «f oar .«. .ithtr of tbem are r*auented te Southern aid by liynul; Duat tacit S*a'e Farm" . Meoar*. Dunn and Hamilton anniversary glorleaa ladepeadaa Coiuiuissionere, to^ethor with snob mop and tho amount of DIVIURNB Norther* Indiana Rellroal Com p%cl*« rovaruuion' or.ir aw* tu k*a* talc«a ta ilwir *..: I3I.Es. tA MILT. ^°p^d i°n^-; totbi I M the w hot New York, June )», ltSS.~a divldsnd of htbb oec. (truction »«rvio«, f Tlit PIRATE or THE WONDEBFULTraVEL Vw&l, YadersUned. assessment, her fo> Jamage or benefit, and aleo all (7) per *»la>hrir eum'iea -toaunur* atnaglb and at>.,»td, Vanoaaai Mr Moore Ba<*ossl Mr. Sttf tu witbl. thirty days from tie affidavits, and other doonmcnti. whioh were upon tb* capital stock of thou* lits been declare* and th«lr ao<c»»ni.<idatlon« for aa* r^^lUTuXfE"..ra., estimates, .rum t'l* of tb* carrrntcompaniessix man"in paaaeagaM aa*Q*«)I«d for Murtaplia Mi Seymour Aadraa Mr HaaiUea FOUR ENTERTAINMENTS. WwdateoftUanoUob . need by the Mid Coniinlaaionere In making their estimate earning* ending 80th 0' .latranoe and auiufort. and in the Street Commie June i»"t ft, ai'd i* payable Id oath at the Tre»»o'«r'. Prlr* of l oiittlui Mr Johastou llU'ni ....vlu Kate D»ala Monday, Jaly I, the catertaia>aeat* -111 ItJiMM «M| asaeaemeut, have been depoaited (, mean* fr>u» N*« fork to Ltrarfaot, la (lr»a Krebabl an* the or CUARLKS J DODOE, > Asseesors. aioner'e of tlie of New there to r«m i'n for ttrtina, 18 William s'reet, in the cl y of New on ant »avia. 'a Mr J. VVu I'hrosino Mia* Uiffurt pantomime office, eity York, of York, fta;, 4«cuf.<i aabm. $7o Exolaaiva aM of actra TU K Ml'MUY. FOUR LOVERS. ¦* CHAKI tS McMfcUU J th.' Inspection ef whomsoever It may oaoern. an til the 234 alter the nth day July next, to the stockholders wt> .tin (ta»e roota. To bo followed tbo Office Burets of AimmihiiiH, Street Jan* Hhall »,e such at the ttm* of tb* of Ginger Bin*. ., Mr T D loe Luoy M'ta Datra* by Department, day of July nuxt cloning tb* bo A* TW From Liverpool in Nov Cora, &ti and tit. Galen Susuu LVoLLTIONS ON TlIB TIOHT u. vu*. lhlrd. A Iho that the limita embraced thla aaseaimtent tranter boo»* will b* closed fe*» S o'clock f M. of tue 23M Ar i>xra,-l« jcd .uiyroa >tta«^*4 to aacb Mr. GUaa Mr*. Daaa ROPB. by of June instant until tuoftth dH» <>l (Mf. by Gabriel aad FraaoaU Bowl, Mine. Aitl, a*d MM arc ei follow), that is to say All the lota oflaue situate in daj Jul* Mo b*r*Ja# iwicar-d untlj paid CHATHAM 8TRKHT MORN- bloadu. ffllOEFOR ATION NOTICE..PUBLIC NOTIC* 19 tho Twelfth ward of the of New York, and whiuh takoi EDV* IN C. LITCH KIKt'P. Treasury* rRi>ru»i> t'lraaor iaiui*. RATIONAL THLaTRE, to the owner .r or city Ll ins |KrforinaKr« Jul* eomuianem at 10 o'olook, with / fur wktok, the extraordinary feata on tkl .T "i.h«eby \rtven. owoert, occupant together are bounded on the wost by the easterly aide of tht /r)»N«» Yurk. Fn.a< UrarpoVl. THf GOLDEN KAKk Hit. PEklGOtf* LAUDER. Jf. 'f ill houses ard lot*. improved or unimproved no* ou of INDUSTRIAL RA^TVOg BANK NO M atredt or avenuo tho aide Moiint Morris [^MIGRANT latarJaj Juua 11...1K4. W. do#* Juut 1 . ISSt eaaterly t . lay, he .. M». hi 1 .!>.'< h .i.t the wm»M r> Chamber* itroet Notle*- ar» tS*t " " Firmer. K»u.-*| Mr* Nlahols Iatermiaalua. Ui3riff^td ther", square, on the met the westerly tide of tho Seoond ave¬ Dopoiltor* inf*rm*4 I'o. Jru# 2S , . IK/. Jon* ui foil/win*I by on " IS... Old Vobb. ..Mr. N H. Mr*. Uainmnr. Mr* Ltagard To caaolada with the ouiaiu nautosaisM of *. pistol the and ere lu the office£*« lofc-le or before tH« of " Cla»rke| by Assessors, :<Ued nue on the north by the line of the centre of the blook be deposl;* Thursday. Tth day Julr Do. July 9... Do. June J#... Mr L M. DECHALUMEaU. at the Hur««u of Assosaeents fur examination by allt Pff,u',e »een and 124tli etruet, aud on the south the (i vxt, will ha on titled to Inter**! from Ih* Arst of Jul*. D<v " " Song Liagard IZid atreet by day July a... I»o. July 13 .. A. b. s. Royulnet Moo*. Sitfr«at"d vis: For grading Forty tilth atreet.fronr reath line of the centre of the bloek between 1 2T!d street and 1£J4 Bani *p*a daily (com 10 a.
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