ADMINISTRATION ( ) Date of Employment John Netland (2008). Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English. B.A., Biola University; President M.A., California State Polytechnic University; Ph.D., Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver (2014). President. B.S., Baylor University of California, Los Angeles. University; M.S. and Ph.D. Texas A&M University. Mary Anne Poe (1996). Dean and Professor of Social Office of the Provost Work, B.S.W. Director and Director for the Center for Just Ann Singleton (1985). Acting Provost and Vice President for and Caring Communities. B.A., Vanderbilt University; Academic Affairs; Associate Provost and Dean of Instruction, M.S.S.W., University of Louisville; M.Div., Southern Baptist and University Professor of Special Education. B.S., Union Theological Seminary; A.C.S.W. University; M.Ed., and Ed.D., University of Memphis. Nancy Cherry (2005). Acting Associate Dean and Chair of Michele Atkins (1998-2005; 2006). Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning, School of Education, and Professor Accreditation and Research and Professor of Education. B.S., of Education. B.S., Union University; M.Ed., University of Union University; M.Ed. and Ph.D., University of Memphis. Memphis; Ed.S. and Ed.D. Union University. Susan Hopper (1989). Registrar. B.S., Union University; Patsy Crihfield (2007). Associate Dean of Graduate Nursing M.A.T., University of Memphis; Additional Study, University Programs and Professor of Nursing. B.A., Stephens College; of Memphis. B.S.N., University of Memphis; M.S.N., University of Tennessee Center for Health Science; Additional Study, Tom Proctor (1996). Director for Curriculum and Program University of Missouri-St. Louis; F.N.P. Certification, Development and Professor of Accounting. B.S., University American Nurses Credentialing Center; D.N.P., University of Tennessee at Martin; M.B.A., M.S., and Ph.D., University of Tennessee Center for Health Science. of Memphis; CMA; Additional Study, Marquarie University. George DeMaagd (2008). Associate Dean of Academic Sherry Russell (2009). Assistant Registrar, Hendersonville Administration and Professor of Pharmacy. B.S., Western and Coordinator for Ed.S. and Ed.D. Programs, Hendersonville. Michigan University; Pharm.D., University of Michigan. B.S., Trevecca Nazarene College; M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Jacob Shatzer (2017). Associate Dean, School of Theology and Missions and Assistant Professor of Theological Studies. Deans Ph.D., Marquette University. Beverly Absher (2004). Dean of the School of Adult and Teri Evans (2016). Assistant Dean and Associate Professor Professional Studies and Associate Professor of Educational of Education—Germantown. B.S. and M.S., University of Leadership. B.S. and M.B.A., University of North Alabama; Alabama; Ed.S. and Ed.D., Union University. Ed.D., Union University. Kim Madewell Jones (2007). Assistant Dean of Student Nathan Finn (2105). Dean of the School of Theology & Services and Associate Professor of Pharmacy. B.S., Middle Missions and Professor of Christian Thought and Tradition, Tennessee State University; Pharm.D., University of B.A., Brewton-Parker College; M.Div., Southeastern Tennessee College of Pharmacy. Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Eric Marvin (2010). Assistant Dean of Education– Hendersonville, Director of Thomas R. Rosebrough Center Jason Garrett (2017). Dean of the McAfee School of for Educational Practice, Director of Online Instructional Business and Professor of Marketing. B.B.A., Oklahoma Innovations and Professor of Education. B.A., Fresno Pacific Baptist University; M.B.A., Washington University; Ph.D., University; M.Ed., Harding University; Ed.D., University of University of Missouri. Memphis. Kelly Harden (2007). Dean of the School of Nursing and Dottie Myatt (1994). Assistant Dean for Teacher Education Professor of Nursing. A.S.N., Mississippi County Community and Accreditation and Associate Professor of Education. College; B.S.N., Regents University; M.S.N., University B.S., Lambuth University; M.Ed., Union University; Ed.D., of Missouri; D.N.Sc., University of Tennessee Center for University of Memphis. Health Science. William R. Nance, Jr. (2000). Associate Dean, McAfee Sheila Mitchell (2007). Dean of the School of Pharmacy. School of Business and Associate Professor of Management. 2017-2018 B.S. and Pharm.D., University of Tennessee Health Science B.S., Regis University; M.B.A., Union University; D.B.A., Center. Nova Southeastern University. ADMINISTRATION 131 William Nettles (2006). Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, Angela Campbell (2017). Program Coordinator, Social Work University Professor of Physics and Department Chair. B.S., – Germantown Campus. B.S.W., Union University. Mississippi College; M.S., and Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Carrie Cantrell (2015). Coordinator of Nurse Anesthesia Ben Phillips (2010). Associate Dean of Education, Chair, Track, School of Nursing. B.S., Bethel University. Department of Educational Leadership, and Professor of Educational Leadership. B.S., Freed-Hardeman University; Carol Courtner (2004). Coordinator of Continuing and M.S. and Ed.D., University of Memphis. Experiential Education, School of Pharmacy. B.S., Union University. Mark Stephens (2007). Assistant Dean, Experiential Education and Professor of Pharmacy. B.S. and Pharm.D., Carla Cushman (2014). Director of Masters Programs University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy. in Education–Hendersonville and Associate Professor of Education. B.S., Francis Marion University; M.Ed., University of South Carolina, Columbia; Ed.S. and Ed.D., Vice Presidents Union University. James R. Avery, Jr. (2010). Associate Vice President for Information Technology. B.S. and M.B.A., University of Ken Easley (2006). University Professor of Biblical Studies Memphis. and Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Theology and Missions—Germantown. B.A., John Brown University; Todd Brady (1996-2007, 2011). Vice President for University M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Ministries and Assistant Professor of Ministry. B.S., Union Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. University; M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; D.Min., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Helen Fowler (1992). Assistant to the Executive Dean, College of Education. B.S., M.A.Ed., Union University. John W. Carbonell (2006). Associate Vice President for Human Resources. B.A., Florida State University; M.B.A., Kathy Franz (2015). Coordinator for Continuing Studies Union University; Ed.D., Union University. and Master’s Degree Programs in Education—Hendersonville. B.A., Virginia Tech University. Bryan L. Carrier (2008). Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. B.A., MidAmerica Nazarene University; Jennifer Gay (2017). MBA Program Coordinator and M.Ed, Azuza Pacific University; Ed.D., Union University. Recruiter – Germantown. B.S., Middle Tennessee State University. Gary L. Carter (1991). Senior Vice President for Business Services. B.S., Union University; C.P.A., State of Tennessee. Marcia Joyner (2010). Coordinator, Ed.S. and Ed.D. Programs – Jackson Tim Ellsworth (2004). Associate Vice President for University Communications. B.A., Union University; M.S., Sean King (2009). Director of the Center for Interprofessional Southern Illinois University. Education/Population Health and Rural Medicine and Associate Professor of Pharmacy. B.S.,M.S., and Ph.D., Robbie Graves (1989). Assistant Vice President for University of Mississippi. Undergraduate Admissions. B.S., Union University; M.Ed., Union University. Kimberly Lindsey-Goodrich (2008). Director of Interprofessional Education and Associate Professor of Scott Heit (2009). Assistant Vice President for University Pharmacy. B.S. and Pharm.D., University of Tennessee. Communications. B.F.A., Memphis College of Art. Kristina Martin (2010). Director of Pharmacy Admissions. Catherine Kwasigroh (2016). Vice President for Institutional B.S.B, Murray State University. Advancement. B.S.B.A., Union University; M.B.A., University of Tennessee-Martin. Kim McNeil (2008). Coordinator of M.S.W. Program. Robert Simpson (1983). Associate Vice President for Nita Mehr (2009). Director of M.S.W. Programs and Business Services. B.S., Union University; M.B.A., University Associate Professor of Social Work. B.S.W. and M.S.S.W., of Memphis; C.P.A., State of Tennessee. Freed Hardeman University. John Moore (2016). Director, School of Theology and Program Administration Missions – Hendersonville. M.Div., New Orleans Baptist Hayward Armstrong (2012). Professor of Missions and Theological Seminary. Director of Online Programming. B.A., Samford University; M.D.E., University of Maryland University College; M.Div. Melissa Moore (1992). Director of the Library, Public and Ph.D, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Services Librarian, and University Professor of Library Services. B.A., Wake Forest University; M.L.S., University Mark Bolyard (2006). University Professor of Biology, of Kentucky; Additional study, Union University. Department Chair, and Director of Master of Arts in Biology Program. B.A., Hanover College; Ph.D., University of North Carolina. ADMINISTRATION 132 R. Kelvin Moore (1991). Director, D.Min. Program— Graduate Faculty Singapore and University Professor of Biblical Studies. B.A., Richard Addo (2010). Professor of Pharmacy. B.S., Samford University; M.Div and Th.D., New Orleans Baptist University of Science & Technology—Kumasi Ghana; Ph.D., Theological Seminary; Additional
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