5_3_euoden 1 z 7 Main links: Title page Introduction & guides INDEXES_chapters_&_genera Open PDF printout of this file Salticidae (Araneae) genera of the world - an atlas (unfinished manuscript) by Jerzy Prószy ński Professor Emeritus, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Wilcza 63, 00-679 Warsaw, POLAND e-mail: [email protected] Chapter 23 EUODENINES informal group of genera Version June 8th, 1010 symbol of the supragroup HISPONINES- EUOPHRYOIDA Figure - . Macaroeris nidicolens : male and female . SOURCES: A-C - Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003: 86-87, figs 330-337) M2 -M3 - same © Photo A. Senglet.: M4 -M5 - photos by © J. Lissner. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Composition and searching on this page: Agorius Ashtabula Bagheera Bryantella , Capeta Cerionesta Chirothecia Coccorchestes Consingis Gambaquezonia Gastromicans Itata Macaroeris Massagris Mikrus Semorina Omoedus Synagelides . EUODENINES informal group of genera Database contains 16 recognizable genera,139 species name combines of parts of names of related groups EUO -phryines- DEN -dryphant- INES ]. This informal group was assembled for logistic convenience , to facilitate handling of too numerous genera of EUOPHRYINES. It contains diverse genera departing from average EUOPHRYINES and DENDRYPHANTINES, is pending for further research. Some males have enormous single coil of embolus, often shifted to the lateral surface of bulbus (like in Bagheera Fig. C), or have atypical spermophor, straight or gently waving ( Capeta Fig. A), or have otherwise incompatible palps (like in Synagelides Fig. D, or Agorius Figs N-P). Palp of Macaroeris Fig. A has typical meandering spermophor of EUOPHRYINES, but its epigyne (Fig. F) fit rather DENDRYPHANTINES. Ducts and spermatheca of Gambaquezonia are most unusual (Figs C, G-H) . Constelation of supposed Gen. Agorius Thorell, 1877 Type species Agorius gracilipes (11 recognizable species) See more species at Agorius -Q +M Remarks. Agorius , like many other unrelated genera of Salticidae, has elongated, constricted abdomen and particularly long leg I, with characteristic group of spines ventrally on metatarsus I (Fig. P). Differences in palps and epigyne are so big that particular species are apparently not congeneric and may represent three, or more unrelated genera. Type species is apparently not congeneric with other " Agorius " species, its placement could not be determined without description of matching male. 5_3_euoden 2 z 7 A - Agorius gracilipes , B-D - Agorius lindu , E-G - Agorius tortilis , H-I - Agorius cf. borneensis , Sabah: Trus Madi, 846, J-K - Agorius sp. F. Sabah: Danum Valley, 903, L - Agorius borneensis , M - Agorius kerinci, N, R - Agorius constrictus , O-Q - Agorius saaristoi , S-U - diversity of Agorius sp . ( S-T - from Singapore, U - from Halmahera: Tanah Putih NP). SOURCES: A - Proszynski 1968b. Ann. zool., 26: 221-225, ff. 10-12, - Prószynski INTERNET + 2008b. Adv. Arachn.... Inst. Zool., bulg. Acad. Sci. Monogr. 12: 321-322, f 7, 8, 29, 30, 41, 54, 59, E-G -Cao & Li, sp. n. ZooKeys 630: 46-51, f. 3–4, 43, H-I - Photo © P. Koomen, L - Edmunds, Prószynski. 2001. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc. 12 (3): 139-140. f 1-8, Prószy ński, 2008b: 12: 322, Figs. 5, 20, 34, 44, S-T - ©Photo H.K. Tang, U - ©Photo D. Knowles. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Ashtabula Peckham & Peckham, 1894 Type species Ashtabula zonura (9 recognizable species) See more species at Ashtabula -Q +M A26 A - Ashtabula zonura, B-C - Ashtabula dentichelis, D - Ashtabula dentata , E - Ashtabula bicristata. SOURCES: A - Peckhams 1894. Occ. Pap. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc., 2(2): 140, t 14, f 4, B-C - Maddison 1996: 154 (4): 336, fig. 102, D - Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 248-251, figs 206-211, E - Galiano 1972b. Revista Mus. argent. Entomol. 4 (1): 39-41, f. 78. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Bagheera Peckham, Peckham, 1896 Type species Bagheera kiplingi (4 recognizable species) See more species at Bagheera -Q +M A-E - Bagheera kiplingi . SOURCES: A-B - Maddison 1996.Bull.Mus.Comp. Zool. 154(4): 233, 335, 337, f 71, 80-83, C-E - ©Photo by Eric Olson.. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Bryantella Chickering, 1946 Type species Bryantella speciosa . (x recognizable species) See more species at Bryantella -Q +M 5_3_euoden 3 z 7 A - Bryantella speciosa , B - Bryantella convexa , C -D - Bryantella smaragda , E - Bryantella tropica, F - Metaphidippus mandibulatus for comparison. SOURCES: A -B - Chickering, 1946: 335, f. 292-297, C -D - Crane J. 1945. Zoologica, 30 (1, 3): 40, figs 5a-d, E -F - Maddison 1996. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 154(4): 238, f. 62 ; 231, 234, 335, f 74, 96-98 All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Nomenclatorical correction Metaphidippus tropicus = Bryantella tropica Peckham & Peckham, 1901) (compare Figs E -F). Gen. Capeta Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005 Type species Capeta tridens .(2 recognizable species) See more species at Capeta -Q +M C A-B - Capeta tridens , C-D - Capeta cachimbo . SOURCES: A-B - Ruiz , Brescovit. 2005a. Revta bras. Zool. 22: 692, f 21-24, C-D - Ruiz, Brescovit 2006a. Revta bras. Zool. 23(2): 353-354, f 9-12 .. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Cerionesta Simon, 1901 Type species Cerionesta luteola (1 recognizable species) See more at Cerionesta -Q +M C-C5 - Cerionesta luteola . SOURCES: C - Galiano, Physis C. 1976, 35(90) : 59-61, f 1-7, C5 - Peckhams 1893: 700, f 8-e. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Chirothecia Taczanowski, 1878 Type species Chirothecia clavimana (x recognizable species) See more species at Chirothecia -Q +M A-C - Chirothecia clavimana ,D - Chirothecia wrzesniowskii [epigyne does not agree with type species = misplaced!] . SOURCES: A-C - Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1): 5-12, ff 13-16, 23-26. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Coccorchestes Thorell, 1881 Type species Coccorchestes rufipes .(x recognizable species) See more species at Coccorchestes -Q +M , compare also Porius . 5_3_euoden 4 z 7 A-C - Coccorchestes rufipes [copulatory openings blocked by waxy stopper?], D-F, K-M - Coccorchestes ferreus , G - Coccorchestes taeniatus, , H-I - Coccorchestes buszkoae , J - Coccorchestes waris. N - C. cf . clavifemur . SOURCES: A-C -- Proszynski 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 156-160, ff. 1-14, 15-16,K-M -- ©Photo G. Anderson, D-F - Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queensland Mus., 27 (2): 229, 230, t. 33, G, J, - Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 26(1-3): 78, ff. 33-34, 93, N - - ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 828 +d) f 826-827. © Magnolia Press.. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Consingis Simon, 1900 Type species Consingis semicana (1 recognizable species) See more species at Consingis -Q A-D - Consingis semicana . SOURCES: A-D - Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 331, t. 16, ff. 3, 4. + 1974a. Physis C., 33 (86): 2-5, f 24, 25 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Gambaquezonia Barrion, Litsinger, 1995 Type species Gambaquezonia itimana .(3 recognizable species) See more species at Gambaquezonia -Q +M A-B - Gambaquezonia itimana (holotype specimen and internal structure of its epigyne), C-F - Gambaquezonia sp.(misidentified as G. itimana ), G-L - Gambaquezonia curioi (PHILIPPINES: Panay). SOURCES: A - Barrion, Litsinger 1995: 95-96, figs 49a-e, B - Proszynski 1995-2016, Internet Database of Salticidae - internal structure of epigyne of the holotype specimen, C-F - Edwards (2007) J. Arachnol. 37: 103-105, f 1-10, G-L - Freudenschuss, Grabolle, Krehenwinkel, 2016 Arachnology 17(1): 25-27, figs 1-8, and ©Photo M. Freudenschuss. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. 5_3_euoden 5 z 7 ATTENTION: Fig. B showing internal structure epigyne of the holotype specimen contributed to paper of Edwards (2007) by Prószy ński, unfortunately Dr. Edwards did not understand its significance and failed to publish it. Gen. Gastromicans Mello-Leitão, 1917 Type species Gastromicans albopilosa (x recognizable species) See more species at Gastromicans -Q +M A - Gastromicans albopilosa , B-C - Gastromicans levispina, D - Gastromicans sp. [?], E - Gastromicans sp. [?] . SOURCES: A - Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 306-307, t 12, f 1-2, B-C - Maddison W.P. 1996. Bull.Mus. Comp. Zool., 154 (4): 232, 237, 335, f. 73, 93-95, 101 ©Magnolia Press , D - Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 75, E - ©Photo Gasnier & Machado . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Itata Peckham, Peckham, 1894 Type species Itata vadia (3 recognizable species) See more species at Itata -Q +M A - Itata vadia , B- Itata tipuloides , C-D - Itata sp. SOURCES: A - Peckhams 1894.Occ. Pap. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc., 2 (2): 115, t 11, f 5, B - Galiano M.E. 1963b. Physis, 23 (66):: 378-379, t. 25, ff. 1-3, C-D - ©Photo Gasnier & Azevedo. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Gen. Macaroeris Wunderlich, 1992 Type species Macaroeris nidicolens (x recognizable species) See more species at Macaroeris -Q +M A-D - Macaroeris nidicolens from Israel (C-D - teratological distorted epigyne or different species), D-E - epigyne specimen from Europe. SOURCES: A-D - Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003: 86-87, figs 330-337, M2 -M3 - © Photo A. Senglet. Diversity in Macaroeris - males and females: A-D - Macaroeris diligens, E-F: - Macaroeris moebi (Photos of - Macaroeris nidicolens , male and female - see top of this chapter, Figs D and E).
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