US006762424B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,762,424 B2 Wester (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 13, 2004 (54) PLASMA GENERATION (56) References Cited (75) Inventor: Neil Wester, Tempe, AZ (US) US. PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) AssigneeZ Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA 6,566,667 B1 * 5/2003 Partlo et al. .......... .. 250/504 R US ( ) * cited by examiner ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner_Kiet T, Nguyen U.S.C. 154(1)) by 0 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Fish & Richardson PC. (21) App1.No.: 10/202,422 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed. JuL 23 2002 A photolithography tool includes an anode and a cathode ’ composed of a ?rst material and a second material. The (65) Prior Publication Data second material has a loWer Work function than the ?rst material. Electrons emitted from the cathode ioniZe a gas Us 2004/0016894 A1 Jan' 29’ 2004 into a plasma that generates EUV light. The EUV light is (51) Int. Cl.7 ................................................ .. H05H 1/34 focused on a mask to produce an image of a circuit pattern. (52) US, Cl, ____ __ 250/504 R; 250M931; The image is projected on a semiconductor Wafer to produce 378/119 a circuit. (58) Field of Search ........................ .. 250/504 R, 493.1; 378/119, 122 44 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets 138 130 ~\\\\\\\\\\\ / n'x. ATTCL. / 140 7A ‘- 128 Ara-A .4 h N U.S. Patent Jul. 13, 2004 Sheet 1 of3 US 6,762,424 B2 emmm29..>5l Roz-on .EGEEE: sarcoma...“ xommurao U.S. Patent Jul. 13, 2004 Sheet 2 of3 US 6,762,424 B2 2K ZDDU<> n23; ; w: 3pm $2 U.S. Patent Jul. 13, 2004 Sheet 3 of3 US 6,762,424 B2 126 130 140 128 TGASJOS 4 FIG. 3 US 6,762,424 B2 1 2 PLASMA GENERATION molecules are ioniZed by electrons emitted from electrode 126 to become a plasma 104. A portion of plasma 104 extends beyond the holloW region de?ned by electrode 128. TECHNICAL FIELD Plasma 104 radiates light as the ioniZed gas molecules transition from the higher energy states back to the loWer This invention relates to plasma generation for photoli energy ground state. When Xenon is used to generate plasma thography. 104, the plasma emits light having strong line emissions With Wavelengths betWeen 13 to 14 nm. BACKGROUND A dielectric material 130 separates electrodes 126 and 128. BetWeen dielectric 130 and electrode 128 is a tubular Photolithography systems are used to produce circuit 10 patterns on semiconductor Wafers. To produce devices With region 140 that forms a passage for gas 103 to pass through. smaller dimensions, the optical resolving poWer of the A pipe 142 connects light source 102 to a container (not photolithography system needs to be increased. Because shoWn) having gas 103. optical resolving poWer is proportional to the Wavelength of Electrode 126 includes a tungsten core 134 in the shape of a sleeve With a conical noZZle 138 at one end. The inside light, a light source With a shorter Wavelength provides 15 better optical resolution capability. Extreme ultraviolet Wall of the tungsten core 134 is coated With a layer 136 of Zirconia (also knoWn as Zirconium dioxide, ZrO2) to protect (EUV) light may be utiliZed in manufacturing microelec the tungsten sleeve from chemical and mechanical erosion tronic semiconductor devices With feature siZes less than by the plasma 104. The Zirconia layer 136 may be formed on 100 nm. EUV light may be obtained from a synchrotron or the tungsten core 134 by either chemical or physical depo from a high energy plasma. The plasma may be generated by sition methods. The thickness of the Zirconia layer 136 may focusing a high energy laser beam onto a stream of inert gas, be in the range of 0.5 to 10 nm. Zirconia has a Work function such as Xenon. The plasma may also be produced by using of about 2.5 to 2.6 eV, While tungsten has a Work function electron emission in Which electrodes emit electrons to of about 4.5 eV. Because Zirconia has a loWer Work function ioniZe a gas to form a plasma. To energiZe the plasma to than tungsten, it is easier for electrons to be emitted from a generate suf?cient EUV light, the electrodes may have to 25 Zirconia surface, reducing damage to the electrode. Zirco operate at high temperatures With high poWer ?oWing nium dioxide is the stable form of Zirconium oxide at room through the electrodes. This causes the electrodes to emit temperature; it is possible that Zirconia dioxide may change particles that contaminate other components in the lithog to other forms of Zirconium oxide at higher temperatures. raphy system, such as a condenser lens. EUV light generated Zirconia also has a stronger resistance to chemical and from Xenon plasma has a main component With a Wave mechanical erosion. Electrode 126 operates under high length of about 13 nm. FIG. 1 shoWs an example of an EUV lithography system. temperature, high voltage, and high current conditions, so Without protection of the Zirconia layer 136, electrode 126 DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS Wears doWn rapidly and has to be replaced often. Also, tungsten reacts With plasma gas at high temperature to form FIGS. 1 and 2 shoW lithography systems. 35 materials that become debris in chamber 120. The debris FIGS. 3 and 4 shoW EUV light sources. contaminates other components (e.g., condenser mirrors 106) in chamber 120. By adding the Zirconia layer 136 on DETAILED DESCRIPTION the tungsten core 134, damage to electrode 126 is reduced, Which results in less debris in chamber 120, improving By using Zirconiated tungsten electrodes to emit electrons 40 to ioniZe a gas to form a plasma, EUV light may be produced overall performance of system 100. With less debris, resulting in less contamination in the Materials other than Zirconia may be used to coat the lithography system. Referring to FIG. 2, an EUV litho tungsten core 134. Examples of such materials include graphic system 100 includes a chamber 120 for generating cesium oxide (Work function~2.15 eV), rubidium oxide EUV light and a chamber 122 for using the EUV light to 45 (Work function~2.2 eV), strontium oxide (Work func produce lithography patterns on a Wafer 114. Chamber 120 tion~2.6 eV), and barium oxide (Work function~2.7 eV). includes an EUV light source 102 that uses electron emis Electrode 128 may be tungsten, tantalum, or another sions to ioniZe a stream of gas (e.g., Xenon gas) to produce refractory metal With a high melting point. Because plasma a plasma 104. Plasma 104 emits EUV light 108 that is 104 is generated at a distance from electrode 128, electrode collected by condenser mirrors 106 and projected through a 128 may or may not be coated With Zirconia. ?lter 124 positioned betWeen chambers 120 and 122. (For An example of the electrodes 126 and 128 Without the clarity of illustration, several mirrors and lenses are omitted Zirconia coating may be found in the EUV-Lamp manufac in the ?gure.) The EUV light is focused onto a re?ective tured by AIXUV GmbH, Aachen, Germany. mask 112 having enlarged circuit patterns. EUV light Although some implementations have been described re?ected from mask 112 is projected onto Wafer 114 by a 55 above, other embodiments are also Within the scope of the reduction camera 116 to generate circuit patterns on the folloWing claims. Wafer 114. Avacuum pump 118 removes exhaust plasma gas For example, the shape of the electrode 126 may be from chamber 120. different depending on the shape and position of plasma 104 Referring to FIG. 3, EUV light source 102 includes an that is required. The shape of the electrode 128 may be electrode 126 that functions as a cathode, and an electrode different. Electrode 126 may include a core that is composed 128 that functions as an anode. A cross-sectional vieW of of materials other than tungsten, such as tantalum. In appli light source 102 is shoWn in FIG. 4. The electrodes 126, 128 cations that does not require the cathode to have strong have a ring or tubular shape that de?nes a holloW or tube mechanical strength or in applications Where the cathode is region 132 that alloWs a gas to pass through. Electrodes 126 supported by other structures, electrode 126 may also com and 128 are connected to a poWer supply 110 (FIG. 2), Which 65 prise a single material (e.g., Zirconia) that has a loW Work supplies a high DC voltage in the range of 1 to 10 kilo-volts. function. Plasma 104 may be generated from other gases to As the gas 103 passes through the holloW region 132, gas produce light With different Wavelengths. US 6,762,424 B2 3 4 What is claimed is: 22. The apparatus of claim 21 in Which the second 1. An apparatus comprising: electrode comprises Zirconium oxide. a ?rst electrode that includes a ?rst material and a second 23. The apparatus of claim 22, further comprising means material bonded to the ?rst material, the second mate for using the light to produce an image of an electronic rial having a loWer Work function than the ?rst mate 5 circuit pattern on a substrate. rial; and 24. A photolithography tool, comprising: a second electrode, the ?rst and second electrodes de?n ing a passageway for gas, the ?rst and second elec a chamber having an inlet to alloW a gas to enter the trodes being electrically isolated.
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