INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ACCRINGTON, 21, 33 Barrow-in-Furness, 9, 30 Chase, 32 Bastocke, Lawrence, 14 Acton Church, 102-7, 110, 112, 114, Bath, 155 116-7, 119-20, 122 Bailey, 126 /Ethelraed, 198, 199, 201 Belfast, 134, 143 Aigburth, 27 Benson, Joseph, 139, 159, 162; Wm., Alcock, Ed., 55; Eliz., 54-5; John, 55; 162 Thos., 55 Bickerstaffe, 63 Aldingham, 161 Billington, 4, 22, 33 Alfred Holt Shipping Co., 173 Binns, J., 41 Alien, Anthony, 93 Birket, James, 153/i; Miles, 153-5, 163 Alien Shipping Co., 174 Bispham Hall, 51, 64 Allithwaite, 8n Blackburn, 65, 71, 77, 86 Alt, river, 28 Blackburnshire Forest, 32 Altcar, 10, 28 Bland,Joseph, 166 Altham,4, 9, 11, 39 Bleasedale, 4 "Anglo-Saxon coins from Meols Forest, 32 Sands", 197-201 Blundell, Bryan, 147, 160; Hy., 35; Amounderness, 5 Nich., 56-7, 63«; Wm., 19, 24n Applet on, 8, 16, 18 Bold Hall, 47 Arkholme-with-Cawood, 10 Bolton, 137 Ashton (near Lancaster), 28 Bolton-le-Sands, Sn, 19, 23 Ashton-in-Makerfield, 14, 39 Bolton with Adgarley, 17 Ashton-under-Lyne, 38-9 Bone, John, 35 Ashton (Assheton), Col. Ralph, 100-1, Booth, Alfred, 181; Chas., 187; Col. 108-9 John, 100-1, 108-9 Assheton, Rich., 15 Booth Shipping Co., 173-4 Astley, Luke, 136-7, 149 Bootle, 174 Aughton, Moor Hall, 51 Bowes, Francis, 154, 156; John, 141, 147 Bowland Forest, 32 Braddill, Ed., 71; John, 71 BACKHOUSE, James, 134 Braithwaite, Miles, 161 Bacup, 33 Brantbreck, 28 Baldwin, James, 93; John, 72, 87; Brereton, Sir Wm., 100-1, 108, 113 Marg., 79 Bretherton, Bart., 59 Banester, John, 73, 89; Hy., 69; Rich., Brettargh, Ann, 56, 58; James, 57 14; Rob., 82, 93; Wm., 77 Bridgeman, Orlando, 123 Bank End, 32 Briercliffe, John, 90; Rob., 91; Wm., Bankhall, 173, 175, 178 90 Barbados, 125, 129, 131-5, 137, 139-41, Brigg, Mary, "The Forest of Pendle in 144-5, 149, 150-6, 158, 160, the seventeenth century," 65-96 163-4 Bristol, 138 Barbridge, 99, 101-5 Brough, Marg., 16 Barker, T. C. and Harris, S. A., "The Broughton, 14, 29n Scholes: a sixteenth-century Broxton, 210 Lancashire house," 43-64 Bryning, 19 Barley with Wheatley, 65-6, 68-9, 72, Bulcock, Chris., 81; Jenet, 81; Rob., 86,91.96 72, 80, 84, 93 Barrowford, 69, 72-5, 77, 80, 82-4, 86-9, Bu'Lock, J. D., 197 91, 93, 95 Burscough Priory, 46 233 234 INDEX Burne, A. H. and Young, P., The Crawshaw Booth, 33 Great Civil War, 97, 114-23 Crewe, 185 passim Crombock, John, 71; Wm., 71 Burnley, 67, 72, 89 Cronshaw, John, 74, 86-7 Burns, G. and J., Shipping Co., 174 Crook, Marg., 79 Butler, Francis, 107 Crosby, see Great Crosby and Little Byron, Lord John, 97-123 passim', Sir Crosby Rob., 91 n, 98, 99n, 101-2, 105, Croxteth Hall, 51, 57 107-10, 112-13, 117, 123 Cumberland, 17, 31 Cunard Shipping Co., 173, 178-9 CALDER, river, 4, 32-3, 67 Canadian Pacific Shipping Co., 173, DALTON, 8-9, 39 179 Dalton, Rich., 15 Canobie, Anne, 126 Dandy, James, 17 Canuse, Hy., 17 Danwyne, Thos., 18 Cork, 166 Davies, C. S., The Agricultural History Carnforth, 1, 29, 31 of Cheshire, 1750-1850, 209-11 Can, 82, 89 Davis, James, 25 Carte, T., 97n Day, Capt. Wm., 135, 137, 143, 154, Cartmel, 29n, 32 159 Casson, Eliz., 149n; family, 156-8; Hy., Deadwinclough, 33 158; Jane, see under Satter- De Lacy family, 67, 89 thwaite; Alderman John, 134, Delamere, 99, 101, 104, 115 154, 157-66; Mary, I54n Denbigh, 113 Caton, 5-6 Dent, Hannah, 151 Chat Moss, 5 Device, Eliz., 65 Cheshire, The Agricultural History of, Devonshire, Thos., 134, 150 209-11 Dilworth, Cecily, 127, 130; family of, Chester, 98n, 99, 113, 123, 197-201 127n, 129, 154, 165, 166; John Grosvenor Museum, 199, 201 (I), 127, 129-31, 133, 144, 152, Mint, 197-201 157, 162; John (II), 131-2; Childwall, 204, 206-8 Joseph, 132; Mary, 130; Thos., Chrisoperson, Bryan, 10 127n, 129-30,131-2; Wm., 127n, Church. 22 129-30, 132, 136, 165 Churchill, Winston, 186, 188, 190, 192 Ditton, 13, 21, 35 Church Minshull, 103-4, 122 Dockray, David, 132 Churwell, 126 Dodshon, Rich., 31 Clarendon, earl of, lOOn, 102n, 120n, Dolley, R. H. M., "The Anglo-Saxon 122-3 Coins from Meols sands", 197- Claughton, 4, 40 201 Clayton, 86 Dore, R. N. and Lowe, J., "The Battle Clifton, 18 of Nantwich, 25 January 1644", Clifton, Wm. de, 18 97-123 Clitheroe, 4, 32-3, 35, 67, 89 DorfoldHall, 104,114,121 Court Rolls, 68, 71-2, 82 Downholland Hall, 64 Clitherow, Walter, 59 Dublin, 139, 143, 182 Cloghes, Wm. de, 34 Duckenfield, Col. Rob., 100-1 Cnut, 199 Dunkenhalgh, 86 Cobham, Kath., 57-8; Thos., 57 Cocken, 30, 39 Cockerham, 29 Cockersand Abbey, 46-7, 49 EADGAR, 198 Chartulary, 28 Eccles, 59 Colne, 22, 34, 67, 69, 71-2, 89 Eccleston (Leyland), 5, 12, 15 Colthouse (Hawkshead), 127, 134 Eccleston (West Derby), 49, 54, 55 Cork, 134, 143, 150, 158 Eddisbury, 210 Cort, Thos., 160 Edward the Confessor, 200 Cotter, Joseph, 174, 178, 180 Ekwall. E., 16 Coward, Ed., 30; Wm., 17 Elder Dempster Shipping Co., 173 Crake, river, 31 Ellesmere, 99 INDEX 235 Elswick, 11 Haresnape, Capt., 160, 163 Entwistle, 22, 34 Hargreaves, Edmund, 82; James, 87; Ernie, Col. (Maj.-Gen.) Michael, 98, Jane, 84; John, 71, 73-4, 79, 82, 105, 110, 112 84, 87, 91; Wm., 83, 92, 96 Escdcke, Hy., 137 Harries, Chris., 10 Essex, 73-4 Harrington, Chas., 57 Harris, S. A., see under Barker, T. C., 43-64 Harrison, John, 147; Thos., 147 FAIRFAX, Sir Thos., 97-123 passim; Harrisun, John, 8 SirWm., 101, 110 Harthacnut, 200 Farington, Hy., 15 Hartley, Chris., 29; Hy., 91; James, 79, Fearnesyde, Rich., 84 86, 90; Lawrence, 84; Rich., 93 Fence, 85 Norwood, 34 Fiennes, Celia, 21 Haven, Stephen, 134 Filly Close, 80, 82 Hawcoat, 39 Fitzherbert, Master, author of Boke of Hawkshead (see also Colthouse and Husbandry (1534), 17 Grizedale), 126, 135, 140n Forbank (Tatham), 35 Haworthe, Rob., 82 Formby, 8, 22, 40 Heathcote, John, 161 Hall, 62 Henry IV, 67 Forte, Jenet, 77 VII, 68 Fouldes, Chris., 74-5; James, 74-5 Hesketh-with-Becconsall, 16, 18, 22 Foulridge, 69, 71 Heskin, 5 France, R. S., "A Stanley Account Hey sham, 12 Roll, 1460", 202-8 Heysham, Wm., 139-40, 145 Fresh, Wm., 31 Higgin, John, 91 Furness, 4, 9, 11-2, 17, 21, 29, 31-2, 39 Higham, 65, 69-74, 79-80, 82, 84-5, 87, , abbot of, 37, 39 91,93 Fylde, 5 Hikins, H. R., "The Liverpool Gene­ ral Transport Strike, 1911", 169-95 Hoare, Joseph, 134, 140«; Marg., 134- GARSTANG, 28 5, 140n Garston, 8-9, 37 Hodgkiss, A. G., 41 Gascoyne, Gen. Isaac, 59 Hodgson, Capt. John, 97n, 108-10, Geldart, Capt., 155 117, 119-20 Gibson, Col. (Maj.-Gen.) Rich., 98, Hoghton, 1, 64 103, 105, 107, 110, 112, 115-7, Holland, Col. Rich., 101, 108-9 119 Hottay Field(Warrington), 11, 16 Gillow, Rob., 164 Holme End, 83 Gleaston Deep Meadows, 7, 32«, 36, 39 Holt, J., 37 Glest, Evan, 16 Hornby, 10, 29«, 31, 35 Goad, Capt., 148, 156 Harwich, 33 Goldmire, 39 Houghton, John, 18 Goldshaw (see also under New Church, Howick, 21 n 67, 69, 71-7, 83-8 Howson, Dr. W. G., 126/1, 127«, 161« Gray, H. L., 1 Hunckes, Col. Foulke, 98, 105, 121 Great Crosby, 9, 11, 14, 17-8, 20, 25-6 Hunterholme, 86-7 Green/read, 78-9 Hurleston, 103, 105, 117 Greenup, Capt. Thos., 149,159-60,164 Hurst, Eliz., 55; John, 55-6; Wm., 55 Gregorie, Hy., 17 Husain, B.M.C., Review of Agricul­ Grizedale (Hawkshead), 127, 129 tural History of Cheshire, 209-11 Grove, John, 140, 145, 147 Hutton, 16 Huyton Hey, 57 HALEWOOD, 28, 46 IGHTENH1LL, 67, 72 Halifax, 82 Ince Blundell, 5, 7, 11, 35 Hall, Mary, 164 Inman, Chas., 165 Halsall Moss, 5 Irvine, W. F., obituary, 212-16 Halton, 4, 8«, 29, 35 Jrwell, river, 4, 33 236 INDEX JACKSON, John, 87 Liverpool, St. George's Plateau, 171, James I, 68 180 Johnson, Mrs. E., 125; Mrs. J., 125; , Sefton Park, 188 Susannah, 147 , Stanley Dock, 182 Steamship Owners' Association, 181 Townfield, 10-11 KEEN, Peter, 163 Trades Council, 171 Kendal Ground, 30-1 Transport Strike (1911), 169-95 Kerridge, Dr. E., 13/i . Vauxhall Rd., 191 Kirkby, Thos., 30 , Vernon Hall, 58 Kirkby Ireleth, 29n , Walton, 204 , Simonswood Mosses, 5 , Walton Rubber Works, 183 Kirkham, 19 Lloyd George, David, 183 Knowsley, 47, 202, 205-8 Longridge, 4 Longton, 12 Lonsda!e,4, 10-11, 29 Lowe, J., see under Dore, R. N., 97-123 LAMBERT, Col. John, 100-1, 108 Lowick, 17, 29/7, 30-1, 32n Lamport and Holt's Shipping Co., 173, Lucas, J., 29 177 Lime river, 4, 19, 28, 29, 32 Lancashire Record Office, 3, 7, 29n Lyme, Cath., 54; Eliz., 54; Ellen, 54; Lancaster, 28, 125-67 passim Nich., 54; Oliver, 54, 62; Thos., , Buoy Account, 134, 141«, 143/7, 54; Wm., 54 147«, 153//, 164, 166 Lyne, Roger, 19 , Freemen and Apprentices Books, Lytham, 28, 37 127/1, 161, 164 , Library, The Local Record Collection, 125, 127/7 MACCLESFIELD, 210 , Priory Church, 147«, 163 Malbon, Thos., 97n, 101-2, 109, 114-5, Larkin, Peter, 170 117, 121, 123 Lathom, 49 Manchester, 89, 102, 105, 125, 135-6, Lawe, John, 72, 75, 82 161, 185 Laws, Cuthbert, 176 Mann, Tom, 170-2, 175, 178, 180, 182- Lawton, R., 41 3, 189-91, 194 Laxton, 13 Marsden, 72, 89 Ledger, Abraham, 133; Benjamin (I), Marsh, Rev.
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