July 1, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1015 U.S. CONGRESS, While at Texas Southern University, Barbara To many in St. Paul, however, Mr. Keillor CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, Jordan was an active student and an es- isn’t just the soothing voice that poured out Washington, DC, June 24, 2016. teemed member of the prestigious debate from our radios every Saturday night. He’s a Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, team for 4 years, as well as a member of treasured member of our community and my House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. neighbor. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional After graduating magna cum laude from f Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost Texas Southern University in 1956, she went estimate for H.R. 5389, the Leveraging on to receive her law degree from Boston Uni- IN HONOR OF THE HANDLEY BOYS’ Emerging Technologies Act of 2016. versity in 1959. TENNIS TEAM If you wish further details on this esti- She exhorted all of us to strive for excel- mate, we will be pleased to provide them. lence, stand fast for justice and fairness, and HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK The CBO staff contact is Mark Grabowicz. yield to no one in the matter of defending the OF VIRGINIA Sincerely, Constitution and upholding the most sacred KEITH HALL, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES principles of a democratic government. Director. Friday, July 1, 2016 Enclosure. Barbara Jordan retired from Congress in H.R. 5389—Leveraging Emerging Technologies 1978 after serving 3 terms and was appointed Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Act of 2016 a distinguished professor at the Lyndon B. recognize the boys’ tennis team from Handley H.R. 5389 would direct the Department of Johnson School of Public Affairs at the Univer- High School in my District who recently won Homeland Security (DHS), within six months sity of Texas at Austin. the 2016 4A Virginia State Championship. of the bill’s enactment, to develop a strategy Barbara Jordan was a lawyer, legislator, They practiced long hours as a team, and this to work with emerging technology firms to scholar, author, and presidential adviser. achievement shows how far dedication, hard improve DHS programs. Based on informa- Barbara made history again in 1976, when work, and commitment to teamwork can take tion from DHS, CBO estimates that devising she became the first African American woman a group as they played against some of the the strategy would cost less than $500,000; to deliver keynote speeches at a Democratic best competition in the nation. such spending would be subject to the avail- National Convention. The Handley boys’ tennis team has made ability of appropriated funds. She was immensely gifted, and used every Virginia’s 10th Congressional District proud Enacting the legislation would not affect bit of her talent and skill to address, improve, direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay- and they have represented us well. Winning a as-you-go procedures do not apply. CBO esti- and dignify the conditions of human life. state championship attests to their impressive mates that enacting H.R. 5389 would not in- In the tradition of Frederick Douglass, Martin athletic ability, unselfish mentality, and deter- crease net direct spending or on-budget defi- Luther King, and Thurgood Marshall, Barbara mination to succeed. I commend them for their cits in any of the four consecutive 10-year Jordan challenged the Federal Government tireless dedication to both their school and periods beginning in 2027. and the American people to uphold the prin- their teammates, without neither of which this H.R. 5389 contains no intergovernmental or ciples set forth in the United States Constitu- could have been possible. It takes a delicate private-sector mandates as defined in the tion and the fabric of our social mores. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and would combination of superior skill and many hours Barbara Jordan made a difference and be- of practice to win a state title. The Handley not affect the budgets of state, local, or trib- cause of her contributions, America is a better al governments. boys’ tennis team has certainly earned this The CBO staff contact for this estimate is place. honor and the lessons learned over the years Mark Grabowicz. The estimate was approved f will valuably serve them as they continue on by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy Assistant GARRISON KEILLOR’S FINAL in their lives. Director for Budget Analysis. ‘‘PRAIRIE HOME’’ BROADCAST Handley boys’ tennis team won this year’s f 4A state championship to cap off an amazing 22–0 undefeated season. This state tennis title REMEMBERING BARBARA CHAR- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM is Handley’s first in over ten years and these OF MINNESOTA LINE JORDAN, FIRST WOMAN boys could not deserve it more. The only team IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND AFRICAN AMERICAN TO DE- to even get a point on this team after the reg- LIVER KEYNOTE ADDRESS AT Friday, July 1, 2016 ular season was a three-time defending state DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CON- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today champion and that was just a single point. VENTION to share the news from St. Paul, Minnesota, Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join my hometown. me in honoring the Handley boys’ tennis team HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Garrison Keillor, one of our great storytellers for their achievement and representing Vir- OF TEXAS in Minnesota and the nation, will be hosting ‘‘A ginia’s 10th Congressional District with such IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Prairie Home Companion’’ for the final time distinction. I wish them all the best in their fu- Friday, July 1, 2016 this Saturday. ture endeavors. As one of the most iconic shows on public f Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to radio, ‘‘Prairie Home’’ was created by Mr. commemorate an historic event. Keillor more than 40 years ago. Its characters CELEBRATION OF EID-AL-FITR Forty years ago this month, on July 12, and tales sprung from his imagination, and MARKING THE END OF THE 1976, the legendary Barbara Charline Jordan, from his wry observation of the comedies and HOLY MONTH OF RAMADAN who held the seat I now hold made history tragedies of everyday life in the Midwest. when she became the first woman and the This will be his last official appearance on HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE first African American to deliver the Keynote stage hosting musical guests, sharing the sto- OF TEXAS Address at the Democratic National Conven- ries of Guy Noir and the Lives of the Cow- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, that nominated Jimmy Carter in New boys, and bringing us ‘‘the news from Lake Friday, July 1, 2016 York City. Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all Barbara Jordan indeed was a friend to the men are good looking, and all the children Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise many, a mentor, and an icon. are above average’’. today in the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, formally Barbara Jordan was one of the first two Afri- Mr. Keillor created a space where families marking the end of the Holy month of Rama- can-Americans from the South to be elected to could gather around and ‘‘hear that old piano dan. this body since reconstruction; the other was from down the Avenue’’, not to mention some Ramadan is a month where over 1.6 billion Andrew Young of Georgia. of America’s most talented folk and gospel Muslims across the globe come together and Barbara Jordan was a renaissance woman, musicians. fast for a spiritual cleanse. eloquent, fearless, and peerless in her pursuit His serial skits are as much beloved for The fast begins daily at the rising of the sun of justice and equality. their witty wordplay as the campy characters. and is completed as the sun sets—nearly 17 Barbara Jordan was the first black woman The gentle satire in his weekly monologues hours of no food or water for a month. elected to the Texas Senate. allowed us to laugh at ourselves and see Our fellow Muslim community is brought re- Ms. Jordan graduated from Texas Southern America’s flaws and wisdom echoed back to membrance of the less fortunate, who are University, where she majored in government us in the stories of that small town on the forced to fast out of compulsion and unfortu- and history. edge of the prairie. nate circumstances. 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