The Zoo of Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants (SNR):! An X-ray View Neutron Stars Diversity! SNR connection! ! Birth and evolution (part I) SN Progenitors (part II) IAU Honolulu Division D, Aug (2015) S. Safi-Harb Supernova Remnants The Big Picture • Our Galaxy’s dynamics and magnetism (ENERGY)! • The non-thermal Universe (see talk by Emma de Ona Wilhelmi) • Galactic B-field (see talk by Jennifer West) IAU Honolulu Division D, Aug (2015) S. Safi-Harb Supernova Remnants The Big Picture • Our Galaxy’s dynamics and magnetism (ENERGY)! • The non-thermal Universe • Nucleosynthesis (MATTER) —the thermal Universe • SN progenitors (this talk) • See also talk by Paolo Mazzali IAU Honolulu Division D, Aug (2015) S. Safi-Harb Supernova Remnants Our Cosmic Connection to the Elements • Nucleosynthesis (MATTER) H He IAU Honolulu S. Safi-Harb Division D, Aug (2015) adapted, credit: NASA (+ personal photos) Supernova Remnants The Big Picture • Our Galaxy’s dynamics and magnetism! • Nucleosynthesis (MATTER) —the thermal Universe • Nearby Laboratories for Extreme Physics Link to GRBs (see N. Gehrels’ and P. Mazzali’s talks)! Neutron Stars (this talk; see also GianLuca Israel’s talk) ! Their magnetic fields: formation and evolution through SNR studies! Neutron Stars: The Big Picture M~1.4 solar masses R~10 km Period~ms-sec! B~109-1015 Gauss discovered as pulsars by Jocelyn Bell The physics of the “extreme”! googlemaps Pulsars’ Intrinsic Properties! Spin (P), Spin down (Pdot)=> Magnetic Field (B) and “Age” surface dipole magnetic field Credit: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. IAU Honolulu Division D, Aug (2015) S. Safi-Harb Pulsars’ Intrinsic Properties! Spin (P), Spin down (Pdot)=> Magnetic Field (B) and “Age” surface dipole magnetic field Credit: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. “True” age n=braking index (=3: dipole) IAU Honolulu Division D, Aug (2015) S. Safi-Harb Pulsars’ Intrinsic Properties! Spin (P), Spin down (Pdot)=> Magnetic Field (B) and “Age” surface dipole magnetic field Credit: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. “True” age n=braking index (=3: dipole) “characteristic” age (assumes constant B, Magnetic Dipole, and P0<<P) IAU Honolulu Division D, Aug (2015) S. Safi-Harb The Crab PSR-SNR association SN1054D CXC Credit: Ron Lussier P=33 ms Slows down with time: dP/dt~1.3 ms/century! ! Credit: J. Hester (ASU), CXC, HST, NRAO, NSF, NASA Radio Optical X-rays X-ray: NASA / CXC / ASU / J.Hester et al.; Optical: NASA / ESA / Rotation-powered Pulsar (RPP) ! powering a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN)=non-thermal synchrotron The Crab PSR-SNR association SN1054D CXC Credit: Ron Lussier P=33 ms Slows down with time: dP/dt~1.3 ms/century! ! Credit: J. Hester (ASU), CXC, HST, NRAO, NSF, NASA Radio Optical X-rays ! X-ray: NASA / CXC / ASU / J.Hester et al.; Optical: NASA / ESA / Rotation-powered Pulsar (RPP) ! powering a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN)=non-thermal synchrotron ! B~5 x 1012 Gauss Spin Down age~1.3 kyr comparable to 961 yr (SN1054) ! The Crab PSR-SNR association CXC SN1054D P=33 ms Slows down with time: dP/dt~1.3 ms/century! ! Credit: J. Hester (ASU), CXC, HST, NRAO, NSF, NASA A “shell-less” or “Naked” SNR!Radio! Optical X-rays -unseen cold ejecta/CSM far out? X-ray: NASA / CXC / ASU / J.Hester et al.; Optical: NASA / ESA / -low-energy! (<~1e50 ergs) explosion of 8-10 Mo progenitor with early dense CSM Rotation-powered interaction Pulsar (RPP) ! (type IIn-P)? Smith+13 powering a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN)=non-thermal synchrotron ! !B~5 x 1012 Gauss Spin Down age~1.3 kyr comparable to 961 yr (SN1054) ! “P-Pdot" Diagram of Pulsars=> Neutron Stars Diversity (Zoo) “Isolated”:! RPP! Magnetars! HBPs! CCOs + XDINSs (INS), + RRATs… accretion-powered “P-Pdot" Diagram of Pulsars=> Neutron Stars Diversity (Zoo) “Isolated”:! RPP! Magnetars! HBPs! CCOs rotation-powered (RPP) + XDINSs (INS), + RRATs… accretion-powered “P-Pdot" Diagram of Pulsars=> Neutron Stars Diversity (Zoo) above-QED magnetars (magnetically powered) “Isolated”:! RPP! Magnetars! HBPs! CCOs rotation-powered (RPP) + XDINSs (INS), + RRATs… accretion-powered “P-Pdot" Diagram of Pulsars=> Neutron Stars Diversity (Zoo) above-QED magnetars (magnetically powered) “Isolated”:! RPP! High-B Pulsars (HBPs) rotation- and magnetically-powered? Magnetars! HBPs! CCOs rotation-powered (RPP) + XDINSs (INS), + RRATs… accretion-powered “P-Pdot" Diagram of Pulsars=> Neutron Stars Diversity (Zoo) above-QED magnetars (magnetically powered) “Isolated”:! RPP! High-B Pulsars (HBPs) rotation- and magnetically-powered? Magnetars! HBPs! CCOs rotation-powered (RPP) + XDINSs (INS), + RRATs… Central Compact Objects (CCOs): accretion-powered Anti-magnetars? accreting?? The many “faces” of Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants RPP HBP ? binary Rotation-Powered Pulsar High-B Pulsar Garmire et al. Weisskopf et al. Kumar & SSH AXPs (magnetars) and CCOs are exclusively X-ray objects! Anomalous X-ray Pulsar Soft Gamma-ray Repeater CCO SGR! (magnetar) AXP! Hwang et al. Central Compact Object (magnetar) Park et al. Zhou et al. Kumar, SSH, Slane & Gotthelf Distinction between magnetars and the other classes has been blurred with the discovery of…. • Magnetar-like behaviour from a high-B pulsar (HBP) thought to be rotation-powered (Crab-like) Distinction between magnetars and the other classes has been blurred with the discovery of…. HBP J1846-0258 in SNR Kes75 • Magnetar-like behaviour from a high-B pulsar (HBP) thought to be rotation-powered (Crab-like) Chandra RXTE 2006 2000 Kumar & SSH 2008 Gavriil et al. 2008 Distinction between magnetars and the other classes has been blurred with the discovery of…. • Magnetar-like behaviour from a high-B pulsar (HBP) thought to be rotation-powered (Crab-like) (Kumar & SSH 2008; Gavriil et al. 2008 Distinction between magnetars and the other classes has been blurred with the discovery of…. • Magnetar-like behaviour from a high-B pulsar (HBP) thought to be rotation-powered (Crab-like) (Kumar & SSH 2008; Gavriil et al. 2008 • Discovery of transient magnetars (e.g. Ibrahim et al. 2003) • Discovery of radio emission from NASA/RXTE/Ibrahim et al. transient magnetars (Camilo et al. 2006) Distinction between magnetars and the other classes has been blurred with the discovery of…. • Magnetar-like behaviour from a high-B pulsar (HBP) thought to be rotation-powered (Crab-like) • Discovery of transient magnetars (Ibrahim et al. 2003) • Discovery of radio emission from transient magnetars (F. Camilo et al.) Distinction between magnetars and the other classes has been blurred with the discovery of…. • Magnetar-like behaviour from a high-B pulsar (HBP) thought to be rotation-powered (Crab-like) QED • Discovery of transient magnetars (Ibrahim et al. 2003) 3XMM J185246.6+003317 • Discovery of radio emission from transient magnetars (F. Camilo et al.) • Discovery of “low-B” (below QED) magnetars! adapted from Rea et al: Rea et al. 2010 (SGR0418), 2012; Scholz et al. Period (s) 2012 (Swift source), Zhou et al. 2014 (3XMM source near SNR Kes79) How about the CCOs (Central Compact Objects)! CasA Cas Anti-magnetars?A - Ejecta Puppis A Kes79 •Central Compact Objects (~15 known in SNRs) ! •X-ray emitters ONLY ! •No pulsar wind nebulae • Lx>Edot, steady, thermal • quiescent magnetars? cooling? accreting? ! •X-ray pulsations (3 objects): 105 ms, 112 ms, 424ms PKS1209-52/53 • • B=3.1/2.9/9.8 x 1010 G (<1011 G) => “anti-magnetars”! ! •PSR ages>>> SNR ages How connected to the other neutron star classes?! Are they “low” or “high” B-field neutron stars? e.g. Gotthelf & Halpern’13, ‘09 (timing); Ho & Heinke’09 (spectroscopy of CasA CCO); Gotthelf+13, Bogdanov+14, Luo+15 (Descendants of CCOs); Ho 2011, Bernal & Page 11 (B growing/submerged); De Luca+08, Pavlov+08 (reviews) Neutron Stars Diversity The age and braking index “problem”<=> SNR association secure associations only with known SNR age braking index AXPs! SGRs HBPs RPPs (also studied by Ho 2015) CCOs See Poster DDp.2.50 (Rogers & SSH) SNR ages in SNRcat www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat Neutron Stars Diversity The age and braking index “problem”<=> SNR association secure associations only with known SNR age braking index AXPs! n<3 SGRs HBPs RPPs (also studied by Ho 2015) CCOs braking! index See Poster DDp.2.50 (Rogers & SSH) SNR ages in SNRcat www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat Neutron Stars Diversity The age and braking index “problem”<=> SNR association secure associations only with known SNR age braking index AXPs! n<3 SGRs HBPs RPPs (also studied by Ho 2015) CCOs braking! index See Poster DDp.2.50 (Rogers & SSH) Standard Assumption (B, t):! SNR ages in SNRcat B is constant www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat P0<<P, magnetic dipole (n=3) Neutron Stars Diversity The age and braking index “problem”<=> SNR association secure associations only with known SNR age braking index AXPs! n<3 SGRs HBPs RPPs (also studied by Ho 2015) CCOs braking! index See Poster DDp.2.50 (Rogers & SSH) Standard Assumption (B, t):! SNR ages in SNRcat B is constant www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat P0<<P, magnetic dipole (n=3) Neutron Stars Diversity The age and braking index “problem”<=> SNR association secure associations only with known SNR age X-ray spectroscopy/dynamics braking index AXPs! n<3 SGRs HBPs RPPs (also studied by Ho 2015) CCOs braking! index See Poster DDp.2.50 (Rogers & SSH) Standard Assumption (B, t):! SNR ages in SNRcat B is constant www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat P0<<P, magnetic dipole (n=3) Neutron Stars Diversity The age and braking index “problem”<=> SNR association secure associations only with known SNR age X-ray spectroscopy/dynamics braking index AXPs! n<3 SGRs HBPs RPPs (also studied
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