MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL AT THE MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF LUTON HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, LUTON ON TUESDAY 21st JANUARY 2014 AT 6.00 P.M. PRESENT: THE MAYOR - Councillor Roden. THE DEPUTY MAYOR - Councillor Zia COUNCILLORS - Akbar, Ashraf, M. Ayub, N. Ayub, Bailey MBE, Burnett, Campbell, Cato, Chapman, J. Davies, R. J. Davis, Dolling, Farooq, Foord, Franks, Gale, Garrett, Hanif, Hinkley, Hopkins, Hussain, A. Khan, T. Khan, Knight, Lewis, Malcolm, K. Malik, T. Malik, Mead, Moles, O’ Callaghan, Rathore, Riaz, Rivers, Saleem, Sharif, Shaw, Simmons, Skepelhorn, Taylor, Titmuss and Worlding. 1 MINUTES (REF: 1) Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 5th November 2013 be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. 2 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence from the meeting were received on behalf of Councillors Stewart MBE, Timoney and Whittaker. 3 MEMBERS' CONDUCT (REF: 2.1) The Mayor reminded Members of the need to observe proper conduct, to show respect for each other and to observe her rulings at meetings of the Council. 4 MAYOR’S CHARITY EVENTS (REF: 2.2) The Mayor advised Members of a number of her upcoming Charity events: Page 321 of 323 Luton Town Football Club Dinner in the Eric Morecambe Suite on Friday 24th January 2014 at 7.00 p.m. Lewsey Sport Pavilion Race Night at Lewsey Park, Pastures Way on Friday 7th February 2014 at 7.00 p.m. Hat Fashion Show at the Town Hall on Friday 14th March 2014 at 6.30 p.m. Tickets and further details regarding Mayoral charity events could be obtained from Business and Member Services. 5 DEATH OF FORMER COUNCILLOR MOHAMMED RAMIS ALI (REF: 2.3) The Mayor announced the recent death of former Councillor Mohammed Ramis Ali who had been first elected to the Council in 1995 and served until 2003 representing the Biscot Ward. Councillors Simmons and Hussain and the Mayor spoke in tribute to former Councillor Ali, commending his significant contribution to the community and pioneering of the voluntary sector within Luton. The Council then stood in silent tribute to his memory. 6 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT 1992 The Chief Executive advised Members of the Council that there were no items before the Council which were within the ambit of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. 7 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST The Chief Executive reported the following disclosures of interest received: Councillors Dolling and Saleem disclosed personal but not prejudicial interest in agenda items 9.3: ‘Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel: Allowances’ as a Council appointed representatives to the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel. Councillor Sharif disclosed a personal but not prejudicial interest in agenda item 11.2: Notice of Motion ‘Police - body worn video equipment’ 8 PRESENTATION – INDIVIDUAL ELECTORAL REGISTRATION (REF: 3) The Mayor introduced David Olima from the Cabinet Office who gave a presentation on Individual Electoral Registration to Council. Page 332 of 323 The Electoral Services Manager gave a presentation to Council on the Luton perspective of Individual Electoral Registration (IER). Members queried the process, timetable and proposals to advise members of the public of the implementation and implications of IER. Members suggested that the Electoral Services Manager present the information to a future cycle of Area Board meetings. David Olima and the Electoral Services Manager responded to Members queries and suggestions. Resolved: That David Olima and the Electoral Services Manager be thanked for their presentations on Individual Electoral Registration (IER) and the Luton Perspective of IER respectively. 9 QUESTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 7.1 (REF: 5) Councillor Garrett asked and Councillor Taylor responded to a question (Ref: Q/1/14) of which written notice had been given under Standing Order 7.1. Councillor Franks asked and Councillor Naseem Ayub responded to a question (Ref: Q/2/14) of which written notice had been given under Standing Order 7.1. In responding to the question Councillor Naseem Ayub indicated that she would send a written response in relation to the following supplementary question: The activity of existing neighbourhood watch schemes Action being taken to get people involved in the schemes. Councillor Dolling asked and Councillor Taylor responded to a question (Ref: Q/3/14) of which written notice had been given under Standing Order 7.1. Councillor Burnett asked and Councillor Akbar responded to a question (Ref: Q/4/14) of which written notice had been given under Standing Order 7.1. Councillor Franks asked and Councillor Taylor responded to a question (Ref: Q/5/14) of which written notice had been given under Standing Order 7.1. 10 REPORTS OF THE BEDFORDSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE AUTHORITY (REF: 6) Councillor Saleem, the Council spokesperson on the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority presented the reports on the proceedings of the meetings of the Authority held on 22nd October and 11th December 2013. Resolved: That the reports (Ref: 6) be received. Page 343 of 323 11 BEDFORDSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE AUTHORITY: QUESTIONS (REF: 7) The Mayor advised that no written notice had been given by Councillors under Standing Order 15.1 of their intention to ask a question of the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority. 12 TREASURY MANAGEMENT MID YEAR REPORT (REF: 8.1) Councillor Simmons presented the recommendations of the Executive (18th November 2013) on the Treasury Management Mid Year Report (Ref: 8.1). In responding to a question Councillor Simmons indicated that she would send a written response to Councillor Franks in relation to the following question: ‘Why, when the borrowing need identified at paragraph 15 has gone from £12,328 to £14,438, an increase of £2.11million, is the CFR shown in paragraph 16 gone up by £12.423million? It was then proposed by Councillor Simmons, seconded by Councillor Shaw and: Resolved: (i) That the Mid Year Report on Treasury Management for the year ended 30th September 2013 as set out at Appendix A to the report of the Chief Executive (Head of Policy and Performance)(Ref: 8.1)) be approved; (ii) That the changes to the Council’s prudential indicators for: Capital Expenditure and the Capital Financing requirement as set out in the tables at paragraphs 14 and16 of Appendix A to the report of the Chief Executive (Head of Policy and Performance)(Ref: 8.1)) be approved. (Note: The above item was submitted to the Council as the document formed part of the Council’s Budget Framework.) 13 ADOPTION OF ‘MINERALS AND WASTE LOCAL PLAN STRATEGIC SITES AND POLICIES’ (REF: 8.2) Upon consideration of the recommendations of the Executive (16th December 2013) on the Adoption of ‘Minerals and Waste Local Plan Strategic Sites and Policies’ (Ref: 8.2) it was proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Simmons and: Resolved: (i) That the ‘Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Strategic Sites and Policies’ incorporating the modifications proposed by the inspector in his report, as set out at Appendix A to the report of the Chief Executive (Head of Policy and Performance)(Ref: 8.2)) be adopted Page 354 of 323 (ii) That the ‘Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Strategic Sites and Policies’ as identified at (i) above, be approved for inclusion in the Council’s Policy Framework. 14 CHANGE OF MEMBERSHIP ON HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD (REF: 9.1) Upon consideration of the report of the Chief Executive (Head of Policy and Performance) (Ref: 9.1) on the change in membership on the Health and Wellbeing Board it was proposed by Councillor Simmons, seconded by Councillor Ashraf and: Resolved: That Linda Hennigan be replaced with Dave Boyle as the representative of the Community Safety Executive on the Health and Wellbeing Board with immediate effect. 15 CHANGE OF MEMBERSHIP ON HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE REVIEW GROUP (REF: 9.2) Upon consideration of the report of the Chief Executive (Head of Policy and Performance) (Ref: 9.2) on the change in membership on the Scrutiny: Health and Social Care Review Group it was proposed by Councillor Simmons, seconded by Councillor Ashraf and: Resolved: That Councillor Zia be replaced with Councillor Tahir Malik as a Member of the Scrutiny: Health and Social Care Review Group with immediate effect. 16 BEDFORDSHIRE POLICE AND CRIME PANEL - ALLOWANCES (REF: 9.3) Upon consideration of the report of the Chief Executive (Head of Policy and Performance) (Ref: 9.3) on the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel - Allowances it was proposed by Councillor Saleem, seconded by Councillor Dolling and: Resolved: That Council note that no allowances would be payable to the Chair or any member of the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel from the Home Office funding available to meet Panel costs. (Note: Councillors Dolling and Saleem disclosed personal (but not prejudicial) interests in the above item insofar as they were Council appointed representatives to the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel and remained in the meeting, participating in the discussion and voting on the item). Page 365 of 323 17 AMENDMENT TO PART 7 (SCHEME OF DELEGATION TO OFFICERS (NON-EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS)) COUNCIL CONSTITUTION (REF: 10.1) Upon consideration of the report of the Head of Human Resources and Monitoring Officer (Ref: 10.1) it was proposed by Councillor Simmons, seconded by Councillor Ashraf and Resolved: (i) That Part 7 of the Council Constitution (Scheme of Delegation to Officers (Non-Executive Functions)) be amended as set out at Appendix A to the report (Ref: 10.1) with immediate effect; and (ii) that the Monitoring Officer be requested to make any necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution to give effect to (i) above. 18 APPOINTMENT TO THE VACANCY OF AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER OF STANDARDS COMMITTEE (REF: 10.2) Upon consideration of the report of the Head of Human Resources and Monitoring Officer (Ref: 10.2) it was proposed by Councillor Simmons, seconded by Councillor Shaw and Resolved: That Madeleine Williams be appointed as an Independent member of the Standards Committee, commencing on 22nd January 2014 for a four year term.
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