LEXICON VOLUME 2 Number 1, April 2013 Page 45 - 56 A STUDY ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MR. Willy WONKA That SET UP THE Stages OF THE GOLDEN TICKET CHILDREN IN ROALD DAHL’S CHARLIE AND Chocolate Factory Bawono Sudewo 1 Aris Munandar 2 INTISARI Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar hubungan antara pikiran alam bawah sadar manusia dan perilaku yang di tunjukkan dalam individu setiap karakter dalam novel Charlie and chocolate factory. Dalam novel tersebut, penulis menitik beratkan kepada tokoh anak – anak yang beruntung mendapatkan tiket emas, dan Mr. Willy Wonka sebagai pemilik pabrik coklat. Menurut Willbur S Scott dengan teori psychoanalysis-nya mengenai karakter fiksi (maya), mengata- kan bahwa kita dapat mengetahui lebih dalam tentang suatu pola yang menimbulkan motivasi sang karakter. Dengan demikian Teori yang di ciptakan oleh Scott dapat menjadi acuan dalam membantu menganalisis perilaku – perilaku yang terjadi pada tokoh – tokoh dalam novel Charlie and Chocolate Factory yang ditulis oleh Roald Dahl. Setelah melakukan beberapa tahap penelitian yang berdasar kepada teori Scott, di ketahui bahwa alam bawah sadar (anak – anak, dan Mr. Willy Wonka) memicu terjadinya perbuatan yang buruk yang mengakibatkan amereka dikeluarkan dari pabrik coklat ataupun yang baik, yang menjadikan Charlie sebagai pemenang. Kata kunci : karakter, fiksi, psikoanalysis, perilaku.kebiasaan ABSTRACT The goal of this graduating paper is to know how the unconsciousness minds and habits linking to each other. It discusses the mind that triggers characters behavior in the Charlie and Chocolate Factory. The writer focuses on the children who get the golden tickets and the owner of the Chocolate Factory (Mr. Willy Wonka). According to Willbur S Scott with his Psychoanalysis Theory on Fictitious Characters, he stated that we can look further about the pattern which motivates the character to express something. It helps the present writer to analyze deeper, by identifying the showed which were done by the children in Roald Dahl’s Charlie and Chocolate Factory. After carying out the research, it shows that their (the five lucky children and Mr. Willy Wonka) subcon- scious mind triggers bad action which expelled the children from the chocolate factory and good action which made Charlie the champion. Keywords: Fiction, characters, psychoanalysis, act, habits. INTRODUCTION groups; such as: short story, folklore, myth, Like in the E.M Forster’s book Aspects prose, novel, even poem can be categorize of the Novel (1956 p.27 - 28) The basic fun- as a story. Like another works, we will find damental of novel is storytelling, which can the imaginary things like setting, characters, be good or bad, it depends on the people who or maybe the story itself that sometimes oc- read it and commented on the work. Story has cur out of our mind, the reality. (E.M Forster come into our life long time ago, until now Aspects of the Novel (1956 p.80 – 82) He stat- we can categorized it into several aspects or ed that the fantasy is about change or replace 45 LEXICON, Volume 2, Number 1, April 2013 things, setting, characters and other elements small and undernourished, but also he is meek into something that did not really exist in the and he speaks only when he is spoken to. He real life, but those things those changes refer never asks for more than he is given. to the same meaning of the reality of life. It Roald Dahl, the author was Born in is interesting to read the fantasy story; we Llandaff, to Norwegian parents. He served in can see the different aspects of the subject (if the Royal Air Force during the Second World it is the subject) or it can be the setting, etc. War, in which he became a flying ace and in- That is why I read the novel in title Charlie telligence agent, rising to the rank of Wing and Chocolate Factory. Charlie and Choco- Commander. Dahl rose to prominence in the late Factory is one of the children’s British 1940s with works for both children and adults. Book which is written by Roald Dahl. It is a He has been referred to as “one of the greatest children and fantasy novel that published in storytellers for children of the 20th century. United States around 1964. “In 2008, Dahl was nominated and come up The United Nations Convention on the to the sixteenth on their list of “The 50 great- rights of the child has their own definition of est British writers since 1945”- The Times. child, “a human being below the age of 18 His short stories are known for their unex- years unless under the law applicable to the pected endings, and his children’s books for child, majority is attained earlier”. There is no their unsentimental, often very dark humor (is certain explanation about children literature, a type of humor that still manages to be funny but The Children Literature can be groupped in the face of, and in response to, a hopeless into several aspects and that is why it is called situation). Some of his notable works include as Children Literature, such as (1) The Nov- James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the el is written for children, and (2) The author Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr Fox, Matil- himself is a children or below 18 years old. da, The Witches, and The Big Friendly Giant. Charlie and Chocolate Factory, it tells Dahl’s children’s works are usually told about Mr. Wonka, with his eccentric behavior, from the point of view of a child. They typi- he also has a benevolent side. He is such a kind cally involve adult villains who hate and mis- man, and it can be seen in the novel that Mr. treat children, and feature at least one “good” Wonka helps some creature workers called adult to counteract the villain(s). These stock Oompa-Loompas, he look after the Oompa- characters are possibly a reference to the Loompas until they act as if Mr.Wonka is abuse that Dahl stated that he experienced in the father after all the experiences that hap- the boarding schools he attended. They usual- pened to the Oompa-Loompas. Furthermore, ly contain a lot of black humor and grotesque Mr. Wonka is unwilling to accept anyone’s scenarios, including gruesome violence. The foibles. He can be extremely demanding and Witches, George’s Marvellous Medicine and judgmental. Matilda are examples of this formula. The On the other hand, Charlie Bucket is BFG follows it in a more analogous way with the protagonist of Charlie and the Chocolate the good giant (the BFG or “Big Friendly Gi- Factory, and he is the embodiment of all that ant”) representing the “good adult” archetype is virtuous. He is deprived of adequate food, and the other giants being the “bad adults”. a bed, and any privacy. In spite of all this, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Dahl). he never complains, nor does he ever accept Psychoanalysis is a branch of psychol- charity from his family when it comes at their ogy dealing with unconscious mind. Ac- own expense. Charlie’s physical proportions cording to Scott, hidden instincts, memories, align with his personality, not only he quite ideas, and emotion that exist in all of us lay 46 A Study on the Characteristics of Mr. Willy Wonka That set up the Stages of the Golden Ticket Children in Roald Dahl’s Charlie and Chocolate Factory in the unconscious. This affects our thoughts in Freudianism and the Literary Mind, 1945, and emotion, and can be traced back to early and one can also note without difficulty the childhood. part of psychology has played in the writings The data used in this paper mostly are of May Sinclair, Joyce, Katherine Mansfield, gained from library research. It includes the Graham Greene, and Dylan Thomas. object of the analysis that need a close read- It was inevitable that critics as well as ing, also the references to support the idea. To creative writers should turn to the new field find Roald Dahl biography it is needed to do of knowledge for illumination. In general ac- internet research besides the library research. cording to Scott, the application of psycholog- This is done based on some reason. First, the ical knowledge to art can generate three kinds available libraries do not yet provide enough illumination; information about Roald Dahl. The second is (1) First, unconscious relation between writer to compare the information to get the most ap- and the reader. propriate information as references related to A particular and harmonious kind of re- the topic of the study. The third is to complete sponse in the audience, brought about by the the information because internet continually stimulus of a work of art. It also can seen in adds the available information. Kenneth Burke’s essay, “Antony in Behalf By doing those three approaches of of the Play”. In which this critic brilliantly gathering data, analysis of the Mr. Wonka and examines the unconscious relation between Charlie are tended to do in balance proportion writer and the reader between the real and imaginative facts. (2) Second, The connection between the writ- Most writers were acquainted with the er and the work ideas of Freud. A. A Bill had translated into Scott stated that there is a connection English Three Contribution to the Theory between the author and the works. The inter- of Sex in 1910, and in 1912, The Interpreta- pretation of the works can be look from the tion of Dreams. Also as early 1910, Dr. Er- author historical background, dream, uncon- nest Jones had published his first attempt to scious repression, and sometimes the personal interpret Hamlet from a Freudian point of problem of the author itself.
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