~OLYMPUS MACROPHOTO GROUP Although it escapes the realm of our normal quicker and easier to use t han any other system vision, a virtually unknown and unexplored as well. microcosm of photographical subject matter This booklet has been provided as a guide to surrounds us. lt is a fascinating realm that is at familiari ze the OM Photographer w ith t he basic once beautiful and bustI ing with activity. Those m acrophoto units in the sy stem and the overall who venture to explore it are afforded new per­ concept of the system itself. lt provides various spectives on the nature o f I ife itself. Not only do charts outlining the shooting combinations and they d iscover new ways of viewing flowers, in­ magnifications possible w ith the va rious acces­ sects and various other forms of life, but in the sories available so as to assist you in se lecting process of examining the basic structures of exactly the right combinations to meet your an imate and inanimate objects at close range, individual shooting needs. In addition, i t also they also uncover countless colorful and creative furnishes a variet y of related data on close-up and shapes they previously never knew existed. macro photography, from the bas ic principles of You the OM Photographer - whether wor king m acrophotography for the beginner to helpful with OM cameras - are blessed with a very hints on lighting and other macrophoto tech· special" option. At your disposal is one of t he niques which the experienced photographer w ill most extensive systems of macrophotography find useful as well. Be su re to keep the booklet ever developed. Comprised of an army of sophis­ nearby as ready reference each tim e you enter ticated and precision macrophoto units, this well­ t hat very special "Olympus World of Macro­ thought-out system not only offers you countless photography ." shooting combinations and possibilities, but is NOTE: The models names OM-4 and OM-2 in this manual also stand for the following models: OM-4 ... OM-4T, OM-4Ti OM-2 ... OM-25, OM-25/P, OM-2N ----------------! ------------ r:; TABLE OF CONTENTS • THE JOYS OF MACRO- • PRACTICAL MACROPHOTO PHOTOGRAPHY . 5 - 6 T ECHN IQUES . ... .. 23-24 • FEAT URES OF T H E OM SYSTEM · Flowers MACROPHOTO GROUP . 9·10 • Insects and Small Animals • THE BASIC PR INCIPLES OF · Still Life MACROPHOTOGRAPHY .... .. .. 11 - 14 • LIGHT ING T ECHNIQUES .. 25-26 • Basics of Close-ups, Macrophotography, and ·Convenient Lighting Sources Photomicrograpny ·Illumination with Electronic Flash T32 ·Magnification ··-· ·Illumination with T 10 Ring Flash 1 ·Magnification aiiti Exposure Factors • SELECTIN G MACRO LENSES . 29-3 1 ·Depth of Focus vs. Depth of Field • SE L ECTIN G FI NDER UNITS . 33· 34 • Focusing • SELECTIN G EXTENSION UNITS . 35- 37 • Exposure and Lighting • SELECT ING ELECTRONIC FLASH • COMBINATION OF SYSTEM UNITS UNITS ..................... 39-4 3 FOR CHOICE IN TERMS OF • SE LECTING STAN DS AND BASES ... 45-46 MAGNIFICATION . ............ 15·16 • SE L ECTING ILLUMIN ATORS .... 47-52 • SYSTEM UN IT COMBINATIONS . ... 17-20 • CHART OF MACROPHOTO GROUP . 53 • BASIC MACROPHOTO T ECHNIQUES .. 21-22 • CHART OF PHOTOGRAPH IC RANGES. 54 · Focusing • CHART OF FLASH PHOTO GROUP . 55 · A perture Setting • ZUIKO MEDICAL MACRO ..... 57 ·58 · The Decisive Moment · Quality Image Reproduction vs. Blur · The Advantages of Electronic F lash · Working w ith 3-Dimensional Subjects ------------------------------2------------------------------ The opportunities for the macrophoto­ grapher are virtually limitless. A snail with its young mak­ in g its way across a b right green leaf somehow seems to illustrate parental affection. 1 X. OM-2 with Zu ik o Macro SOmm F3.5 lens, Auto Extension Tube 25 and T32 E lectronic F lash , at f/8. (Photo by Kon Sasaki) Flowers are an end· less world of beauty and also make fasci· nating subject mat· ter at close range. A bright red rose w ith al l its integrate pat· terns and crimson hues seems to con· vey passion. 2X. OM·2 with Zuiko 1 : 1 Macro 80mm F4 and Telescopic Auto ·T ube 65- 116 at f/5.6. (Photo by Kazuto K ihara) rii THE JOYS OF MACROPHOTOGRAPHY • H int for Discovery of Macrophotographic Joys graphs in general photography are involved in Perhaps the old cliche, "a picture is worth a close-up and macrophotography as well. But, thousand words" best describes the fun-filled initially, such considerations are of little impor· world of macrophotography. The photographer tance. When you first enter the world of macro­ planning to enter this fascinating world should try photography, the important thing to remember is this: with a 3X or SX power magnifying glass in simply this: take as many and as wide a range of one hand, walk around and take a look at the photographs as possible. A few days later when objects 1n the world around you. At home, for you examine your sl ides or prints, you will soon example, examine various objects at close range discover which attempts were successful, and also -a watch, a pencil or pen, the prints on the pages where you fell short of achieving your goals. This of a book, flowers in a vase, cigarettes, matches, is t he best way to begin. and so forth. Then, take the magnifying glass out· Essentially t he basic criteria for judging a close· side and examine the seemingly endless number up o r macrophoto is the same as that for a photo of objects in the neighborhood as well - the bark you would take in the general photography range. of a tree, a blade of grass, insects busy in the yard lt is not enough that there is a certain beauty or of garden, even objects along the roadside such as rarity about the subject, or that you like it an insect wing, a piece of animal fur, or the rust personally. lt must also hold the viewer's interest, on an old sign. or have the capacity to move people in some The first thing which will amaze you on your way. In addition, many photographers feel that new adventure is the vast array of interesting and serious consideration should be given to compo­ fascinating objects that will appear before your sition as well. And, of course, the photograph magnifying glass. In fact, take it along with you must also exhibit that essential combination of on a hike, you will be further amazed at t he split-second timing and good judgement that myriad creations of nature that will make inter· culminates in "the decisive moment." But, as we esting subjec t matter. said above, you would be best to skip these However, simply because certain objects have an considerat ions at first and simply go out and intr iguing form or appear beautiful through a shoot. This is the surest way to discover the magnifying glass, it doesn't necessarily mean that fun-filled worl d of macrophotography, a realm they will photograph interestingly. Many of the full o f int rigue for people of all ages and from all elements involved in producing quality photo· walks of life. ------------------------5---------------------------------- • Improving Your Macrophoto Techniques constantly ask yourself what it is that makes When you photograph an object that you feel t hem successful as well as other pertinent ques­ will make good subject matter, also make it a tions about them. In t he process of learning to point to keep a record of the date you photo­ interpret the qualities that constitute a good graphed the object and other data concerning the photograph, you will also learn to apply this photo. This information will prove invaluable as a knowledge successfully to your own photographs. safeguard against failure when you take similar In addition, you will find yourself discovering photographs in the future. lt is also extremely new themes and ideas, and you will have also helpful to have your photographs critisized by a acquired many of the technical abilities needed to photographer more experienced than yourself. capture them skill fully on film. Practical criticism from a successful photographer Lastly, it should be emphasized that in order to is a sure shortcut to developing your own succes­ achieve full enjoyment in the field of close-up ful techniques. and macrophotography, it is important not to Books on close-up and macrophotography are hurry. In high-magnification work, more so than plentiful on the market today and it is helpful to in any other field of photography, the axiom read as many as possible. Another sure way to "haste makes waste" holds true. If you rush improvement, especially at first, is to imitate the things in the beginning you may find yourself work of others. In a field where trial and error giving up before you have mastered the basics. are initially the most important elements, work­ More than anything else in this field, remember ing over the successful techniques of others will to take time out to master the basics. Once you quickly show you the areas where you are have gained a solid foothold with this knowledge, weakest yourselt, and gradually lead you to you will progress in leaps and bounds. And, in improve on your own. the process, a whole new world of creative free­ In the beginning, do not be deceived by a mastery dom will be yours. (by Kon Sasaki) of the technical a,spects of macrophotography. In this field, a corollary to developing good tech­ nique is to develop the ability to "read" a photo­ graph, much in the same way you learned to read a book in the early days of school.
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