masaryk university faculty of law MASARYK university FACULTY of LAW coNtENtS MaSaRyK uNIVERSIty Faculty of Law ...................................................... 6 FACULTY of LAW History of the Faculty .......................................... 8 MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA PRÁVNICKÁ FAKULTA Formers of Legal theory František Weyr karel engliš study ................................................................. 10 master´s Degree Programme advanced master´s state examination Doctoral’s Degree Programme Bachelor´s Degree Programme Legal specializations Public Policy Follow-up master´s Degree Programme science and research ........................................ 14 internationalization scientific Conferences Library - information activities Professional Periodicals Project activities international Co-operation ................................ 16 internationalization of the Faculty e rasmus+ Programme m o b i l i t y a c t i v i t i e s masaryk university ............................................. 18 Faculties veveří 70 Other Departments and specialized units 611 80 Brno Czech republic Brno ................................................................... 20 Co-operating institutions phone: +420 549 491 211 fax: +420 541 210 604 Constitutional Court supreme Court e-mail: [email protected] supreme administrative Court web: www.law.muni.cz Office of the Public Defender of rights Portal for science and research supreme Public Prosecutor´s Office www.science.law.muni.cz faculty of law 6 | 7 In the Czech Republic, classic jurisprudence reflects the expectations of the society on the between east and west and north and south of is nurtured at Charles University in Prague, level of work and moral credit of their gradu- the continent and beyond. The Faculty, as part Masaryk University in Brno, Palacký University ates. of Masaryk University, identifies itself with the in Olomouc and the University of West Bohe- The Brno Faculty of Law, as the second University´s educational concept and seeks op- mia in Plzen, in total only at four faculties. Law oldest, carries the high repute of a school of portunities for its students to widen the horizons and legal science, therefore, rank among the few the First Czechoslovak Republic era and builds of their knowledge with findings from other dis- education programmes accredited exclusively on the heralded performance of its successors ciplines studied at the University and, simultane- to public universities. This exclusivity can be in the post-war period and later following its ously, allows the students of non-legal fields to a factual interpretation of the government au- rehabilitation in 1969. The Faculty, however, obtain knowledge of the law and legal science thorities being fully aware of the need for ab- does not keep itself to itself. It utilizes, in the within the framework of its own subjects or the solutely first-rate preparation of future lawyers maximum possible extent, all facilities of the subjects of student´s interests. from several perspectives. Namely, it is simply modern age and applies optimal innovative ele- The Faculty expends resources, within its not sufficient to be appeased by memorizing the ments in its scientific work and didactics so that means, towards modernising its facilities and, at legal enactments and the user´s approach to law. the graduates are prepared at the highest level the same time, sensibly respects and maintains High-quality legal education prerequisites deep- for entry into practice and are able to adapt, in the uniqueness of its historical building, which er insight into the legal culture, the evolution the shortest possible term, to the prevailing en- was supposed to be the initial step in the nev- of individual sectors of the law, the legislative vironment and the needs of their employer. This er-materialized first university campus in pre-war techniques, and correct interpretation and subse- is further ensured by wide ranging co-operation Czechoslovakia. The Faculty is gradually restor- quent application in practice, as well as compre- with professional workplaces, employers, for- ing the treasured architectural elements to their hensive understanding of the place of a law in mer students as well as international exchange original glory, which sustained damage pursuant the society and in the life a person. Concurrently, of experiences with partner faculties in several to insensitive interventions during the occupa- a lawyer must perceive a human being as such. countries within Europe and abroad. The high tion of Czechoslovakia and, above all, during the Under such criteria, legal education puts high status of the Faculty of Law of Masaryk Uni- times when it served the needs of the army. In emphasis on the close association between the versity is also supported by its location in Brno, all likelihood, the most extensive and technically didactics and legal science, and the practice of the capital of the judiciary. The Faculty uses its and financially most demanding project is the law that naturally assigns increasing demands on genius loci to the fullest extent and co-operates creation of probably the largest and state-of-the- the professional and moral qualities of the aca- with the very supreme judicial institutions. The art centre for legal information (not only in the demic as well as non-academic employees. Each Faculty is also fully aware of its convenient geo- Czech Republic) in place of the existing central faculty has its very own understanding of the graphical location, which is duly reflected when library, archives and, mainly, a non-conforming manner of addressing such criteria and views. organizing international scientific and student gymnasium (former fencing-room), which can This creates its unmistakable picture which also events where it fulfils the role of a vital bridge hardly fulfil their functions in the 21st century. FaCuLty OF La W History of the faculty 8 | 9 The Faculty of Law of Masaryk University was associated them also to economists headed by founded on 28 January 1919. The then Czech- Karel Engliš, who was present at the birth of oslovak National Assembly adopted the Act the Brno economic school. Engliš´s concept No. 50/1919 of Coll., by means of which the was accepted, e.g., by Jan Loevenstein. Outside second Czech university was established carry- the main Neo-Kantian stream, teaching was im- ing the name of T.G. Masaryk. One of the four parted by other important names at the Faculty, founding faculties was the very Faculty of Law, such as the law historian and constitutionalist which, together with the Faculty of Medicine, Bohumil Baxa, Josef Vacek known for oscillat- commenced teaching already in the academ- ing between comparative law science and legal ic year 1919/1920. At that time, however, the history, and the professor of administrative law Faculty of Law was located on 1 Antonínská and commercialist Rudolf Dominik. Further on, street in the building that is today the seat of the it would be inappropriate not to mention the law rector´s office of the Brno University of Tech- historian František Čáda or the advocate of pro- nology. František Weyr became the first dean of cessualism František Vážný. the newly founded Faculty who, as the leading representative of the renowned Brno normative František Weyr school, belongs among the historically most sig- (25. 04. 1879 — 29. 06. 1951) nificant persons of the Czech legal science. In František Weyr was born in Vienna; soon after- those times, the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk wards, however, in the post-war period he joined University ranked among the leading scientific activities for the benefit of the newly established institutions in the field of legal theory, jurispru- Czechoslovakia. In the period between 1918 and Karel Engliš, 1923 dence and legal philosophy, even on a world- 1920, Weyr was sitting in the Revolutionary na- of the first Czechoslovakian Republic, Karel wide scale. One of the most significant theorists tional assembly, was the dean of the Faculty of Engliš was ranked among the prominent char- of law of the 20th century, Hans Kelsen, drew Law of Masaryk University and was the head of acters of the Czechoslovakian political life. On a lot from the rich thought platform of the Brno the State Statistical Office and the State Statisti- 15 November 1918, together with writer Alois normative school. In 1932, the Faculty acquired cal Council. As a member of the constitutional Jirásek, he presented a proposal for establishing the impressive and characteristic red-brick facil- board, he was also in a position to influence the the second Czech university in Brno. This pro- ity located on 70 Veveří street. In autumn 1939, wording of the new constitution. Among his posal was, on 28 January 1919, accepted by the however, teaching was terminated and the build- academic activities worth mentioning are, above National Assembly. Subsequently, Engliš was ap- ing was handed over for use by the Gestapo. In all, his editorial contribution to the Dictionary pointed, hardly surprisingly, as the first rector of 1948, the activities of the Faculty of Law of the of the Czechoslovakian Public Law, which was the newly founded Masaryk University. Further, Masaryk University were successfully renewed published between 1929–1938 and 1945–1948 Karel Engliš had a crucial share in the monetary but the Faculty was abolished again as of 01Sep- and the international Revue Internationale de reform of the newly aborning Czechoslovakia tember 1950. Teaching was resumed, at last, in la Théorie du Droit. Above all, Weyr represents where he, in the long term, held the office of 1969 even though in the alternative premises of a legal theorist who is regarded as one of the the minister of finance and the governor of the Zelný trh in the centre of Brno. The Faculty re- leading representatives of normative legal the- Czechoslovakian National Bank. After 1948, he turned to its original premises only in 1990. ory and the founder of the so-called Brno nor- mative school. He himself considered normative was forced to leave the post of the rector of the legal theory as the only true science of law be- Charles University and retracted from public life.
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