Connections IIT Gandhinagar 2014-2015, Volume VII, Issue III ConnectionsConnections is the quarterly newsletter for friends of IIT Gandhinagar Jan - Mar 2015 Institute News IITGN FOUNDATION APPOINTS USAID SUPPORT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A Joint Declaration of Intent was signed on IIT Gandhinagar Founda- Jan 23, 2015, ahead of President Obama’s In- tion, a US-based charitable dia visit, between the Ministry of Human Re- trust, announced the appoint- source Development (MHRD) and the United ment of Mr Ravi Mistry as States Agency for International Development its first Executive Director. (USAID) for providing support to Indian In- Mr Mistry will primarily be responsible for stitutes of Technology. The declaration calls designing and managing the Foundation’s for intensifying collaborations in Research and worldwide capital campaign with primary fo- Development (R&D) and entrepreneurship and identifies IIT Gandhinagar as the initial IIT cus on the US. He will also serve as a liaison for support. A team of three USAID representatives, comprising Mr Mitch Kirby, senior between donors and IITGN on important education advisor; Dr Sheila E Desai, India senior science and technology advisor; and Dr initiatives supported by the donors. Mr Mis- Eric M Johnson, senior research economist with RTI International, visited IITGN on Feb try was previously a member of the founding 10, 2015 to assess institutional needs and discuss strategies with senior IITGN administrators. team of Virident Systems, a technology Their discussions covered a wide range of possible areas of support including strengthen- startup based in the Silicon Valley. ing research capabilities, student and faculty exchanges, leadership development, networking, communication strategies, and entrepreneurship. VISITS ACADEMIC ADVISORY COUNCIL The 4th Academic Advisory Council meeting was held on Jan 5, 2015. The agenda included improving faculty research productivity, sup- port for postgraduate students, moving to the permanent campus, and developing strategic relationships with foreign universities. • A delegation of four members from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and LEADERSHIP CONCLAVE th Technology visited IITGN during Jan The 5 Leadership Conclave was held on Jan 6, 2015 to guide the Institute in its short-term 16-17, 2015 to explore opportunities and long-term strategies. The conclave discussed ideas on fund raising initiatives by the Insti- of collaboration. Prof Tetsuo Asano, tute, engaging with professional bodies and organizations, and the creation of a research park President, JAIST said, “We are planning at IITGN’s permanent campus. to send a team of students to study at IITGN and also look at its interdisci- plinary studies.” Other members includ- ed Prof Hiroyuki Iida, Prof Shungo Kawanishi, and Prof Ryo Maezono. • Prof Luís Antero Reto, Rector, ISCTE, Univer- sity Institute of Lisbon visited the institute dur- ing Feb 15-20, 2015 to strengthen academic and research rela- tions between the two institutes. Faculty News AWARDS AND RECOGNITION • IIT Gandhinagar has been selected for Pratik Mutha, Biological Engineering. • Prof Anirban Dasgup- the prestigious Visvesvaraya PhD Fel- • Computational aero-elastic assess- ta has been selected for lowships in the areas of Electronic ment of transonic compressor rotor the Google Research System Design and Manufacturing, In- blades sponsored by Gas Turbine En- Award. The Google formation technology and IT-enabled abling Technology Initiative, Ministry Research Awards aim services. of Defense. Principal investigator: Prof to identify and support world-class, full- Murali Damodaran, Mechanical Engi- time faculty pursuing cutting-edge re- PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES neering. search in computer science, engineering The launch of Prof Rajmohan Gandhi’s and related fields. new book Prince of Gujarat: The Ex- CONSULTANCY PROJECTS • Prof Pratik Mutha traordinary Story of Prince Gopaldas De- • Understanding surface properties of has received the presti- sai (1887-1951), published by Aleph Book fine powders for DPI application for gious DBT - Wellcome Company was held on Jan 7, 2015. The book WOCKHARDT. Principal investigator: Trust Fellowship, an launch was accompanied by a conversation Prof Chinmay Ghoroi, Chemical En- early career award for between Prof Gandhi, Scholar-in-Residence gineering. mentoring Dr Neeraj Kumar, one of at IITGN and Mr Aakar Patel, writer and • Development of downscaled and the first two PhD students to have grad- columnist. bias corrected projection for columns uated from IITGN. in Nicaragua and Colombia for DTU • Prof Srinivas Reddy SPONSORED PROJECTS Management Engineering. Principal in- was invited to be the • Motor adaptation and skill learning vestigator: Prof Vimal Mishra, Civil Contributory Editor in in Parkinson’s disease sponsored by Engineering. Sanskrit for the literary Science and Engineering Research Board e-journal Muse India. (SERB). Principal investigator: Prof NEW FACULTY The following faculty joined IITGN during this quarter: Name Designation Discipline PhD/Last Degree Date of Joining Rosa Maria Perez Visiting Professor HSS ISCTE, Lisbon, 1992 01.01.15 Manuel Ramos Visiting Professor HSS ISCTE-IUL, 1995 01.01.15 Sudarshan K Bahl Visiting Professor Mechanical Engineering Santa Clara University, 1997 05.01.15 H B Hablani Visiting Professor Mechanical Engineering IISc Bangalore, 1978 05.01.15 Bhaskar Bhatt Adjunct Faculty Design NID Ahmedabad, 2003 08.01.15 Prof Amit Sheth Adjunct Faculty Design NID Ahmedabad, 1988 16.02.15 Ramesh Gaonkar Visiting Professor Electrical Engineering Syracuse University, 1975 04.03.15 SCHOLARS-IN-RESIDENCE Name Affiliation Date of Joining Rajmohan Gandhi Research Professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA 05.01.15 Marjorie Greene Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 04.02.15 Activities at IITGN SHORT COURSES/ WORKSHOPS/ PAneLS Ms Meenaskhi Kirtane, Psychothera- Dr Gordon Flockhart, University of • Short course on Fiber-reinforced Poly- pist and behavioural trainer, Jan 10-11, Strathclyde, Glasgow; Prof Bishnu Pal, mer Matrix Composite Materials by 2015. Ecole Mahindra, Hyderabad, Shri Arup Prof Rajendra Bordia, Clemson Uni- • Workshop on Adding Sustainability Banerjee, Space Applications Centre, versity, USA, Jan 5-16, 2015. to Engineering Courses by Prof Cliff ISRO, Ahmedabad. The event was coor- • Short course on Mechanics in Engi- Davidson, Syracuse University and Prof dinated by Prof Arup Lal Chakraborty. neering by Prof Chandrakant Desai, Ted Russell, Georgia Tech, Jan 14, 2015. • Short course on Soil-Structure Inter- Regents Professor Emeritus, University • Indo-UK Workshop on Photonics for action: Computer Applications and of Arizona & Distinguished Scholar-in- Health, Atmosphere, Safety and Edu- Material Models by Dr Chandrakant Residence, IITGN, Jan 6-13, 2015. cation (PHASE 2015) Jan 16-17, 2015. S Desai, University of Arizona; Prof • A self-development workshop on Be The speakers included Prof Walter Dhiman Basu, Prof Gaurav Srivas- Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken by Johnstone, Dr Michael Lengden and tava and Prof Amit Prashant, IITGN, Jan 19-23, 2015. by the IITGN Archaeological Science • Short course on Introduction to Com- • Short course on Entrepreneurship: Talk- Centre during Jan 30-Feb 1, 2015. The puter Networking by Dr Amit Saha, ing Sharp by Ms Rachel Shalom, Visiting inaugural and valedictory lectures were Cisco, March 14-15, 2015. Faculty, IITGN, Jan 20-Feb 3, 2015. delivered by eminent historians Dr Up- • Symposium on Mathematical and • One-day workshop titled Maritime Gu- inder Singh and Dr Nayanjot Lahiri, Computational Biology in association jarat and the Western Indian Ocean: University of Delhi. with National Network for Mathematical Cultural Routes Through Time in col- • Padayatricks, a brainstorming session and Computational Biology (NNMCB), laboration with Project Mausam, fea- centered on the ‘Pedestrian in the City’ Pune node, March 21-22, 2015. tured a keynote address by Prof Michael was organized by the Safety Center of • Short course on Intersections of Law Pearson, University of New South Wales, IITGN. On this occasion, Prof Manuel & Technology by Ms Kelly Dhru, Re- Australia, Jan 19, 2015. Ramos introduced his co-edited book, search Foundation for Governance in • Workshop on IP Awareness by Mr ‘The Walker and The City’ and discussed India (RFGI), March 21-22, 2015. Gouraj Yadav and Mr Ojas Sabnis, “A charter for pedestrians in the city”. • A workshop titled The Modern, the Hourglass Research, Mumbai, Jan 24, 2015. • Short course on Language Contact in Colonial, and Beyond included talks by • Short course on Dream Interpretation South Asia by Dr Hugo C Cardoso, Dr Pooja Sancheti and Dr Aditi Deo, by Prof Frederick Coolidge, Scholar- University of Lisbon, Feb 14-15, 2015. IISER Pune, March 27, 2015. in-Residence, IITGN, Jan 24-25, 2015. • Short course on Vector Spaces and Ap- • Short course on Social Entrepreneur- • Short course on Electron Microscopy plications by Prof Ravi Banavar, IIT ship by Mr Ketan Deshpande and Mr by Prof T Ramachandran, formerly Bombay, Feb 19-20, 2015. Santosh Huralikoppi, FUEL, March 28- with IIT Kanpur, Jan 28-Feb 10, 2015. • Workshop on Variational Analysis and 29, 2015. • Workshop on the History and Archae- Optimization organized by Prof Jag- ology of Ancient India was organized mohan Tyagi, March 2-8, 2015. Reporting the other India by Mr Jaideep Har- • LECTURES dikar, The Telegraph, Jan 23, 2015. Wide bandgap (WBG) power electronics by Dr • • Urdu calligraphy by Prof
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