MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW JANUARY 2013 ISSUE No. 302 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 18 MILLPIT FURLONG, LITTLEPORT, ELY, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB6 1HT E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2013) UK £40 EUROPE £55 ELSEWHERE £60 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “www.mar.co.uk” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL Welcome to the first issue of Military Aviation Review for 2013! Despite Mick and myself both going down with a very unpleasant bug during the holidays (as well as half the population of the UK it would seem) we have succeeded in bringing out the new issue on schedule. Mick has produced his first UK Review and has managed to introduce some welcome changes into the format. The February issue of Military Aviation Review will include the 2012 Index - although those who take the PDF version will also be able to download it from the Web Site as a PDF with tje January MAR. As detailed in the last MARs of 2012, the 2012 PDFs have been renoved from the MAR web site on January 14th and the 2012 vserions of @MAR will also be removed on January 30th - leaving just the 2013 issues to download. For those taking the Paper version of MAR most of you will be aware that the subscription also includes a Free PDF version of MAR. If you are not already using this facility and would like to be able to download the MAR PDF version, please email me at [email protected] stating which email address you wish to use to download it and I will set up the procedure for you.. Finally, a plea for more photos to be sent in for possible use in MAR - please send JPEGS with a minimum size of 15x10cm and a dpi resolution of 300 dpi. Although we still only normally ise only 4 images per issue of MAR, we can use as many photos as we wish in the PDF version of the magazine! COVER PHOTOGRAPH: GAF JG74 Typhoon 30+48 in a striking 50th Anniversary scheme at Neuburg on January 2nd 2013 (Dietmar Fenners) Closing date for the February issue is 08.02.13 Brian Pickering 14.01.13 2 BRITISH REVIEW A belated Happy New Year to all readers, hopefully 2013 will deliver some interesting visitor for you. In this edition you will find the UK Review; I hope it is what you need as this is my first time writing the article. So far this year has not started very well for the RAF, with the wheel up landing of Tucano T.1 ZF349 at Linton-on-Ouse and on 08.01 and Tutor G-CGKC of 45(R) Sqn D Flt, Cranwell made an emergency landing on 09.01, thankfully nobody has been injured, but as a result of the last incident all Tutors are grounded for the foreseeable future..... Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) ALDERGROVE 665 Sqn Gazelle AH.1 XX405 has transferred from 665 Sqn Aldergrove to 667 Sqn Middle Wallop BELFAST CITY AIRPORT- Military visitors noted on December 20th : - ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “KRF10” and ZR323 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn “KRF12”. RAF BENSON Residents notes 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ130/O previously with the MDMF Culdrose returned to 28/78 Sqn Benson on 07.12 ZJ131/P previously with 1419 Flt, Camp Bastion, Afghanistan returned to 28/78 Sqn Benson on 03.12 ZJ992/AB previously with 28/78 Sqn Benson to MDMF Culdrose on 29/11 ZJ995/AD previously with the MDMF Culdrose returned to 28/78 Sqn Benson on 29.11 BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT- Military visitors noted during December: - 02 ZE705 Tristar C.2 216 Sqn “RRR3246” n/s 05 ZK460/U King Air 200GT 45(R) Sqn “CWL86”* ZZ175 Globemaster III 99 Sqn n/s 09 ZH886/886 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn* 05 ZH903/HR Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “Vortex543” BIGGIN HILL - Military visitor noted on November 20th: - 023 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr “PLF034” BOURNEMOUTH HURN AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during December: - (With thanks to BAEG) 03 ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH12”* 10 ZJ120/D Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF310”* ZF622 PA.31-350 QinetiQ “Gauntlet58”* ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NHT40”* 04 ZH898 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “SHF796”* ZD574/DB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF406”* ZK453/M King Air 200 QinetiQ “Tester71”* ZH880/880 Hercules C.5 24/30 Sqn “RRR509” 05 77 Xingu FrN 28 Flottille “FNY5025” 12 ZH901 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “SHF552”* ZF510/510 Tucano T.1 ETPS “Gauntlet55”* 13 ZD574/DB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF573”* ZJ998/AE Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF717”* ZA683/AK Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF406”* 23085 C-146A/Do328 D-COSA (for USAF) 17 ZA680/AH Chinook HC.4 VAHS “F03”* 06 165/62-IT CN-235-200M FrAF “ET 01.062” CTM2045” 18 ZF124/L Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger934”* ZJ992/AB Merlin HC.3A 28/78 Sqn “SHF385”* 19 ZK451/K King Air 200 ETPS “Tester71” 10 ZH877/877 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn “RRR201” 27 ZE701 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NHT17”* XS606 Andover C.1 previously in store at QinetiQ Boscombe Down has been sold and was flown to Bournemouth-Hurn Airport on 19.12 as “Tester76”. It was towed into Airbourne Colours hangar where all military markings were removed. It is due to depart on 15.01 to Africa for Humanitarian aid for the United Nations. ZK451/K King Air 200 arrived as “Tester71” to return the Andover crew back to Boscombe Down. (ZZ331/G-VYGB) MRTT018 Voyager was test flown during 10 and 11.12 with Cobham Air Services; it was then flown on 19.12 to Brize Norton for AirTanker. BOSCOMBE DOWN ZH763 BAC 1-11 Srs 539GL was withdrawn from use on 21.12.2012 is now stored here XV666/21 Sea King HU.5SAR previously on trials with QinetiQ has now flown to VAHS Fleetlands for overhaul BRISTOL FILTON AIRPORT- Military visitors noted : - November 18 ZJ242/E Griffin HT.1 60(R) Sqn “SYS117” 29 ZH897 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “Vortex 552” TW501 Auster AOP5 Private G-ALBJ 30 F-WWMZ A400M Airbus “AIB94MZ RR232 Spitfire HFXIF Private G-BRSF /95MZ” Pleasure flights for Airbus employees WK512/A Chipmunk T.10 Private G-BXIM* December W9385/YG-L Hornet Moth Private G-ADND 10 ZA670 Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “Vortex 573” 3 That I am sad to report is the last movements for this very old historic airfield. First opened during 1910 and operated by the British & Colonial Aeroplane Company and is where thousands of the Bristol Fighters were built for the Royal Flying Corps during World War 1. Another historic aircraft built here was the Bristol Brabazon which first took to the sky on 04/09/1949 and sadly scrapped during 1953. Another historic event was the first flight of Concorde 002 which took place on 09/04/1969 from here, and sadly the very last Concorde 216 G-BOAF flight was to fly here on 26/11/2003 for preservation. Another end to a great part of British Aviation History gone for ever. RAF BRIZE NORTON- Military visitors noted during December: - 04 5629 C-130J-30 RNorAF335 Skv“NOW335H” 21 A41-206 C-17A RAAF 36 Sqn “ASY837” 06 166714 UC-35D VMR-1 “VM714” n/s dep 23rd 08 91-003 Gulfstream 4 THK “TuAF204” dep 10th 26 ZD621 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1510” 14 ZH004 Defender T.3 651 Sqn “AAC598” 28 01-0195 C-17A 437/315 AW “RCH368” ZH005 Defender AL.2 651 Sqn “AAC599” 30 A39-005 A330MRTT RAAF “ASY828” n/s 16 CH-10 C-130H BAF 15 Wing “BAF641/3” CH-13 C-130H BAF 15 Wg “BAF646/7” 19 KAF323 L-100-30 Kuwait AF “KAF3215” dep 21st Residents notes 24/30 Sqn Hercules C.4/C.5 ZH872/872 returned from Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge on 18.12 following maintenance ZH873/873 departed to Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge on 20.12 for maintenance ZH874/874 departed to Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge on 07.12 for maintenance ZH875/875 departed to Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge on 18.12 for maintenance CAMBRIDGE AIRPORT- Additional Military visitors noted : - October 92-0375 C-20H 86 AW 76A S “Spar70” n/s 04 CM-01 Falcon 20 BAF 15 Wg “BAF617” 02 5699 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335Skv “Now335H” A6-HEH B-737-800 Dubai AW 06 ZK206/A Bell 212 AH.2 25 Flt 10 G-273 C-130H KLu 336 Sqn 13 ZR323 A109E 32(TR) Sqn 12 XX204/204 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn * 16 B-538 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk721 XX278 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn * 18 A6-HEH B-737-800 Dubai AW 14 ZF269/269 Tucano T.1 1 FTS “Stingray”* 19 V-11 Gulfstream IV KLu 334 Sqn XX278 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn * December ZA947 Dakota C.3 BoBMF* 05 ZF622 Navajo QinetiQ November 15 XW291 Jet Provost Private G-BWOF 01 A6-HEH B-737-800 Dubai AW 16 ZH536 Islander CC.2 Northolt St Flt “RR7943” G-273 C-130H-30 KLu 336 Sqn Marshall Aerospace Arrivals 14 8T-CA C-130K Austrian AF LTSt October December 08 G-988 C-130H KLu 336 Sqn “NAF32” 03 84008/848 Tp-84 SwAF F7 5607 C-130J-30 RNorAF 335Skv “Now335C” “SwedeForce826” 12 503 C-130H RAFO 16 Sqn 05 B-537 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk721 19 84008/848 Tp-84 Swedish AF F7 “SVF826” 07 ZH874/874 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn November 18 ZH875/875 Hercules C.4 24/30 Sqn
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