MAY G138S Bushman's bash OF WYOMING Students burned during SAE party BY AGNES KUBIK the burned skin, Monday at the Burn Unit Bl Editor of Northern Colorado Medical Center in Greeley, Colo. Two UW students were seriously burn­ Both men were listed in good condition ed Friday night during a Sigma Alpha Monday and the surgeries were describ­ Epsilon party at the Laramie City Dump. ed as "successful" by the father of one of Brad Bonner, 21, and Carey Under­ the men. They are expected to be releas­ wood, 22, sustained first and second- ed from the hospital early next week. degree burns after they each tripped and The accidents happened during a part fell while running across hot coals at the of SAE's Bushmen's Week, an annual party, according to Lt. Mike Sexton of celebration held by that fraternity. Ac­ the Laramie Police Department. cording to Sexton, the accidents, which Bonner, BI managing news editor and occurred between 11 p.m. and midnight, an SAE member, burned both hands and were not reported to the police. knees. Underwood, not an SAE member, But Sexton said he heard rumors burned both hands and forearms. They Saturday that people may have been each underwent debreathement surgery, pushed into the fire and decided to in- which involves cleansing and removing (cont. on page 8) • BRAD BONNER CAREY UNDERWOOD Graduation lans altered Part IV BY CLIFF JACOBSON University's three highest awards. Hansen Bl reporter was named a Distinguished Almnus, was Senate to assess evaluation awarded an Honorary Doctor of Law degree Former Wyoming governor and U.S. and was presented the Medallion Service BY LINDA McCORMICK "I do think there needs to be some kind Senator Clifford Hansen will speak at UW's Award from the UW Alumni Association. Bl Writer of standardized form — and a central col­ 1986 Com mencement exercises. Jamieson said, "With the long history of lection agency which can set evaluations Hansen replaces William Bennett, U.S. service to Wyoming and the nation that In response to student discontent about up according to department," he said.B Secretary of Education, who backed down Senator Hansen has on his record,I am sure professor evaluations, the ASUW govern­ as the featured speaker because of "difficult he will provide the graduates with an ment plans to become involved with the travel arrangements and other scheduling outstanding commencement message." evaluation system next year, according Index problems." UW's centennial commencement exer­ to Jim DeLozier, ASUW vice president Rich Jamieson, 1986-87 ASUW president, cises will be held at the Arena-Auditorium for 1986-87. said, "We are disappointed that a conflict in Sunday, May 18 at 1 p.m.B "You fill out an evaluation and you Moving 3 Secretary Bennett's schedule has forced have to wonder if it makes a difference — him to withdraw as UW's commencement students are not informed about what speaker. It is very good news, however, that happens and they should be," he said. Opinions 4 Senator Cliff Hansen has graciously con­ DeLozier said there has been a lot of Griffin drafted. .5 sented to speak to our graduating class on student discussion about teacher evalua­ this historic occasion of the University's tions in the past two or three years, but WAC win 5 centennial." the only way it will change is to get in­ Hansen has a long history of public ser­ volved. Asst. named... .8 vice to Wyoming and the nation. He said the student attitude that a He served as UW Board of Trustees presi­ teacher with tenure can't be affected by dent from 1955 to 1963. student evaluations reflecting poor per­ Following his work with the trustees, formance may be true to an extent. Hansen was elected governor of Wyoming Today's Quip and served until 1967. "However, from my own personal ex­ In addition, Hansen was elected to the perience with some teachers who have "Everybody talks about the tenure, they have made changes accor­ U.S. Senate in 1966. He served as a commit­ weather, but nobody does tee member on the Government Operations, ding to evaluations," DeLozier said. Commerce, Energy and Natural Resources, Flexible student evaluations would be anything about it." — Finance and Veterans' Affairs committees fine if they were used to gauge faculty Charles Dudley Warner and the Joint Committee on Taxation. merit, according to DeLozier. Hansen was a U.S. Senator for two terms. He is also the only person to receive the CUFF HANSEN 2/The Branding Iron May 6, 1986 NE^JS 3^F5 thousands of Soviet citizens "are hungry The deaths of Green River resident motorcyclist, whose name was withheld Tuition made easy to know about Christ and about God." Alan Kokkola, Gillette resident Cecelia pending the notification of his relatives, CASPER (AP) — C asper College will Graham, 67, said more than 630 a rea Ostedt, Phillip Parker of Corpus Christi, was killed Friday evening when his ease its tuition and boarding payments churches participated in bringing the Texas, and an unidentified motorcyclist motorcycle collided head-on with a jeep. into less expensive, monthly in­ Graham tour to the nation's capitol, his on Friday and Saturday raised Wyom­ stallments, hoping to increase enroll­ first here since 1960. A total of 150,000 ing's highway death toll to 33, compared Short circuit blamed ment during rough economic times, ac­ people attended the crusade's nightly to 29 at this time in 1965. cording to the school's president. events, said Larry Ross, a spokesman for According to highway patrol reports, CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - The Enrollment is down 3 percent at the the event. Parker and Kokkola were killed instantly main engine forced the destruction of an college this year. when their cars collided head-on early unmanned Delta rocket was apparently The new plan, called the Casper Col­ Soviets acknowledge Saturday morning on Wyoming Highway caused by a short circuit, the manufac­ lege Alternative Payment Plan, will 372 in southwestern Wyoming. turer's president said Monday. allow students to pay for a year's tuition, MOSCOW (AP) — T he Soviet govern­ According to reports, Parker 30, was John Yardley, a former top NASA of­ students fees, room and board, in ten ment on Monday acknowledged for the driving his vehicle northbound on the ficial, told reporters that engineers for monthly installments instead of two first time that radioactivity from the highway and Kokkola, 26, was traveling his company, McDonnell-Douglas lump payments at the beginning of each Chernobyl nuclear plant accident has southbound. A patrol spokeswoman said Astronautics Inc., "think there was some semester. spread beyond the evacuated 16-mile Kokkola's vehicle moved into the north­ sort of electric short on the engine." "Since the regional economy is pretty zone around the devastated facility. bound lane, striking Parker's automobile He said it appears the problem trig­ tough right now and it's very difficult to The April 26 accident — which the head-on. gered the engine shutdown 71 seconds meet many expenses, we are trying to Soviets say killed two people, but U.S. of­ Ostedt, 36, died Friday after she fell after liftoff that caused the rocket to veer develop a plan of payment which will ficials say caused many more fatalities from the back of a mortorcycle and was out of control and begin breaking up. A make it a little easier for individuals to — se nt a cloud of radiation over much of struck by a pickup on U.S. Highway 14 range safety officer destroyed the rocket pay for these college expenses," said Europe. about 10 miles east of Sheridan. 26 seconds later, 91 seconds after launch. Lloyd Loftin, college president. In a four-paragraph statement According to patrol reports, Ostedt distributed by the official news agency was a passenger on a motorcycle driven Evangelist has hope Tass, the Council of Ministers said a by Randall Thilmony, 31, of Montana, Sand castle wedding clean-up operation was under way at the that was traveling westbound on U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) - Evangelist No.l reactor and that there was radiation Highway 14. TREASURE ISLAND, Fla. (AP) - Billy Graham says he hopes that God in both the Ukranian and Byelorussian Ostedt fell off the motorcycle and Judi Allard and Pete Hunt hope their might bring many Soviet citizens to faith republics. struck her head on the road, the patrol wedding lasts longer than the place as a result of last week's disaster at the "The emission of radioactive said. The spokeswoman added Charles •where the ceremony took place — a five- Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the substances continues to decrease," the Floate, 37, driving his pickup westbound story castle built with 35,060 tons of sand. Ukraine. statement said, adding that workers on the highway behind the motorcycle, The wedding Saturday on "The Lost Ci­ Graham, winding up an eight-day were building up the banks of the adja­ tried to avoid striking the woman with ty of Atlantis" drew dozens of uninvited crusade Sunday, told 31,000 people at cent Pripyat river "to prevent its possi­ his vehicle but was unable to do so. guests, who watched from behind a fence Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, ble contamination." Ostedt died at Sheridan County and a moat surrounding the temporary "Throughout the week I have been in Memorial Hospital. The spokeswoman structure billed the "World's Largest continual prayer for those people that said officials have not determined if the Sand Castle." are going to suffer, that God might bring Four die in accidents woman's death was the result of injuries The crowd cheered, and several people many to faith as a result of this CHEYENNE (AP) — F our people, in­ she received when she fell from the called for a pose from the bride and disaster." cluding a Texas man, have died in ac­ motorcycle or when she was struck by groom as they stood atop the 56-foot-high Graham, who has toured the Soviet cidents on Wyoming roads, the Wyoming the pickup.
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