INDEX trees, plants, flowers, fruits: apple, as wedding, ceremonial removal of veil 148 love-token 164; artichoke 66; fig werewolf 446 99; fig-tree, parable of 149; wind: rarely 'winged' in Greek poetry frankincense-wood 540; grapes 554, 365; 'Apy&rnis 417, Aiy 417; see also death for stealing 530; mushroom Zephyr 156; olive 69, propagation of 354, wings, see wind planted close to vines 369; vine 524; wild-pear and cultivated pear 35, Xanthippe, wife of Socrates 126, 163 523; wyte 382 Xanthippe, great-grand daughter of Troilos, epigrammatist 115 Periander 251-2 Troy, epigram on 559-60 * Xenocritus of Rhodes 1 o 1 Trypho, on 'Transposition' 264-6 *Tryphon 99 •Zelotus 103 Zenobius, epigrammatist 115 Valerius Flaccus, on Alcon 54 Zephyr: temple of 150; favourable for verbatim copying from earlier epigram or winnowing 150 inscription 57, 198 Zeus: Eleutherios 485, altar dedicated to Vespasian 531 at Plataea 211-13; Kasios 561-3; Virgil, possibly translates phrase from Lycaeus, human sacrifice to 446; epigram of' Plato' 174 Na(i)os, at Dodona 450; Ourios voice, middle for active 29, 55, 99, 368, 375; loves of 315, 539; metamor- 37<>> 554 phoses of 370-1; = rain 44; cult of Roman emperors as 485-6, 536 walls, of Athens 406-7 *Zeuxis 103; authenticity of epigram weapons: shield, elaborate 71, lost by ascribed to 130; and Parrhasius Archilochus 147, saves soldier from 75-6, 103-4 drowning 107, 507; sword 56-7; •Zosimus of Thasos 104 see also thyrsus C. INDEX OF SOURCES (NB Where an epigram has more than one source only the first is named, except that references to A.P. and A. Plan, are complete.) A.P. 5.101 anon, vi 317 (a) The Palatine Anthology A.P. 5.159 'Simonides' LX 283 A.P.5.n anon, vn 317 A.P. 6.1 'Plato' vm 167 AP.5.17 Gaetulicus 1 5i A.P. 6.2 ' Simonides' xix 218 A.P. 5.25 anon, n 313 A.P. 6.11 Satyrius 88 A.P. 5.29 Cillactor 114 A.P. 6.15 Zosimus of Thasos or A.P. 5.45 Cillactor 114 Antipater of Sidon 105 A.P. 5.49 Gallus 1 60 A.P. 6.21 anon, xvm 325 A.P. 5.51 anon, vm 318 A.P. 6.23 anon, xvn 323 A.P. 5.64 anon, in 3H A.P. 6.37 anon, LXXVII 381 A.P. 5.67 Capito 34 A.P. 6.43 'Plato' xxi 178 A.P. 5.78 'Plato'm 162 A.P. 6.50 'Simonides' xv 212 A.P. 5.79 'Plato' iv 163 A.P. 6.52 'Simonides' LXI 283 A.P. 5.80 'Plato' v 164 A.P. 6.53 ' Bacchylides' 1 150 A.P. 5.81 Dionysius Sophista 1 44 A.P. 6.133 'Archilochus' 11 148 A.P. 5.82 Dionysius Sophista 11 45 A.P. 6.134 'Anacreon' v 138 A.P. 5.83 anon, ix 319 A.P. 6.135 'Anacreon' vi 138 A.P. 5.84 anon, x 320 A.P. 6.136 'Anacreon' VII 139 A.P. 5.90 anon, xi 320 A.P. 6.137 'Anacreon' vm i39 A.P. 5.91 anon, XII 320 A.P. 6.138 'Anacreon' ix 140 A.P. 5.94 anon, xm 321 A.P. 6.139 'Anacreon' x 140 A.P. 5.100 anon. 1 312 A.P. 6.140 'Anacreon' xi 141 591 INDEX A.P. 6.141 'Anacreon' xn 141 A.P. 7-25 'Simonides' LXVII 288 A.P. 6.142 'Anacreon' xm 142 A.P. 7.28 anon, xxxv (a) 340 A.P. 6.143 'Anacreon' xiv 143 A.P. 7.41 anon, XLIII 35° A.P. 6.144 'Anacreon' xv 145 A.P. 743 'Ion' 1 158 A.P. 6.145 'Anacreon' xvi 146 A.P. 7.44 'Ion'11 158 A.P. 6.165 Flaccus? 47 A.P. 7-45 ' Thucyd'. or' Timoth'. 307 ^.P. 6.169 anon, xix 326 A.P. 7.46 anon, xxxvn 343 AP. 6.170 Thyillus 1 96 A.P. 7-50 Archimedes 1 24 A.P. 6.172 anon, xx 327 A.P. 7-52 Demiurgus 38 AP. 6.182 Alexander Magnes 1 5 A.P. 7.61 'Speusippus' 1 (a) 305 A.P. 6.183 Zosimus 11 105 A.P. 7.71 Gaetulicus iv 55 AP. 6.184 Zosimus in 106 A.P. 7.72 Menander 71 ^.P. 6.185 Zosimus iv 106 A.P. 7-77 'Simonides' LXXXV 300 A.P. 6.190 Gaetulicus 11 53 A.P. 7-99 'Plato' x 169 AP. 6.191 Cornelius Longus 1 67 A.P. 7.100 'Plato'vi 165 A.P. 6.197 'Simonides' xvn (a) 217 A.P. 7-125 anon, xxxv (b) 340 ^.P. 6.212 'Simonides' LXII 285 A.P. Aceratus 1 3 AP. 6.213 7.138 'Simonides' xxvn 241 A.P. 7-139 anon, XL 347 A.P. 6.214 'Simonides' xxxiv 250 A.P. 7-154 anon, LXXXVII 390 AP. 6.215 'Simonides' xm 206 A.P. 7.160 'Anacreon' 11 135 A.P. 6.217 'Simonides' LIX 282 A.P. 7.169 anon, LXVIII 372 AP. 6.269 'Sappho'1 183 A.P. 7.177 'Simonides' LXXXVI 301 AP. 6.313 'Bacchylides' 11 A.P. anon, xxv 332 ^[.P. 6.314 7-179 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.181 Andronicus 1 10 Heraclea 1 544 A.P. 7.223 Thyillus 11 96 AP. 6.315 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.226 'Anacreon' 134 Heraclea 11 544 A.P. 7.244 Gaetulicus v 57 A.P. 6.316 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.248 'Simonides' xxn (a) 234 Heraclea 111 544 A.P. 7-249 'Simonides' xxn (b) 234 AP. 6.317 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.250 'Simonides' XII 205 Heraclea iv 544 A.P. 7-251 'Simonides' ix 199 AP. 6.318 Nicodemus of A.P. 7-253 'Simonides' vm 199 Heraclea v 545 A.P. 7-254 'Simonides' xux 275 A.P. 6.319 Nicodemus of A.P. 7-2541 'Simonides' LXXVIII 297 Heraclea vi 545 A.P. 7-255 'Aeschylus' 1 130 i4.P. 6.320 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.256 'Plato' XII 173 Heraclea vn 545 A.P. 7-257 'Simonides' xvm 218 A.P. 6.321 Leonides 1 514 A.P. 7.258 'Simonides' XLVI 271 AP. 6.322 Leonides 11 515 A.P. 7.259 'Plato' xi 172 AP. 6.323 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.263 'Anacreon' m 135 Heraclea vm 545 A.P. 7.265 'Plato' xix 177 A.P. 6.324 Leonides 111 516 A.P. 7.268 'Plato' xvm 176 ^.P. 6.325 Leonides iv A.P. 7.269 'Plato' xx 177 A.P. 6.326 Leonides v 5 A.P. 7.270 'Simonides' LXXVI (a) 296 AP. 6.327 Leonides vi 518 A.P. 7-275 Gaetulicus vi 57 J.P. 6.328 Leonides vn 518 A.P. 7-279 anon, LIII 358 A.P. 6.329 Leonides vm 519 A.P. 7.291 Xenocritus of AP. 6.331 Gaetulicus m 54 Rhodes 1 101 A.P. 6.332 Hadrian 1 562 A.P. 7.300 'Simonides' LXXIII 293 AP. 6.341 'Simonides' iv 194 A.P. 7.301 'Simonides' vn 197 AP. 6.343 'Simonides' m 192 A.P. 7.302 'Simonides' LXXVII 296 A.P. 6.346 'Anacreon' iv 137 A.P. 7-304 Pisander 81 AP. 7.26 anon, xxx 335 A.P. 7.306 anon, xxvm 334 A.P. 7.10 anon, xxxi 335 A.P. 7.312 Asinius Quadratus 87 AP. 7.12 anon, xxxix 346 A.P. 7-3I4 Ptolemaeus 11 114 AP. 7.20 'Simonides' LI 277 A.P. 7.321 anon, XLVII 353 A.P. 7.24 'Simonides' LXVI 288 A.P. 7-323 anon.L 356 592 INDEX A.P. 7.324 anon, xxvn 333 A.P. 9.39 'Plato vm 166 A.P. 7.329 anon, LI 357 A.P. 9.40 Zosimus of Thasos v 107 A.P. 7.336 anon, XLIX 355 A.P. 9.42 Leonides xvi 523 A.P. 7.344 ' Simonides' LXXXIII 299 A.P. 9.47 anon, LXVI 37O A.P. 7.347 'Simonides' x 201 A.P. 9.48 anon, LXVII 371 A.P. 7.348 Simonides' xxxvn 253 A.P. 9.51 'Plato' xv *74 AP. 7.350 anon, LII 357 A.P. 9.53 Nicodemus of A.P. 7.354 Gaetulicus vn 59 Heraclea ix 545 AP. 7.356 anon, xxix 334 A.P. 9.61 anon, LXV 369 AP. 7.416 anon, XLV 35i A.P. 9.65 anon, xxn 329 A.P. 7431 * Simonides' LXV 287 A.P. 9.67 anon, LVH 361 AP. 7.441 'Archilochus' 111 148 A.P. 9.68 anon, LXXXIX 392 A.P. 7.442 * Simonides' LIV 280 A.P. 9.74 anon, XLVIII 354 AP. 7.443 Simonides' XLVII 273 A.P. 9.78 Leonides XVII 523 AP. 7.489 'Sappho' 11 185 A.P. 9.79 Leonides xvm 524 A.P. 7.496 'Simonides' LXVIII 290 A.P. 9.80 Leonides xix 525 ^.P. 7.505 'Sappho' m 186 A.P. 9.105 anon, LX 364 A.P. 7.507* Alexander 1 4 A.P. 9.106 Leonides XL 539 AP. 7.507* 'Simonides' LXXXI 298 A.P. 9.123 Leonides xx 525 4.P. 7.508 'Empedocles' 1 153 A.P. 9.130 anon, LXIV 369 A.P. 7.509 'Simonides' LXXXII 298 A.P. 9.131 anon, LIX 363 AP. 7.510 'Simonides' LXXII 293 A.P. 9.137 Hadrian HI 564 A.P.
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