July 29, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1407 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FAREWELL TO CONGRESSMAN Mr. HALL and the Hunger Committee received people in all seasons and form a rich legacy TONY P. HALL the 1992 Silver World Food Day Medal from for generations to come. the Food and Agriculture Organization of the PRELUDE: SPEECH OF United Nations. Mr. HALL is a recipient of the Mrs. Judy Snopek, Pianist. INVOCATION: HON. RUSH D. HOLT United States Committee for UNICEF 1995 The Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin, Chap- OF NEW JERSEY Children’s Legislative Advocate Award, U.S. lain, United States House of Representa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AID Presidential End Hunger Award, 1992 tives. Oxfam America Partners Award, Bread for the REVEREND COUGHLIN: Members and Thursday, July 25, 2002 World Distinguished Service Against Hunger staff and friends, today we gather to remem- Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, today I am both Award, and NCAA Silver Anniversary Award. ber, memorialize and celebrate the life and Despite the number of awards he has won, service of Dr. James David Ford as Chaplain pleased and saddened to be in a position to to the House of Representatives for over 21 present these remarks about TONY HALL. TONY HALL’s impact can be felt not by the years. I wish also to acknowledge the Parlia- Pleased because I have had the opportunity to number of plaques and awards in his office, mentarian, Charlie Johnson, and Reverend serve with TONY for the past four years, and but by the number of men, women and chil- Ron Christian, both very close friends to Dr. pleased because I know he will do so much to dren around the world who have seen their Ford, for their efforts to assure this event help the hungry and the less fortunate in his lives brightened, and their sense of hope re- would happen after the cancellation of the new job; yet saddened because his guiding newed because of his actions. memorial service first planned for Sep- tember 11. That tragic event affected all of hand and steadfast effort on behalf of those TONY was recently nominated by the Presi- us and only deepened the pain of our loss of less fortunate will be missed when he leaves dent to serve as our ambassador to the United Jim Ford when terrorism robbed us even of Congress. Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the freedom to assemble and grieve as well Because TONY’s reputation precedes him, the world’s preeminent hunger fighting organi- as thank God for this gifted pastor, coun- TONY was one Member I was especially look- zation. While I am disappointed that I will no selor and friend of so many here in the House ing forward to knowing when I arrived in the longer have the pleasure of serving with TONY which he loved so much and which was hon- House. Three times nominated for the Nobel in the U.S. House of Representatives, I am re- ored by his years of faith-filled service. We are indebted also to the Honorable Jeff Peace Prize, Congressman TONY P. HALL has assured by the fact that somebody of his tal- Trandahl and the Clerk’s office for their de- been the leading advocate in Congress for ent and heart will be representing our Nation tailed arrangements for today. hunger relief programs and improving inter- in an effort to fight hunger around the world. As the first Lutheran pastor to serve in the national human rights conditions. Over the last f House as Chaplain, Dr. Ford was rooted in twenty-four years, there is not a single Mem- the Word, and so I thought it only fitting to ber of this great body who has contributed A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF begin with a short reading from Saint Paul: more to those who cannot stand up for them- DR. JAMES DAVID FORD If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but handed selves. Without TONY here, we will all need to SPEECH OF him over for us all, will he not also give us pull together to make sure that those less for- everything else along with him? Who will tunate are not left behind. HON. STEPHEN HORN bring a charge against God’s chosen ones? It TONY has worked actively to improve human OF CALIFORNIA is God who acquits us who will condemn. It rights conditions around the world, especially IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is Christ Jesus who died, rather was raised, in the Philippines, East Timor, Paraguay, who also is at the right hand of God and in- Thursday, July 25, 2002 South Korea, Romania, and the former Soviet deed intercedes for us all. What will separate Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, Chaplain Jim Ford us from the love of Christ? Languish or dis- Union. In 2000, he introduced legislation to tress or persecution or famine or nakedness stop importing ‘‘conflict diamonds’’ that are had a positive influence on every member of or peril or the sword? No, in all these things mined in regions of Sierra Leone under rebel the House of Representatives, and I was privi- we conquer overwhelmingly through him control. In 1999, he was the leader in Con- leged to know him and grateful to have his who loved us. For I am convinced that nei- gress calling for the United States to pay its friendship for nine years. As Chaplain, Jim ther death nor life, nor angels nor principal- back dues to the United Nations. had the rare quality of being able to relate to ities, nor present things nor future things, TONY HALL’s record on hunger issues is un- everyone regardless of religious affiliation or nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any creature will be able to separate us from the paralleled in Congress. TONY was a founding background. As a friend, he was there for any- love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. member of the Select Committee on Hunger one needing help through life’s inevitable ups So as we begin, let us call to memory first and served as its chairman from 1989 until it or downs. As a family man, his loving and ac- impressions, wisdom sayings, poignant mo- was abolished in 1993. He has been an out- complished wife and children are a testament. ments and compassion and joyful laughter spoken advocate for fighting domestic and As a human being, he had an exuberant zest which he usually left with us. international hunger and he has initiated legis- for living and caring, for adventure, for knowl- Let us pray for Jim Ford. edge, and for jokes. Lord God, you chose our brother James to lation enacted into law to fight hunger-related serve your people as a minister and so share diseases in developing nations. He has visited When I had surgery for prostate cancer, Jim the joys and burdens of their lives. Look numerous poverty-stricken and war-tom re- visited me in the hospital. He was a survivor with mercy on him and give him the just re- gions of the world. He was the sponsor of a himself, and his humor and his irrepressible ward of his labors. Continue to console his successful 1990 emergency measure to assist positive attitude filled the room. My wife and I family and all those he loved. Grant him now state Women, Infants and Children (WIC) pro- were fortunate to have traveled with Jim and the fullness of life promised to those who grams and legislation to establish a clearing- Marcy in the Middle East and in Europe, preach your good news, your holy gospel. We house to promote gleaning to provide poor where we had the benefit of Jim’s companion- ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. We would like now to hear from a good friend. people with food. TONY has worked to promote ship and his vast store of historical anecdotes. REMARKS: microenterprise to reduce joblessness. He had an impressive understanding of the The Honorable Charles W. Johnson III, When the Hunger Committee was abol- world’s three great religions centered in Jeru- Parliamentarian, United States House of ished, TONY fasted for three weeks to draw at- salem. Although Jim was modest about his el- Representatives tention to the needs of hungry people in the oquent daily prayers in the House of Rep- CHARLIE JOHNSON: Mr. Speaker, I am United States and around the world. resentatives, it is the wish of his many col- honored to be here today as Jim’s friend rep- resenting the staff. As Jim used to say, Rep. HALL was nominated for the Nobel leagues and friends that they should be pub- ‘‘Johnson, you never were invited to be a Peace Prize in 1998, 1999, and 2001 for his lished. Chaplain Ford’s prayers covering 21 public speaker because you couldn’t if you humanitarian and hunger-related work. For his years are a powerful commentary on the spirit were.’’ He said, ‘‘All you can do is this.’’ hunger legislation and for his proposal for a of the people’s House through times of tran- ‘‘This’’ means whisper and ‘‘this’’ means hit Humanitarian Summit in the Horn of Africa, quility and turmoil. They are prayers for all the mute button at the same time. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.
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