UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Preaching in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia. The life and ideas of Milicus de Chremsir (+1374) and his significance in the historiography of Bohemia Moree, P.C.A. Publication date 1999 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Moree, P. C. A. (1999). Preaching in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia. The life and ideas of Milicus de Chremsir (+1374) and his significance in the historiography of Bohemia. EMAN. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. 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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:24 Sep 2021 Index Medieval authors have been listed under their Christian names Abel, 141; 183 Anselm of Havelberg, 79 Abelard, 78 Antichrist (see also abhominatio desolatiotiis, 37; apocalypticism, eschatology), 121 10; 11; 27; 28; 31; 32; 33; 34 Abortivus, 10; 40; 46; 49; 64; 69; 36; 37; 41; 51; 53; 59; 66; 67 71; 76; 96; 99; 100 101; 102; 68; 69; 70; 74; 100; 117; 123 103; 104; 105; 106 107; 108; 154; 155; 157; 158; 170; 212 109; 110; 112; 117 119; 122; 220; 224; 244; 259 127; 129; 130; 131 132; 133; apocalypticism, apocalyptic (see 134; 135; 137; 141 142; 143; also Antichrist, eschatology), 146; 151; 153;; 155 156; 158; 10; 11; 27; 28; 37; 39; 41; 45 159; 164; 166; 176 177; 182; 59; 67; 70; 75; 100; 117; 121 183; 184; 185; 186 187; 188; 147; 150; 151; 155; 156; 169 189; 192; 193; 194 195; 196; 170; 171; 173; 214; 219; 220; 197; 199; 200;20; 1 259; 262; 221; 255; 259 265 Arius, 158 accusations against Milicius, 56; Arnestus de Pardubicz, 73; 74; 75; 224; 241 archbishop, 18; 24; 47; 48; 71; Acta Sanctorum, 44 182; 214; 216; 217; 220; 248; adhortatio, 86 260; 261 Alain de Lille, 91 arspraedicandi, 94; 96 Albrecht of Hapsburg, 16 auctoritas, 91; 92 Alexander III, pope, 81; 82 Austin Canons, 18; 23; 100; 248 Alexander of Ashby, 91; 92; 93; Austin Hermits, 62 94 Austria, Austrian, 30; 55; 63; allegory, 90; 92 203; 204; 208; 209; 210; 226; angel (see also preacher), 67; 90; 229 120; 123; 124; 135; 142; 143; avarice, 27; 68; 121; 143; 157; 147; 150; 151; 152; 164; 165; 195;252 171; 172; 190 Avignon, 14; 17; 18; 22; 40; 52; Annas, 157 56; 65; 66; 68; 69; 73; 75; 104; Index 279 105; 121; 131; 212; 224; 240; Bohemian Brethren, 224; 227; 241; 260; 261; 264 228; 230; 233; 235; 237; 242; Avignonese exile, 16; 52; 65; 109 256 Bohemian Reformation (see also Baal, 153 Hussitism), 9; 29; 214; 221; Babylon, 38; 66; 119; 129; 138; 222; 223; 234; 235; 241; 242; 154; 156; 162; 165; 166; 169; 244; 245; 249; 251; 253; 257 217; 225 Boleslaus, 142; 182; 183; 185 Balbinus, Bohuslaus, 11; 42; 43; Bologna, 24: 88 44; 45; 46; 48; 52; 57; 59; 60; Boniface VIII, pope, 17; 258 100; 206; 219; 255; 256; 261 Borzivoj, 197 Balduinus of Trier, archbishop, Bratislava, 24; 43; 208 16; 20 Brigitte of Sweden, 14 Bamberg, 21 Burdach, Konrad, 219; 220 baptism, 130 Baroque, 43; 46; 57; 59; 206; Caiphas, 157 236; 243; 255 cardinal, 36; 57; 65; 74; 123 Bartos, Frantisek Michâlek, 37; carnal, 127; 137; 138; 146; 157; 42; 44; 66; 239; 240; 241; 242; 164; 168; 195 243; 245; 257 Catharism, 86; 213 Bavaria, 215 Cathedral Bayreuth, 251; 252 of St Peter, 36; 53; 54; 66; 68 Beghards, 33; 68; 70; 87 of St. Vitus, 20; 25; 29; 45; 62; Béguines, 68; 70; 87 63; 64; 179; 180; 187; 189 Behemoth, 36; 70 Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, bellum spirüuale, 145; 150; 151; 55 152; 153; 154; 191; 193 Charlemagne, 19; 21; 35 Beran, Josef, cardinal, 251 Charles IV, emperor, 11; 14; 16 Bernardino of Siena, 77 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25 Bernhard of Fontcaude, 82 26; 32; 34; 35; 44; 55; 61; 63 Bethlehem Chapel, 10; 211; 241; 65; 68; 74; 75; 104; 179; 180 242; 252 189; 190; 194; 216; 220; 248 bishop, 17; 23; 34; 36; 37; 69; 260 70; 81; 82; 83; 85; 88; 95; 121; Chelcicky, Petr, 204; 229; 230; 126; 129; 133; 138 250 Black Death, 13; 15 Christ, 25; 28; 30; 33; 37; 38; 41; Bohemia sancta, 43 47; 48; 52; 56; 68; 74; 121; 122; 124; 125; 127; 128; 130; 280 Preaching in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia 131; 138; 142; 144; 147; 148; Counter-Reformation, 204; 208; 149; 152; 154; 157; 158; 160; 243 163; 168; 169; 170; 174; 175; Crécy, Battle of, 16; 19 184; 185; 187; 189; 191; 192; Cum inter nonnullos, 138 194; 200; 201; 240; 244; 250; Cura pastoralis, 89 259 Cyrus, 165 Church Czech nation, 12; 43; 207; 208; of St. Giles, 27; 48; 49; 55; 63; 211; 214; 215; 218; 222; 223; 64 225; 227; 228; 229; 230; 231; of St. Nicholas, 27; 48; 64 234; 236; 237; 238; 242; 251; of St. Stephanus, 73 256; 257 of The Holy Virgin in front of Czech National Library, 101; Tyn,49;55;63;71 104; 117 Cicero, 93 Czech nationalism, 43; 215; 216; Cistercian order, 59; 75; 90 218; 223; 226; 233 Clemens V, pope, 19 clergy, 17; 18; 23; 24; 27; 29; 32; Dan, 66 37; 40; 43; 44; 47; 53; 64; 65; Daniel, 27; 37; 67; 170 70; 71; 72; 73; 74; 79; 80; 82; Dante, 62; 247 83; 84; 85; 86; 88; 98; 126; dating of Abortivus and Gratiae 132; 133; 135; 136; 137; 139; Dei, 11; 50; 101; 103; 104; 140; 157; 162; 175; 176; 177; 109; 177 188; 212; 216; 240; 246; 250 David, 97; 99; 183; 191 Cola di Rienzo, 22 De arte praedicatoria, 90 Collegium Carolinum, 249 De modo praedicandi, 91 Comenius, Jan Amos, 204; 227; deadly sins, 163; 192 228; 229; 230; 235; 240; 243; demons, 67; 122; 148; 191 244 Denis, Ernest, 203; 204 Concilia Pragensia, 215; 216 Devotio moderna, 18; 62; 63; confession, 17; 31; 39; 40; 44; 181; 247; 248; 249; 250; 251; 73; 85; 122; 128; 129; 133; 252; 253; 258 194; 244; 257 Déjiny nârodu ceského v Conradus de Waldhausen, 23; 24; Cechâch a na Moravë, 209; 34; 55; 63; 64; 71; 109; 110; 210 211; 212; 214; 216; 217; 221; Diocletian, emperor, 191 222; 259 disputatio, 30; 84; 86 Constance, 203; 240; 251 Dispute over the Meaning of Constantinople, 21; 22 Czech History (see also Spor o Index 281 smysl ceskych dëjiri), 204; 225; Antichrist), 11; 32; 35; 59; 67; 236; 237; 238; 239; 242 69; 118; 121; 134; 135; 147; Dissertatio apologetica pro 150; 151; 153; 154; 155; 156 lingua slovenica, praecipue 158; 165; 167; 169; 170; 171 bohemica, 43; 206 172; 173; 176; 177; 199; 200 divisio, 91; 94 221; 224; 244; 245; 256; 258 division of time, 155 259; 262; 265 doba temna, Time of Darkness, eschaton, 64; 144; 172 236 Eucharist (see frequent Dobner, Gelasius, 207 communion, Holy Dobrovsky, Josef, 206; 207; 208; Communion), 52; 54; 130; 230 181; 253 Dominican order, Dominicans, evil, 32; 33 38; 39; 41; 47; 49; 17; 48; 51; 54; 84; 86; 87; 88; 64; 67; 68; 69 70; 94; 118; 95; 138 119; 120; 122; 125; 127; 129 Drahomira, 143; 197; 198 130; 131; 133; 134; 135; 140 141; 142; 143; 144; 145; 146 ecclesia militans, 199; 200 147; 148; 149; 150; 151; 152 ecclesia triumphans, 200 153; 154; 156; 157; 158; 159 Eckhardt, 14 161; 162; 163; 164; 165; 167 Ceskà otâzka, Czech Question, 168; 169; 170; 171; 172; 173 204; 225; 230 176; 184; 185; 190; 192; 193 Elijah, 10; 28; 31; 32; 33; 35; 41; 195; 196; 198; 201; 214; 244 66; 134; 153; 154; 170 250; 259 Elisabeth Przemyslovna, 15; 19 exemplum, 92; 97; 181; 188 Emaus Monastery, 23; 194; 248 exhortatio, 84 end of the world, 135; 142; 170 endoftime,32;41;79;142;150; false preachers, 135; 154; 166 153; 154; 155; 158; 259 false priests, 33 England, 14; 66; 224; 247 false prophets, 34; 135; 154 Enlightenment, 207; 234 Father of the Bohemian (Czech) Enoch, 66; 154 Reformation, 9; 10; 222; 225; Epistola ad Papam Urbanum V, 241; 244; 246; 247; 256 10; 69; 70; 71; 72; 73; 123; Father of the Nation, 210; 215 131; 176; 220; 221 Fourth Lateran Council, 85; 87; eschatology, eschatological (see 91 also apocalypticism, France, 14; 16; 65; 121 282 Preaching in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia Franciscan order, Franciscans, Grimaud, cardinal Albanensis, 14; 17; 20; 51; 54; 77; 84; 86; 69; 75 87; 88; 95; 137; 138; 241 Guibert of Nogent, 90 fraticelli, 217 frequent communion (see also hagiography, hagiographie, 10; Eucharist, Holy Communion), 198; 255 29; 30; 31; 33; 52; 245 Hapsburg Empire, 44; 203; 204; 209; 221; 225; 226; 235 Geert Groote, 248; 250; 252; 258 Hapsburgs, 43; 235 general council, 69; 70; 88 Havel, Vaclav, 238 Geneva, 70; 203; 244 Havlicek Borovsky, Karel, 230 German, Germany, 9; 12; 17; 21; hell, 67; 129; 145; 147; 160; 166 29; 39; 49; 52; 55; 61; 64; 68; 173; 199 71; 95; 179; 186; 208; 209; Henry VII of Luxemburg, 210; 211; 214; 215; 216; 218; emperor, 16 219; 220; 221; 222; 225; 227; Hodonin, 225 228; 229; 231; 232; 233; 236; Hodslavice, 208 238; 247; 249; 251; 252; 256; Höfler, Constantin, 30; 34; 210; 257 215; 216; 217; 218; 219; 220; Girke-Schreiber, Johanna, 249; 248; 256; 257 250; 251; 252; 257 Holy Communion (see also Gomorrah, 38 Eucharist, frequent Gratiae Dei, 10; 40; 46; 55; 69 communion), 29; 54; 74; 146; 71; 76; 96; 99; 100; 101 102 255 103; 105; 108; 109; 110 112 homily,71;89;102;119;121; 114; 117; 118; 119; 121 127 127; 130; 131; 133; 138; 139 130; 131; 132; 133; 135 138 141; 143; 148; 149; 152; 155 139; 141; 143; 147; 148 149 157; 158; 164; 184; 185; 186 152; 155; 156; 158; 167 170 188; 189; 192; 193; 196; 197 176; 177; 184; 185; 186 187 198; 200; 202 188; 189; 192; 193; 196 197 HorSovsky Tyn, 47; 64 199; 200; 201; 202; 212 259 Hostiensis, 139 262; 265 Hradec Krâlové, 42 Great Schism, 14; 26 Hugo of St.
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