E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2013 No. 8 Senate (Legislative day of Thursday, January 3, 2013) The Senate met at 9:30 a.m., on the U.S. SENATE, As Governor Adlai Stevenson said: expiration of the recess, and was called PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts to order by the Honorable HEIDI Washington, DC, January 23, 2013. of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedi- To the Senate: HEITKAMP, a Senator from the State of cation of a lifetime. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, That is true. Patriotism is not short, North Dakota. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby appoint the Honorable HEIDI HEITKAMP, a frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the PRAYER Senator from the State of North Dakota, to tranquil and steady dedication of a The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- perform the duties of the Chair. lifetime. If we look at the records, the fered the following prayer: PATRICK J. LEAHY, careers of these new Senators, that is Let us pray. President pro tempore. the way it is. Each person coming here reminds me Eternal Lord God, we shout praises Ms. HEITKAMP thereupon assumed of my first few weeks in the House of to You, for Your love never fails. You the chair as Acting President pro tem- Representatives when Tip O’Neill—we rescue us from trouble with Your lov- pore. had a large incoming class, so he called ing and mighty providence. We com- f us in these groups of maybe 15 or so, mend our Nation to Your compas- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY and he told us something I have always sionate care, trusting You to guide it LEADER remembered. He said: Each of you are with Your merciful hands. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- successful politicians or you wouldn’t Bless the work of our Senators. Help be here. And that is true. I say that to them to respect and esteem each other pore. The majority leader is recog- nized. each of my new Senators. They are suc- as they struggle together for resolution cessful politicians, and there is nothing of complex issues. f wrong with the word ‘‘politician.’’ I am Lord, we thank You for the many WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS proud I am a politician. I am proud I people working on Capitol Hill who Mr. REID. Madam President, yester- serve in government, and we should support our lawmakers, serving You day I had the opportunity to meet with each be proud. faithfully, without public recognition. my Democratic Senate caucus for the So I am pleased now, and I was May we never take for granted their la- first time this year. It was the first op- pleased yesterday, to be surrounded by bors for liberty. portunity for all of us to sit down to- so many dedicated public servants, new We pray in Your gracious Name. Members and old alike, who have de- gether, to break bread, and to discuss Amen. voted their lives to making their indi- challenges and opportunities we all vidual States and our shared Nation a face. As the majority leader, I was f better place in which to grow up, grow gratified to see so many new faces and a family, and grow old. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to have such an inclusive caucus. It Each new Democratic Member is ac- The Honorable HEIDI HEITKAMP led was music to my ears to hear the an- complished, I repeat, in his or her own the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: nouncement that the Presiding Officer right. Our new caucus members include today would be HEIDI HEITKAMP. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the a couple of former Governors, a Har- United States of America, and to the Repub- We have nine new Democratic Sen- vard law professor, an engineer, just to lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ators. Four of these new Senators are name a few. While they have each ac- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. women, and so about one-third of our complished so much already, their Democratic caucus is now women. We greatest achievements are still ahead f have, for example, the first Asian of them. I know they will look back woman. We have expanded our major- with satisfaction on the work we do to- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ity. I am particularly satisfied that gether in the Senate. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE with each passing election cycle our Our caucus, this Congress, and our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The caucus better reflects the Nation it country face immense challenges. As clerk will please read a communication serves. But despite the diversity of the we approach these tests and trials, this to the Senate from the President pro caucus—and in particular its fresh- diverse group of new Democratic Sen- tempore (Mr. LEAHY). men—there is one quality shared by ators will be united by a single objec- The assistant legislative clerk read each Democratic Senator: deep and tive: to fight for fairness and balance the following letter: abiding patriotism. on behalf of the middle class. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S189 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Sep 20, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\JAN2013\S23JA3.REC S23JA3 bjneal on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 23, 2013 SENATE RULES REFORM tunity. An opportunity for the kind of moved from deficit to surplus in our We are going to continue to work on change necessary to address the prob- state. You can ask if they still believe Senate rules reforms. I will continue to lems and challenges we face. our state performs the necessary func- work with the Republican leader on a As I participated in the inauguration tions of government and you can ask package of reforms I hope we can agree events for Governor Pence in Indianap- Hoosiers what has been cut that you on. As I have said before, if we don’t olis just two weekends ago, I couldn’t think should have stayed. agree, then we are going to do some- help but think of the remarkable Frankly, no one could come up with thing as a Democratic caucus alone. I record of achievement and the bold re- an answer that says: We have had dis- remain cautiously optimistic we will forms that our former Governor, Mitch astrous consequences from these deci- be able to move forward on a bipartisan Daniels, delivered to the Hoosier State sions. The vast majority say that basis. I hope we can do that. I will have and the lessons they may offer to things are working pretty well. In fact, more to say about that if, in fact, we Washington. I can get my license renewed through a can do that. In 2005, Indiana faced a several-hun- total revamp of our licensing system in We are not going to get everything dred-million-dollar deficit. This pales just a few minutes over the Internet or we want, and the Republicans aren’t by comparison to the deficit we face just a few minutes at the DMV. Gov- going to get everything they want. But here; but, nevertheless, for a State of ernor Daniels’ measure for that was in maybe we can find a sweet spot in the our size it is a significant amount. Al- and out in less than 7 minutes. middle and come up with something though it is constitutionally mandated For those of us who have spent hours that will make the Senate more effi- in Indiana, we had not balanced our and hours committing half a day or cient. However, Democrats reserve the budget for 7 years. Governor Daniels more to getting our license renewed, right of all Senators to propose and his team had a vision and the po- this is a remarkable achievement. The changes to the Senate rules. We will litical courage to make much needed use of technology, privatization, and explicitly not acquiesce in the carrying changes, and the people of Indiana sup- the use of more efficient government over of all the rules from last Congress. ported and responded. While other demands that our civil servants do There must be some agreement reached States increased spending and raised more with less and this has proven to or we will have to use every means to taxes, Indiana reduced spending, cut be effective. While the fiscal situation we faced in make the Congress—especially the taxes, and paid down our debts. Indiana is not totally analogous to Senate—more efficient. Governor Daniels, with the help of the legislature and with the support of what we face here, the principles are Would the Chair announce the busi- the same, and there still are many sim- ness of the day. the people of Indiana, slowed down the rate of spending. The State’s expendi- ilarities. As Washington seeks answers f tures have grown at less than one-quar- at the start of this new session of Con- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ter the rate of the previous decade. We gress on how we move forward and ad- also reduced the size of State govern- dress our extremely serious debt situa- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tion and get our fiscal house back in pore.
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