The Jewish Center SHABBAT BULLETIN JUNE 17, 2017 • P ARSHAT SHELACH • 23 S IVAN 5777 EREV SHABBAT GRADUATION KIDDUSH 7:00/8:00PM Minchah SHABBAT JUNE 17 8:11PM Candle lighting Join us as we celebrate the SHABBAT academic achievements of our 7:45AM Hashkama Minyan (The Max and Marion community graduates. Grill Beit Midrash) See insert for complete list of 8:30AM Kids’ Kiddush club with Rabbi Yosie Levine sponsors and graduates. (1st Floor) 9:00AM Shacharit (3rd floor) 9:10AM Sof Zman Kriat Shema Annual Membership Meeting 9:15AM Hashkama Shiur, Rabbi Avi Feder, Hi, What's June 19 at 8:30PM your name? Changing or adding a name to affect healing Our Annual Meeting is a time to hold our annual elec- 9:30AM Young Leadership Minyan (1st floor) tion, learn more about the way we operate our Cen- ter, review our finances and honor our outgoing Board 10:00AM Youth Groups: Under age 3 (drop off option- members. This meeting is an important part of syna- al, babies must be able to independently sit upright), gogue governance and I hope you will be able to 3-6-year-olds: Geller Youth Center, 2nd-6th attend so you can listen to our reports, ask questions graders: 7th floor and grab a little nosh. Hot Kiddush (1st & 5th floor) WITH THANKS TO OUR KIDDUSH SPONSORS: Summer Outing with Rabbi Levine Hashkama Kiddush, Renee & Avram Schreiber in honor June 22, 11:00AM at the YU Museum of the graduation of their grandson, Elan Agus from A guided tour of 500 Years of Treasures from Oxford Ramaz middle school $10 members; $12 non-members Community Kiddush, Amy & Jed Latkin in honor of the Please email [email protected] if you would 30th anniversary of Jed's bar mitzvah. like to sign up. Graduation Kiddush, please see insert for complete list of sponsors and graduates Teen Kiddush, Stuart & Sarah Milstein Young Leadership Lecture Series Wednesday, June 28th at 8:00PM 4:00PM Bikkur Cholim/Bikkur in the Home (meet at Fertility & Halacha 730 Columbus Ave.) Featuring Dr. Bat-Sheva Lerner Maslow 7:00PM Girl’s Suedah Shlishit for High Schoolers at the home of Rachel Levine 7:00PM Shiur with Rabbi Avi Feder , Spooky or spiritu- Special presentation by Maurizio Molinari al. A discussion about visiting the burial site of loved ones Editor in Chief of La Stampa 7:15PM Daf Yomi Shabbat morning, July 8 8:00PM Minchah Europe: Between Terrorism and Populism Seudah Shlishit with Manhattan Jewish Experience: Spir- Followed by a Hot Kiddush. itual Journeys: Personal Reflections from MJE Participants featuring Hayley Gardiner and Bryan Hacken WOMEN ’S TEHILLIM GROUP 9:11 PM Shabbat Concludes Monday, June 19 at 7:15PM Contact Joyce Weitz for more info. at 212-877-1176 DAILY SERVICES Sunday June 18 Mon. June 19 - Thur. June 22 Friday, June 23 Father’s Day Shacharit 7 &8AM Shacharit 7/8 AM Daf Yomi 7:45AM Daf Yomi 7:45AM Daf Yomi 7:45AM Shacharit 8:30AM Minchah 8:20PM Minchah 7/8PM Minchah 8:20PM Candle Lighting 8:13PM The Jewish Center - The Modern Orthodox Center for Jewish Life and Learning 131 W. 86 th Street, New York, NY 10024 • www.jewishcenter.org • 212-724-2700 UPCOMING EVENTS COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Annual Membership Meeting THANK YOU TO OUR USHERS June 19 at 8:30PM Rona Kellman and Avi Schwartz Our Annual Meeting is a time to hold our annual elec- tion, learn more about the way we operate our Cen- THANK YOU TO CSS ter, review our finances and honor our outgoing Board We would like to once again thank CSS and our members. This meeting is an important part of syna- dedicated CSS members for providing the securi- gogue governance and I hope you will be able to at- ty for our synagogue this week. tend so you can listen to our reports, ask questions and grab a little nosh. DAILY MINYAN REMINDER As many of our regulars begin to disperse for the Summer Outing with Rabbi Levine summer, we encourage you to strengthen our dai- June 22, 11:00AM at the YU Museum ly minyan. Come once or come often! We would love to have you with us. A guided tour of 500 Years of Treasures from Oxford $10 members; $12 non-members CONDOLENCES Please email [email protected] if you would Debby Spear Horowitz on the passing of her like to sign up. sister, Adina Kostika Young Leadership Lecture Series Wednesday, June 28th at 8:00PM Young Leadership Mix'n'Match Shabbat Lunch Thank you to the dozens of hosts and guests joining to- Fertility & Halacha gether for our 4th Mix'n'Match of the season, this morning! Featuring Dr. Bat-Sheva Lerner Maslow Questions about your hosts or guests please see Alex Braunstein at kiddush on the first floor. If you would like to Special presentation by Maurizio Molinari host at our next installment please Editor in Chief of La Stampa e-mail [email protected] Shabbat morning, July 8 Join us this Shabbat in the Main Sancturary Europe: Between Terrorism and Populism as we welcome guest Chazzan Ruven Pinsky along with Chazzan Berson YOUTH DEPARTMENT UPDATES Ruven Pinsky studied with Chaim Dovid at the Tel Aviv cantorial institute. He has been lead- Kids Kiddush Club with Rabbi Levine NE Shabbat Mornings in June W ing the high holidays davening at the YI of Woodmere for the passed 10 years. from 8:30AM-9:00AM Join us for this special summer series featuring breakfast and learning with Rabbi Levine. 1st grade and up. Parents welcomed. Girl’s Suedah Shlishit for High Schoolers Thinking of running the New York City Marathon? at the home of Rachel Levine Join The Jewish Center Centennial Team! Saul Finkelstein June 17 from 7– 8:30PM Linda Isaacson Please RSVP to [email protected] Rachel Levine Sabrina Rosen Teen Minyan Space is limited. June 17 For more information, please If you would like to sponsor the Teen Minyan kiddush please email [email protected] email Jenn and Gaby at [email protected]. If you would like to support the Jewish Center Centennial Team please visit the JC website. JCU Summer Series Tuesday Evenings Tuesday Mornings at 7:45AM at 7:00PM June 6, 13, and 20 June 6,13 and 20 with Rabbi Goldstein with Rabbi Levine The World of Korbanot Biblical Heroes & Villains: The Book of Numbers To sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit or a JC event, please contact Aaron at [email protected] JC ANNUAL DINNER Thank you to all those who joined us at the Jewish Center dinner. Congratulations to our Honorees Guests of Honor Barbara & Guy Reiss Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung Memorial Award Deena Blanchard & Akiva Novetsky Community Service Award Ben Cooper To sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit or a JC event, please contact Aaron at [email protected] Yosie Levine Rabbi Truths, Opinions, and the Power of Vision Rabbi Noach Goldstein, Resident Scholar Dovid Zirkind Associate Rabbi " " Chaim David Berson אֶפֶס I once heard Dr. David Berger describe the However, while the spies’ despondent resurgence of Orthodox Judaism in America as a cowed the nation into thinking the mission impossible, Cantor “reversal of self-evident truths.” Torah study and mitz- the opposite also holds true: relentless confidence vah observance had no chance in this country, and the could transform it into one eminently achievable, even Erica Brown Community Scholar Jewish future exclusively belonged to those willing to routine! Therefore, it is imperative to analyze the re- cast aside traditional observance. Those who felt this sponse of Calev, the faithful spy: “We should surely Noach Goldstein way did not think that their view was a matter of go up and take possession of [the land], for we are Resident Scholar opinion, but rather as clear, objective facts. And yet surely able to take it.” He observes the same on-the- here we stand today, with a flourishing Orthodox ground reality as the other spies, but, suffused with Avi Feder William Fischman community whose once unimaginable success is now bitachon in God, makes the exact opposite diagnosis Rabbinic Intern seen as the self-evident truth. from his rivals. Later events bear him out: when the The same phenomenon lies at the heart of Israelites enter Canaan under Yehoshua, eighty-five Aaron Strum the meraglim narrative. In a celebrated comment, year-old Calev leads an attack on Hebron, the might- Executive Director Rashi writes that the spies’ original report began on iest of the strongholds he had scouted decades ago. Jenn & Gaby Minsky an accurate note—describing Eretz Yisrael’s fruitful- The city that, according to the spies, could not be con- Youth Directors ness and presenting a sample of its lush produce— quered by an entire army, fell to an old man who because the most persuasive lies contain an element simply had faith in God’s promise of victory. OFFICERS of truth. Ramban expands upon Rashi’s insight: a care- Fascinatingly, Yehoshua’s narration of Avi Schwartz President ful read of the text reveals that the spies’ entire first Calev’s triumph is extremely anti-climactic; the book speech did not contain any falsehoods whatsoever. describes his petition to march to battle at length, but Andrew Borodach First Vice President Moshe ordered them to collect intelligence on the mentions his actual victory only briefly, almost in pass- land’s economic potential and military defenses, and ing. The spies thought such a victory impossible, but Michael Jacobs Vice President they did exactly that. They returned to the camp and from the perspective of Yehoshua and Calev, it was reported that the land was lush while the inhabitants unremarkable, and the text wants to capture that Deena Blanchard were formidable; both statements were completely perspective.
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