Ellen Yi-Luen Do ATLAS Institute, 1125 18th Street, 320 UCB, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0320, USA http://atlas.colorado.edu [email protected] EDUCATION 1992 -- 1998 Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Major: Design Computing & Design Methods, Minor: Cognitive Science & Computer Science Dissertation: The Right Tool at the Right Time – Investigation of Freehand Drawing as an Interface to Knowledge Based Design Tools Dissertation Committee: Craig M Zimring, Mark D Gross, Jean D Wineman Reading Committee: Janet L Kolodner, Francis D.K. Ching 1990 -- 1991 Master of Design Studies, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, USA Design and Computing Advisor: William J Mitchell 1983 -- 1988 Bachelor of Architecture (Honors), National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC Minor in Urban Planning Design Thesis: A Spatial Constitution of Contemporary Settlers Community – The Case of Aboriginal Ami Tribe Dwelling in Pachiemen District, Keelung City (Thesis Award) Thesis Advisor: Ming-Hung Wang PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2017 – present University of Colorado Boulder Professor, Director of Partnerships & Innovation, ATLAS Institute [http://www.atlas.colorado.edu/] Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering & Applied Science Courses on Fundamental of Human-Computer Interaction for Computer Science (CS), Computing, Creativity and Design Cognition (CCDC), and Capstone II for the Technology Arts and Media (TAM) program, Design Methods & Making for MS program in Creative Technology & Design (CTD), Fundamental of Human- Computer Interaction (HCI) Director, ACME Lab – ACME Creative Machine Environment [https://www.colorado.edu/atlas/acme-lab/] researches computational tools for design, creativity, cognition, tangible and embedded interaction, and computing for health and wellness 2013 – 2016 National University of Singapore, Singapore Co-Director, Keio-NUS CUTE Center [http://cutecenter.nus.edu.sg/] Interactive and Digital Media Institute (since April 2013), and Visiting Research Professor (since Jan 2013), with joint appointments at School of Computing (SoC) and Division of Industrial Design (DiD) at the School of Design and Environments (SDE) Directing a multi-million-dollar joint International Research Center (named CUTE – Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments) between NUS and Keio University in Japan to develop technologies for experience media research, source: Media Development Authority (MDA), Singapore. Approved Fund: S$ 10.75 million, duration 2009-2016, supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation under its International Research Center Keio-NUS CUTE Center @ Singapore Funding Initiative and administered by the IDM Program Office, Singapore Ellen Yi-Luen Do 1 Visiting Research Professor, Interactive & Digital Media Institute (IDMI), with joint appointments at the School of Computing (SoC) and the School of Design and Environment (SDE) New course development, Design Platform, Digital Wellness (Fall 2013), Digital Wellness for Children (Spring 2014), Digital Wellness for Seniors (Fall 2014), Digital Play (Fall 2015) GS6883A, Interface Sciences and Engineering, for NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering - NGS PhD Program (Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015) Principal Investigator CUTE Center Phase II: Creating Unique Technology for Everyone, Extension of International Research Centre (IRC) into RIE 2020, Research, Innovation, Enterprise, Singapore National Research Foundation, S$ 10 million (Oct 2016 – March 2021) VR MedSIM, Virtual Reality Medical Simulation, including Virtual Interactive Human Anatomy (VIHA) and Virtual Interactive Simulation Environment (VISE), with Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, $ 3.04 M SGD (Sep 2014 – Aug 2017) HairWise: Sensing and Imaging Technology for Haircare, A*Star BMRC Strategic Positioning Fund – A*STAR – P&G (Procter & Gamble) Collaboration (APG2013/029A), $300,000 SGD (June 2015 – June 2017), joint with IME (Institute of Microelectronics) & IMRE (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering), HairWise amendment (June 10, 2016) $ 40,000 SGD Mobile Application for Singapore Heritage Trails, National Heritage Board, Singapore, $205.44 K SGD (Jan 2015 – April 2016), National heritage Board, Heritage Trail extension $25,000 SGD (1 May - 31 Oct 2016) Project VitARmin, VR application for Vitamin Bottle, Proctor & Gamble, $51.06k SGD (Nov 2015 – April 2016) 3D Display Application Development for Augmented Learning, with Tohoku University, Research Institute of Electrical Communication (RIEC), $18.37 M JPY = $ 200k SGD Silver Sense, a Smartphone Application for Elderly Wellness Monitoring, Active Ageing Council, People’s Association (PA), $20k SGD (July 2014 – March 2015) Supervisor LORDS: Location ORiented Description Service based on Smartphone Probe Vehicle System” for research and development of location and digital contents distribution system, and field test, $ 28k SGD (April 2013 – March 2014) Study of Future ITS Platform for Innovative Bus Services, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries LTD (MHI) $15.05k SGD (Dec 2013 – Sep 2014). 3Rd Eye, VR Helmet, Motorbike collision prevention system utilising 5.9 GHz V2V communication project, Denso Corp. $ 62.6K SGD (Jan 2015 –Sep 2015) Design and production of a "location-aware variable message sign for bus transportation" Technology for positioning of automobile's location, together with analysis of system commercialisation value, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD, $46.96K SGD, $3,005,600 JPY (Dec 2014 – Aug 2015) 2012 (1 month) National University of Singapore, Singapore Visiting Research Professor, Interactive & Digital Media Institute (IDMI Collaborative research and planning discussion at CUTE Center [http://cutecenter.nus.edu.sg/] 2006 - 2017 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Professor, School of Industrial Design, College of Design (since 2016) with joint appointment at the School of Interactive Computing, College of Computing Ellen Yi-Luen Do 2 Associate Director, ID Faculty Coordinator, MS-HCI program (Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction), PhD program proposal committee, School of Industrial Design Professor (since March 2012), School of Industrial Design, College of Architecture with joint appointment at the School of Interactive Computing, College of Computing, affiliate faculty at GVU Center (since 2006), Health Systems Institute (since 2007), and Center for Music Technology (since 2009). Associate Professor (Jan 2006 – Dec 2009) in the PhD Program (tenure home), College of Architecture, and joint appointment in the Intelligent and Interactive Computing Division (06-07), Human Centered Computing Program, and then the School of Interactive Computing (since Feb 2007), College of Computing, the School of Architecture (Jan 2010 – Dec 2011), then the School of Industrial Design (since Jan 2012) Program and curriculum developments in Design Computing and Design Cognition for PhD program Courses cross-listed in Architecture, Computer Science and Health Systems. (2006 – 2011) Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Industrial Design (Fall 2011 – Fall 2012) New Degree Program development: MS HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) ID (Industrial Design) track (2012) New course development: Creativity and Design Cognition, Visual and Spatial Reasoning, Design Computing and Everyware, Ambient Intelligence for Home Energy, Wellness, Emotion, Sex and Technology, Patient Room of the Future, Pediatric Center of the Future, Emergency Room of the Future, Onsite Health Center of the Future, Design Games, Happy Healthy Home – Ambient Intelligence and Innovation Supervise research in creative design computing, human centered computing, human-robot interactions, energy puppet, and Evidence-Based Design best practices, technology interventions for healthcare environment. Director, Health Space Futures [http://www.hsi.gatech.edu/healthcaredesign/] A Laboratory, a series of interdisciplinary courses that focus on research and design for quality care and experience for patients, families and caregivers. The lab explores the possibilities of creating a safe, soothing and healing environment that increases patient, family and caregiver satisfaction while facilitating flexible use of space and integration of technologies toward a smart healing environment. Director, ACME Lab – ACME Creativity Machine Environment [http://acmelab.gatech.edu] Intelligent Systems and Objects, Design Computing and Cognition, Physical and Ubiquitous Computing, Intuitive Design Interfaces, Sketch Understanding, Diagram Indexing and Retrieval, Computationally Enhanced Construction Kits and Toys, Architectural Robotics, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Living Technologies. Principal Investigator, NSF SHB 1117665 http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1117665 InteCog System: ClockReader+ and CogStim Game for Screening and Preventing Cognitive Impairment ($102,000, Sep 2011 – August 2012) Principal Investigator, NSF HCC 1137527 http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1137527 Workshop: Graduate Student Symposium at ACM Creativity & Cognition (C&C 2011) Conference ($22,020, May 2011 – April 2012) 2004 - 2005 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Associate Professor, School of Architecture (Sep 2004 – Dec 2005) Co-Director, Computational Design Research Lab [http://code.arc.cmu.edu] Program & curriculum developments in the Graduate Program of Computational Design: Master of Science and Ph.D. Program. Supervise research in
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