Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 VOLUME 94, NUMBER 60 WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1990 Sweet victory Students call for chairman to be removed By Adam Steinhauer Daily staff writer 'If somebody A petition signed by 123 eco- nomics students requesting the re- stays in a job too moval of the department chairman was sent to the dean of the school long, they tend to of social science and the SJSU accumulate an President's Office, department stu- dents and faculty members said. excessive amount James Willis has been the eco- nomics department chairman for of power.' 16 years and was elected last week by department faculty members to serve another four-year term, Pro- Marvin Lee, fessor Marvin Snowbarger said. economics professor Snowbarger was Willis's oppo- nent in the election. dents in the department are upset James Walsh, dean of the school about the "hostile environment" of social sciences, received the pe- that e% Isis in the department. tition just before the election began He said that students in the de- April 24. Snowbarger said. partment have to fill out massive Walsh was unavailable for corn- amounts of paperwork. that there inent. haven't been enough new class of- Snowbarger said Walsh decided ferings and that students are un- to proceed with the election but happy with the department's fac- that in the meantime he would con- ulty. duct a survey of student opinion. The student requested anonym- "That's a scientific survey." ity because he feared his gradua- Willis said. "I think it will turn up tion might be delayed if he was something scientifically accurate known to have spoken. and not a lobbying effort by an in- Economics professor Marvin im ohs -- ally slat photographer dividual or a group of individu- Lee said that Willis holds an exces- SJSU's Mitzi Zenger, center, is congratulated by Darcy Stapley, left, first game of a softball doubleheader against UNI.V. The Spartans als." sive amount of power because stu- and Sharon Cafini after Zenger's game winning hit Monday in the swept UNLV 6-5 and I-0. See story on page 4. A graduating senior economics dents have to deal directly with student said that he and other stu- See ECONOMICS, page 8 SJSU working to improve its image, Fullerton says By Michael Moeller accordintt to a March 14 article in Wily staff writer _ the Daily. In her last press conference of '(The CSU) trustees have and will continue to get things in order. The Events Center, according to the semester, SJSU President Gail This is the best way that the system can redeem the faith a Fullerton, has helped the image of Fullerton emphasized the need for SJSU by bringing more members improving the public's image of faith they have lost.' of the community to campus that the campus and the California would normally not get a chance to State University system. Gail Fullerton, see the university. "The system will he at a disad- SJSU President Fullerton said that there has vantage for this session and very been a lot of work done on the well could be for the next as newsletters that are mailed to SJSU well," said Fullerton. referring to alumni. The quality of the publica- regular appeals that the CSU more funds to repair buildings. vice chancellors' personal use, and doing some things to improve its separate incident. Balgooyen was tion is important, Fullerton said. makes to the state legislature for And she believes that the univer- approving $240,000 for the upkeep image in the wake of publicity sur- also indicted for allegedly violat- because the newsletter's purpose is funds. sity system will be supported. of the chancellor's state owned rounding the indictments of one ing Fish and Wild Life Laws. He informing alumni about events The CSU "trustees have and "The kind of turmoil that the home in Bel-Air. faculty member, as well as the ac- has since been removed from his happening on campus and "what will continue to get things in order. system had been under has hurt the Since that time, the board of cusation that an associate professor teaching duties to take over other we are all about." This is the best way that the system image of the CSU." Fullerton trustees has rescinded the pay in- stole a story and passed it off as his responsibilities within the biology According to Fullerton. the San can redeem the faith a faith said. creases. and required that the cars own work. department. Jose Symphony will be performing they have lost. And that is actually CSU officials have come under be returned to the CSU motor pool Biology professor Thomas Bal- English associate professor its Pops Concert Series in the what the trustees have done." public scrutiny fin- secretly grant- at its headquarters in Long Beach. gooyen pleaded not guilty April 19 Craig Strete. after being accused of Events Center next year. Fullerton added that come bud- ing pay raises to other executives Chancellor W. Ann Reynolds re- to indictments of failing to report stealing a story from a local au- "This will bring a lot of people get time, the CSU can and will last fall, approving the $99,998.70 signed April 20. more than $25,5(X) on income tax thor, surrendered the copyright to a from the community to our campus make a case to state legislators for purchase of six Ford Tauruses for Fullerton said SJSU will be returns for 1985 and 1986. In a novel published in his own name, See FULLERTON, page Environmental students attend D.C. conference Games area tries to make itself known By Barbara Langley By Nick Fisher Daily staff writer Daily staff writer From the bottom floor of the Three environmental studies stu- 'I found out that Student Union echoes the faint dents spent their spring break in chemicals are sounds of quarters dropping into Washington. D.C. attending the video games, the muted crack of National Minority Environmental going into the a clean break on the billiard table, Career Conference. the tick-tock rhythm of a table The SJSU students chosen to at- ground and into tennis game and the crash of a tend the conference were a "very the ocean, and I howling ball as it stings into the select group and among the top 10-pin set. students in the country" said La- didn't like that.' The games area of the student vatus Powell of the Council of En- Lance Lister, union is booming. although most vironmental Internship Programs, environmental studies student SJSU students and faculty mem- which sponsored the conference. bers don't know it's there. More than 460 students were "So many people don't know nominated from schools across the getting her teaching credential in that there's a bowling alley on country, and that number was elementary education, said she was this campus," said Sharon whittled down to 150. The criteria an unlikely selection to attend the Deaver, manager of the games for selection was based on aca- conference. area. demic achievement and extracurri- There was only one other fresh- Throughout the year. Deaver cular activities. Powell said. man who she met attending the has had a few promotions, such SJSU's three nominations conference. Most were juniors, se- as two for one bowling, 30 min- Nchanda Imara, Anne Vallesteros niors and graduate students. utes of free pool and even an Eas- and Lance Lister were all se- But Vallesteros has a rare qual- ter drawing where she gave away lected to attend the four-day con- ity for a freshman she's always a bowling ball and other mer- ference at Howard University. known exactly what she has chandise, to encourage more peo- had workshops, wanted to do. She wants to educate ple to discover the games area. The conference Samanda Do f ger Daily stall photographer panels and recruiters from more elementary school students on en- "We've done a few things. but during a game than 30 companies. William K. vironmental issues. I don't think it's enough." she Aerospace engineering major Da i.e lines up for a shot of eight-ball Reilly, the head of the Environ- "I always knew what I wanted said. mental Protection Agency, was the to do hut didn't know if there was a But creating awareness of the "We've been trying to catch the lanes were booked through dent employee John Ramirez, but keynote speaker. program out there that was the area isn't easy for Deaver. There that market that we haven't been April. it's also "a place to unwind," "It's kind of inspiring to go to same," she said. is no signing and there is no di- able to draw down here." Fraternities, sororities and said student employee John Ram- something like that and sec all When in high school, Valleste- rectory in the Student Union that But, as the schedule stands church groups are often booked irez. those people who care about the ros called the environmental stud- tells people that the games area now, the area is definitely in use. for lanes, she said. SJSU boasts the best bowling same things that you do," Valles- ies program and talked to Frank exists, she said. Better signing People trying to reserve bowling Not only is the facility better lanes in the area and the best pool teros said. Schiavo, a lecturer. could increase awareness of the lanes for weekend play this se- maintained than many of the area tables in the South Bay.
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