Belie ing the Impossible Before Brea)fast Talks given from 1/2/78 to 28/2/78 Darshan Diary 28 Chapters Year published: 1981 Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast Chapter #1 Chapter title: None 1 February 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 7802015 ShortTitle: BELIEV01 Audio: No Video: No [Osho gives sannyas:] Just raise your hands, close your eyes, and feel utterly open. These hands are the gestures of openness. Feel receptive, because sannyas has to be received; you cannot take it, you can only receive it. It is a gift: you can allow it to happen. There is no need to grab it. The only need is to give way, to let it happen. Feel great energy showering on you, as if you are standing under a waterfall. Energy is splashing on you and the body starts swaying, the body starts feeling drunk. Go into it, and if something starts happening in the body, allow it. Tao is the name for that which cannot be named, a name for the nameless -- just like god or dhamma or truth or logos. These are not really names, but human helplessness. We have to call it something, we have to address it. Tao is one of the most beautiful names given to the unknown, because it is utterly meaningless. God has become very meaningful, hence it has lost significance. You can worship god, you cannot worship tao; there is no image. Even people who say that they believe in no image, that they believe only in god, they too worship, and in the worship an image arises automatically. You need not carve an image out of wood or stone: the image is carved out of your thought, it is part of your imagination. You may not worship a stone image, but the moment you say 'god' a subtle image arises in you: somebody sitting there on a golden throne, controlling the whole world, a very wise man with a white beard and all that, a father figure. But with'tao' no figure arises. That is the beauty of the name, that it simply gives you no clue. It gives you no excuse to go into imagination. It gives no help for you to become a worshipper. That is the greatest name given to the unknown. It is significant because it is meaningless; it means nothing. All that can be put into it is that it means the way -- not a way to any goal but just the way things are. It gives you no idea of future, it has no future orientation; it simply says how things are, how things work. The river flows to the ocean: this is tao; the tree grows upwards: this is tao; the child becomes a young man and the young man becomes old and the old man dies: this is tao, the way things are. All other words -- god, dhamma, logos -- create shoulds in the mind. This is the only word that does not create a should; it simply says, 'This is how things are.' It simply denotes reality, the facticity of it. It does not give you an ought, it does not say anything about how things should be; it has no shoulds. It does not say that trees should be like that, it does not say that the man should be like this; it simply says: This is how things are. To try otherwise is to be in misery. Should brings misery: that is the message of tao, a very rebellious message. Should takes you astray. The moment you think in terms of ideals, ideology, you are going astray. Then you are bringing some goals into your life, you are not listening to nature, you are trying to improve upon it. And it is utterly perfect; it cannot be improved, there is no way to improve upon it. One has simply to relax into it, one has to be one with it. That is the meaning of the second word'sudas'; it means in a total let-go, in the service of tao, surrendered to tao, a perfect servant of tao with no private goals. Tao is the master and you are just a shadow. Sudas literally means a good servant, a good slave -- good, because he has no ego, there is no resistance. He is not unwillingly a servant, he is willingly surrendered. Das means servant: unwilling, reluctant; sudas means a good servant: utterly happy, willing, surrendered. Surrender to tao, surrender to nature, drop all shoulds. That's my whole work here. If I can give you a tongue-tip taste of tao, my work is finished: just a little taste of tao, and then it grows on its own. The first taste is difficult; once you have tasted it just a little bit, then it is so powerful, so potential, it spreads all over your being. It overwhelms you, it takes you on the greatest journey of life; into nature, into reality, into things as they are, into tao. [Osho gives sannyas:] Close your eyes and feel full of light inside, as if a great light is arising from your belly and filling your whole body. If trembling arises, shaking, swaying, go with it. If your body wants to take some posture -- if your hands start moving -- allow it. Simply be possessed by this light, and wherever it takes you, go. ... Prem means love, mandakani means the stars, the river of the stars, the Milky Way -- love, the Milky Way. And love is the Milky Way. It walks on earth but it doesn't belong to us, it belongs to the sky. And it is starry; all else is darkness except love. Only love has light in it, only love is luminous. When you are in love there is light and life: when love disappears there is darkness, utter darkness. Hell is the space where love does not exist; heaven is the space where only love exists and nothing else. These are the names of spaces within our being. Love opens doors to the whole Milky Way. Love is the bridge between earth and heaven, between man and god. Let love be your only law; there is no higher truth. If a man can love, then nothing else is needed; that will transform. But a few things to be kept in mind about love. Love should not be a demanding love; otherwise it loses wings, it cannot fly. It becomes rooted in the earth, becomes very earthly; then it is lust and it brings great misery and great suffering. Love should not be conditional, one should not expect anything out of it.It should be for its own sake -- not for any reward, not for any result. If there is some motive in it, again, your love cannot become the sky. It is confined to the motive; the motive becomes its definition, its boundary. Unmotivated love has no boundary: it is pure elation, exuberance, it is the fragrance of the heart. And because there is no desire for any result, it does not mean that results do not happen; they do, they happen a thousandfold more, because whatsoever we give to the world, it comes back, it rebounds. The world is an echoing place: if we throw anger, anger comes back; if we give love, love comes back. But that is a natural phenomenon, one need not think about it. One can trust: it happens on its own. This is the law of karma: whatsoever you sow, you reap; whatsoever you give, you get. So there is no need to think about it, it is automatic. Hate, and you will be hated. Love, and you will be loved. And the third thing: let love become more and more conscious. When it is unconscious it remains entangled with sexuality. Nothing is wrong in sexuality but that is the lowest form of love, the first rung of the ladder. It is good in itself but to remain confined to it is not to grow: there are higher rungs in the ladder. The ladder reaches to the ultimate and sex is the first rung. Use it to go beyond it. Love should be more conscious. When it is conscious it is less sexual. I am not saying that there will be no sex: sex will be there but it will not be sexual. It will be pure sensuality; that is a totally different phenomenon. It will be sheer joy, sensitivity, but there will be no sexual mind behind it. You will not be thinking about sex, there will be no cerebral sex in it no head sex in it. It will be a simple sharing of energies. So these three things to be remembered; then love, slowly slowly, becomes light. The English word 'light' is very very significant. It has two meanings: one is light, luminosity; another is weightlessness. Those two meanings don't seem to be joined at all but they have a subtle connection. When one becomes full of light, one becomes weightless; one can fly, one has wings. [Osho gives sannyas to the leader and founder of the Action Analysis commune groups.] Mm mm, so now that group has to be turned towards me, because they are on the right lines but something is missing. Unless that something happens, the temple will remain empty. The temple is ready but still empty. Something at the centre of the temple has to be installed; something bigger than life, higher than life: something transcendental. Life takes on meaning only when the transcendental is reflected in it; otherwise sooner or later all joys of life turn sour.
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