Vol. 22: 95–97, 2013 ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH Published online December 2 doi: 10.3354/esr00543 Endang Species Res FREEREE ACCESSCCESS FEATURE ARTICLE AS WE SEE IT Sturgeon and paddlefish research focuses on low risk species and largely disregards endangered species Jörn Gessner1,2, Ivan Jaric´ 3,*, Eric Rochard4, Mohammad Pourkazemi5 1Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin, Germany 2Society to Save the Sturgeon, Fischerweg 408, 18069 Rostock, Germany 3Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Kneza Viseslava 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 4IRSTEA, EPBX, 50 avenue de Verdun, 33612 Cestas, Cedex, France 5International Sturgeon Research Institute, PO Box 41635-3464, Rasht, Gilan, Iran ABSTRACT: Sturgeons and paddlefish are among the most commercially valuable groups of fishes and include both low risk and highly endangered species. However, a recent bibliometric study on sturgeon and paddlefish research revealed that disproportionately little attention has been paid to those species that are endangered or face a high probability of extinction. With the exception of European sturgeon Acipenser sturio, all of the 8 species that are highly threatened with extinction or functionally extinct, were each addressed in less than 1% of the publications dealing with sturgeons or paddlefishes. Information on the biology and sensitive life-cycle phases of threatened sturgeon and paddlefish species, as well as knowl- Tagged European sturgeon Acipenser sturio at release into edge of their interactions with their respective habi- the Elbe River system. Image: P. Freudenberg© tats, is especially deficient or lacking, thus rendering the planning and execution of protection measures even more difficult. We argue that a more stringent focus has to be placed upon conservation research and management for vulnerable species and popula- tions that are threatened with a high risk of extinc- BACKGROUND AND CURRENT SITUATION tion. This also makes it a necessity to overcome the apparent lack of commitment which has been ob - served in some regions to developing and/or imple- The order Acipenseriformes, which includes 27 menting effective and concerted regional actions species of sturgeon and paddlefish, represents the which address sturgeon and paddlefish rehabilitation. most commercially valuable and at the same time most threatened groups of fishes. Of these 27 species, 70% are currently classified by the IUCN as Endan- KEY WORDS: Sturgeon · Paddlefish · Acipenser · gered or Critically Endangered, indicating an alarm- Extinction risk · Endangered · IUCN · Bibliometric ing deterioration of status compared to earlier sur- Resale or republication not permitted without veys (IUCN 2013). written consent of the publisher *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2013 · www.int-res.com 96 Endang Species Res 22: 95–97, 2013 Current research status areas without access to international journals, as well as the conflict of interests in areas where the conver- A recent bibliometric study on sturgeon and pad- sation measures for such species might potentially dlefish research reviewed the Web of Knowledge have a strong impact on management and resource listed literature published between 1996 and 2010 utilization, such as water diversion and hydropower. (Jaric´ & Gessner 2012), revealing a steady increase in The limited publication output might also indicate a peer-reviewed publications over time. However, lack of research funding for Critically Endangered although all 27 sturgeon and paddlefish species have species. An exception to the observed lack of focus been objects of research, species that are endan- on such species is the Critically Endangered Euro- gered or face a high probability of extinction have pean sturgeon Acipenser sturio, for which there have received disproportionately little attention. On aver- been 51 published papers that have focused almost age, species classified by the IUCN as Near Threat- exclusively on conservation-related issues. This spe- ened (NT), Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN) and cies received long-term attention from both the Critically Endangered (CR) have been the subject of French and the German ministries for the environ- 157, 97, 53 and 12 scientific publications, respec- ment, which supported scientifically-based rehabili- tively (Jaric´ & Gessner 2012). In addition, with tation measures and concerted actions as outlined in increased conservation status of a species, the impact the Bern Convention Action Plan and its follow-up of the publications decreased (i.e. on average, these (Gessner et al. 2011). studies received a lower number of citations; Jaric´& The observed lack of focus on most endangered Gessner 2012). Over the last decade, the focus of species reflects a dramatic mismatch between scien- research has shifted to some extent towards Vulnera- tific effort and conservation status of the studied spe- ble and Endangered species but it has remained cies. This phenomenon has previously also been ob- practically unchanged for those species classified as served in other fields of conservation biology (Trimble Critically Endangered. The 8 species that are highly & van Aarde 2010, Fisher et al. 2011). Farrier et al. threatened with extinction or are functionally extinct (2007) noted that, although classifying species as comprise the Sakhalin sturgeon Acipenser mikadoi, endangered is expected to result in appropriate pri- Yangtze sturgeon A. dabryanus, European sturgeon oritisation of activities and efforts, such as establish- A. sturio, Syr-darya shovelnose sturgeon Pseudo - ment of research priorities, other values and factors scaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi, dwarf sturgeon P. her- (e.g. local socio-political pressures to prioritise eco- manni, false shovelnose sturgeon P. kaufmanni, Chi- nomic development, flood protection, hydro power nese paddlefish Psephurus gladius, and Alabama utilisation) often influence the decision-making pro- sturgeon Scaphirhynchus suttkusi (IUCN 2013). With cess in practice. the exception of A. sturio, none of the 8 species was addressed in more than 1% of the total number of publications. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT Reasons for lack of research Little is known about the biology or sensitive life- cycle phases of threatened sturgeon and paddlefish The reasons for biased scientific focus might be species or about their interactions with their respec- associated with the regional economic value of the tive habitats. A lack of scientific focus on such species respective species, which probably acts as a driver means that there is not a sufficient level of information for aquaculture and fisheries-related research fund- on critical aspects of their life cycle. Such deficits ren- ing, given that the most important aquaculture spe- der the planning and execution of protection meas- cies are less endangered (Jaric´ & Gessner 2012). ures much more vague and difficult to justify. To help Limited access to specimens plays a considerable rectify this, conservation research in volving vulnera- role in the involvement of scientists in research on ble species and populations which face a high risk of highly endangered fish, while the utilization of extinction must be promoted to facilitate and close model species might also disguise the direction of gaps in the implementation of effective protection. research in other cases (Williot & Castelnaud 2011). This is in line with de Lima et al. (2011) who argue Additional factors might also be regional interest in that conservation re search efforts should prioritise conservation issues related to relict populations, those species which are classified in the higher threat involvement of primarily local researchers in remote categories of the IUCN Red List. Funding allocation Gessner et al.: Sturgeon research focuses on low risk species 97 and prioritization need to be refocused in order to importance of effective protection and management overcome this first obstacle for effective conservation for these species, as baselines can shift rapidly fol- management. However, as a second step it will be im- lowing extirpation or extinction (see e.g. Turvey et al. perative to overcome the apparent lack of commit- 2010) and result in a skewed public perception of ment to the development and/or implementation of expected functional habitats and species diversity. effective and concerted regional actions addressing sturgeon and paddlefish rehabilitation which has Acknowledgements. The authors thank the editor and 2 been observed in certain regions. Such lack of com- anonymous reviewers for providing helpful comments and mitment mostly results from potential interference suggestions that enhanced the quality of the paper. with economic interests affecting the habitat of the species in question (Gessner 2000). Adequate national LITERATURE CITED and international funding must be provided to enable further research on the biology of sturgeons and pad- Barua M (2011) Mobilizing metaphors: the popular use of dlefishes and to support immediate measures for their keystone, flagship and umbrella species concepts. Bio- divers Conserv 20: 1427−1440 protection. Moreover, management efforts and fund- de Lima RM, Bird JP, Barlow J (2011) Research effort alloca- ing should be directed at the most threatening im- tion and the conservation of restricted-range island bird pacts, such as habitat fragmentation and habitat loss, species. Biol Conserv 144: 627−632 as well as
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