Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-1-2001 Arbiter, October 1 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Broncos leap to a v1dory, over In-state rival Vandals -1)9.8 ter Vol. 15 Issue 11 Rrst Copy Free October-tJ:-2001- _News New campus to improve parking _Bucket The BSU Green party will hold voter registration this By Paul Greer and start a business. with the week in the Marketing Special to The Arbiter help and expertise of secre- Booths in the SUB.For more taries, support staff, computers information or to volunteer, In the fall of 2003, branch and the whole deal," said call 850-9334. facilities at Boise State West, Dennis Griffin, director of the BSUCanyon County Center. Eat free pizza and save located just north of Interstate 84 at the Garrity exit, will open. "There will be many advan- trees to learn about the Idaho "Satellite campus is abetter tages of accessing faculty from Progressive Student word," BSU President Charles the colleges of business and A~iance's Smart Paper cam- Ruchsaid."1t will have facili- engineering," said Jim Hogge, paIgn to get tree-free or 100 ties very similar to existing director of the Small Business .percent recycled paper on satellite campuses, such as the Development Center at BSU. campus. The event will be ~anyon County Center located Hogge and former CEO of held at 4 p.m. Thursday in in Nampa." ORE-IDA, John Glerum, the Shipman room in the Once open, students at worked together in developing Student Union. BSU's main campus may find a functioning technology incu- more parking available. bator. They examined model Domestic Violence But problems such as inC1;l.batorsoperating around Awareness week, sponsored staffing must still be solved. the country at schools like the by the Women's Center, will Recent education budget hold- University of Alabama .at be this Monday through backs, and possible future hold- Bimlingham, the University of Friday at the SUB. For more backs, could make hiring addi- Arizona at Tucson and the information call 426-4259. tional staff difficult. University of Colorado at The Boise West Campus will Boulder. On Tuesday, students, facul- begin with two main buildings. In light of the perceived ty and staff can watch Pink the 2001 Legislature appro- effects of. the recent 2 percent Floyd, The Wall at 7 p.m. in priated $9.3 million toward budget holdbacks, Ruch said the Special Events Center. construction of the first class- capital funds are not going to Cost is $1. room-office building, a three- be affected. story building housing 14class- "There will still be the $9.3 The Association of rooms, three science labs, a million there for the multipur- Classified Employees Senate computer lab, faculty offices, a pose building," he said. is holding its second annual branch bookstore, student ser- Ruch also said the 2 percent open house from 2-4 p.m. on vices offices and space for a holdbacks would affect faculty Tuesday in the Brian Berquist convenience store. hiring and operating expenses Lounge in the Student Union. Also, the Ec~nomic for Boise West Campus. Release time has been.grant- Development Administration "How, I don't know," he ed for students to attend the of the U.S. Department of' said. event to visit with senate rep- Commerce granted nearly $2 Individual departments at resentatives. million dollars for an incubator Boise State are responsible for known as the Technology and hiring faculty and deploying ASBSU is providing &lec- Entrepreneurial Center them to different locations. tion packets available on (TECenter), a building provid- General education academic Wednesdar' For more infor- ing enough space to help 15-20 courses like those BSU or the mation cal 426-1440. burgeoning businesses grow. Canyon County Campus offer, "An incubator is a place initiated by Boise State's indi- Moxie Java Concert Series, where entrepreneurs can go in vidual departments, plan on PhOIobyTed~. The AItlIter promoted by the Student Programs Board, Fine Host see BOISE WEST on pg. 3 Cars crowd the Intersedlon of Capital and University driven by students tryInQ to find a space on and the Student Union and campus before their classes start. Some of this tramc may not have to travel all the way from activities, will feature local Canyon County after \he new Boise West Campus opens. favorites Chris and Luke at the Student Union Braval Stage from 7-9 p.m. at no cost. Registration BSUInay host: governmen't Boise State Gallery calls the governor, may also end University. for art entries in response to looked at .. up sharing space with stu- "This is a chance for our Administrators leaders in .our state govern- the tragedy of 9-11, orga- dents. nized by the University Program may Support, in a report. to the ponder how to While plans are still tenta- ment to interact with us, and Visual Arts Center. Members ASBSUSenate on Thursday. make room for tive at this point, Student see what a quality university allow high . Academic Support this is," Barrett said .. of the community are encour- state officials Union and Activities Director aged to submit artwork, to school students includes academic advance- Leah Barrett addressed the Once the university began run in a display from Oct. 19 to ,register . ment, orientation and tutori- without incon- ASBSU Senate Thursday to to see the opportunity, a pro- . through Nov. 9·at the Visual al services. Shaw told explain the University's posal was sent to the veniencing stu- Statehouse with "general, Arts Center Gallery II in the before continu- Senators that she often hears course of action in submittmg Hemmingway Center. ing freshmen a complaint of little sense of dents the proposal, and addressing tentative" suggestions on tradition on the Boise State questions and concerns that how the University could A Stanford University pro- campus. She said she hopes By Sean C, HaYes supp~rt the function. By Sean C. Hayes The Arbiter may arise from students. While hosting the legisla- fessor, Elliot Eisner, will The Arbiter new orientation and registra- Barrett told student lead- speak on school improve- tion programs will give stu- ers that at first she laughed at tive session may have its ben- With a major Statehouse efits, administrators are ment from 7-8:30p.m. on Oct. Other Idaho universities dents something that can the idea, but then began to see 11 in the Education Building, come to be identified with renovation currently under- working to see that it is not a may be beating Boise State to way, the legislature, execu- its benefits. disruption to usual Student Room 112. the punch. While Idaho State the University. "I thought a little bit more "Orienting students to the tive branch and even the gov- Union and University opera- Eisner's lecture is present- University and the and I thought what a fantastic ed by Boise State's Center for University is the responsibil- ernor are expected to end up tions. University of Idaho begin homeless - or at least office- chance for BSU," she said. School Improvement and the ity of the entire Umversity," With the legislature She said the legislative ses- registering . '. students in less - for a period' between sions and' committee meet- College of Education. March or. April, Boise State she said. pulling the strings on higher However, there are issues 2003 and '04. ings will mostly be held in the Eisner will also be a has incoming students wait- education costs, and recent keynote speaker at the Idaho to work outfor the program While relocation plans are afternoons, with most rooms ing until. summer months to still tentative, Boise State sub- studies suggesting that Boise Commission on the Arts' to be a success. For one thing, State has been left out of the still available in the evenings register. mitted a proposal to play host _ a time when student clubs statewide conference on Oct. "We lose students because a proposed April early regis- loop in receiving equitable 12. He will speak from 12:15- tration date would have to the '04 legislative session in request them most. Events, they are able' to register (at the Student Union. Other funds, hosting the highest 2:15p.m. at the Grove Hotel. other state universities) some highschool students officials in the state may end registering before continuing Statehouse operations, such see LEGISLATUREon pg. 4 sooner," said Kimber Shaw, as the executive staff or even up being a boon for the Compiled by Arbiter staff from interim director of Academic see REGISTRATION on pq.4 BSU News Services Homecoming to be a big change from Lecture series offers opportunity to past years, offers movies and dances students, community the annual Homecoming north grass field outside of py Ashley Gettings dance. Bronco Stadium from 4-6 p.m. spring. whole spectrum of disciplines The Arbiter Series attracts major . "We lean toward people in the university. The first pep rally will be for $5. contributors, who have made a major contri- "Terry Waite was a hostage Boise State's homecoming on the Student Union north .At 4 p.m. and halftime of prizewinners bution to their field," said Greg negotiator and from Great week, Oct.
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