For CHILDREN During Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:45 & 10:30 am © J.S. Paluch Co. Suicide Bill SERVICE ACTION ALERT SB 128 Suicide Bill passed State Senate and moves to State Assembly: Many senators ignored facts and passed the suicide bill on to the assembly. Our local senator Bob Huff- R voted against the bill. http:// ctweb.capitoltrack.com provides the Parish Picnic coming August 8th! breakdown of which senators voted As a fraternal organization of Catholic men, the Knights of Columbus has strong ties for or against the bill. Let us all come to the Church. At all levels, from the local councils to the Supreme Council, the together regardless of party affiliation organization has the volunteer power, communications abilities and organization to and fight this bill. You may have con- help strengthen the Church while offering members and their families to grow in the tacted your state senator, and NOW faith. Through the sponsoring of Church-related activities the Knights of Columbus you need to contact your Assembly continue to show that they are the strong right arm of the Church. members! www.rcbo.org Are you a Knight? Get the facts about the proposed SB For information on joining the Knights of Columbus 128 - End of Life Options Act and un- e-mail: [email protected] derstand what the Catholic Church teaches about dying with digni- ty. How do we prepare our- FOOD COLLECTION REMINDER: Next weekend, July 4-5, selves? What can we do? You are is the St. Martin's Outreach Food Collection, and the pantry and cordially invited to this presentation supply cupboards are running short on these items for our and listen to expert guest speakers homeless clients: whom will cover this very important issue: Fight this dangerous bill. Dur- Food Items: Personal Care Items: ing June we acknowledge World Elder tuna cans- pop top or pouches (all SMALL SIZES please) Abuse Awareness. small peanut butter jars deodorant Physician-assisted suicide erodes trust power bars (granola/protein, etc.) razors between patients and medical person- Vienna sausage lotion nel, between family members and Spam conditioner their would-be heirs. It preys upon the fruit packs wipes weakness, confusion, and insecurity of Crackers, pudding shampoo people who are disabled and disad- microwaveable soups toothpaste vantaged. It tells all suffering people (not Cup-a-Soup) toothbrushes that they are worthless. instant oatmeal packets For the complete article see the Thank you for bringing these and/or other food & toiletry items with you when you Web-Bulletin on the website. come to Mass, St. Martin's parishioners...your gracious generosity is truly a blessing! New Pictorial Directory Coming Soon Do you need help matching names and Immaculate Heart Radio faces? Great news, are parish is creating a AM 930 new pictorial directory! Photography will start in August, watch for Immaculate Heart Radio is a non-profit lay details. apostolate that operates a growing network of Catholic radio stations in the For questions or if you would like to be West. We are dedicated to sharing the involved contact Scott or Veronica Traub at heart of the Christian faith and changing 714.970.1042 lives through radio airwaves. SERVICE Eagle Fundraiser for Connor McGarahan This weekend after all masses you can help support Connor Mc Garahan’s Eagle Project fundraising effort. Connor is the proud recipient of all 4 Catholic Religious Emblems. He will be leading a group of Boy Scouts in building a Portable Snack Cart for use by the Tri-Parish Elementary School St. Francis of Assisi. The Snack Cart will serve families, visitors, faculty and students with snacks and beverages while participating in extracurricular activities. Thank you for your donations! Outreach Ministry Summaries as of March 2015 Soup Kitchen Report eager volunteers from St. Martin’s descended upon the Santa Ana Soup Kitchen. The Team Leader couple led a group of volun- St Martin's Soup Kitchen Ministry had two servings at the South- teers, and about 55 hungry and appreciative souls were fed chili west Community Center and collectively served approximately -cheese dogs with chips, an outrageous tossed salad, sliced 107 people. A big Thank You to all who served in March! We peaches, cookies and champagne-flavored punch. Everyone, are truly blessed to have such a vibrant group of volunteers. including the volunteers, left feeling blessed and thankful to God Now, on to the report: for the experience. Saturday, March 21, 2015, we were blessed with a beautiful Craig Park Ministry Report day. The Team Leader and her nephew led the group of volun- teers to serve 52 guests. Our menu consisted of ground beef, The March Craig Park Ministry took place on Sunday, pasta with kale, steamed vegetables, rolls and chocolate and red March 8th at the La Habra Hills Presbyterian Church in the -velvet cake. For beverages we served Coke, Cherry Coke, and 7- city of La Habra. The St. Martin's Team Leader and his vol- Up. Everyone went home happy and grateful. We received unteers served a hot lunch to 65 family members. Lunch many kind words of “Thank You” and “God Bless You”. A big consisted of Sloppy Joe's, golden corn, fresh fruit, cookies THANK YOU to all the volunteers for showing up to help serve the food and clean the place...you made it all possible for a suc- and cold lemonade. After lunch, weekly groceries were cessful outcome! given to our families. Thanks to all the St. Martin de Porres volunteers who helped to feed the hungry! Sunday, March 22, 2015, was a cool, sunny day when a team of Childcare ministry plete focus and attention on God. To "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever Volunteers Needed keep this ministry running volunteers are believes in me will do all the works desperately needed. Please contact Col- that I do." John 14:12 leen Picou at [email protected] if you The Childcare ministry invites our young are willing to help support this ministry. families to worship in Church with com- FAITH FORMATION Becoming Catholic—Rite of Welcome Julie Madelmont Crystal Yannarella Jimmy Hung Sean Ruegsegger Micheal Strouse Matthew Wright John Baughman Jacob Juarez Matthew Payan Fr. Sy’s Pilgrimage Welcome Newly Baptized Evelina Maria Bellanti Fr. Sy wants to personally invite you to accompany him on a Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Martin de Porres and Machu Picchu from August 1-8, 2015. You will get to visit the birth house of St. Martin de Porres, tour the city of Lima and the historical sites of St. Martin’s life, and conclude your tour at Machu Picchu. More information and a registration packet is available in the parish office. Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesday, July 1 following 6:30 pm Mass St Francis of Assisi 2015 Camp Wolf Pack Join us in the first ever Celebration of Summer School the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Camp Wolf Pack is back! Registration is now open for our annual Help at our St Martin de Porres Church. summer school program. This year we are offering 7 weeks of academic Reception will follow at the hall. enrichment including new specialty classes and weekly field trips. Please go to www.sfayl.org for the registration packet or pick up a copy in the front office. FAITH FORMATION Children’s Faith Formation Corner Confirmation Classes Contact Nicole Castillo if you have any questions. [email protected] Have a blessed and Spirit-filled summer! Register in August for Fall Classes. Read John 13: 1-17 Jesus shows his disciples that He did not come to be served, but Sunday Pre-School to serve. Jesus washes the feet of His apostles. John makes the point that serving others is at the heart of being a follower of Jesus. Us in the Son Volunteer Leaders 3 and 4 year old: On Summer Break are great ways to serve as Christian disciples. How is Jesus calling you to serve 4 and 5 year old: On Summer Break others, humbly and compassionately? Childcare will be open for summer break "If I, therefore, the master and teacher have washed your feet, you ought to wash one and the Sunday Preschool children (ages another's feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should 3-5) are welcome to the childcare room also do." John 14-15 for a simple craft and story during summer months. Any concerns, contact Cathy Fitzpatrick at [email protected] or Gerardo Butalid, [email protected] or 714-970-0514 Child Care…is open Every Sunday at 8:45 & Upcoming Youth Ministry Events 10:30 am Masses For questions contact If you have any questions, please Gerardo Butalid: [email protected] or contact Colleen Picou at Mary McDevitt: [email protected] [email protected]. SMYL meeting for all interested Junior and Seniors June 28th at 3-5pm Us in the Son 2015 Us in the Son is about to begin its 37th summer! Online registration for all weeks of Day Camp, Leadership Camp and Family Camp is now open. Flyers and registration forms can be found in the church office. If you have any questions feel free to email us at [email protected]. We hope to see you all this summer! Pass it Be a Part of a Small Christian Community Session 1: Mon-Fri, Jun 29-Jul 3 Family Camp: Fri-Sun, Jul 31-Aug 2 Session 2: Mon-Fri, Jul 6-10 Session 4: Mon-Fri, August 3-7 St.
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