
THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS ISIMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION ATTENTION If youIf you are are in anyin THISanyTHIS doubt doubt CIRCULARCIRCULAR as asto theto the course course ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT of actionof action you you should ANDAND should REQUIREStake,REQUIRES take, you you should should YOURYOUR consult consult IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE your your stockbroker, stockbroker, ATTENTIONATTENTION bank bank manager, manager, solicito solicitor, r, accountantaccountant or orother other professional professional adviser adviser immediately. immediately. IfIf youyou areare inin anyany doubtdoubt asas toto thethe coursecourse ofof actionaction youyou shouldshould take,take, youyou shouldshould consultconsult youryour stockbroker,stockbroker, bankbank manager,manager, solicitosolicitor,r, BursaBursa Malaysia Malaysia Securities Securities Berhad Berhad takes takes no noresponsibility responsibility for forthe the contents contents of thisof this Circular, Circular, makes makes no norepresentation representation as toas itsto itsaccuracy accuracy or or accountantaccountant oror otherother professionalprofessional adviseradviser immediately.immediately. completenesscompleteness and and expressly expressly disclaims disclaims any any liability liability whatsoever whatsoever for forany any loss loss howsoever howsoever arising arising from from or dueor due to yourto your reliance reliance upon upon the the whole whole BursaorBursa anyor any MalaysiaMalaysiapart part of theof Securities Securitiesthe contents contents ofBerhadBerhad thisof this Circ takestakes Circular. ular.nono You responsibilityresponsibility You should should rely rely forfor on theontheyour your contentscontents own own evaluation ofofevaluation thisthis Circular,Circular, to assessto assess makes makesthe the merits nomeritsno representationrepresentation and and risks risks of theof asas the Prop toto Prop itsitsosed aaosedccuracyccuracy Mandate Mandate oror completenessascompleteness setas setout out in thisin andand this Circular. expresslyexpressly Circular. disclaimsdisclaims anyany liabilityliability whatsoeverwhatsoever forfor anyany lossloss howsoeverhowsoever arisingarising fromfrom oror duedue toto youryour reliancereliance uponupon thethe wholewhole oror anyany partpart ofof thethe contentscontents ofof thisthis CircCircular.ular. YouYou shouldshould relyrely onon youryour ownown evaluationevaluation toto assessassess thethe meritsmerits andand risksrisks ofof thethe PropProposedosed MandateMandate asas setset outout inin thisthis Circular.Circular. UEMUEM EDGENTA EDGENTA BERHAD BERHAD (Incorporated (Incorporated in Malaysia)in Malaysia) UEMUEM EDGENTAEDGENTA(Company(Company No. No. 5067-M) 5067-M) BERHADBERHAD (Incorporated(Incorporated inin Malaysia)Malaysia) (Company(Company No.No. 5067-M)5067-M) CIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS IN IN RELATION RELATION TO TO THE THE CIRCULARCIRCULAR TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS ININ RELATIONRELATION TOTO THETHE PARTPART I I PARTPART II (A)(A) PROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWAL RENEWAL OF OF EXISTING EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE MANDATE FOR FOR RECURRENT RECURRENT RELATEDRELATED PARTY PARTY TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS OF OF A AREVENUE REVENUE OR OR TRADING TRADING NATURE; NATURE; AND AND (A)(A) PROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWALRENEWAL OFOF EXISTINGEXISTING SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATEMANDATE FORFOR RECURRENTRECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE; AND (B)(B) RELATEDPROPOSEDPROPOSED PARTY NEW NEW TRANSACTIONSSHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ OF AMANDATE REVENUEMANDATE ORFOR FOR TRADING ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL NATURE; RECURRENT RECURRENT AND RELATEDRELATED PARTY PARTY TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS OF OF A AREVENUE REVENUE OR OR TRADING TRADING NATURE NATURE (B)(B) PROPOSEDPROPOSED NEWNEW SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATEMANDATE FORFOR ADDITIONALADDITIONAL RECURRENTRECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OFPART APART REVENUE II II OR TRADING NATURE PARTPART IIII PROPOSEDPROPOSED ALTERATION ALTERATION OR OR AMENDMENT AMENDMENT TO TO THE THE CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION OF OF THE THE COMPANY COMPANY PROPOSEDPROPOSED ALTERATIONALTERATION OROR AMENDMENTAMENDMENT TOTO THETHE CONSTITUTIONCONSTITUTION OFOF THETHE COMPANYCOMPANY TheThe Notice Notice of theof the Fifty-Sixth Fifty-Sixth Annual Annual General General Meeting Meeting (“56 (“th56 AGMth AGM”) together”) together with with the the Proxy Proxy Form Form are are set setout out in thein the Annual Annual Report Report 2018 2018 of UEMof UEM Edgenta Edgenta Berha Berhad (“dUEM(“UEM Edgenta Edgenta” or” theor the“Company“Company”) despatched”) despatched together together with with this this Circular. Circular. th The Notice of the Fifty-Sixth Annual General Meeting (“56th AGM”) together with the Proxy Form are set out in the Annual Report 2018 The Notice of the Fifty-Sixthth Annual General Meeting (“56 AGM”) together with the Proxy Form are set out in the Annual Report 2018 Dateof DateUEM and andEdgenta time time of Berhatheof the 56d 56(“ AGMth AGM ” or: the:Wednesday,“Wednesday, 15”) 15Maydespatched May 2019 2019 at together 10.00at 10.00 a.m. with a.m. this Circular. of UEM Edgenta Berhad (“UEMUEM EdgentaEdgenta” or the “CompanyCompany”) despatched together with this Circular. th VenueDateVenue and of AGMoftime AGM of the 56th AGM :: : BanquetWednesday,Banquet Hall, Hall, 15 Menara May Menara 2019 Korporat, Korporat, at 10.00 Persada a.m.Persada PLUS, PLUS, Persimpangan Persimpangan Bertingkat Bertingkat Subang, Subang, KM15, KM15, Date and time of the 56 AGM : Wednesday,LebuhrayaLebuhraya Baru 15 Baru May Lembah Lembah 2019 Klang, at Klang,10.00 47301 a.m.47301 Petaling Petaling Jaya, Jaya, Selangor Selangor Darul Darul Ehsan Ehsan Venue of AGM : Banquet Hall, Menara Korporat, Persada PLUS, Persimpangan Bertingkat Subang, KM15, VenueLastLast date of date AGM and and time time for for lodgement lodgement of theof the :: : BanquetMonday,Monday, Hall, 13 13May Menara May 2019 2019 Korporat, at 10.00at 10.00 a.m. Persada a.m. PLUS, Persimpangan Bertingkat Subang, KM15, LebuhrayaLebuhraya BaruBaru LembahLembah Klang,Klang, 4730147301 PetalingPetaling Jaya,Jaya, SelangorSelangor DarulDarul EhsanEhsan ProxyProxy Form Form : Monday, 13 May 2019 at 10.00 a.m. LastLast datedate andand timetime forfor lodgementlodgement ofof thethe : Monday, 13 May 2019 at 10.00 a.m. TheProxyThe Proxy FormProxy Form Form must must be becompleted completed and and deposited deposited at theat the office office of ofthe the Company’s Company’s share share registrar, registrar, Boardroom Boardroom Share Share Registrars Registrars Sdn Sdn Bhd B hd Proxy(formerly(formerly Form known known as asSymphony Symphony Share Share Registrars Registrars Sdn Sdn Bhd) Bhd) at Levelat Level 6, 6,Symphony Symphony House, House, Pusat Pusat Dagangan Dagangan Dana Dana 1, Jalan1, Jalan PJU PJU 1A/46, 1A/46, th th The47301The47301 ProxyProxy Petaling Petaling FormForm Jaya, mustmust Jaya, Selangor bebe Selangor completedcompleted Darul Darul andEhsanand Ehsan depositeddeposited not not less less at atthan the thethan forty-eight officeoffice forty-eight ofof thethe (48) Company’s(48)Company’s hours hours before before shareshare the registrar,the registrar,time time set setBoardroomforBoardroom forthe the 56 56 ShareAGMShare AGM RegistrarsorRegistrars anyor any adjournment adjournment SdnSdn BBhdhd thereof.(formerlythereof. The knownThe lodging lodging as ofSymphony theof the Proxy Proxy ShareForm Form willRegistrars will not not preclude precludeSdn Bhd) you you fromat fromLevel attending attending 6, Symphony and and voting voting House, in personin personPusat at theatDagangan the 56 th56 AGMth AGMDana should should1, Jalan you you subsequently PJU subsequently 1A/46, (formerly known as Symphony Share Registrars Sdn Bhd) at Level 6, Symphony House, Pusat Dagangan thDana 1, Jalan PJU 1A/46, wish47301wish to Petaling doto doso. so. Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time set for the 56th AGM or any adjournment 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time set for theth 56 AGM or any adjournment thereof.thereof. TheThe lodginglodging ofof thethe ProxyProxy FormForm willwill notnot precludepreclude youyou fromfrom attendingattending andand votingvoting inin personperson atat thethe 5656th AGMAGM shouldshould youyou subsequentlysubsequently wish to do so. wish to do so. ThisThis Circular Circular is isdated dated 16 16 April April 2019 2019 ThisThis CircularCircular isis dateddated 1616 AprilApril 20192019 DEFINITIONS Except where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall apply throughout this Circular: Act : Companies Act 2016, as amended, supplemented or modified from time to time AGM : Annual General Meeting ARC : Audit and Risk Committee of UEM Edgenta, presently comprising of Robert Tan Bun Poo, Elakumari Kantilal and Emily Kok Board or Board of : The Board of Directors of UEM Edgenta Directors Bursa Securities : Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Cenviro : Cenviro Sdn Bhd Cenviro Group : Cenviro and its subsidiaries CIMA : Cement Industries of Malaysia Berhad CIMA Group : CIMA and its subsidiaries CIMB : CIMB Group Holdings Berhad CIMB Group : CIMB and its subsidiaries Director : A director of UEM Edgenta or its subsidiaries as the case may be and shall have the same meaning given in Section 2(1) of the Capital Markets and Services Act, 2007 including any person
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