00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 89 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ~TOLL, ~pRSHAIl ISLANDS FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 North Surprises Federal Court With Appearance, Iranians Attack Secord Wants, Funds Left To Contras First Soviet By JIM DRINKARD and DAVID ESPO Ship In Gulf ASSOCIated Press Wnters the rebels fIghting the NIcaraguan Contra affair was aborted on Nov 25 government when Attorney Gen EdWIn Meese MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - For WASHINGTON - Former Na­ North was named m court as a co­ disclosed It pubhcly the first time m the Persian Gulf war, tIOnal Secunty Council aide OlIver L conspirator by fund-raIser Carl Casey, who devoted part of hIS Iraman forces attacked a SOVIet North made a surpnse appearance m Channell and publIc relatIons exec­ tenure as CIA chief to buddIng up the freighter In the strategic waterway, federal court today, while Richard V utIve RIchard MIller, when they Contra forces to oppose the leftIst manne salvage executives reported Secord told the Iran-Contra heanngs pleaded gUIlty thiS month to government of Nicaragua, died on today he wants funds left from the affatr consptracy to defraud the government Wednesday HIS famIly announced The attack on the 6,459-ton Ivan donated to the Contras by solICItmg tax-exempt donations to estabhshment of a Contra fund m hIS Korotoyev at noon Thursday fol­ Lt Col North, dressed m hiS Ma­ buy arms for the Contras memory, and asked that any memonal lowed Iraman warnmgs to Kuwait not nne umform, attended a closed hear­ Secord, a rettred Au Force major donatIOns be made to It to seek Soviet and U S help to pro­ mg before Chief U S DIstrict Judge general, began hIS fourth day In the The congressIOnal heanngs have tect ItS vessels agamst Iraman attacks Aubrey E Robmson Jr on a "sealed wItness chair at JOint House-Senate been teleVIsed hve all week, and m the Gulf grand Jury matter" Iran-Contra heanngs by proposing PreSident Reagan told reporters at the The Iranians charge that Kuwait From Robinson's courtroom, that any remaInIng proceeds from the White House today that he had aids Iraq, Iran's foe m the 6 l/2-year­ North and hiS lawyers went to the enterpnse be turned over to a new watched the sessIOns "a lIttle" old war The Soviets are Iraq's mam U S CIrCUIt Court of Appeals, and fund for the Contras estabhshed m Secord was cross-exammed mten­ arms suppher then to the thIrd floor of the U S memory of deceased former CIA slvely on Thursday about hiS claIm The sources, who commented on Courthouse where a special federal Duector Wilham J Casey that he never made a profit from hiS condition of anonyouty, said the gen­ grand Jury empaneled by Independent But that drew a SWift rebuttal from central role m selhng arms to Iran and eral cargo vessel was hIt off Dubal In counsel Lawrence E Walsh was Sen Warren Rudman, R-N H , who funnellmg some of the proceeds to the the southern waters of the gulf It meetIng The grand Jury IS looking said that whIle the goal was Contra rebels saIled from Kuwait three days ago. mto the enttre Iran-Contra affatr "laudable," neIther the former general NeIther North or hIS attorneys or nor "anyone else has any nght to as­ Israeli Jets Strike Palestinian lawyers from Walsh's office had any SIgn that money" The JustIce De­ comment on the proceedmgs partment WIll deCIde the Issue, he Targets In South Lebanon North IS belIeved to be a target of said Walsh's cnounal investigatIOn Into Secord has testIfied prevIOusly that SIDON, Lebanon (AP) - Israeh was hit, but no casualties were the secret sale of arms to Iran and roughly $8 mIllIon remams In bank reported there subsequent dIverSIOn of proceeds to accounts, left there when the Iran- warplanes bombed PalestIman targets near Sidon today, kllhng 10 people In Tel AVIV, an army spokesman and wounding 25, pohce said The said IsraelI soldH!rs on Thursday Hart Pulls Out Of Race Israehs said they earher foIled an at­ mght encountered a "terronst band" By CARL HILLIARD tempt by guemllas to enter Israel and planmng to cross the border They ASSOCIated Press Wnter There was a gasp from hIS sup­ seize hostages killed two guemllas and wounded porters, thmkmg he might not be Four US-bUilt F-4s and two Is­ three others In the clash about 10 DENVER - A defiant Gary Hart wlthdrawmg after all raeh-made Kfus made three runs over miles north of the Israel-Lebanese abandoned the race for the Democrattc But he went on to make the end of the Palestinian refugee camps of EIn border, the spokesman said preslden tlal nominatIOn today, hiS campatgn offiCial el-Htlweh and Mteh Mleh In the attack There were no Israeli casualties m declanng, "I refuse to submit my Hart saId he thmks he could have that began at 1 55 pm today, pohce the gun battle, the spokesman said, famdy and my fnends and Innocent won Said speakmg on conditIon of anonymIty people and myself to further rumors "I beheve I could have been a suc­ Ambulances rushed causalItIes to In keepmg With army regulations and gossIp" cessful candIdate Apparently, SIdon hospitals Pohce reported one The spokesman Said soldiers found "Clearly under present circum­ now, we'll never know," he saId, hour after the raId that rescuers had Soviet-made nfles, miSSiles and hand stances, thiS campaign cannot go on," lookmg drawn after one of the tough­ evacuated 25 wounded CIVIlIans grenades next to the bodies of the Hart Said at a news conference ''I'm est weeks any preSIdentIal candidate The HlttIne neighborhood on the dead guemllas They did not say to not a beaten man, I'm an angry and has ever faced southern entrance to Em el-Hllweh which group the guemllas belonged defiant man I am who I am Take The former Colorado senator de­ appeared to be the matn target of the "It appears the terronsts mtended It or leave It " cned the emphaSIS on hIS pnvate hfe stnke, Israel's 15th In south Lebanon to take hostages In northern Israel," With hIS Wife, Lee, at hiS SIde, "In pubhc hfe, some thIngs may be thls year Reporter Ahmed Mantash he said without elaboratIon Hart announced the end to what was interesting, but that doesn't mean they Said he counted 20 destroyed refugee In the last mfiltratIon attempt Into once far and away the front-runmng are Important," he Said shacks m the neIghborhood northern Israel on Apnl 19, Israeh campaign for the 1988 Democrattc "I don't want to be the Issue And I Pohce reported 10 dead, and re­ soldiers killed three guemllas who noounatton HIS declSlon left the fIeld cannot be the Issue, because that porters saw the bodies of eight CIvIl­ had crossed the border Two Israeh wIthout any front-runner, only a pack breaks the hnk between me and my Ians pulled from the debns m Hlttme soldiers !!Iso rued In the firefight of lIttle known Democratlc hopefuls voters," Hart added Mantash saId a pOSItion manned by Palestmlan and Western sources say more than 4,000 fighters of Hart admItted mistakes m hiS ac­ He Said that 111 the fmal analYSIS, guernllas of Yasser Arafat's mam­ tIOns - refemng without nammg her "the Amencan people Will deCIde stream Fatah factIOn on the Yasser Arafat's PLO have returned to to hiS relatIOnshIp with MIami model what quahtIes are Important to govern southeastern edge of EIn el-Hllweh Lebanon In the past 19 months Donna RIce - and mSlsted agam that the country In the national mterest " Issues are more Important than per­ Hart Said the dIsclosures about hiS U.S.To Present Draft Treaty sonalIties relationship with Rice had hurt hIS But he opened the sesSIOn by say­ family mg he had thought about dehvenng a "Frankly, the hardest part about On Long-Range Weapons short statement WIthdrawmg from the makmg thIS deCISIOn has been my race, but "I Said to myself, hell no " chIldren" he said GENEVA (AP) - The Umted The preSident said the U S pro­ '""*~ States has finished a draft treaty call­ posal would Include a call for 50 per­ mg for large cutbacks m strategic nu­ cent cuts In mtssiles and bombers, to clear weapons, and planned to present leave each Side WIth 1,600 strategic It today dunng talks with the Soviet nuclear delivery vehicles and 6,000 Umon, a U S source said warheads The source, who spoke on condi­ The two superpowers agreed on tIOn of anonymIty, dechned to reveal these hmtts 111 Reykjavik detaIls of the proposal But PreSIdent DIsagreement remaInS on the Reagan said last Monday that a draft questIon of "subhmits " The Umted on strategic miSSiles would be intro­ States wants such houts to mdlvldu­ duced In Geneva as a way to ally spell out the numbers of air, sea "mtensIfy efforts to reach agreement and ground-launched mISSiles The on reducmg strategic offenSive nucle­ SOViets, who have mostly land-based ar arms by 50 percent" mISSiles, have rejected the Idea Reagan said the draft would reflect Reagan said Washington also agreements reached at last year's planned to propose that both Sides summit WIth SOVIet leader MikhaIl S commit themselves to the 1972 AntI­ Gorbachev m Iceland, and address Balhstlc Missile Treaty for seven SovIet concerns expressed SInce then years, until 1994 The Soviets who The proposed text was to be pre­ say deployment of the U S StrategIC sented by U S negotiator Ronald Defense ImtlatIve would VIOlate the Lehman to Soviet negotIator Lem treaty, have inSisted on a lO-year Masterkov dunng a meetIng at the comrmtrnent Soviet MISSIOn of the group dls­ The Geneva talks, which began NEW YORK - Yal"Jg Yang, a 6-year-old roly-poly panda on loan cussmg strategIC weapons, the source March 1985, resumed for an eighth from the Beijing Zoo, makes hiS debut as a goodWill ambassador at saId full round last Tuesday There are New York's Bronx Zoo
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