plain also something EA has become famous for: re- commending many people to take high-earning jobs in business or fnance and give away much of their Gender without earnings to charity. The consequences of the career- consequentialism of EA are more startlingly visible identities still at a revealing moment in Singer’s book when Judith Roof, What Gender Is, What Gender Does (Min- he writes that ‘on a plausible reading of the relevant neapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016). 280 facts, at least some of the guards at Auschwitz were pp., £78.00 hb., £21.99 pb., 978 0 81669 857 8 hb., not acting wrongly’, for nastier people still would 978 0 81669 858 5 pb. have taken their places, if they hadn’t nobly stepped In queer theorist Annamarie Jagose’s book, Orgas- forward to kill Jews ‘humanely’. We see at a moment mology (2012), she argues that orgasm has been an like this the depths to which the logic of the lesser overlooked aspect of queer critique. Part of a larger evil – the logic of consequentialism, the logic of EA – recent interrogation of queer theory’s relationship will take one. It seems a long journey from the uto- to normativity, Jagose suggests that orgasm, often pian aspirations of EA to an apologia for serving as a seemingly normative aim of sex, has, for the most a Nazi guard at Auschwitz. But, for one who accepts part, escaped the purview of queer thought. In turn- the logic of EA, it is apparently no distance at all. ing to orgasm, Jagose also attempts to turn queerly It is admirable to be willing to break social norms to the stuff of sex without turning it into metaphors to improve the lot of other beings, and encouraging for queer kinship or sociality. Sticking with the ma- that signifcant numbers of people are willing to give terial and literal orgasm, Jagose, in a challenging selfessly and systematically to others far away, and methodological move, insists that sexuality studies that they care enough to work to check that their has diffculty thinking about sex outside of identity. money is used effectively. And for comparing the There is a similar challenge in Judith Roof’s recent effectiveness of a few commensurable charities, EA rethinking of gender. In What Gender Is, What Gender is, as I have said, of use. Yet there needs to be far Does, Roof suggests that gender is too tightly bound more thinking here on the relationship between ef- to identity – it is too often imagined as something fective altruism and effective democracy. Rich people that one can fashion, claim, or ‘be’. She asks in- can choose what they give to. Bill and Melinda Gates stead after what gender might be without subjectiv- are not technology-neutral: their charitable work fo- ity, offering readings of popular culture (television, cuses on techno-fxes and ignores anthropogenic cli- flm, celebrity) that decentre gender as a process of mate change. Indeed, its only major climate-change subjectifcation. She reads gender not through sub- dimension, worryingly, is Gates’s interest in buying jectivity but through a variety of other concepts, in- up geo-engineering patents. I am not encouraged by cluding the taxonomical, the ethical, the narratolo- MacAskill’s warm words for those looking into this. gical, the temporal and the non-human. In this way, At the very least, it is alarming that MacAskill seems Roof aims to rearticulate gender away from ‘mas- almost to pass over what is by far the most vital ele- culinity and femininity’, insisting on the non-binary, ment of the climate issue – namely, cutting down on processual nature of gender. Genderings, for Roof, our GHG-pollution of the atmosphere – in favour of are ‘infnite and perpetually changing’; not tied to carbon offsets on the one hand and reckless techno- ‘any original theme or desire in subjects’, nor in any philiac enthusiasm for geo-engineering on the other. way stable. Doing good better? I think that philosophy can help When Judith Butler published Gender Trouble: us do much better than this. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity in 1990, it was, as goes without saying, a game changer. It both Rupert Read challenged the foundations of a feminism that seem- ingly required ‘woman’ as its political referent and helped to inaugurate the feld of queer theory. In RADICAL PHILOSOPHY 2.01 109 Butler’s conception, gender is a stylised repetition of performativity’s production of gender as binary. For acts, acts which both give the illusion of an internal Roof, the conceptual problem with performativity is truth and produce the subject as legible. Butler’s that it appears to be secondary to a subject’s ‘primary thinking intervened in theories of subjectivity by in- sexuation’; it is locked then within binary categor- sisting that the subject comes into being through ies, even if these categories appear to be ‘wieldable’. gender, even as she suggested that there is no sub- For Roof, Butler’s theory of performativity too heav- ject that ‘does’ gender; the doing is what produces ily tethers gender to binary sex, even as she aims to the subject. It remains by far the most infuential separate them as critical objects; gender remains, in and most often cited text when it comes to theorising some sense, ‘masculinity and femininity’, even as it gender. Moreover, its ideas have crossed over from becomes loosened from ‘men and women’. the academy into a more popular vernacular – most What feels unsatisfying in What Gender Is, What recently, Sasha Velour, the Season Nine winner of Ru- Gender Does is the way genders become at times un- Paul’s Drag Race, quoted Butler’s ideas on the show. tethered in Roof’s work – a crude reading would sum- The degree to which Butler’s theory of performativ- marise the book by saying that Roof multiplies the ity has dominated the feld of gender studies could meaning of gender without an anchor or any polit- hardly be overstated. ical stakes. The bold warning at the end of the It is precisely in opposition to this dominance book’s introduction seems to bear signs of this anxi- that Roof positions her work. As she asks in her in- ety: ‘MOST IMPORTANT, THIS IS NOT SIMPLY AN troduction, what happens when performativity has EXTENDED LIST OF CATEGORIES,NOR IS IT AN EX- become not ‘a’ way to think about gender, but ‘the’ PANDED TAXONOMY.’ Yet, Roof’s theorisation lacks way? In this, Roof seems less concerned with But- the anchor that heteronormativity provides for But- ler’s concept of gender performativity itself and more ler’s theories of performativity. In my understand- with its legacies, or with the various ways that her ing of Butler, heteronormativity is central to her ana- complex theory has been translated and taken up by lysis of gender – this is partly why her theory has others (particularly, it seems, non-academics). Part been so infuential for queer thinking. Her analysis of Roof’s concern is about the way in which per- is careful to connect gender with desire and sexu- formativity seems to bestow agency upon subjects ality, where heteronormativity is the driving factor – the crude interpretation of Butler that imagines behind the cultural demands for binary gender iden- gender’s performativity means anyone can choose tity. For Butler, this is what gender does: binary their gender at will. This, of course, has been some- gender produces the seeming naturalness and inevit- thing that Butler has, again and again, clarifed, most ability of heterosexuality (or, heteronormativity re- notably in Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Lim- quires the production of binary gender). It is also its of Sex (1993). However, Roof suggests that per- this point that both makes genders something other formativity has so attached us to gender as an iden- than free-foating possibilities and connects gender tity that we cannot see the way it exceeds this logic to subjectifcation, producing heterosexual identity of ‘being’ or ‘having’. Drawing on Gilles Deleuze and as the only recognisable subjectivity. In Roof’s in- Félix Guattari, as well as Lacanian psychoanalysis, sistence that gender is neither identity nor binary, Roof suggests that a more systems-inspired model what is lost is the critique of heteronormativity that better gets at what gender is, or, better gets at gender has been so generative from Butler’s account. What outside of identity. She suggests that gender is a‘ma- do we get instead? In some sense, what we get is a chinic process that perpetually reorganizes multiple thorough account of gender as non-binary. In this, sets of regimes and operations that link the psychic Roof’s repeated insistence that gender is a machinic and the social.’ Along with her suggestion that the process that is neither binary nor essential seems to legacies of performativity have resulted in gender come out of, and sit within, a contemporary main- being anchored to identity, her more machinic ac- streaming of non-binary identity. As ‘man’ and ‘wo- count of gender is meant to counter what she reads as man’ are increasingly displaced, rejected and forced 110 RADICAL PHILOSOPHY 2.01 open by queer, intersex and trans activists and the- istence by simply appearing to fy in the face of the orists alike, it is as crucial a moment as any to keep surface signifers by which they believe such struc- thinking through what gender might be outside of tures persist.’ Here, fnally, are the stakes for Roof: ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’. Indeed, as I write this, ‘Gender is a lure’, a lure away from the problem of the singer/songwriter Pink has just given a speech at sexual difference.
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