Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1970-1979 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 11-1971 The aG zette November 1971 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette November 1971" (1971). LU Gazette, 1970-1979. Book 9. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1970-1979 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fellow The Lions To o s r 0 Langston Houston, Saturday 1897-1972 Novombor 13 • t To Appear In Concert "Focusing on the Future ’ Gazette November, 1071 TV Instruction Syst LU Band Participates r> O $ ‘ - 1 n Dedication Activity The Langston University Mar­ After a thirty minute concert, rendition of the National Ant­ ching Band provided the music consisting of music of a national hem that I have beard anywhere.” Ibr the dedication of the state’s theme, the band, conducted by new Televised Instruction sys­ Mr. Anceo M. Francisco, greet­ of the State Regents, tem. The Invitation came from ed the Honorable Carl Albert, members of Congress,Oklahoma Dr. E.T. Dunlap, Chancellor for Speaker of the United States City’s mayor, leading educators, the Oklahoma State Regents for House of Representatives, with and other dignitaries in ut­ Higher Education. the playing of the National An­ terance commended the band them. During Mr.' Albertis de­ for their discipline and musi­ The Band' started the activi­ dication address which follow­ cianship as they concluded the ties by parading from the State ed, he stated: “We wish to con­ afternoon program with a rous­ Capitol Building, at NJS. 14th gratulate the Band from Lang­ ing rendition of the state song, wd Phillips. ston University for the finest “ OKLAHOMA!”- & Awareness , Seminar Scheduled Langston University, assisted Soul Children and supported by the State De- ’partment of Vocational-Technical Langston University’s Fine Arts Series of 1971-72 presents ition and the Department the electrifying night club and stage performing “ Soul Child­ Housing and Urban Develop­ ren” in concert November U, 1971 in the I.W. Young Auditorium ment, brings a two-day seminar on the LU campus. The popular, bard working, Stax Recording for municipal and community ser­ Artists are currently featured on their latesnalbum, The Best vice employees to Enid, Okla­ of Two Worlds.” Students will be admitted free; guest tickets homa's- Public library, Novem­ are^2.00. There is a limited nuihber of two hundred guest tickets. ber 10-11,1971. The sessions, last­ ing approximately six hours each day, give employees who meet the public face-to-face each day LU Students Meet an opportunity to develop new In­ sights and increased understand­ ing of individual and group be­ Bellmon, Rumsfeld havior. The seminar has an emphasis 'Four Langston University stu­ Nixon " in 1969 to serve as wi historical, sociological, psy­ dents attended a meeting of Okla­ director of the office of Econ­ chological and cultural know­ homa campus leaders with Sen­ omic Opportunity with cabinet-^/ ledge and understanding of min­ ator Henry Bellmon and guest level status. In 1971 be was named ority and disadvantaged groups in speaker Donald Rumsfeld, coun­ tp his present post, where he ser­ bur society. Mo^ever, psycholog­ selor to the President, Monday, ves as a key advisor/to the Pres­ ical and sociological theories will October 18, at Central State Uni­ ident f be reduced to everyday realities versity in Ednjond, Oklahoma. Students that attended were: of human interaction, for the pur­ Mr. Rumsfel<f served as a con- Mr. ■ Harding Faulk, Miss Oscar pose of enhancing Readership gressman from Illinois before Yolande’ Harvey, Miss Linda L. Brilliance” captured first prize y in the float compel skills in human relations. being appointed by President Johnson and Mr. Gilbert Wood. Dust Bowl Players Present Two Plays Y - By Harding 1 Faulk Bowl Players, themselves, who enacted the A torrent of rain signaled the opening per­ scenes of the two plays; their perflprmances formance of the Dust Bowl Players; from bordered on the realm of brilliance. the agenda of black plays arose Douglassuglas Turn­Turn- Recently, in an interview with one of the. er o Ward’s “ Happy Ending” andndV’Day of members of the D.B.P., THE witnessed the building of the set Mrs.\ Jo Anne Clark, new directress of far the plays .s i m iller of Involvement the group, is to be commended for her dil­ meated the workshop, which was held beneath igent planning and all our effort in per­ the stage of the I.W. Young Auditorium, as petuating a more relevant image in the uni­ students worked fervently to beat the dead- versity’s drama department. In an atmos­ (SEE DUST BOWL Page 2) phere such as the one that exists on Langs­ i • ton’s campus, there is a need for ftack Right: theater. No less deserving are the Dust Is it??? Can it be???- on the LU Campus?- No, Twt really.. It’s just one pf the Dust \ Bowl Players in -T scene fromv“Day of Scene from “ Happy Ending” Absence. ” PAGE 2 - LANGSTON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER, 1971 LU Students In FAA Training Program **- $ Three Langston University stu> vice stations, towns and cities, last summer means a great deal would take quite a while to ex­ from Oklahoma City said this dents have high praise for the reading airways (similar toMgtw to me—financially speaking, as plain and describe." about her experience: FAA Summer Training program ways) maps, and operating the well as helping me to decide on “ The one thing which I en­ “Working for the Federal after their participation. Mad* different sections in the tower, a career. Since my area of joyed working with the most was Aviation Administration at the eline C. Davis, served as an which included ground control, concentration was Elementary the teletypewriter. The telOi Flight Service Station in Beth­ Air Traffic Control Specialist flight data, and local control. Education, I had never dreamed type sends messages in abbre­ any, Oklahoma as an Air Traf­ summer trainee. She was em­ Also, while working in these dif­ of becoming an air traffic con­ viated form to circuits on ABCD fic Controller, this past sum­ ployed by the Federal Aviation ferent sections of die tower, Miss troller until I experienced the units; these units are connected mer, was truly an experience Administration at Will Rogers Davis was supervised by Air duties of being one this summer. ” to different sectors and divisions for me. One of my tasks was World Airport Tower. Traffic Control specialists with Reba Thomas, tells of her ex­ which send and receive flight receiving (feta from military tap Her job assignments were years of experience in flying as perience with the Federal Avi­ data, weather data, confidential cilitles (which came by way of learning qualifications, regu­ well as controlling air traffic. ation Administration: “ My ex­ messages, etc." an Automatic Data Interchange lations, phrase terminology, dif­ Miss Davis comments, “The perience with the FAA during “ Another part of my learning ferent types of airplanes, abbre­ knowledge and experience that I the summer was very rewarding. experience was operatic the viations of airports, flight ser- received in Air Traffic Control I learned many things which PATWAS, a machine whose main function is to take incomiig calls by a taperecording system which relays the day's weather report, and also relays the incoming weather report." O ^ “ The main objective of the Flight Service Station where I worked is to keep safety in air travel by relaying weather in­ formation and other important information to the pilots in the air by radio or telephone. This was one task which required that I remember many weather sym­ bols, and to observe cloud for­ Brenda McDaniel mations and name them." It takes a lot of studying, for System) and recoding the mes­ the safety of pilots and passen­ sage on teletype in a .mannlr * gers is of extreme importance. in which would be received by In addition to my studies, I al­ the machine. I also typed ig) so took plane rides over Tulsa, flight plans. The task which I visited other air traffic control enjoyed most was broadcasting tQwers, visited the buildings of on radio the Aviation weather vahous* airlines, and attended a within a 250 mile radius from seminar in Oklahoma Qity for Oklahoma City to Tulsa, Okla. the summer trainees.” C ------ “ I feel that my Summer duties “ I received great satisfaction were helpful, because I dis­ frornJj^ing a part of an opera­ covered that blacks can achieve tion Which controlled hundreds f In Control Tower anything that they want to and of planes.. The experience for try to achieve; the opportunity me was quite interesting and is there—why^not take advahtage has given me an opportunity to • Madeline Davis, Langston University Student is Airport during her summer training.,program of it?" \ explore my life into a new world shown; in the control tower at Will Rogers World sponsored by the Federal Aviation Authority. Brenda McDaniel, LU student of challenges."* NOVEMBER —Editorial— Historical Events November 4 BIGOTRY Rudolph Fisher's Con jure-Man Dies, first black detective novel, was published in 1932. ^ By Jerry W hite November 5 “ Let’s lay it rjght on the line. Bigotry and rac­ created in the image of God—a God who calls Negro History Week was initiated by Carter G.
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