December 13, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 28005 shut-out victories on the way to their average home game attendance to 24,000 That the following sums are appropriated, out second MLS cup, and they outscored people this season. of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- their opponents in the playoffs by a The Los Angeles Galaxy deserves as many propriated, for the Departments of Labor, accolades for their heroic work off the field as Health and Human Services, and Education, margin of seven goals to just one. This and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending was truly a dominating performance by they do for their gallant efforts on the field. September 30, 2006, and for other purposes, the Galaxy. They represented the City During the past several years, the Galaxy namely: of Los Angeles and their fans with Foundation has hosted the Foundation’s TITLE I—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR honor, and so I encourage this body to Feast, which provides Thanksgiving dinner for EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION recognize their accomplishments by 200 needy children and families. The Founda- TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES supporting this resolution. tion also hosts a special holiday shopping (INCLUDING RESCISSIONS) Mr. Speaker, I do not believe that I spree for children selected by several local For necessary expenses of the Workforce In- am going to have any other requests Salvation Army chapters. vestment Act of 1998, the Denali Commission Act for time, and I yield back the balance Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Chairman of 1998, and the Women in Apprenticeship and of my time. TOM DAVIS, Ranking Member HENRY WAXMAN, Non-Traditional Occupations Act of 1992, in- Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I want to Congressman CHRIS CANNON, and Congress- cluding the purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles, the construction, alteration, and thank the gentleman from California man DANNY DAVIS for their help in bringing H. repair of buildings and other facilities, and the (Mr. BECERRA) for having introduced Res. 574 to the floor today. purchase of real property for training centers as this bill, and I urge Members to sup- The Los Angeles Galaxy is a truly remark- authorized by the Workforce Investment Act of port adoption of House Resolution 574. able team whose high standards of excel- 1998; $2,652,411,000 plus reimbursements, of Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lence, professionalism, demonstrated courage, which $1,688,411,000 is available for obligation congratulate the players, coaches, staff, and sacrifice, and teamwork should be com- for the period July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007; owners of the Los Angeles Galaxy for winning mended. Their passion continues to captivate except that amounts determined by the Sec- the 2005 Major League Soccer (MLS) Cup a growing and diverse fan base from all retary of Labor to be necessary pursuant to sec- Championship and to pay tribute to this his- across Southern California. tions 173(a)(4)(A) and 174(c) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 shall be available from toric feat. Mr. Speaker and fellow colleagues, please October 1, 2005 until expended; and of which On November 13, 2005 in Frisco, Texas, join me and all soccer fans from across the $950,000,000 is available for obligation for the the Galaxy became the 10th MLS Champion country and the around world in congratulating period April 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007, to by defeating the New England Revolution by a the 2005 Major League Soccer Cup Cham- carry out chapter 4 of the Workforce Investment score of 1–0 in extra time. This is the Galaxy’s pions Los Angeles Galaxy. Act of 1998; and of which $8,000,000 is available second MLS championship and represents Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I yield for the period July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009 only the third time in league history that a back the balance of my time. for necessary expenses of construction, rehabili- tation, and acquisition of Job Corps centers: team has won the ‘‘domestic double’’—the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by Provided, That notwithstanding any other pro- Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup and the MLS Cup vision of law, of the funds provided herein Championship in the same year. the gentleman from Utah (Mr. CANNON) under section 137(c) of the Workforce Invest- The team was challenged throughout the that the House suspend the rules and ment Act of 1998, $282,800,000 shall be for activi- entire season both from sustaining several in- agree to the House resolution, H. Res. ties described in section 132(a)(2)(A) of such Act juries and also player absences due to call- 574. and $1,193,264,000 shall be for activities de- ups by the United States Men’s National Team The question was taken; and (two- scribed in section 132(a)(2)(B) of such Act: Pro- The Galaxy’s ability to overcome these adver- thirds having voted in favor thereof) vided further, That $125,000,000 shall be avail- the rules were suspended and the reso- able for Community-Based Job Training Grants, sities is a testament to the skill of the coach- which shall be from funds reserved under sec- ing staff and the talent of players who never lution was agreed to. tion 132(a)(2)(A) of the Workforce Investment once compromised team cohesiveness for in- A motion to reconsider was laid on Act of 1998 and shall be used to carry out such dividual glory. the table. grants under section 171(d) of such Act, except Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a moment f that the 10 percent limitation otherwise applica- ble to the amount of funds that may be used to to recognize the individual players for their FURTHER CONFERENCE REPORT role in developing this championship team. carry out section 171(d) shall not be applicable ON H.R. 3010, DEPARTMENTS OF to funds used for Community-Based Job Train- This year’s superb squad was led by team LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN ing grants: Provided further, That funds pro- captain Peter Vagenas and a terrific line up SERVICES, AND EDUCATION, AND vided to carry out section 132(a)(2)(A) of the that included Chris Albright, Benjamin RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- Workforce Investment Act of 1998 may be used Benditson, Pablo Chinchilla, Mubarike Chisoni, TIONS ACT, 2006 to provide assistance to a State for State-wide or Steve Cronin, Ednaldo da Conceicao, Landon local use in order to address cases where there Donovan, Todd Dunivant, Michael Enfield, Mr. REGULA submitted the fol- have been worker dislocations across multiple Josh Gardner, Herculez Gomez, Guillermo lowing further conference report and sectors or across multiple local areas and such Gonzalez, Alan Gordon, Ned Grabavoy, Kevin statement on the bill (H.R. 3010) mak- workers remain dislocated; coordinate the State ing appropriations for the Departments workforce development plan with emerging eco- Hartman, Ugo Ihemelu, David Johnson, Cobi nomic development needs; and train such eligi- Jones, Quavas Kirk, Tyrone Marshall, Paulo of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for ble dislocated workers: Provided further, That Nagamura, Joseph Ngwenya, Michael Nsien, $7,936,000 shall be for carrying out section 172 of Troy Roberts, Marcelo Saragosa, Josh Saun- the fiscal year ending September 30, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Provided ders, Michael Umana, and the 2005 MLS 2006, and for other purposes: further, That $982,000 shall be for carrying out Cup’s Most Valuable Player, midfielder Guil- CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. 109–337) Public Law 102–530: Provided further, That, lermo ‘‘Pando’’ Ramirez. The committee of conference on the dis- notwithstanding any other provision of law or The coaching crew was also instrumental in agreeing votes of the two Houses on the related regulation, $80,557,000 shall be for car- rying out section 167 of the Workforce Invest- cultivating this triumphant team. The fantastic amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 3010) ‘‘making appropriations for the Depart- ment Act of 1998, including $75,053,000 for for- staff was led by head coach Steve Sampson; ments of Labor, Health and Human Services, mula grants, $5,000,000 for migrant and seasonal assistant coaches Afshin Ghotbi, Billy McNicol, and Education, and Related Agencies for the housing (of which not less than 70 percent shall and Ignacio Hernandez; Head Athletic Trainer fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, and for be for permanent housing), and $504,000 for Ivan Pierra; Team Administrator Anthony Gar- other purposes’’, having met, after further other discretionary purposes, and that the De- cia; and Equipment Manager Raul Vargas. full and free conference, have agreed to rec- partment shall take no action limiting the num- Mr. Speaker, my hometown of Los Angeles ommend and do recommend to their respec- ber or proportion of eligible participants receiv- has the best fans any team can ask for. They tive Houses as follows: ing related assistance services or discouraging grantees from providing such services: Provided are more than just spectators, they are the That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate, and further, That notwithstanding the transfer limi- 12th player on the field—building momentum agree to the same with an amendment, as tation under section 133(b)(4) of such Act, up to and inspiring their team to fight on to victory. follows: 30 percent of such funds may be transferred by These devoted and spirited fans contributed to In lieu of the matter stricken and inserted a local board if approved by the Governor: Pro- eight sold out home games and brought the by said
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