UDK: 336.1; 663.2(497.113), Prethodno saopštenje Članci/Papers Marketing Research into Wine Consumption Determinants in Vojvodina Suzana Salai, Milan Gašović, Mirjana Čelić Abstract: Until a few decades ago, the 1. INTRODUCTION market of Vojvodina as a segment of the Serbian market played a crucial role in Vojvodina used to be renowned as a region of viticulture and wine pro- wine production. Wine consumption in duction not only at the national level, but in many other countries as well. the 1970s amounted to thirty litres per Wine consumers had the habit and ritual of wine consumption, which is capita, whereas forty years later, it has evident from the fact that wine consumption amounted to 30 litres in the been reduced to about three litres. The 1970s, whereas five years ago it plummeted to only 3 litres per capita. The development of technology in the modern- changes occurring in young consumers’ lifestyles and activities of beer day conditions tends to make a positive and soft drink producers resulted in re-channelled consuming habits, es- impact on daily life, which, however, is not pecially of the younger segments, and preference of competing beverages the case with viticulture, wine production at the expense of wine. In addition, wine consumption was mistakenly and consumption – a sphere where de- velopment trends have had the opposite associated with alcoholism and all its consequences. Wine is an alcoholic direction. Consequently, the centuries-old drink, but alcohol is not the only and the most significant ingredient. It tradition of viticulture is almost extinct, contains a plethora of various organic compounds and minerals required substituted by other drinks and cultures. by the human organism. Rather than encouraging alcoholism, moder- The economic and cultural development ate consumption of wine features as a component of diet with nutri- and wine production have been, so to say, tional, hygienic, prophylactic and medicinal value (Cindrić et al., 1994). neglected. In the meantime, producers of Research (Kovač & Pekić, 1991) describe the multifaceted influence of beer and soft drinks took over the domi- grapes and wine in the biochemical reactions of the human organism, nation, and these intensely promoted such as vitamin C economy in the organism, inhibition of enzyme sys- beverages have been widely adopted by tems responsible for connective tissue destruction, protection of collagen the consumers of younger generations. fibres in blood vessels, blood cholesterol reduction, excess free radical Wine, as “the divine drink, is the symbol elimination, antiviral properties etc. of happiness, wisdom, health and life”, is well known in most cultures, which should In recent years, under the influence of oenophilia present in mature enable the return of the old glory. markets, interest in wines (especially those with protected geographical designation) has revived in our conditions as well. The true wine cul- The potentials of wine are yet to be ture is acquired over a longer time period, as it implies expertise in viti- researched so that wine production can culture, knowledge of wine types, classification of wines by quality and reach, or even exceed its earlier place culture, the medicinal aspect of wine consumption, the art of serving, in society. The aim of this article is to research the geographic, demographic, label reading, wine temperature, wine glasses, matching wines to food, economic, sociological and psychologi- and many other things. The wine culture is full of “rules” which do not cal determinants predominantly shaping impose norms, but rather entail the beauty of experience, contribute to the behaviour of wine consumers and enjoyment, and ennoble soul and body. traditional producers in Vojvodina. The aim of this research is to establish the motives and attitudes to wines in Vojvodina, which can serve as a basis for wineries for applying Key words: wine consumption habits, consumption determinants, segmentation the appropriate marketing mix in creating consumer value and partner- of wine consumers ship relations with consumers and stakeholders. This research can also serve for improving the consumption of high quality wines that this re- 103 gion can provide, repositioning of wine and re-creat- Holistic marketers acknowledge that the marketing ing the lifestyle of the wine consumer market segment. environment sees constant emergences of new oppor- tunities and new threats, and realise the importance of constant monitoring and adapting to this environ- 2. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE ON ment, whose factors cannot be controls. Within the ENVIRONMENT DETERMINANTS global situation, the doyens of marketing and brand- ing, Kotler and Keller (2006), have identified six most Consumer behaviour is affected by a significant num- important determinant comprising the subject of ber of external environment determinants, and, in marketing research and pertaining to the macro-en- interaction with these, based on mutual impact, the vironment elements: demographic, economic, socio- internal factors such as mental state and personal- cultural, natural technological, and administrative- ity traits. This approach to consumer behaviour was political. conceived (Levin, 1951) as a result of the relation- The same approach to macro-environment is found ship between the consumer and his environment. In in Kotler, Wong, Saunders and Armstrong (2007). marketing theory, it was redefined according to which Corporate marketing responds differently to environ- consumer behaviour serves the function of interaction ment challenges. Some only watch without reacting, between interpersonal influences (reference groups, whereas others manage the environment by studying leaders and cultures) and personal (internal and psy- forces from the environment and create strategies for chological) determinants (Maričić, 150). Within the avoiding threats and using opportunities offered by external environment determinants, which almost this environment. In their opinion, macro-environ- equally influence all consumers in an environment, ment determinants include demographic, economic, the same source (153) adds general (geographic, de- natural, technological political and cultural forces, mographic, cultural, sub-cultural, economic system and micro-environment comprises determinants in- and business conditions) and very specific, i.e. deter- clude those that affect its ability to serve consumers, minants of micro-environment (interpersonal com- i.e. deliver value – the company, suppliers, marketing munication between consumers, influence of social intermediaries, competition and the public. and reference groups, lifestyle, income, consumption Marketing research conducted in this paper was inclinations etc), including the company’s market- based on the approach of domestic authors (Salai & ing activities. The same author includes the natural Božidarević, 2009), looking into the determinants of environment among geographical determinants, as a macro-environment and wine consumers as microen- “delicate balance and mutual dependence of natural vironment determinants sources on the one hand, and vegetation, wildlife and human labour on the other (162). Within internal de- terminants, mental state, the consumer’s personality 3. EXTERNAL (macro-environment) streaks and the features of his personality form the DETERMINANTS OF WINE consumer’s attitudes, opinions and motives, so that they are differentiated and manifested under the in- CONSUMERS’ BEHAVIOUR IN fluence of external determinants. THE PROVINCE OF VOJVODINA The classification of consumer behaviour deter- Wine consumers’ behaviour is significantly defined minants from the marketing aspects (Gutić & Bar- by the determinants of the environment they live and bir, 2009), regards the general determinants (global their personal (internal) determinants. Research into processes in the world, demographic movements, the determinants of these consumers’ environment processes and trends, technological development encompasses geographic, demographic, economic, and institutional aspects) as determinants of exter- sociological, social, cultural, political and legal deter- nal character, and the psychological and sociological minants. determinants and the internal determinants of con- sumer behaviour. In addition to these, consumer be- Geographic environment. The population’s con- haviour determinants include marketing instruments suming features, and thus differences in consump- (product, promotion and pricing), corporate factors tion, result from a whole range of determinants and (corporate and organisational culture and human po- the impacts of the geographic environment. Consum- tentials management) and communication determi- er behaviour relates to the geographic area, climate, nants. landscape, population density (urban or rural envi- 104 Suzana Salai, Milan Gašović, Mirjana Čelić ronment), and contemporary ecological conditions. The landscape of Vojvodina significantly influenc- The province of Vojvodina is located in the South of es meeting the population’s needs and desires in terms the Pannonian Basin, in the confluence of the Dan- of food, clothing and accommodation. It is manifested ube, the Sava, and the Tisa, taking up about ¼ of the in different lifestyles and behaviour patterns of con- territory of Serbia, with about 2 million inhabitants sumers which, from the marketing aspect, means the of various ethnic groups, speaking different languages need to apply regional marketing through micromar- and dialects.
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