Published by Eta Sigma Phi VOLUME 88, NUMBER 3 FALL 2014 In This Issue 2 ΗΣΦ: Statement of Purpose and Benefits of 100 Years and Counting Membership 2 About NUNTIUS 2 List of 2014–2015 Officers 2 Members of the Board of Trustees 2 ΗΣΦ Committees 3 Address from the Megas Prytanis 3 FASTI 4 Meet the 2014–15 Officers 4 In Memory of Raymond L. Den Adel 5 Willie on Seneca 5 Want to Place an Ad in NUNTIUS? 6 Bernice L Fox Teaching Training Scholarship 7 Telemachia by Marc Presler 14 100 Years of Loving Wisdom and Beauty: ΗΣΦ at CAMWS-SS 15 ΗΣΦ Convention Hosts 1925–2014 16 The Next Generation: ΗΣΦ at the APA/ AIA 2015 17 MAUCC: Call for Papers 18 Resolutions Committee Report 20 Ovatio for Brent Froberg by Antonios Augoustakis 21 Ovatio for Thomas J. Sienkewicz by Martha Davis 21 On the selection of Lifetime Achievement Awardees 23 Winners of the Maurine Dallas Watkins Sight Translation Contests 24 Abstracts of the papers presented at the 86th annual convention 25 Best paper at the 86th annual convention: “Cassandra the Keen-Scented Hound” by Jennifer Ranck 29 ΗΣΦ Medals 30 J.C.B. Petropoulos. Kleos in a Minor Key…. Reviewed by Joshua Benjamins 31 Van Dam, Raymond. Remembering Constantine at the Milvian Bridge. Reviewed by Andrew Koperski 33 Giannis Stamatellos, Introduction to Preso- cratics…. Reviewed by Daniel VanderKolk 34 College Greek Exam 35 Minutes of the 86th National Convention 48 2014 Convention Awards 50 2014 Certamen questions! 57 ΗΣΦ on Facebook 58 About the Summer Scholarship Winners 58 Report of the Chair of the Board of Trustees 58 Back Issues of NUNTIUS Wanted 59 Vergilian Society Study Tours 2015 60 Chapter Reports 66 Initiates 68 H. R. Butts Scholarship for Fieldwork in Classical Archaeology 68 Membership Report for 2013–14 68 New and Reactivated Chapters 68 Chapters Filing Annual Reports for 2013–14 70 Winners of the Beta Nu Chapter Classical Essay Contest 71 ΗΣΦ Regalia (Honor Cords, Hoods, Jewelry and Lapel Pins) 72 Annual ΗΣΦ Summer Travel Scholarships Officers with the Chicago skyline ETA SIGMA PHI: LIST OF 2014–15 OFFICERS HONORARY TRUSTEES Statement of Purpose Megas Prytanis: Timothy Morris, Martha Davis Gamma Omicron at Monmouth College; Zeta Beta at Temple University [email protected] and Benefits of Sister Thérèse Marie Dougherty Megas Hyparchos: Mason Johnson, Beta Psi at Beta Kappa at Notre Dame of Maryland Membership Rhodes College; [email protected] University Megale Grammateus Brent M. Froberg The purposes of Eta Sigma Phi, the national Claire Drone-Silvers, Eta Zeta at Truman Gamma Omega at Baylor University Classics honorary society, are to develop and State University; [email protected] promote interest in Classical study among W. W. de Grummond students of colleges and universities; to promote Megale Chrysophylax Eta at Florida State University Katelynn Torcato, Theta Tau at Richard closer fraternal relationship among students Thomas J. Sienkewicz Stockton College of New Jersey; who are interested in Classical studies, and to Gamma Omicron at Monmouth College stimulate interest in Classical studies and in the [email protected] history, art, and literature of ancient Greece and Wayne Tucker Rome. Members are elected by local chapters MEMBERS OF THE Beta Theta at Hampden-Sydney College which have been chartered by the society. Most BOARD OF TRUSTEES members are undergraduates but chapters can also Antonios Augoustakis (2017), Chair EDITOR OF NUNTIUS initiate graduate students, faculty, and honorees. Alpha Kappa at the University of Illinois Georgia Irby There are more than 180 chapters of Eta Sigma [email protected] Omega (College of William and Mary) Phi throughout the United States. Benefits of [email protected] membership include: Katherine Panagakos (2016) • membership card, lapel pin and certificate Theta Tau at Richard Stockton College • subscription to NUNTIUS, the biannual [email protected] EXECUTIVE SECRETARY newsletter of the society Joseph Garnjobst (2015) David H. Sick, Executive Secretary (2015) • an annual national convention including a Eta Delta at Hillsdale College Eta Sigma Phi certamen and banquet [email protected] Greek and Roman Studies • the opportunity to give academic presentations Rhodes College Daniel Levine (2017) before an audience of peers and scholars 2000 N. Parkway Beta Pi at University of Arkansas • annual sight translation exams in Latin and Memphis, TN 38112 [email protected] Greek Phone: 901-843-3907 • honor cords and sashes for graduation Mary Pendergraft (2015) Fax: 901-843-3633 • bronze and silver medals of achievement Beta Iota at Wake Forest University e-mail: [email protected] • eligibility for summer travel scholarships to [email protected] Greece, Rome or southern Italy • eligibility for a Latin teacher training scholarship ΗΣΦ COMMITTEES Translation Contest Coordinator Joseph Garnjobst of Eta Delta at Hillsdale College (2015) About NUNTIUS [email protected] Fox Latin Teaching Scholarship Committee NUNTIUS is the newsletter of Eta Sigma Phi, the Bridget Thomas of Eta Zeta at Truman State University, chair (2016, [email protected]) national Classics honorary society. It is published Sister Thérèse Marie Dougherty of Beta Kappa at Notre Dame of Maryland University (2015) twice a year, in September and in January. Copies Timothy Moore of Alpha Xi at Washington University in St. Louis (2017) of the NUNTIUS are sent free of charge to Summer Travel Scholarships Committee active, associate, and honorary members at active Molly Pasco-Pranger, Lambda at the University of Mississippi, chair (2016, [email protected]) chapters. A lifetime subscription to the NUNTIUS Katherine Panagakos, Theta Tau at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (2017) is also available to members who wish to continue James (Jim) Johnson, Gamma Upsilon at Austin College (2017) receiving the newsletter after graduation. The cost of this lifetime subscription is a single payment of Program Committee $50. Non-members interested in subscribing to the Bonnie Catto of Eta Omicron at Assumption College, chair (2015, [email protected]) John Rundin of Eta Mu at the University of California, Davis (2017) newsletter should contact the editor for further David Schenker of Alpha Mu at the University of Missouri–Columbia (2016) information. The editor is Dr. Georgia L. Irby of Omega at the College of William and Mary. Finance Committee Graphic designer is Jon Marken of Lamp-Post Davina McClain of Iota Beta at Northwestern State University Scholars’ College, chair (2017, Publicity in Meherrin, Virginia. NUNTIUS is [email protected]) printed by Farmville Printing of Farmville, Virginia. Lora Holland of Eta Tau at the University of North Carolina, Asheville (2015) Brent Froberg of Gamma Omega at Baylor University (ex officio) David Sick of Beta Psi at Rhodes College (ex officio) Katelynn Torcato, Theta Tau at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (2015, ex officio) H. R. Butts Field Archaeology Scholarship Committee Ruth Palmer of Gamma at Ohio University, chair (2015, [email protected]) Cynthia Claxton of Delta Sigma at the University of California–Irvine (2016) Christine Renaud of Theta Omicron at Carthage College (2017) 2 Address from the Megas Prytanis FORSAN ET HAEC OLIM MEMINISSE This could hardly be a valediction with- IU VABIT. out a litany of gratitude, however. First, These are the words that Dr. Levine left I’d like to thank the Executive Secretary us with as we prepared to say our farewells (Dr. Sick) and the Centennial Committee at the Centennial convention, and I’d like members (David Giovagnoli, Kyle Oskvig, to pass them on to you all as I say my own and Michelle Martinez) for planning and “valete.” For those of us who are Latinists, hosting us during a beautiful April week- you’ll surely remember that “valere” means end in Chicago, and to Dr. Irby for her not only “goodbye,” but also “be well; Herculean effort in preparing the Centen- thrive” and I have no doubt in my mind nial Edition of Nuntius. I’d also like to that ΗΣΦ will continue to thrive as a express my gratitude to my fellow officers, monument to the classical tradition. Firstly, the Board of Trustees, our paper present- I’m honored and excited to announce ers, and all those who worked behind the your new officers’ board: Tim Morris will scenes to ensure a flawless program was put be taking the helm as Megas Prytanis, on for all those in attendance. Lastly, I’d Mason Johnson as Megas Hyparchos, like to thank all of you for your continuing Claire Drone-Silvers as Megale Gram- effort to promote classical learning in all mateus, and Katelyn Torcato as Megas you do: without readers such as yourselves, Chrysophalax! I have no doubt that they’ll ΗΣΦ would be nothing. It gives me great garner ΗΣΦ undying κλέος in the years joy to remember the time I spent as your to come, and I hope that you’ll show them Stephen Gan, Megas Prytanis, 2013–14 Megas Prytanis, and hope that someday, it the same support and enthusiasm that so might help you to remember this past year. impressed us this past year. Secondly, the class classicists in their own right! Finally, Valete & Χαίρετε! world-class faculty who comprise the ΗΣΦ turning our eyes to our 2015 convention- Board of Trustees continues to support our hosts, let us salute Richard Stockton Col- Stephen Gan outstanding students through a number of lege for their ambitious project of bringing Fordham College at Rose Hill scholarships and help them become world- our Centennial celebration to a close! Class of 2014 Fasti 2014 2015 February 20: deadline for Maureen September 2: Battle of January 5: Deadline for call of papers for Dallas Watkins Greek and Latin Actium the 2015 convention Translation Contest requests and submission. (If paper copies of testing January 8–11: ΗΣΦ Panel at the APA/ October 15: deadline for nominating materials are desired, such a request AIA joint meeting, New Orleans, LA: Lifetime Achievement Awardees: must be received by February 6).
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