Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 5-1-1924 Volume 42, Number 05 (May 1924) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 42, Number 05 (May 1924)." , (1924). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/712 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ETUDE MAY 192k Page 289 The Commencement Award or Graduation Gift! Here Are Some Excellent Suggestions the Suggestions That Might Be Made Are Many—Our Descriptive Catalogs of Piano, Vocal, Violin and Organ Collections (Any of Which May Be Secured Gratis) Describe Albums That Might Well Be Used By Teachers As Prizes or Awards or as Graduation Gifts By Parents or Friends. It Will Be Noted Below That Close of the Season Prizes For Pupils of All Ages Are Suggested. THEO. PRESSER CO. Everyt^^^,'^tims Philadelphia, Pa. Page 200 MA Y 102J, the ETOm SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 per year In the PRESSER’S MUSICAL MAGAZINE United State, and Possession., Argentine, Bolivia, RENEWAL.—No receipt is sent for renewals. On Bras.l, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Re¬ the wrapper of the next issue sent you will be printed Have You Faith public, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, the date on which your subscription is paid up, which Nicaragua, Paraguay, Republic of Honduras, Spain including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands and Pos¬ sessions in North Africa (Ceuta, Melilla and Tan¬ Liberal Premiums and cash deductions are allowed for gier) Peru and Uruguay. In Canada, $2.25 per year. Just the Thing for A11 other countries, $2.72 per year. Single copy. Price 25 cents. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to UlTMX THE ETUDE. Write on one side of the sheet only. Con- JUNIOR MUSIC CLUBS REMITTANCES should be made by post-office or ex- in Yourself? press money orders, bant check or draft, or registered letter. AIthough^ every possible care is taken the publishers are not GUILD OF PLAY BOOKS. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. iUJOP M >oey sent in letters is dangerous, and wc are not reaponsible A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN, THE their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will Part I—Programs for May-day, Empire day, Michaelmas, and MUSIC STUDENT, AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. be returned. similar festivals. Old English customs and dances adapted for DISCONTINUANCES.—Owing to the educational character of THE ETUDE a majority of ita readers Edited by James Francis Cooke AdvADVERTISING RATES wM be sent on application. you feel that you could establishut|o°k in the profession—don’t children. Ball exercises. Price, $3 oo do not wish to miss an issue. Therefore, the pub- Assistant Editor, Edward Ellsworth Hipshkr er responsibility and incidentally a position of great- Fully Illustrated with Photographs, Diagrams and Music. ’ Vol. XLH. No. 5 MAY, 1924 if you had a good practical m ,J°^a be.tter financial future Part II.—Two children’s pageants; The Tale of Prince Richaid's Mumming and A Christmas in Old Bermondsey House. Price $3 no ly knowing how to play oni insti^mentT*10" “*** °fmere' Fully Illustrated with Photographs, Diagrams and Music. ’ Part III.—A book of national dances and songs of Eurojje Fully Illustrated with Photographs, Diagrams and Music. Price/ $3.00 Composition, OrchLuatio^—ir^co^fd”1^7’ CounterPoint> Part IV.—A manual of old dance forms and customs, flower and strument like Piano Cornet V; r £ d p ay some other in¬ village dances, arranged for performance by tiny children and suit sufficient faith in yourself to^rv'to^Jmr °rgan' e.te- Have 3™ able for school or out-of-door performance. Music by R. Chanter' 1 The World of Music same time financially as well \vTPr°Ve ™us,cally and at the free offer for four lessons which wt offi? ^ advfa"tage of our c w- Ki"’ra“' absolutely free of charge in the hn fu t0 [eaders °f The Etude If unable to secure from your local dealer, copies will be cheerfully sent for a fortnight's examination of starting you upon^^areer be ^he means f COMPOSER’S HANDBOOK By Ralph Dunstan, Mus.D. A handbook for creased cash earnings e^nin/ u u'U pay ^dends in in- beginners an£ others. Full quotations and examples of compositio obtain under your presen^condition?^ ^ poSsib* Price, $6.25 H Write for ByF: CorJer- For the$gem instruments. ^ ,n the examPles f- the tra„sposing rf&asSSjSK/sssst-j-j For Sale by rj701 CHESIMJT ST., PHILA.. pa ' Piano Students’ Course m:u: ,, Normal Piano Course A Suggestion to Music Teachers Harmony A'Khc?ilisrbrndudeasndcDr' DanieIProthe- D ”, PCSki0n and ^estration" ^"^Pcnt, Con, Tu/Tt- son,e °f yo“r **■« PubllC School Music by Frances K Clark drte Clilfr9^9 and Ear Tra’n*n9 '’r r* B. Stiven. a relaxation from the reauin, s?ntze these classes as Choral Conducting by Dr. Daniel Protheroe. Cornet a. / Violin IT,,,*; Ar,,,"r Hcft' "°“<< Suropeaif1 violinisl, pupil o[ Mandolin e„in,nl man(lo,lnis, the T:Z _ o»oe> transposition and editing. '■ BanjO by Frederick J. Bacon, America's renowned Sanjois, Guitar r^gguiwlm-W1'^ s,*u, f»r « in teachiJi smly Reed Organ '■» »«-. ttach„ BOOK oice by Geo. Crampton, noted English baritone. R BEGINNERS - GOOD FOR FOUR FREE LESSONS - r KXTP.NSinu no., _ °°V7r'13 ™ tHneVh“8I oftlle cut a„d « '0 a “‘rapi^ndeStani'ij' 1 °f Want spaces S are dispensed"il T consulted l 'J" book to Street No.. R. F. D. or P. 0. Boa... co. —— ~~-PHILADELPHIA, PA. .4. \s. Please mention the ETu^e J THE ETUDE MAY 192Jf Page 29* the world’s greatest, largest and most complete song collection THOUSAND SONGS I C. r-» - n songs of every description ever published. Description of this book in mere words is This is not a catch phrase, but the title of the most wnderful com^lahon of famili,^ book, covering the one thousand home, love, operatic, sacred, child’s, Southern, an impossibility—therefore we present below the COMPLET ° household where there is singing will find it everlastingly useful; every musician college, sea, patriotic and national songs which are to be found wit in 1 s cov rs. very constitute the basis upon which all our enjoyment of singing in the home is founded. should possess a copy as a ready reference and guide to all those wonderlui songs which LOOK FOR THE SONGS YOU LIKE—AND YOU WILL FIND THEM! THIS IS THE COMPLETE CLASSIFIED INDEX OF THE 1000 SONGS Il~~ i.F- Quilting Party iis UosaUe*8 Masrz. Vive 1* Amour Biftfsats JMe, o, My ■sfe* - SR * IsSffi5 The price of this book, strongly Buy this book at any music or bound with a flexible paper bind¬ $2.00 The price of thi, book k„ j book dealer's, or upon receipt of THE MUMIL PUBLISHING CO. ing, with cover in colors, is seen ,11k c|oth °!7^0un.d <tO Cft cash, it will be sent postpaid by 207-217 West 25th St., New York City full, lettered i„ 8„’,d*t Uaut" ’ n rtTH Outstanding Vocal Publications The Favorite Contralto and World THE ETUDE A Success on the Programs of i^j) MAY, 1924 Single Copies 25 Cents VOL. XLII, No. 5 Famous Victor Record Artist Lewis James Howell ELSIE BAKER #. <7 Trouble and Music “One Man’s Poison” ■ W Never was there an anodyne for trouble that could com¬ An explorer in New Guinea, an island just northeast of BUZZI-PECCIA’S pare with music. There seems to come a time when this dear Australia, inhabited by natives of the most savage type, has 1 Says of « ii >* “When the Kye Come Hame angel of relief touches the world-tired brow of the soul in grief, recently been describing his adventures, in McClure's Maga¬ “A Little Brown Owl” By GEO. B. NEVIN saying: zine. This intrepid gentleman, Captain Frank Hurley, “Look up. To-morrow the sun shines once found that the aborigines had little difficulty in eating food High Voice in G minor (F sharp to g) “I have used it at almost one hundred !WIS JAMES HOWEI more. Joy shall come again. Listen, I am sing¬ so badly tainted that any civilized person would have died ing of the beauties of life here and hereafter.” from the effects in a very short time. Cans of putrid pre¬ A "LITTLE BBOWN OWL, THE KYE COME HAME If music had no other office than this its value to mankind served meat and vegetables which would be rank poison to This fine song by would be infinite. Blessed is he who can sing when the darken¬ us, they devoured with great relish and without any apparent Buzzi-Peccia has I ing clouds seem to smother the joy of life. harm. “What’s one man’s poison, Signor, is another’s meat been programmed — - FS? The ability to play an instrument has been a god-send to or drink,” sang Shakespeare’s famous contemporaries, in by many other many a man where trouble has come so fast that there seemed prominent singers, 1 li no way out.
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