UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA JUDICIAL EXTERNSHIPS Application Procedures for Summer 2011 1. All students interested in submitting applications for externship positions in the'~U;;"i'I';";;~I';';I";';'D";;I;';(i"( ~ uri' "'"""'"",,,,,,,,,,u,,,",z",,,;,, United States District Court ~~~~~!;~!i~ ~1l.Whlt.... Otd...... Ri_W.Wd,"'I1. 0 ....... toon COURT Northern District of California PIlBLl('ANNOW('.MENTS INFORU4.TlON •.._-_ __ " _--_ _._. __.._--------._- .._-..__ ._._----_ _,-­ Mie4"etIC'':i;~~i' SiAPA~G~CO~7.J~"'~>n~[Anado Mornlef y. J.:I.illim,"!.u..LCV~~~=~_ 06..:QQlli..l may 'needcati'on to at.­ submit an online Ptnyv. SdlWMUp~SRg-CI)$l-2292V'il.W<ClWkr..q~tQPrepe,wonS} appli fTC If. PrittwettllC <lb4Jli.\.Mt t! al. C09·2407 RM\Il USA'll BOnd! 3:Q?C!.Qrlln http://www.cand.uscourtS.goV/. ~';~<:'C':I:b;,:."w"""""<l'ri!"Q''''WWMl RULES & ORDERS · t . t h N~lieeCOflcemitlgR!p'itl':'l\o)fCivtlJdk61Ru1-e7.3 At th e N0 rthern DIS rIC orne NOlj"C""m')OA",,;oo.rr,..,,.Or,,,,N,62,a,,"",,, ~ FlliDg oCDowmenr:s Under Sll21 ............... · k h "E N~lice'CQnwningRevjD."D,ofCMto~-:dfl.u!ts1-172-2a:ld12·3 ~:;:dc'::~t~lLrc,,,ll,,,, ................... page, c1 IC t e xtern ••,,,,, H",'5-1 ~itlEmtlu$%iq­ Srapding Order (M A..nJllo4i!J t>rlh.: l.fQllntm Dln.';tl ofC.uifomi" EffecflVe 3/1107 Application" link located----·· -.-­ ­ ~I:lW.RLII...l:.J~ under the "Court Information" section on the right-hand column. Please note however that not all Northern Districtjudges accept online applications, and somejudges stillpreferpaper applications. Please see Section 4 below. NaM·§,¥,md-M·!"pi'''d'@'' 2. The "Extern Application" link will send (k'~t~HGtr:lYr.tookmark5IOCi:st:fdp G'l·~;;T:' c x ~ f?>.. CQ.....~.!~!·.~~::.!.~.:§.7!~:.x.~,~~O~~r.:< .._,._. " CJ ES'NM!A you to the "Extern Application Program" r.0_~etn~~==.=t~t,~r:::~~:::':::',~:,~,:~',!:;:::,i:::;::::::':~~::~:::~,~:~::::'';':",'.:.... page with general information regarding ........... - -- ... ····1~9_!,~1~~~·..t. the application process. Please note that EXLERN PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMgN'I'S Ch.",beftl .fIe. n09l' .«lfptUl, appliclll~NICot the Northern District restricts first-year Wintu/Spnng2lJ1.1. students from certain schools in Northern F'1nII")'nr IIIW IINdmtJ 0PPJrlr" IlIr NI'l1:l1lrt 10ll ClrtftJl"hlps livru 1M I'oUowma KhoolJ d&ouJd not apply WltIl thc'y 1\IiM: n-edvtd WIT IInt.,rmutu ""du. California from submitting externship JlIlS,-U 9oQI1\ll1 C'1l.$C'1 ..,pilcantf to .~dult hlttl'\:l:llWl' bdbrll Prbrulll"f I (aD Jl.ldl't. Mvt >Iritlptcd UIi:II plllky arcpt DlWlctJI.I4(t'Ni11l>lmAlfIIJI)' OoaJI HaIlSCbDal Gfuw applications until after they have received UC D."u t.a""SthoDI GG1dm Ci>ltc Unhettlty Law.kbDal HlLJdnI' CDUcit oI'lhe L...... Unifttllty ofSan P'tandllro l..a.wSrhllol . their first-semester grades. Pepperdine lJDh,'UfltJ orSIIDRo ClaD. Schaol oI'L>lw Stanfotd L."" School 'ndlI policy do'" not IIppIy 1D ••cllDd"Yf'a' low .t'lJd£nt. Ill' 10 University School ofLaw is not among 5NdCnll fnIm law .cboolllllQt ilIUc1 tJ)ow. ~ • ".-M1I6"'.f#o'''~~''-J-''CJ;V'''I-'I'JM-J-''-'' ~ _ ~"",-- ""............,...... the schools restricted. The link at the ,Ok ., IOW.n&..s....... I bottom of the page will take you directly to the online application. A copy of the online application is attached. 3. The application requests information such as education and work experience, which can be copied and pasted from an applicant's resume. The application further requests three references, with telephone and email contact information for each reference. A text box on the application ~~':;':~IU';,"~~::u~,,::;:g 't-(-­ instructs applicants to: "Briefly explain why you are applying for an extemship with this court." Applicants should copy and paste their cover letter into this text box. 4. Applicants must indicate each judge Judges: they want to send their application Please indicate to which judges you would like to wbrnil your e.ppliclltion: SAN FRANCISCO - ARTIC'LE m JUDGES to. As some judges do not accept DJudgeMarilynH.Patett;+'p'PCI"lH'llcQn:)I online applications, and other judges DJudge Maxine M. ChesneEp'i'U WllclllJclN)' DJudge SusanIllstoE P'PCI" 'l'P1ll:l1Jcw)' still prefer paper applications, be DJudge Ciwles R.Breyer(PnIiII'J tlIetrozdc wllcQn) DJudge William Alsup sure to review the list ofjudges at o Judge Richud Seeborg(PnIiII'J tJe<uaNc 'l'PlitlllJcw) OSlin Francisco Judger;' PRO SEDEPARTMENT(Pnin ,k=Nt lIIPikllJcw) the bottom ofthe online application Judge JeffreyS. While (.IL & 3L SlIJlIajpnlilmd,b\l.wWh'I/kIlr IIPPlJnulwttllll.1L~)(/II:(lptll~pllPtfIIPPlklllJaN iN/) form for the application preferences SAN FRANCISCO -1'<IAGL'llRATE JUDGES for each judge. DChiefMagistrate Judge Maria-FlmaJames D Magistrate Judge James Letson (PnIiII'J ,keatmk 'l'PlicllJoN,bl.lLpllu.lZlUI, up... <0YIf ifIUr 'lIfWnJn& 1rUut) D Mll.gistrfilte Judge Bernard Zimmerman (PnIIR .~ lI'Pllcabls) For the following judges, please DMagistralfl Judge Eli2:fiIbethLapoRII (PtdIn:P'PC 'l'Plfl:IlJoN) o Magisttale Judge JosephC. Spero submit paper applications, and not o Magistrate Judge Edwll1'd M. Chen online applications: DMflgistrateJudgll NandarJ. Ve.du (.I).lItil1-clit:khtnfartzlOn in5l) OAKLAND - ARTICLE m JUDGES - Judge Jeffrey S. White Senior Judge D. LoweUJensen(Aecopltl.cp'P'-'l'P1lnlJaN only) - Senior Judge D. Lowell Jensen o Judge Se.undre. Brown Ann6trong (lL AI 3L IltIJo4.mU JiI*M, buLwWnvkw 'l'P1k~ tom lL.xPn:'n P'Pl'" lI'Plll:ldaN) o Judge Cle.udle. Wllken(.lL '* lL iID.l4alUJiI*M,bI&wWnvkw 'l'Plll:1lJoN tom lL,)(PnIiIrJp'i'Il' IIPPlIcdJoN) - Judge Marilyn H. Patel - Judge Maxine M. Chesney - Judge Susan Illston - Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Laporte - Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong - Judge Claudia Wilken - Judge Phyllis J. Hamilton - Judge James Ware - Judge Jeremy Fogel The following judges are not hiring externs at this time: - Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker - Senior Judge Samuel Conti - Senior Judge William W. Schwarzer - Senior Judge Thelton E. Henderson Please note the special instructions for the following judges: - Magistrate Judge James Larson - Magistrate Judge Nandor J. Vadas - Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd 5. Once the application is completed, print a copy of the application page for your records before clicking the "Send Application" button. 6. Northern District judges (with the possible exception of District Judge William Alsup) will not contact applicants to schedule interviews before February 1,2011. Extern Application CAND search ... Admnced Search ~!!'£h.I~ Application for JUdicial Extern Position Tenn: First Name: Last Name: Address: City: Phone: Email: Law School L .J Year ofGraduationfi~~~,GPA{.: ,I~.~~~()()I:s..lf':~~i'.'!l.~~stel11JslJllIIS~~pl:.as~ .. desc!ibe; . R.lInk (or "s.timate.d quarti',,): Honors and Awards: Undergraduate School ..·····..Year ofGraduation:!1005! GPA Class Rank: .......................j Honors and Awards: Published works, articles, etc. Employment/volunteer experience lof4 12/6/20105:35 PM Extern Application Employer From To I ;, ... 2 3 Responsibilities: 4 .~~~Jl?ll~ilJ.~.i.t.i.~~;..... 5 Other relevant experience or information (e.g. non-Bay Area applicants should indicate dates available to .ill:!~~!~~t ... References: FIRST Name Phone & E-Mail: SECOND Name Phone & E-Mail: THIRD Name 20f4 12/6/2010 5:35 PM Extern Application Phone&'..·············································· , E-Mail: Briefly explain why you are applying for an externship with this court: Judges: Please indicate to which judges you would like to submit your application: SAN FRANCISCO - ARTICLE III JUDGES [J Judge Marilyn H. Patel (prefer.; papcrapplicatims) n Judge Maxine M. Chesney (prefer.; papcr appl£ations) n Judge Susan IIIston(Precer.; papcrappl£ations) n Judge Charles R. Breyer (Prefer.; eketroni: applications) [j Judge William Alsup [J Judge Richard SeebOrg(Prefer.;ekCtroni:aPPlications) [J ~~Xr~l1ci~c'.'JlJ.~!;e~:Y~2~!!!?!!~.~~:r.:~~:I.:(Prefer.;ei:ctroni: applications) Judge Jeffrey S. White (2L & JL students prefemel, bill will review applications from tLs) (Accepting papcr applications only) SAN FRANCISCO - MAGISTRATE JUDGES n ChiefMagistrate Judge Maria-Elena James n Magistrate Judge James Larson (prefer.; ei:etroni: applications. but pkasc mailssepal1lte cover kllere"l'laining "'erest) [J Magistrate Judge Bernard Zimmerman (prefer.; ekctroni: applications) [j Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Laporte (prefer.; papcr applications) [J Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero [J Magistrate Judge Edward M. Chen n Magistrate Judge Nandor J. Vadas (Eureka ,'i:k rere for more ;mo) OAKLAND - ARTICLE III JUDGES Senior Judge D. Lowell Jensen (Accepling papcr applications only) [J Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong (2L & JL students pref,mel, bill will review applications from tLs)(Pref,r.; papcr applications) [J Judge Claudia Wilken (2L & JL students pref,mel, but will revbv applications from tLs) (pref,r.; papcr applications) n Judge Phy lIis J. Hamilton (2L & JL Students)(Pref,r.; papcr applications) [J Oakland Judges' PRO SE DEPARTMENT(prefe"'kctroni: applications) OAKLAND - MAGISTRATE JUDGES r.J Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler [J Magistrate Judge Donna M. Ryu 30f4 12/6/20105:35 PM Extern Application SAN JOSE - ARTICLE III JUDGES C Judge James Ware (Prerm poper appliealim,) C Judge Ronald M. Whyte C Judge Jeremy Fogel (Prerers poperappliealim'J [J Judge Lucy H. Koh C ~_~..~.()~_':.~~!l.es:_~~Q __~!!!2~~~~T~!'!':I:!: (Prerers eJeclJOni:: applications) SAN JOSE - MAGISTRATE JUDGES C Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd (2L ard 3L 'Nde", only) JUDGES NOT HIRING EXTERNS AT THIS TIME (all divisions) ChiefJudge Vaughn R. Walker (SF) Judge Samuel Conti (SF) Judge William W. Schwarzer (SF) Senior Judge Thelton E. Henderson (SF) Requiring a specific, though silly, response is a device to help prevent malicious attack against our website. Is water wet or dry? t.....••••........••.•.••......•.......... Please print a copy ofthis page before sending the application. Send Application 40f4 12/6/20105:35 PM .
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