[ SCRIPTURE INDEX ] Old Testament Matthew 8:4 168 Genesis 1:26 72 Matthew 8:14–15 157 Genesis 2:15 72 Matthew 9:38 155 Genesis 2:19 72 Matthew 10:7 75 Genesis 12:3 40 Matthew 11:20 160 Matthew 12:33 159 Exodus 18 78, 178 Matthew 15:32 156 Exodus 22 138 Matthew 22:2–5 28 Matthew 22:9 29 Leviticus 25:23–24 15 Matthew 22:37–39 48 Deuteronomy 1 78, 178 Matthew 24:14 35 Matthew 25:15 183 1 Kings 10:7 30 Matthew 25:31–46 158 1 Chronicles 12:32 6 Matthew 25:40 140 Psalm 24:1 75 Mark 1:38 140 Psalm 68:5 159 Luke 4:18, 19 139–140 Psalm 72 61 Luke 6:31–35 48 Ecclesiastes 7:18 179 Luke 6:36 30 Luke 6:43 133 Isaiah 10:12–19, 45:1–6 77 Luke 10 37 Isaiah 61 139–140 Luke 10:25–27 140 Luke 10:25–37 157 Jeremiah 29:4–7 187 Luke 10:29–37 30 Ezekiel 34:17–18 15 Luke 12:54–56 6 COPYRIGHTEDLuke MATERIAL 13:4 73 New Testament Luke 14:18–20 28 Matthew 3:2, 4:17 75 Luke 14:21, 23 29 Matthew 4:23, 9:35 30 Luke 15 37, 39 Matthew 5:13 36 Luke 15:4 140 Matthew 5:14 36 Luke 15:20 39 Matthew 6:10 75 Luke 17:11–17 160 Matthew 6:33 75 Luke 17:21 75 Matthew 7:21–23 78 Luke 19:10 74 233 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223333 22/2/10/2/10 110:51:290:51:29 AAMM 234 scriptureindex index John 2 78 1 Corinthians 12:28 114 John 3:3–5 78 John 3:16 169 Galatians 2:10 140 John 3:17 169 Ephesians 2:8–9 45, 46, 181 John 5 4 Ephesians 2:8–10 45, 202 John 13:1 140 Ephesians 2:10 45, 46, 146, 181 John 13:34, 35 30 Ephesians 3:4–10 40 John 17:23 114 Ephesians 4:3–6 114 Acts 2:14 75, 166 Ephesians 4:11 181 Acts 2 166 Ephesians 4:11–12 202 Acts 3:10 167 Ephesians 4:11–13 90 Acts 3:12 167 Ephesians 5:11–12 46 Acts 6:1–7 140 Colossians 1:19–20 73–74 Acts 9:43 40 Colossians 4:2–6 172 Acts 10:36–38 156 Acts 11:18 40 1 Timothy 6:17–18 47 Acts 17:6–7 74 2 Timothy 3:17 46 Acts 19:30–32 78 Hebrews 10:24 46 Romans 8:22 73 Romans 10:17 161, 167 James 2:1–13 140 Romans 15:4 114 James 5:1–6 204 Romans 16:3 131 1 Peter 1:12 161 1 Corinthians 6:17 34 1 Peter 4:10 47 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223434 22/2/10/2/10 110:51:300:51:30 AAMM [ INDEX ] Page references followed by fi g indicate an illustrated fi gure; followed by t indicate a table. A B Adam and Eve, 73 Baby boomers, 9 Adaptation (fi lm), 70 Back Door Ministry, 84 Addams, Jane, 30 Bacon, Francis, 17 Africa: genocide in, 19; missionaries from Bagley, Hal, 164 countries of, 93; Musana Children’s Ball Aerospace, 110 Home (Uganda) service in, 48–49; social “Bar evangelism,” 165 crises in, 41 Barna, George, 21, 57, 155 Africa Inland Mission, 92 Barna Group, 169 Agape (love of the unconditional), 65 Baylor University School of Social Work AIDS epidemic, 7, 19, 77, 81 study (2006), 50–51 AIDS hospice (South Africa), 96 Behavior: creating structures based on Aisle-seat churches: blindness and valued, 134; creating systems that nearsightedness of, 40–41; description infl uence, 137–154; impact of small of, 26–28; internal program focus of, groups on, 143–150; John Wesley’s 38–39; leadership challenge of changing example of structure affecting, 135–137, from, 43; missional factors encouraging, 143–144 31–34; personal factors encouraging, Believing, belonging, and blessing, 36; secular factors encouraging, 35–36; 57fi g–59 theological factors encouraging, 34–35 Berlin Wall, 7 Alpha movement, 60 Beshore, Laurie, 197–198 Amazing Grace (hymn), 40 Bethel Church (Washington), 213 Amillennialists, 35 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio, Andrew, 157 83 Ankerberg, William, 81 Blake, Bishop Charles E., Sr., 14 Answering Your Call (Schuster), 26 Blindness and nearsightedness, 40–41 Apologetics, 168–169 Blue Ocean Strategy: (Kim and Aristotle, 71 Mauborgne), 195 Armstrong, Lance, 189 Blue oceans strategy, 195–196 Art Source International, 92 Bodybuilding, 44, 45 Asiarchs, 78 Bold New World (Knoke), 7–8 “Attractional church,” 28–29 Bono, 20, 24, 41, 78, 81, 189 Austin Stone Community Church (Texas), Booth, William, 30 106, 148 Borel, Calvin, 98 235 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223535 22/2/10/2/10 110:51:310:51:31 AAMM 236 index Bosch, David, 30, 35, 118 Centered set, 112–114 “Both-and” thinking, 178–179 Central American Mission (CAM), 92 Boulder County Department of Human Central Christian Church (Arizona), 107 Services, 130 Central India Christian Mission, 206 Boulder County Social Services, 130 Chapman, Helen, 92 Bounded set, 111–112fi g Charity and Faith Mission Church (South Boyce, James, 78 Africa), 96–97 Bradley, Ian, 55 Chase Oaks Church (Texas), 144–146fi g Branson, Richard, 14, 78 Chestnut, Randy, 163 Brechner, Glen, 144, 145, 146 Child prostitution, 101–102 The Bridge, 165 China: environmental problems faced by, “Bridges out of Poverty” seminar 13; growing economy of, 11, 12; quasi- (Crossroads Christian Church), 153 free-market economy embraced by, 15 British Museum, 135–136 China, Inc. (Fishman), 12 Bruce, John, 185, 186 Christ Church (Illinois), 193 “Bubbly” (Caillat song), 9 Christ Community Church (Colorado), 95 Buffett, Warren, 78 Christ Community Church (Illinois), 99, Bush, George W., 16 172 Business as mission trend, 105–108 Christ Community Church (Omaha), 58, Bussey, Todd, 152, 153 163, 185, 190 Butler, Phill, 125 Christ Fellowship Church (West Palm Beach), 11 C Christianity: Celtic, 20, 55–59; changing Cage, Nicolas, 70 centers of, 91–93; new face of Caillat, Colbie, 9 evangelical, 19–20; stairstep approach Caldwell, Kirbyjon, 45 to, 53–55; worldview of, 71–72 Calvary Baptist Church (Pennsylvania), Christianity and Social Work 189, 210 (Garland), 35 Calvary Bible Evangelical Free Church Christianity Today, 93 (Boulder), 62–63, 124, 162 Christians: danger of link between faith Calvary Community Church (California), and politics for, 16–17; environmental 62, 104 activism by, 14–15; global percentage of, “Cambridge Seven,” 92 1–2; good works of early church, 30–31; Camino de Santiago de Compostela reasons for community disengagement (The Way of Saint James) pilgrimage, of, 31–36 198–199 Christians of Stark County, 116 Campbell, Stacey, 95–96 Christology, 138 Campus Crusade, 161, 162 Chung, John, 105 Campus Crusade’s Athletes in Action, 165 “Church in the city” concept, 114 Carmichael, Amy, 92 Church leaders: aisle-seat mentality of, Carpenter, Reid, 168 26–28; “both-and” thinking of, 178– Carroll, Danny, 44, 167 179; changing focus of their questions, Carter, Matt, 148–149 5; entrepreneurial mission, 93–94; Catholic Church: Reformation and Facts & Trends survey (2007) of, 32; separation from, 34, 118; social implications of understanding purpose practices of the, 31 for, 45–47; infl uence of megachurch, 19; “Cell group” model, 149 as innovative church resource, 181–183, Celtic Christianity: Celtic knot symbol 184t; interviewed on global outreach, of, 55–56fi g, 58, 59; “The Celtic Trail” 94; investing in strong mission, 98–100; class study of, 20, 55; early history of, quest of, 2; shift from internal to 55–56fi g external by, 19; understanding the “The Celtic Trail” class, 55 liminal state of today, 22–24. See also The Celtic Way (Bradley), 55 Leadership challenges; Paradigms bbindex.inddindex.indd 223636 22/2/10/2/10 110:51:320:51:32 AAMM index 237 Church of the Open Door (Minnesota), 98, Columbine school tragedy, 53 99, 101 Communication: church use of digital, Church scorecards: expanding the, 10–11; innovative church approach 211–212; externally focused, to, 191–192t; missionary work using 212fi g–213; measuring for the wrong technological, 108–109; technology results, 215; measuring your own, impact on, 9–10 215–216; questions to ask for Communism, 15, 16 measuring, 207–208fi g; what should Community: “dots” organization of be measured for, 209–211; what we isolated, 8; factors infl uencing church can’t measure, 214; what we don’t withdrawal from, 31–36; fi nding other measure, 214–215 entities vested in the, 119–120; getting Church of Scotland, 20 the church into the, 30; looking for Church of the Sea Captains, 60 unmet needs of, 196fi g–197; question Churches: aisle-seat, 26–41, 43; on church and, 2, 3; relational capital attractional and missional, 28–29; blue building in, 129, 144–146fi g. See also oceans strategy of, 195–196; comparing Society kingdom of God and, 76; downward Community development: built through trend of public reliance on, 18; the early, work, 144; global ministry focus on, 30–31; getting it into the community, 102–103; need-based and asset-based, 30; innovative, 174–199; Internet, 102 10–11; kingdom experiment by, 79–80; Community Health Evangelism (CHE), kingdom of God work as work of, 102–103 77–78; looking for unmet needs, 196fi g– Community service: believing, belonging, 197; paradigms created by, 133–154; and blessing elements of, 57fi g–59; perception of good deeds by, 162fi g; building capacity in young people “pretty good church” concept of, 84–86; for, 51–52; depth and frequency of question on community and, 2, 3; engagement in, 62–67fi g; getting reasons for withdrawal from community everyone in the game for, 202–207; by, 31–36; Reformation splitting, 34, greater impact over marketing of, 168, 118–119; rise of the megachurch form 171–172; health and longevity benefi ts of, 18–19, 93; shift from internal to of, 59; how to tell if you are “winning” external, 19; spiritual “revolutionaries” at, 207–216; “in” and “out” triangle leaving the, 21, 57; Vineyard Church’s representing, 60fi g–61; leadership example of engagement by, 82–83; challenge to facilitate, 69; marketing weight-training versus bodybuilding, kept separate from, 127–128; Musana 44–45; window-seat, 26–43.
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