July through December 2020 Palm Oil Traceability - Mill listing The following mill listing was self-reported by Hershey’s palm oil suppliers and has been validated for accuracy by a third party. This information represents our current traceability for volumes purchased during the July – December 2020 time period and does not reflect the regular fluctuations in our supply flow. The list will be periodically updated to reflect the most current data and information as reported to or gathered by the company. Additionally, this mill list contains the names of all palm oil mills collected from Hershey’s suppliers engaged during the reporting period via our traceability exercise. As a result, the list represents all mills connected to Hershey’s suppliers during the reporting period and likely includes mills whose product was not specifically sold to Hershey. This list of mills, therefore, goes beyond Hershey’s physical supply chain. The updated list includes the names of suspended mills and suppliers in part due to the timing of the reporting period, which lags behind our most recent suspensions. We continue to work with suppliers to effectively remove all mills suspended by Hershey in accordance with our Responsible Palm Oil Sourcing Policy and included on our Palm Oil Grievance Log. Any suspended mill or parent company that continue to appear in this list are marked with an asterisk. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection placed two Withhold Release Orders (WROs) in H2-2020 on FGV Holdings and Sime Darby Plantations. Both appear in this mill list due to volumes that may have been sourced prior to the WROs. Hershey has clearly communicated to our direct suppliers that compliance with the WROs is mandatory and we do not tolerate forced labor in our supply chain. Hershey's Palm Oil Grievance Log can be found by copying and pasting this link: https://www.thehersheycompany.com/content/dam/corporate-us/documents/pdf/The%20Hershey%20Company%27s%20Palm%20Oil%20Grievance%20Log.pdf Other Parent Company Name UML ID Mill Company Name Mill Name Country Latitude Longitude Hershey Supplier (Company Group) PO1000004269 ABDI BUDI MULIA TELUK PANJI (ABM) AATHI BAGAWATHI MANUFACTURING SDN BHD Indonesia 2.05228 100.25207 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000008154 ABDI BUDI MULIA ABDI BUDI MULIA 2 AATHI BAGAWATHI MANUFACTURING SDN BHD Indonesia 2.112722222 100.2731111 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000003828 Abedon Oil Mill Sdn Bhd Abedon Kretam Holdings Berhad Malaysia 5.31178 117.97392 AAK, Cargill PO1000003712 Ace Oil Mill Sdn Bhd Ace Oil Mill Ace Agricultural Sdn Bhd Malaysia 2.912294 102.779122 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000004760 Aceite Chiapaneca la Palma S. De P.R. De R.L. De C.V. Aceite Chiapaneca la Palma S. De P.R. De R.L. De C.V. Grupo Oleomex (Oleofinos) Mexico 15.322783 -92.822105 AAK PO1000004765 Aceites de Palma Aceites de Palma Aceites de Palma Mexico 18.0466667 -94.91861111 AAK PO1000005117 Aceites Manuelita Aceites Manuelita S.A. (Yaguarito) Manuelita Colombia 3.883139 -73.339917 Gemini Edibles and Fats India PO1000008341 Aceites Sustentables de Palma Aceites Sustentables de Palma Aceites Sustentables de Palma Mexico 16.360506 -90.467794 AAK PO1000003713 Achi Jaya Plantations Sdn Bhd Johor Labis Achi Jaya Plantations Sdn Bhd Malaysia 2.2533 103.0496 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000001418 ADEI PLANTATION AND INDUSTRY NILO 2 KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BERHAD Indonesia 0.35869 102.095263 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000001417 ADEI PLANTATION AND INDUSTRY NILO 1 KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BERHAD Indonesia 0.34806 101.97167 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000000411 ADEI PLANTATION AND INDUSTRY MANDAU KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BERHAD Indonesia 1.08225 101.3330833 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000004351 ADIMULIA AGROLESTARI ADIMULIA AGROLESTARI ADIMULIA SARIMAS INDUSTRI (SARIMAS) Indonesia -0.108983 101.386783 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000010257 ADIMULIA PALMO LESTARI ADIMULIA PALMO LESTARI ADIMULIA Indonesia -1.706111111 102.7822222 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000007626 ADITUNGGAL MAHAJAYA SAKO SMART/GOLDEN AGRI RESOURCES (GAR) Indonesia -2.0356 112.2387 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000000284 AEK TARUM BELIDA SAMPOERNA AGRO Indonesia -3.838980556 104.9715581 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000004554 AGRI ANDALAS AGRI ANDALAS AGRI ANDALAS Indonesia -3.998716 102.429673 Cargill PO1000008156 AGRI BUMI SENTOSA AGRI BUMI SENTOSA JA WATTIE (JAW) Indonesia -2.96285 114.711301 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000007528 AGRI EASTBORNEO KENCANA AGRI EASTBORNEO KENCANA KENCANA AGRI LIMITED Indonesia 0.134166667 116.9161111 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000004072 AGRICINAL AGRICINAL AGRICINAL Indonesia -3.200972222 101.6301389 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000008580 AGRINA SAWIT PERDANA AGRINA SAWIT PERDANA AGRINA SAWIT PERDANA Indonesia 0.069911 110.696437 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000004243 AGRINDO INDAH PERSADA AGRINDO INDAH PERSADA 1 WILMAR INTERNATIONAL Indonesia 2.778667 99.393433 AAK, Cargill, Wilmar PO1000010047 AGRINDO SAWIT MANDIRI AGRINDO SAWIT MANDIRI AGRINDO SAWIT MANDIRI Indonesia -2.345481 112.306181 Cargill PO1000008215 AGRO ABADI AGRO ABADI PANCA EKA Indonesia 0.346002 101.475229 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji NO UML MATCH AGRO ANDALAN AGRO ANDALAN DHARMA SATYA NUSANTARA Indonesia -0.102824 111.029149 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000003333 AGRO BUKIT SUNGAI BINTI GOODHOPE ASIA HOLDINGS LTD Indonesia -2.56375 112.7673167 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000002677 AGRO INDOMAS TERAWAN GOODHOPE ASIA HOLDINGS LTD Indonesia -2.559972 112.373611 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji, Wilmar PO1000002676 AGRO INDOMAS SUNGAI PURUN GOODHOPE ASIA HOLDINGS LTD Indonesia -2.524252 112.4168 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000004858 AGRO INTI KENCANA MAS AGRO INTI KENCANA MAS KENCANA AGRI LIMITED Indonesia -2.222431 116.356054 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000008606 AGRO MEKAR LESTARI AGRO MEKAR LESTARI AGRO MEKAR LESTARI Indonesia 0.829467 103.376017 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000000884 AGRO MITRA MADANI AGRO MITRA MADANI BAKRIE SUMATERA PLANTATIONS Indonesia -1.078044444 103.109075 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000004093 AGRO NUSA ABADI AGRO NUSA ABADI ASTRA AGRO LESTARI Indonesia -2.129894 121.484959 Cargill PO1000007432 AGRO PALINDO SAKTI AGRO PALINDO SAKTI 2 WILMAR INTERNATIONAL Indonesia 0.304161 110.194932 Cargill PO1000004392 AGRO SARIMAS INDONESIA AGRO SARIMAS INDONESIA SARIMAS Indonesia -0.521267 102.9207 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill PO1000004866 AGRO SEJAHTERA MANUNGGAL PEMBANGUNAN RAYA BUMITAMA AGRI Indonesia -2.546278 110.384971 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000003927 AGRO WANA LESTARI AGRO WANA LESTARI GOODHOPE ASIA HOLDINGS LTD Indonesia -1.857639 112.397722 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000008386 AGRO WIJAYA INDUSTRI AGRO WIJAYA INDUSTRI AGRO WIJAYA INDUSTRI Indonesia -1.761472222 102.244 AAK, Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000008158 AGRO WIRA LIGATSA AGRO WIRA LIGATSA AGRO WIRA LIGATSA Indonesia 0.224338 99.715572 AAK PO1000008349 AGROFORESTAL UUMBAL CHIAPAS S.A.P.I. de C.V. AGROFORESTAL UUMBAL AGROINDUSTRIAL UUMBAL SA DE CV Mexico 17.77237 -91.849135 AAK PO1000009242 Agroindustria Palmera San Roman, S.A. Agroindustria Palmera San Roman, S.A. BRADEN GROUP, S.A. Guatemala 16.183143 -90.422729 Cargill PO1000008222 AgroIndustrial Palmasa SA AgroIndustrial Palmasa SA AgroIndustrial Palmasa SA Brazil -1.122556 -47.656306 Cargill PO1000004655 AGROKARYA PRIMALESTARI KUAYAN SMART/GOLDEN AGRI RESOURCES (GAR) Indonesia -1.970503 112.3703222 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000001637 AGROLESTARI MANDIRI PEKAWAI SMART/GOLDEN AGRI RESOURCES (GAR) Indonesia -1.521222222 110.4589139 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000006984 AGROLESTARI SENTOSA JALEMO SMART/GOLDEN AGRI RESOURCES (GAR) Indonesia -1.3482 113.5022 Bunge Loders Croklaan, Cargill, Fuji PO1000004475 AGRONUSA INVESTAMA PAHOMAN WILMAR INTERNATIONAL Indonesia 0.27525 109.7314 Cargill PO1000002130 AGRONUSA INVESTAMA SAMBAS WILMAR INTERNATIONAL Indonesia 1.354166 109.508088 Cargill NO UML MATCH AGRONUSA INVESTAMA 3 AGRONUSA INVESTAMA 3 WILMAR INTERNATIONAL Indonesia 1.42149 109.53715 AAK PO1000004955 Agropalma Agropalma/Parapalma Agropalma Brazil -2.542672222 -48.70518611 AAK, Cargill PO1000000407 Agropalma Agropalma/Crai-Agropar Agropalma Brazil -2.524463889 -48.7965 AAK, Cargill PO1000000017 Agropalma Agropalma/CPA Agropalma Brazil -2.253972222 -48.58771389 Cargill NO UML MATCH Agropalma Agropalma/Amapalma Agropalma Brazil -2.524886111 -48.79718333 AAK, Cargill NO UML MATCH Agropalma Agropalma Agropalma Brazil -2.542794444 -48.70490278 AAK, Cargill PO1000003979 Agropecuaria Santa Maria S.A. Aceites Cimarrones SAS Agropecuaria Santa Maria S.A. Colombia 3.035594 -73.111466 Gemini Edibles and Fats India PO1000000092 AGROWIRATAMA AGROWIRATAMA MUSIM MAS Indonesia 0.198959 99.626588 AAK, Cargill NO UML MATCH Agumil Philippines Buluan Palm Oil Mill Agusan Plantations Inc Philippines 6.855576 124.842604 AAK NO UML MATCH Agumil Philippines Manat Palm Oil Mill Agusan Plantations Inc Philippines 8.092218 126.084907 AAK PO1000004218 AGUNG AGRO LESTARI AGUNG AGRO LESTARI AGUNG AGRO LESTARI Indonesia 2.541258333 99.88066944 AAK, Cargill, Wilmar PO1000003714 Alambumi Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd Alambumi Alto Sdn Bhd Malaysia 3.5854 113.6706 AAK, Cargill PO1000004194 ALAMRAYA KENCANA MAS ALAMRAYA KENCANA MAS KENCANA AGRI LIMITED Indonesia -2.400317
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