THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWS?ATE* IN UNION COUNTY JTH YEAR—No. 17 ElU«rf4 " Second C1»M M»U Post Qgtc«. We.ta.14, N. I. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1948 )ounrilnien tt Final Of New Traffic Debates On Politics, New of Year Summons System School, Meters Mark ifM! Chief Schreiber Sayi Plu Nay Result m Yctr Sect Fint Coti«U4 i| Leu EBfvrceaeiit Ucal Dectioi Ii II Yews II uncilimn, Eudolph L. Frank H. Bets, corn- Criticism of the new "fix-proof" The year 1948, which Iwran with >n ice itor« er terms and retired from I traffic ticket system which will go with a bliiMid, had iti »h»re of local txcitaman!'. H Council at that body's i into effect Monday in New Jersey j, interest lor many monthi waa the Hmt contettad t' of the Vear Monday • was voiced in a letter from Town when a combination tlata of Democrat! and Pi|niliraa<, eplacing them will be ! Attorney Robert S. Snevily to the Taxpayers Fution P»rty for I^owcr Taxta, Marik and Arthur D. administrative director of the against Regular Republican!. Al- i will be sworn in at the courts Friday. The action follow- though waging a torrid campaign, meeting of the new j ed an unofficial meeting of the, the incumbent Republican party Trust** ti Xmttr Year's Day, together | Mayor and Town Council at which I remained in power. Awards CrttMt* j Police Chief John R. Schreiber re- ' Sewer n Phillips and Conrad j quested the body to write Trenton | Another town-wide controverty who were re-elected in centered on the inatallathm oi Woman's CM» ' authorities concerning opposition THE WESTFIELD LEADER narking metcri, which were finally Plan VariW for additional terms, to the measure, the session was taken installed thin fall and are draw- February. outine business in prep- Chief Schreiber, who attended a ing more than 100 motorists into FEBRUAIY the closing of the meeting of county police chiefs extends greetings court each week to pay fines for6—Members, Bo4f«t ka. and recorders last week in Elisa- violations. A heated battle over Ballot Tiifsip- • approved the appli- beth, declared that there is a move- garden apartments continued into A. Hany Mam U Hokan B, Kjellmark of ment in the county for chiefs to I 1948, with a proponed apartment Scout Court »f HNMT. dace for permission to request municipal governments to for a prosperous, successful and en Mountain avenue adding fuel Woman's Club U Nwr [house to. the lot at Rah- write protests against the adop- to the Ore. Although it is legally Talk on "The MkMto tion of the system. Chief Justice possible for an apartment project Monday. nue and Shackamaxon Arthur T. Vandorbilt, however, de- uncilman Phillips, chair- to be built now on Brightwood ave- Dietrich Flana IchMl TM I dared yesterday that none of the nue, no work hat been started. Ac- Rate, building committee, 1 criticism of the new ticket "could he had received several tion on other apartment proj- 12-Lnw Raeord of VotH CMl ti I stand the light a' day," The New \ ects is pending the final report of School Board EtaetlM. to the move from resi- [Jersey State Patrolmen's Benevo- Town Budcrt : the area that the older the Mayor's Committee to Study ; lent Association has declared its Garden Apartments, due early in L Public Hwl i not architecturally in support, but asked a delay in in- j 1048. th others, but he said he Fuel Shortaft Antt, uugu'ration. Kency Rationa IasotA. j informed ijy the town at- JJub Harris l'lioln Another milestone marked dur- SI M l In discussing the new ticket uys-j tiitfi-D wo« nn loonl roo I "' " " ""* '» "" mM.lilr vlrn (it I In- < lilllirl «r"Yhr"ll«l>' Spirit lit 1 ing the year waa approval of a Red Crosa OpMM Mm &' thele was no legal ica-| ||,p ,,IHKrrltt,)llinll| chnrcli, n ini-iiu.rlin i,, ikr Int.. oil,.. l>ri<r»»ii tern, Chief Schreiber declared that new $2,700,000 high school build- Funds on Ftb. St. mying the permit. ii'uiiii, »II* »>'"« t'jtti'lt. r litn he felt thc system will create a ing: on the R«hway avenue-Dorian WH8 Senior May flHr :k Villane offered the j """ " " "" "" ''" tendency toward lack of enforce- 0,000 for acreage in War- j :^=^^===i= road site selected by voters in 1846. Wtn Yom*t aiU 0tf OflaV " ment. "I feel personally," he said, Plant) for a new high school had Tonight. i it, for development pur-; » 1 i. • i • "that the people in Trenton have ith ?3000 to be paid in AflUlt dCIlOOl Four Councilmen, Mayor To Be been placed before voters several 19—H. Frank Ptttit at to w no knowledge of the problems of times during the laat 10 years. date for Congrm. he offer was referred to ** a#*awwa Churches Plan police officers and that Vunderbilt Red Crosa Dri»e Ut committee. The prop- Another town argument develop- : should have consulted chiefs of ed over the proposed purchase of to Open Feb. M. owned by the Board of police who have had many years Sworn Into Office Saturday Austin Dtetrlek was transferred to theRegisters Pupils Week of Prayer the Bristol properties by Union experience." Appointment of town officials will be announced Saturday morn- Junior College, which just recently Head Board. exchange for other lotE According to the new ticket sys- ing nt an organizational meeting of the Town Council In the Municipal Redeemer Lutheran Ckank It, -, the school board. gave up any idea of change and Mail Applications Several Service* To tern, summonses must be made in J Building. The annual New Year's Day meeting will begin at 10:30 purchased acreage in Cranford ifor Mark 10th Annlrtmrjr *>' r progress in satisfying Now Being Accepted Be Held in Chapel four duplicate copies, with one copy a. in. Rev. A. Itny Petty, minister of the First Baptist Church,, will A future building program. The Dedication. of residents in a new de- for the magistrate, one for tho Po- year also saw the return of the26-Bauer, Marik, Lewto BM Mb \ t ajr Central avenue was Registration by mail for the The Weslfiriil Council of Church-\licv Department, one for the offl- Mayor Charles P. Bailey, who draft, a new mid-winter vacation lipi Aspirants for Tom CM> h the approval oi the in— l and one will be sworn in for hU second two- plan for schools and thc first fall- cil Scats. i of fire hydrants and spring semester of the Westfield I es will sponsor a series of services) ^' "',* f, , 700 Workers Will f Adult School begins today and con-as part of the universal Week of for the violator, Chief Schreiber year term, Is expected to reveal .ure of the United Campaign to khts in that section as well said. council plans for 194!) and review reach its goal. Croas Canvaae Sunday, tinues acc01.(lillg t0 p,,ayo,, b{,gjnninK jun. 3 Thc6C YMCA 2S Yasrt Old a statement today by thh e regis- services will be held in the Chapel Town Attorney Snevily's letter, 1948 achievements. Four council-i New ministers joining Weatfleld hydrants were authorized which also asked for a clarifica- men, elected Nov. 2, will also be 1, Building Opanad In IMA. ', M char)eston „. F. Smith. of the Holv s irit of the vm churches during the year included Town Adda to Property fa -' | Grove avenue and Belmar Registration in person will be heldj Congregutional Church, 12B Elmer'1'011 of aome ofth e dc- sworn into office. Thcy include Ar- Dr. J. L. McCorison, minister of |nd Frances terrace, Marl- claral ml t: thur D. Bauer, first ward; Conrad the First Congregational Church, ImprovwMnta. from 7:30 until 9 ]>. m. Friday, street at 8 o'clock Monday, Ttics-', '" ' ' Girl SconU to Mark :et ami Boulevard, Boule-1 ^» ^ "^ ^o^ 'junto day, Thursday and Friday eve-| "It wa* reported to our meeting 11. Lewis, second ward; Frank who was installed last January Belmar terrace, Botile- High School cafeteria. mi'igs. They will conclude with mi I that the chiefs of police were of Marik, third ward and C. Alan as pastor of the church; Rev. Fred MAICM Ayliffe avenue, Virginia Classes will begin Jan. 17 andecumenical service lit 8 o'clock j the opinion that the compulsory Phillips, fourth ward, E. Miles, who succeeded Dr. John *-0awe«Nt« ta Kaa Unl Ml Grandview avenue, Ccn-j ^ cm)tim|0 {m, 1Q eol)secutive Sunday evening, Jan. a nt the) use of these forms of summons and Retiring Dec. Ill from the Town Wesley Lord, now Dishop Of J)oi- Far First Tim* In TM Yttft. Schools to Get WinUr Monday cvcnin 9 pirs t n tist ( mircn compluiiits would have a detrimen- Council arc Frank H. Beta, first ton, in the pulpit of the First drive ^earTanibert's « - I "» ' - Methodist Church, and Rev. Henry Next Year. A tal effect upon convictions and that ward and Rudolph Tanner, third fcl, LawrTnc'e^avenue near I complete schedule of courses, j iiev. Whitney S. K. Yeaple, D.D.th,e police ollicer involved, in many ward. Jseobs, as iissistiitit minister of Cynthia Smith N. J. DAR W- I t0Betn(T wltn a )llcatlon the Presbyterian Church. irrim. ;/ jig fork and Fail-acres avc-!muy be obtainedPI in the Westfielblanksd, | executivHampshire esecretar Counciy l aoff thChurchee Nc s cases, would be tempted to smile Mayor Bailey has served on the I Wells street.
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