126_coverFINAL.qxd 3/12/2003 11:01 AM Page 2 y e MORMON EXPERIENCE n SCHOLARSHIP ISSUES & ART • e “TO CURE SUNSTONESUNSTONE THEM OF e THEIR HATRED” e a sermon by Dale C. LeCheminant (p.36) s History of Sunstone, 1986–92 by Gary James r Bergera (p.42) r CAN “GOOD MORMONS” e WATCH R-RATED e MOVIES? by t John Hatch (p.16) Importance of h the “Domestic Church” by - Scott Cooper (p.62) o WHY SATIRE IS BETTER THAN A SERMON by s Stephen Carter e (p.56) THE LESSON Brown fiction contest winner by Arnold V. k Loveridge (p.54) NEWS Church releases 400,000 documents f on DVD; Controversy over doctrine of e God’s love; Updates on LDS- t themed films; BYU news, and more! s (p.72) TWENTY-FIVE YEARS e March 2003—$5.95 A QUARTER CENTURY AFTER THE PRIESTHOOD REVELATION— e WHERE ARE WE NOW? - ifc_126.qxd 3/12/2003 11:03 AM Page 1 CALL FOR PAPERS 13–16 AUGUST 2003 SHERATON CITY CENTRE HOTEL, SALT LAKE CITY THE SALT LAKE SUNSTONE SYMPOSIUM is an the magazine, or if you would like multiple annual gathering of Latter-day Saints, scholars, copies to share, please contact the Sunstone office and others interested in the diversity and richness to receive a copy of the program. You may request of Mormon thought and experience and who the program by phone, mail, fax, or email (see enjoy pondering the past, present, and future of below). When the program becomes available, S the unfolding Restoration. The symposium hosts you may also visit <www.sunstoneonline.com> to discussions from all disciplines and presentations view it and other updates. of all kinds. HOTEL REGISTRATION. Enjoy the convenience A The symposium is based upon the principles of staying at the Sheraton City Centre Hotel, the of an open forum and the trust that both the site of this year’s symposium. Special conference cause of truth and the society of the Saints are rates are: $95 for single and double rooms; add L best served by free and frank exploration and dis- $10 per person for each additional occupant. You cussion. Sunstone welcomes proposals for this must reserve rooms at least two weeks before the year’s event, expecting all who participate will symposium. For reservations, call toll free 800- T approach every issue, no matter how difficult, 325-3535 or, if local, 801-401-2000. To guaran- S with intelligence and good will. tee these rates, be sure to ask for the Sunstone TOPICS. This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the revelation making priesthood and U temple privileges available to worthy members irrespective of race. 2003 also marks the tenth anniver- L sary of the most visible marker of the tensions that can arise between the institutional Church and its scholars: the September 1993 disciplining of six Mormon writers. To mark these anniversaries, we N especially encourage proposals for sessions focusing on various aspects of black Mormon experience and A the relationship between organizations and individuals or other examinations related to these themes. As always, we also encourage reflections on contemporary moral and ethical issues facing our world such S as human cloning, stem-cell research, terrorism and Middle East tensions and how these and other K S debates relate to Latter-day Saint experience. T FORMATS. Sessions may be scholarly papers, Symposium room rates. Conference parking at E Y panel discussions, interviews, personal essays, the hotel will be $4 per day and includes exit and sermons, dramatic performances, literary read- return privileges. O ings, debates, comic routines, short films, art dis- ART EXHIBIT AND AUCTION. High-quality art M plays, or musical presentations. by Mormon and regional artists will be exhibited SUBMITTING PROPOSALS. Those interested in at the symposium and sold at affordable prices. N being a part of the program this year should sub- Donated works are needed. Bring your friends to P mit a proposal which includes a session title, 100- enjoy wonderful works; encourage your firm to word abstract, a separate summary of the topic’s acquire office art at reasonable prices! E relevance and importance to Mormon studies, VOLUNTEERS. Sunstone needs volunteer office O and the name and a brief vita for all proposed help in the weeks leading up to the symposium. presenters. In order to receive first-round consid- During the conference, we also need help staffing eration, PROPOSALS SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY 30 APRIL registration and sales tables and taking tickets. S 2003. Sessions will be accepted according to stan- Volunteer hours may be redeemed for free session dards of excellence in scholarship, thought, and tickets, cassette recordings, Sunstone T-shirts, expression. All subjects, ideas, and persons back issues of the magazine, or lengthened sub- I under discussion must be treated with respect scriptions. If you can help, please call the and intelligent discourse; proposals with a sar- Sunstone office! castic or belittling tone will be rejected. STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS. Some help toward U PRELIMINARY PROGRAM MAILING LIST. This travel expenses is available for college students year’s preliminary program will be included in the participating in the symposium. Please inquire July issue of SUNSTONE magazine. If you are not a about these scholarships early in the proposal M subscriber or do not expect to purchase a copy of process. The Sunstone Education Foundation, Inc. • 343 N. Third West, Salt Lake City, UT 84103 phone: (801) 355-5926 • fax: (801) 355-4043 • email: <[email protected]> 01_toc.qxd 3/12/2003 10:41 AM Page 1 MORMON EXPERIENCE, SCHOLARSHIP, ISSUES, & ART MARCH 2003 Issue 126 FEATURES 16 John Hatch . CAN “GOOD MORMONS” WATCH R-RATED MOVIES? TWENTY-FIVE YEARS: A QUARTER CENTURY AFTER THE PRIESTHOOD REVELATION—WHERE ARE WE NOW? 23 Newell G. Bringhurst . AN UNINTENDED AND DIFFICULT ODYSSEY 28 Armand L. Mauss . REFLECTIONS ON A LIFETIME WITH THE RACE ISSUE 31 Darron Smith . THE PERSISTENCE OF RACIALIZED DISCOURSE IN MORMONISM 34 . OUT OF THE BEST BOOKS? Publications Continue to Promote Folklore 36 Dale C. LeCheminant. TO “CURE THEM OF THEIR HATRED”: AN SUNSTONE (ISSN 0363-1370) is published by The Sunstone Education Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation with no ANTIDOTE FOR THE PREJUDICES OF OUR TIME official ties to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 42 Gary James Bergera. “ONLY OUR HEARTS KNOW”—PART I: Articles represent the opinions of the writers only. SUNSTONE DURING THE DANIEL RECTOR, ELBERT SUNSTONE is indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, PECK, AND LINDA JEAN STEPHENSON YEARS, the Index to Book Reviews in Religion, Religion Indexes: RIO/RIT/IBBR 1986–92 1975– on CD-ROM, and the ATLA Religion Database, published by the American Theological Library Association, 54 Arnold V. Loveridge . THE LESSON: 1999 Brookie & D.K. Brown Fiction 250 S. Wacker Dr., 16th Flr., Chicago, IL 60606 Contest Starstone Winner (e-mail: [email protected], WWW: http://atla.com/). 56 Stephen Carter . WHY SATIRE IS BETTER THAN SERMON: Submissions may be on IBM-PC compatible computer discs A Sermon (MS Word or WordPerfect format), or by e-mail attachment. Submissions should not exceed 8,000 words and must be accompanied by a signed letter giving permission for the POETRY manuscript to be filed in the Sunstone collection at the University of Utah Marriott Library (all literary rights are retained by 27 Richard Arnold . AIMING FOR FLAGSTAFF authors). Manuscripts will not be returned; authors will be 33 Priscilla Atkins . PRESENCE AND ABSENCE notified concerning acceptance within ninety days. 35 Barry Ballard . TREE LINE SUNSTONE is interested in feature- and column-length articles relevant to Mormonism from a variety of perspectives, news 71 Kelley Jean White . KNEADING stories about Mormons and the LDS church, and short reflections and commentary. Poetry submissions should have one poem per COLUMNS page, with the poet’s name and address on each page; a self- addressed, stamped envelope should accompany each 4 Dan Wotherspoon . FROM THE EDITOR: Hints of Pastoring submission. Short poems—haiku, limericks, couplets, and one- 8 Donald L. Gibbon. TURNING THE TIME OVER TO . : A Typical liners—are very welcome. Short stories are selected only through the annual Brookie and D. K. Brown Memorial Fiction Contest Sunday (submission deadline: 30 June 2003; $5 fee per story). CORNUCOPIA Letters for publication should be identified. SUNSTONE does not acknowledge receipt of letters to the editor. Letters addressed 10 Robert Kirby. LIGHTER MINDS: My New Church ‘Quiet Book’ Is to specific authors will be forwarded, unopened, to them. a Palm Pilot SUNSTONE will not provide subscriber addresses 11 John Sillito . TWENTY-YEARS AGO IN SUNSTONE: To Love More to mail list solicitors. Nearly as We Pray Send all correspondence and manuscripts to: 12 Merina Smith . MARGIN NOTES: Different Wells, Different Waters THE REST OF THE STORY SUNSTONE 13 Brian H. Stuy . : Matthew’s Mosaic 343 N. Third West 14 Marta Adair. RIGHTEOUS DOMINION: Looking at a Heart, Not Salt Lake City, UT 84103-1215 a Habit (801) 355-5926 fax: (801) 355-4043 62 Scott Cooper . TRAIN UP A CHILD . : Teaching Children Values email: [email protected] through “Domestic Church” website: www.sunstoneonline.com 66 Jana Riess. ANXIOUSLY ENGAGED: Strengthening the Part- United States subscriptions to SUNSTONE are $36 for 6 issues, Member Marriage? We’re Just Fine, Thank You $65 for 12 issues, and $90 for 18 issues. International 68 D. Jeff Burton. BRAVING THE BORDERLANDS: subscriptions are $48 for 6 issues; $89 for 12 issues; $126 for 18 issues. All payments must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Group Membership—A Self-Assessment All international subscriptions will be sent via surface mail.
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