fl '> v > -J / J y i-\ -/ i •*- * © Iff Jffour (Eontrra I B m x h i r m i t t r j h TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Advertisements............................................... .......................................................................... D ed icatio n ................... 1 D irectory................ ................. -............................ .... 2 E d ito ria ls..................... 3 L ite ra ry ......... ..................................................................................... 7 Girls’ Basket Ball Team (Photo) ....................................... 16 A th letics............... l 7 Boys’ Basket Ball Team (Photo) ..................... ...20 School Notes .................. ....... 21 Senior Class P icture ..................................... 25 Through the Looking Glass ........................ ......26 Jo k e s........ .. ...28 A lum ni......................... 33 E x ch an g es.......................................................................................................................................... 35 Advertisements It will do no karm to try us on that order of Printing you need. There maj) be a reason v)hy we can give you Good Work, Prompt Delivery and Fair Prices. The Webb-Smith Printing Co. Cornish, Maine ABE, THE BERBER Augustus F. Moulton Counsellor at Law “ SATISFACTION ” OS Exchange Street, Portland, Maine 930 Congress St. R oom s 5. <> a n d 7 D a n fo rth B u ild in g COMPLIMENTS OF O. E. SHERMAN 8c SON GENERAL MERCHANDISE We wish to thank our Friends and Advertisers who have so generously helped us on this issue of the Four Corners. Editorial Board, Students and Faculty of Scarboro High School Saco and Biddeford Savings Instution 252 MAIN STREET :: SACO, MAINE FOUNDED 1827 ------------------728*772.—-------------------- ¥ Deposits, Large or Small, Cordially Invited Compliments of A. R. Wright Coal Co. PORTLAND, MAINE THE MOULTON HOUSE E. C. Harlow, Prop. shore. Chicken and steak Dinners broiled Live lobsters A LA CARTE Private Parties and Banquets Dunstan’s Corner Private Dining Rooms on State Highway and Electrics E a r l R. L e a r y B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t o r West Scarborough, Maine Tel. Conn. F o r e s t C ity M o t o r C o . pLIX Successors to Peterson Motor Co. 327-329 Forest Avenue Portland, Maine ! Ask For Deering Ice Cream because il is heller PEERING ICE CREAM CO. PORTLAND, MAINE The Shaw H.P. Atkinson&Sons, Inc. Business College Complete Home Furnishers COURSES TheHomeP <( Good 'r°wT‘Prices rutniture BUSINESS O* ( Courteous Treatment SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY Agents for SECRETARIAL AND Globe-Wernicke Book Cases BURROUGHS AUTOMATIC Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets BOOKKEEPING White Mountain Refrigerators MACHINE Glenwood Ranges F. L. SHAW, Pres. Two Stores 507 1=2 Congress St., Portland B1DDEFORD SACO W. E. YOULAND CO. YORK COUNTY'S The Kirkwood Largest Department Store Scarborough Beach, Me. is read}’ with new spring and summer stocks of Coats. Wash Dresses,Waists, Blouses, Wash Skirts, Millinery, Knit Underwear, Hosiery, aud all other little accessories that go to make up a Stylish Wardrobe. Warren E. Ewing, Prop. BEST ASSORTMENTS POPULAR PRICES Telephone Scarborough 3 1 Royal Society Products on Sale BlDTiEFORD - MAINE “ Dunscroft'* York County Savings DUNSTAN Bank Shore Dinner Specialties Biddeford, Maine Service from 12 M. to S .S O P. M. Jhitomcibile Parties Accomodated Over Night ROOMS and BATH L. P. SKILLIN, Prop. THE BANK OE SAFETY Telephone Scarborough U9’1! AND SERVICE West Scarborough, Maine V. T. Shaw S. B.& W. E.HILBORN G roceries DENTISTS General Merchandise Cameras and Supplies 633 Congress St., Portland, Maine Prouts Neck and Scarborough Rines Brothers Company J. R. O’Neil Presented Here for Graduation are Hosts of Pretty Dresses. Quality Bakery Products QUA I)U ATI ON is the time above all others when every young girl wants to be beautifully dressed. Wholesale & Retail These dresses will fill her needs exactly for they are inexpressibly Distributor for Drake’s Cake dainty and charming. Some are de­ veloped of Canton Crepe, Organdies, Georgettes Crepe de Chines and 19 Mable St. Portland, Me. many quality dress accessories in demand at this time. 529 to 535 CONGRESS ST. 7lutos in Scarborough Daily Portland, Maine YOUNQ FELLOW’S For the Latest in Clothing, furnishings, hats Wm. Peterson Try “F A R N U M ’S” 12 Brown St. Portland, Maine G RA IN A ND GROCERIES NO PLACE LIKE Oak Hill, : : Scarborough Holmes’ Shoe Co. 266 Middle St. Portland, Maine “KAVANOUGHS" WEST END SHOE STORE Gents Furnishings LAMSON and HUBBARD HATS Near Union Station. Carnations Roses FAIRVIEW GREENHOUSES N. W. HANNAFORD. Proonetor. Tel. 7 0 Special SCARBOROUGH* - - MAINE Flowers for Graduation, Weddings, Banquets and Funerals. Potted Plants Seedlings Ranger Bicycle $ 4 9 .5 0 FOR Iver Johnson Bicycle INSURANCE $ 3 8 .0 0 O F ANY KIND Columbia Bicycle CALL $ 3 5 .0 0 Plummer’s Insurance Agency REPAIRING 121 EXCHANGE ST. Edward G . H a g g e t t PORTLAND. - MAINE 9 CASCO ST. P hone I'2 50 Portland, flaine Sriiratum To our esteemed superintendent and friend, Mr. F. H. B. Heald, tke student bod;9 of Scarboro High School lovingly dedicate this volume of the Four Corners, trusting that the bond of loyal comradeship now existing between us will be unbroken for many years to come. “His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him, that nature might stand up And saj) to all the world, ‘This xOas a man ! ” JFarultij E lwood G. Bessey, A. M., Principal Science, Mathematics F rances V. Bryant, A. B., B essie Bray Stevens, A. B.. Latin. English French, History liuarii nf Ebitnra Editor-in-chief Clark A. L ibbey, '23 Assistant Editor M artha E. P illsbury. '23 Literary Editors Gladys Douglas, '23 M abel L ibby, '24 Joke Editors H arold B ennett, '23 H azel M erry, '23 Christian A ndersen. '23 A ubrey L incoln. '23 P riscilla Googins, '24 A my W illm an, '23 I^ocal Editor, Agnes L und, '23 Exchange Editor, H azel M erry, '23 Alumni Editor, E lizabeth N ewcomb, '20 Artistic Editor, R aymond S parrow, '25 Athletic Editors Clayton Sargent, '23 M artha P illsbury, '23 Business Manager Steph en L arrabee. '24 Assistant Managers F r a n k M itchell, '23 Clarence P eterson, '23 I na Sampson, '24 (Class Jlrpsiilftils 1!I23 F rank M itchell 1£>24 M abel L ibby 1925 M yrtle H anscom 1920 T ena M cK inney ifhwr (Hunter# Vol. XII May, 1923 No. 1 iEiittnrials We, the students of Scarboro High have been able through the co-operation of School, in order to form a more modern the faculty, editors and student body to school life, establish friendly relations be­ put forth a bigger and better paper than tween us and other schools, insure proper before. We intend, through the sale of reading material for ourselves and others, our paper, to explain the condition of our promote athletics, and secure the “good- school, give the parents a chance to see what word" for ourselves and our Alma Mater, their sons and daughters are doing, and do furnish material for, and publish this, acquaint ourselves with other schools in the and all other issues of our beloved F ont surrounding towns, and even in other Corners. states. * -x- -x- * •x- * -x- -x- We have had to combat a very hard win­ Again we send forth our yearly edition ter, had roads and sickness, but nearly of the F our C orners, the school paper of everyone had a good record of attendance. our much beloved Scarboro High. We Only a few days were lost and they have been made up by attending school on one ought to go to college, and do not forget Saturday, and by having a half-hour longer that Bales is one of the Best!" A third afternoon session. Scarl>oro High has been says, “I hope that next year as a Sopho­ in the matter of illness much more fortu­ more I will have the pleasure of seeing nate than the neighboring schools. We many more Scarboro High School students have had but two cases of contagious as Freshmen at Bates.” disease and comparatively few absences for other sickness. This should be a recom­ Scarboro High School has again proved mendation for our town. her supremacy in the field of public speak­ * •» * * ing bv carrying off a beautiful silver loving cup, from the second annual Cum­ Through the kindness and interest of the berland County contest. Class B, held at class of 1017 it has been possible for this Portland High School auditorium, on year’s chemistry class to cover their com­ April 27, 1923. About one hundred en­ plete course. On account of the increase thusiastic rooters accompanied our repre­ in enrollment this year, the laboratory sentative, Miss Martha E. Pillsbury, and table in one of the small recitation rooms showed their usual loyal spirit. We like had to lie moved to the basement. As the to feel that we have the support of our basement is very large a small section had townspeople in all that we attempt, and to be set off for a laboratory, and there will do our best when we are sure of ir. were no funds to do it with. The class of We have had a most enviable record in 1017, hearing of our dilemma, came to the prize speaking for the last five years, and rescue. Benefit dances were given at the are determined to repeat the achievement K. of P. hall and the sum of $40 was given next year. to the High School. This sum made and C lark A. L ibbey. helped to equip our present laboratory. Edilor-inrC 'h ief. We are very grateful to our Alumni and * -x- * -x- wish them to accept our most hearty thanks. * 4r * 4f This year as usual we have excellent reports to announce concerning the alumni Letters received from our recent gradu­ of S.
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