Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO. 147 FRIDAY,29 MARCH 2019 NR.147 VRYDAG, 29 MAART 2019 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES 35 Declaration of Township: Tumahole, Extention 7......... 2 35 Dorpsverklaring: Tumahole Uitbreiding 7.............. 2 PROVINCIAL NOTICES PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS 150 Allocations to Municipalities in terms of Limited Financial Support: Limited Financial Assistance to Municipalities: Mafube Local Municipality........ ............. 5 151 Erratum: Transfers to Free State Development Corporation (FOC)......................................................... 7 GENERAL NOTICES ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS 208 Matjhabeng By-Law on Municipal Land Use Planning, 2015: The Rezoning and Removal of Restrictive Conditions of Erf 43, Odendaalsrus.......................... 7 MISCELLANEOUS ALGEMEEN Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 260........... 7 NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS Implementation of Tariffs as promulgated in the Governement Gazelle No. 32821 of 2009.................................................... 63 Notice of Granting of Ownership: The Conversion of Certain Kennisgewing van Verlening van Eiendomsreg: Wet op die Rights into Leasehold or Ownership Act, 1988 (Act No. 81 of Omskepping van Sekere Regte tot Huurpag .......................... 70 1988)................................................................................ 70 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIAlE KOERANT, 29 MARCH 2019/29 MAART 2019 2 [PROCLAMATION NO.35 OF 2018] [PROKLAMASIE NR.35 VAN 2018] DECLARATION OF TOWNSHIP: TUMAHOLE, EXTENTION 7 DORPSVERKLARING: TUMAHOLE, UITBREIDING 7: By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 14(1) of the Townships Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 14(1) van die Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance NO.9 of 1969), I, MD Khoabane, Member Ordonnansie op Dorpe, 1969 (Ordonnansie NO.9 van 1969), verklaar of the Executive Council of the Province responsible for Cooperative ek, MD Khoabane, Lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die Provinsie Governance and Traditional Affairs hereby declare the area verantwoordelik vir Samewerkende Regering enTradisionale Sake represented by General Plan S.G. No 5/2017 as approved by the hierby die gebied voorgestel deur Aigemene Plan L.G. No. 5/2017 soos Surveyor General on 10 March 2017 to be an approved township under goedgekeur deur die Landmeter-Generaal op 10 Maart 2017 tot 'n the name Tumahole, Extension 7, subject to the conditions as set out in goedgekeurde dorp onder die naam Tumahole,Uitbreiding 7, the Schedule. onderworpe aan die voorwaardes soos in die Bylae uiteengesit. Given under my hand at Bloemfontein this 20th day of February 2019. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op hede die 20ste dag van Februarie 2019. M.D KHOABANE M.D KHOABANE MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD: COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND SAMEWERKENDEREGE~NGEN TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS TRADISIONELE SAKE CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES The town is Tumahole, Extension 7, situated on Portions 150 and 151 Die dorp is Tumahole, Uitbreiding 7, gelee op Gedeeltes 150 en of the Farm Klipspruit No. 64, Administrative District Parys, consisting 151 van die Plaas Klipspruit No. 64, Administratiewe Distrik Parys, of 862 erven numbered 12840 to 13701, streets numbered 13702 to bestaande uit 862 erwe genom mer 12840 tot 13701, strate 13722 and 16 parks numbered 13723 to 13738, as indicated on genommer 13702 tot 13722 en 16 parke genommer 13723 tot General Plan SG No. 5/2017. 13738, soos aangedui op Aigemene Plan No. 5/2017. A. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES A.1 The erven of this town are classified in the following groups and A.1 Die erwe van hierdie dorp word in die hierondervermelde are further subject to the conditions of title as set out in gebruikstreke ingedeel en is verder onderworpe aan die titel paragraph B: voorwaardes soos uiteengesit in paragraaf B: CONDITIONS TlTELVOOR GROUPS ERVEN GROEPE ERWE OF TITLE WAARDES Residential 12840-12914, 12917-13035, Residensieel 12840-12914, 12917-13035, 13037-13114,13117-13171, 13037-13114,13117-13171, 13173-13353, 13355-13422, B1, B2 13173-13353, 13355-13422, B1, B2 13425-13449,13451-13700 13425-13449,13451-13700 13423, 13424 B1, B2 13423,13424 B1,B2 Business 13172,13354 B1, B3 Besigheid 13172, 13354 B1,B3 Institutional Institusioneel Church 13036, 13450 B1, B4 Kerk 13036,13450 B1, B4 Community 13116 B1, B4 Gemeenskaps 13116 B1, B4 Facility Fasiliteit Creche 12915 B1, B4 Kleuterskool 12915 B1,B4 Primary School 12916 B1, B4 Laerskool 12916 B1, B4 Municipal Munisipaal Municipal 13115 B1, B4 Munisipaal 13115 B1,B4 Railway 13701 B5 Spoorlyn 13701 B5 Streets 13702-13722 B7 Strate 13702-13722 B7 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIAlE KOERANT, 29 MARCH 2019/29 MAART 2019 3 Public Open Openbare Space Oopruimte Sport Field 13726 B1, B6 Sportgronde 13726 B1, B6 Public Open 13723-13725,13727-13738 B1, B5 Open bare 13723-13725, 13727-13738 B1, B5 Space Oopruimte CONDITIONS OF TITLE TITELVOORWAARDES The conditions of title mentioned in paragraph A.1, are applicable Die titelvoorwaardes soos vermeld in paragraaf A.1, is van and as follows: toepassing en as volg: IN FAVOUR OF THE NGWATHE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY TEN GUNSTE VAN DIE NGWATHE PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT B.1 The erf shall be subject to a servitude of 2 meter wide along any B.1 Hierdie erf is onderhewig aan 'n serwituut van 2 meter wyd langs of its boundaries, except the street boundary, as well as any enige van sy grense, uitgesluit die straatgrens, sowel as enige other servitude which is shown on the General Plan of the ander serwituut wat op die Aigemene Plan van die dorp aangedui township for the installation of municipal service connections over is, vir die aanle van munisipale diensgeleidings oor of onder die and under the erf and the officials of the Local Municipality shall erf, en die amptenare van die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit het ten alile at all times have free access thereto for the purpose of the tye vrye toegang daartoe vir die doel van die konstruksie, construction, maintenance and repair of services. Relaxation of instandhouding en herstel van die dienste. 2 -meter serwitute kan 2-meter servitudes can be implied by the Municipality on one of verslap word deur die Munisipaliteit op een van die sygrense. the side boundaries. B.2 Buildings erected on this erf may primarily be used for residential B.2 Geboue wat op die erf opgerig word, mag hoofsaaklik vir purposes. Different land uses might be permitted with the consent residensiele doeleindes gebruik word. Ander gebruike mag of the Local Municipality. moontlik toegelaat word met die toestemming van die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit. Permissible coverage: 60% Density for residential 3: 120ha/du Toelaatbare dekking; 60% Digtheid vir residensieel 3: 120 ha/du B.3 Buildings on this erf may primarily be used for shops, business B.3 Geboue wat op hierdie erf opgerig word, mag hoofsaaklik vir purposes, residential buildings, places of public worship, places of winkels, besigheidsdoeleindes, residensiele geboue, plekke van instruction, social halls, sports and recreational purposes, open bare godsdiensbeoefening, onderrigplekke, institutions. gemeenskapsale, sport-en ontspannings doeleindes en inrigtings Noxious industries are prohibited on this erven. gebruik word. Hinderlike industriee is verbode op die erf. Enige Any other uses not listed above may only be permitted with the ander gebruike nie hierbo vermeld nie sal slegs toegelaat word consent of the Local Municipality. met die toestemming van die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit. Permissible coverage: 70% Toelaatbare dekking; 70% Provision of parking: Voorsiening van parkering: Business: 4 parking spaces per 100m2 gross leasible area (GLA). Besigheid: 4 parkeerplek per 100m2 bruto verhuurbare vloeroppervlak (BVO). B.4 Buildings on this erf may primarily be used for places of public B.4 Geboue wat op die erf opgerig word, mag hoofsaaklik vir plekke worship, places of instructions, social halls, sports and van open bare godsdiensbeoefening, onderrigplekke, recreational purposes and institutions. Residential buildings and gemeenskapsale, sport-en ontspanningsdoel-eindes en inrigtings use of the erf for special purposes may only be permitted with the gebruik word. Die eiendom mag slegs met die toestemming van consent of the Local Municipality. die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir residensiele en spesiale doeleindes gebruik word. Permissible coverage: 70% Church- 1 parking space per 10 seats Toelaatbare dekking: 70% Creche- 1 parking per 20m 2 gross floor space. Kerk- 1 parkeerplek per 10 sitplekke Creche- 1 parkeerplek per 20m2 bruto vloeroppervlakte Loading facilities must be provided to the satisfaction of the Local Municipality. Laaigeriewe moet tot bevrediging van die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit voorsien word. PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIAlE KOERANT, 29 MARCH 2019/29 MAART 2019 4 B.5 This erf will be used as a railway line with an 8 metre building line B.5 Hierdie erf sal gebruik word as 'n spoorlyn met 'n 8 meter boulyn restriction as per transnet conditions. beperking per Transnet voorwaardes. B.6 This erven may only be used for parks and recreational facilities B.6 Hierdie erwe mag hoofsaaklik gebruik word vir parke, sport- en and buildings used in connection therewith. Residential buildings ontspanningsdoeleindes en geboue wat vir verwante doeleindes and buildings for special purposes may only be permitted with gebruik word. Die eiendom mag slegs met die toestemming van the consent of the Local Authority.
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