Baptist Missionary Association of the Ozarks Volume 62 Issue 5 May 2020 Don’t Be standing is relatively new to Christian Church: Shelter Surprised by history, for there has been a shift in this Suffering past century in western nations and espe- from Storms cially America in how Christians View By George Reddin By Jake McCandless their life in Christ. If you’re at a distance from the Because of the success that Ameri- Sometimes life throws us a curve, COVID-19 pandemic, if it hasn’t hurt cans have experienced, the prosperity and we need some sympathetic reinforce- you or your family directly, then you gospel has sprouted and spread. The ment. In such times we can find a haven may have forgotten the shock of when all prosperity gospel teaches that the pur- and help in our church. When Peter and this started. Unfortunately, some reading pose of our faith and the result of follow- John healed the lame man at the temple this, the pandemic and repercussions are ing Jesus is a life of success, riches, and gate (Acts 3) and saw an opportunity to too close for comfort, you do still know possessions. Baptists haven’t preached stand up for Jesus, the Bible records that the sting well. If you’ve been blessed to this, but our teaching, preaching, and 5,000 men (not counting women and chil- be distanced from the COVID-19 and fall thinking have been influenced by these dren) believed in the Lord. That sent the out, think back to the initial shock. ideas. As American Christians, we expect Jewish authorities into a rage, and they When I remember the shock, I think God to keep blessing us—by maintaining held the two preachers in jail overnight back to my newsfeed on Facebook, there our standard of living and protecting us before they released them with orders to were so many takes about what was hap- from harm. Whether we would even preach no more in the name of Jesus. pening. The most common take was that articulate this or not, it’s this undercur- Peter and John went straight to the “God is still in control” (which He is) and rent throughout Western Christianity church and told their brothers and sisters other responses like “God will protect that causes our jaws to drop when the what had happened. There was no whin- us,” “Jesus will defeat this,” or “the coro- world turns on its head. But that under- ing, just a determination to keep on wit- navirus is no match for Jesus.” All of current isn’t Biblical and is far from what nessing. A praise and prayer meeting which are true, but I feel like they reveal believers in the past and believers in oth- broke out that shook the place to its a misunderstanding we have towards er parts of the world today expect. foundations, filled the worshippers with suffering and difficulty. This misunder- (Continued in “Suffering” on page 3) the Holy Spirit and gave new boldness to their preaching (Acts 4:23-31). A Word from the Editor: Involved church members have always Deciphering Christianese: Hope found courage and comfort in worshipping and working alongside their friends in “I HOPE today goes well.” “I HOPE you do well!” “I HOPE this crisis church. The closer church members come Derrick Bremer ends soon!” The word ‘hope’ is unique to our Christian circles. Still, if you to the center of church life, the more pay attention, you will hear it consuming the vernacular of everyone in our strength they discover to weather the community. Pay attention, and you’ll realize; most people are using the word wrong! See, storms of life and keep on an even keel. most people use the word ‘hope’ to describe a wishful thought – something that may or So, come on in and join the workers. may not happen. Hope is more than a sincere desire, though. It is more than a wish. Here’s where things start to get a little upsetting. Among those who are misusing the word ‘hope’, Christians are among the worst trespassers. We’ve allowed a deluded misunderstanding of the meaning of hope to water-down and trivialize the significance of the hope we hold onto. When I talk about my hope, I’m talking about the assurance that I have in the faith- ful promises of my God. I’m referring to the resolute knowledge I have of my personal (Continued in “Christianese” on page 4) A WORD FROM OUR CHURCHES Victory—Gentry services and the sermons have been won- Epic Church—Springdale derful. It's nice to wave to one another This is a very different way to live, from our cars. This last Sunday, as we We’ve been doing this exciting new but I am thankful in so many ways. If this could hear the birds chirping, Bro. Wes thing at EPIC CHURCH—meeting had happened even 5 years ago, most of us reminded us how God cares for them online—have you heard of it? Unfortu- would not have been able to set in our and how much more He cares for nately, we all have. Hopefully soon we homes and hear our pastor deliver the us! There is no reason to worry about all can meet together in person. At Epic, word of our Lord. That is something I am that is going on, God is still in control. we’ve tried to repeat the mantra—“This most thankful for. We haven't had physical Let's cast all our cares on Him and is an opportunity.” It is. And we’ve mak- services for several weeks now, but Bro. we will make it thru this difficult time. ing the most of it. Bill Sheffield has been so faithful to post a Our worship service has been held Wes Hulvey, Pastor Bible lesson each day on his Facebook and online at 10:00 am Sundays with a chil- Mary Baker, Reporter the church website. Check it out! dren’s time premiering at 9:45 am and We're thankful for the men that got then our small group Bible Studies meet- our sound system so we can do these vir- New Prospect—Garfield ing on Zoom at 11:00 am. On May 3rd tual services, I will name some of them, at 11:00 am via Zoom Chat we will have Mike Rabb, Kalab Shook, Clayton Betts. Good Morning. I am writing this on our eTeam Meeting in which we plan We have a prayer chain in our church - May 1, 2020, at 2:00 AM. I feel like Jo- together and share opportunities to get and it seems to be staying busy, but we nah when God told him to go to Nine- involved at Epic. veh. I was not going to write an article. don't have to be anywhere to stop and say In the services, we have paused from But guess what I was wrong. a prayer. We're thankful no one from our our sermons series through Pilgrim’s church has contracted COVID-19. In the last couple of months, Satan Progress and have been looking at how When the time comes when church- has been working on getting us to miss we could use this change of pace to es can meet again, I pray that they will be church services. But technology is excel- “reset”. And as we know, seeking God packed and stay that way, maybe we are lent; we can still hear God's word by our first is the best thing we can do, there- now aware of what we had that we didn't pastor on Facebook. fore the number one area to reset. In this use. On Easter, we had a Drive-In Ser- time, we’ve talked a lot about our indi- Bill Sheffield, Pastor vice. A transmitter was loaned to us so vidual devotional times. Jean Yount, Reporter we could hear on our radio and see Pas- Members of Epic haven’t flinched tor Ron in the church doorway. We and has continued to enthusiastically SMBC—Springdale were able to sing along and then hear the serve and connect even in these less than April - a very different April than message and prayer given by our pastor. ideal situations. what we are used to. But despite the We stayed in our car, still with our Jake McCandless, Pastor "pandemic" we are a blessed people. church family. Waving at each other as we arrived and as we departed. I pray our country will begin turning their hearts to God. Our sympathy goes Remember, God is in control. It is out to Bro. Luther Scruggs. His wife, up to us to continually pray for our coun- Sis. Pat Scruggs, a sweet Christian, went try to wake up and for the coronavirus to home to be with the Lord this go away. Also, for the loved ones who month. We miss her already. died due to the COVID-19. We've been so blessed by our drive- Verse: Whose is this King of Glory? in services. Bro. Wes and his family have The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord done a fantastic job with arranging all mighty in battle. Psalms 24:8 this so we could hear the service through Ron Shults, Pastor our car radios. They have led the song Gail Short, Reporter Like many of y'all, we have licks from the dog cannot be replaced over Zoom. Still, we are shuffled our methods a little bit thankful for the opportunities to still gather as a group for The over the last month or so.
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